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- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/epan/wslua/wslua_int64.c
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+ <section id='lua_module_GRegex'>
+ <title> GLib Regular Expressions </title>
+ <para>
+ Lua has its own native 'pattern' syntax in the string library, but sometimes a real
+ regex engine is more useful. Wireshark comes with GLib's Regex implementation, which
+ itself is based on Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). This engine is exposed
+ into Wireshark's Lua engine through the well-known Lrexlib library, following the
+ same syntax and semantics as the Lrexlib PCRE implementation, with a few differences as follows:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> There is no support for using custom locale/chartables </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> dfa_exec() doesn't take 'ovecsize' nor 'wscount' arguments </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> dfa_exec() returns boolean true for partial match, without subcapture info </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> Named subgroups do not return name-keyed entries in the return
+ table (i.e., in match/tfind/exec)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> The 'flags()' function still works, returning all flags, but two new
+ functions 'compile_flags()' and 'match_flags()' return just their respective
+ flags, since GLib has a different and smaller set of such flags, for
+ regex compile vs. match functions
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Using some assertions and POSIX character classes against strings with non-ASCII characters
+ might match high-order characters, because glib always sets PCRE_UCP
+ even if G_REGEX_RAW is set. For example, '[:alpha;]' matches certain
+ non-ASCII bytes. The following assertions have this issue: '\b', '\B', '\s', '\S', '\w', '\W'.
+ The following character classes have this issue: [:alpha:], [:alnum:], [:lower:], [:upper:],
+ [:space:], [:word:], and [:graph:].
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The compile flag G_REGEX_RAW is always set/used, even if you didn't specify it. This is because
+ GLib runs PCRE in UTF-8 mode by default, whereas Lua strings are not UTF-aware.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This page is based on the full documentation for Lrexlib at
+ <ulink url="http://rrthomas.github.io/lrexlib/manual.html">http://rrthomas.github.io/lrexlib/manual.html</ulink>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The GLib Regular expression syntax (which is essentially PCRE syntax) can be found at
+ <ulink url="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.38/glib-regex-syntax.html">https://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.38/glib-regex-syntax.html</ulink>
+ </para>
+ <section id='lua_class_GRegex'><title>GRegex</title>
+ <para>
+ GLib Regular Expressions based on PCRE.
+ </para>
+ <section id='lua_class_GRegex_notes'><title>Notes</title>
+ <para>
+ All functions that take a regular expression pattern as an argument will
+ generate an error if that pattern is found invalid by the regex library.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ All functions that take a string-type regex argument accept a compiled regex
+ too. In this case, the compile flags argument is ignored (should be either supplied as nils or omitted).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The capture flag argument 'cf' may also be supplied as a string, whose characters stand for compilation flags.
+ Combinations of the following characters (case sensitive) are supported:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> '<command>i</command>' = G_REGEX_CASELESS - Letters in the pattern match both upper- and lowercase letters.
+ This option can be changed within a pattern by a "(?i)" option setting. </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> '<command>m</command>' = G_REGEX_MULTILINE - By default, GRegex treats the strings as consisting of a single
+ line of characters (even if it actually contains newlines). The "start of line"
+ metacharacter ("^") matches only at the start of the string, while the "end of line"
+ metacharacter ("$") matches only at the end of the string, or before a terminating newline
+ (unless G_REGEX_DOLLAR_ENDONLY is set). When G_REGEX_MULTILINE is set, the "start of line"
+ and "end of line" constructs match immediately following or immediately before any newline
+ in the string, respectively, as well as at the very start and end. This can be changed
+ within a pattern by a "(?m)" option setting.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> '<command>s</command>' = G_REGEX_DOTALL - A dot metacharater (".") in the pattern matches all characters,
+ including newlines. Without it, newlines are excluded. This option can be changed within
+ a pattern by a ("?s") option setting. </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> '<command>x</command>' = G_REGEX_EXTENDED - Whitespace data characters in the pattern are totally ignored
+ except when escaped or inside a character class. Whitespace does not include the VT
+ character (code 11). In addition, characters between an unescaped "#" outside a character
+ class and the next newline character, inclusive, are also ignored. This can be changed
+ within a pattern by a "(?x)" option setting. </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> '<command>U</command>' = G_REGEX_UNGREEDY - Inverts the "greediness" of the quantifiers so that they are not
+ greedy by default, but become greedy if followed by "?". It can also be set by a "(?U)"
+ option setting within the pattern. </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ </section><!-- end of notes -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_new_pattern_'>
+ <title>GRegex.new(pattern)</title>
+ <para>Compiles regular expression pattern into a regular expression object whose
+ internal representation is corresponding to the library used. The returned
+ result then can be used by the methods, e.g. match, exec, etc. Regular
+ expression objects are automatically garbage collected.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>pattern</term>
+ <listitem><para> A Perl-compatible regular expression pattern string </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: pattern -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para> The compiled regular expression (a userdata object) </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.new -->
+ <section><title>Errors</title>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>A malformed pattern generates a Lua error </para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section> <!-- function_error_footer: GRegex.new -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.new -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_flags__table__'>
+ <title>GRegex.flags([table])</title>
+ <para>Returns a table containing the numeric values of the constants defined by
+ the regex library, with the keys being the (string) names of the
+ constants. If the table argument is supplied then it is used as the
+ output table, otherwise a new table is created. The constants contained
+ in the returned table can then be used in most functions and methods where
+ compilation flags or execution flags can be specified. They can also be
+ used for comparing with return codes of some functions and methods for
+ determining the reason of failure.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>table (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> A table for placing results into </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: table (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>A table filled with the results.</para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.flags -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.flags -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_compile_flags__table__'>
+ <title>GRegex.compile_flags([table])</title>
+ <para>Returns a table containing the numeric values of the constants defined by
