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2 files changed, 3 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docbook/release-notes.adoc b/docbook/release-notes.adoc
index a43f6275cb..76b3f58d75 100644
--- a/docbook/release-notes.adoc
+++ b/docbook/release-notes.adoc
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ They previously shipped with Npcap 1.55.
Some exotic patterns may now be invalid and require rewriting.
** Adds a new strict equality operator "===" or "all_eq". The expression "a === b" is true if and only if all a's are equal to b.
The negation of "===" can now be written as "!==" (any_ne), in adittion to "~=" (introduced in Wireshark 3.6.0).
+** Adds the aliases "any_eq" for "==" and "all_ne" for "!=".
* HTTP2 dissector now supports using fake headers to parse the DATAs of streams captured without first HEADERS frames of a long-lived stream (like
gRPC streaming call which allows sending many request or response messages in one HTTP2 stream). User can specify fake headers according to the
diff --git a/epan/dfilter/scanner.l b/epan/dfilter/scanner.l
index c8a34a5e55..6bc7e19c83 100644
--- a/epan/dfilter/scanner.l
+++ b/epan/dfilter/scanner.l
@@ -113,8 +113,10 @@ static gboolean parse_charconst(dfwork_t *dfw, const char *s, unsigned long *val
"==" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ANY_EQ);
"eq" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ANY_EQ);
+"any_eq" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ANY_EQ);
"!=" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ALL_NE);
"ne" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ALL_NE);
+"all_ne" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ALL_NE);
"===" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ALL_EQ);
"all_eq" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ALL_EQ);
"!==" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_ANY_NE);