+ the regex library for compile flags, with the keys being the (string) names of the
+ constants. If the table argument is supplied then it is used as the
+ output table, otherwise a new table is created.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>table (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> A table for placing results into </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: table (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>A table filled with the results.</para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.compile_flags -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.compile_flags -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_match_flags__table__'>
+ <title>GRegex.match_flags([table])</title>
+ <para>Returns a table containing the numeric values of the constants defined by
+ the regex library for match flags, with the keys being the (string) names of the
+ constants. If the table argument is supplied then it is used as the
+ output table, otherwise a new table is created.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>table (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> A table for placing results into </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: table (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>A table filled with the results.</para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.match_flags -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.match_flags -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_match_subject__pattern___init____cf____ef__'>
+ <title>GRegex.match(subject, pattern, [init], [cf], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Searches for the first match of the regexp pattern in the string subject, starting
+ from offset init, subject to flags cf and ef. The pattern is compiled each time this is
+ called, unlike the class method 'match' function.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>pattern</term>
+ <listitem><para> A Perl-compatible regular expression pattern string or GRegex object </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: pattern -->
+ <varlistentry><term>init (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> start offset in the subject (can be negative) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: init (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>cf (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> compilation flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: cf (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>On success, returns all substring matches ("captures"), in the order they appear in the pattern.
+ false is returned for sub-patterns that did not participate in the match. If
+ the pattern specified no captures then the whole matched substring is
+ returned. On failure, returns nil.
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.match -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.match -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_find_subject__pattern___init____cf____ef__'>
+ <title>GRegex.find(subject, pattern, [init], [cf], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Searches for the first match of the regexp pattern in the string subject, starting
+ from offset init, subject to flags ef. The pattern is compiled each time this is
+ called, unlike the class method 'find' function.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>pattern</term>
+ <listitem><para> A Perl-compatible regular expression pattern string or GRegex object </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: pattern -->
+ <varlistentry><term>init (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> start offset in the subject (can be negative) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: init (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>cf (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> compilation flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: cf (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>On success, returns the start point of the match (a number), the
+ end point of the match (a number), and all substring matches ("captures"), in
+ the order they appear in the pattern. false is returned for sub-patterns that did
+ not participate in the match. On failure, returns nil.
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.find -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.find -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_gmatch_subject__pattern___init____cf____ef__'>
+ <title>GRegex.gmatch(subject, pattern, [init], [cf], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Returns an iterator for repeated matching of the pattern patt in the string subj, subject
+ to flags cf and ef. The function is intended for use in the generic for Lua construct.
+ The pattern can be a string or a GRegex object previously compiled with GRegex.new().
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>pattern</term>
+ <listitem><para> A Perl-compatible regular expression pattern string or GRegex object </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: pattern -->
+ <varlistentry><term>init (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> start offset in the subject (can be negative) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: init (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>cf (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> compilation flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: cf (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>The iterator function is called by Lua. On every iteration (that is, on every
+ match), it returns all captures in the order they appear in the pattern (or
+ the entire match if the pattern specified no captures). The iteration will
+ continue till the subject fails to match.
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.gmatch -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.gmatch -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_gsub_subject__pattern___repl____max____cf____ef__'>
+ <title>GRegex.gsub(subject, pattern, [repl], [max], [cf], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Searches for all matches of the pattern in the string subject and replaces them according
+ to the parameters repl and max.
+ The pattern can be a string or a GRegex object previously compiled with GRegex.new().
+ </para>
+ <para> For details see:
+ <ulink url="http://rrthomas.github.io/lrexlib/manual.html#gsub">http://rrthomas.github.io/lrexlib/manual.html#gsub</ulink>
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>pattern</term>
+ <listitem><para> A Perl-compatible regular expression pattern string or GRegex object </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: pattern -->
+ <varlistentry><term>repl (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> Substitution source string, function, table, false or nil </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: repl (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>max (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> Maximum number of matches to search for, or control function, or nil </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: max (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>cf (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> Compilation flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: cf (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> Match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>On success, returns the subject string with the substitutions made,
+ the number of matches found, and the number of substitutions made.
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.gsub -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.gsub -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_split_subject__sep___cf____ef__'>
+ <title>GRegex.split(subject, sep, [cf], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Splits a subject string subj into parts (sections). The sep parameter
+ is a regular expression pattern representing separators between the sections.
+ The function is intended for use in the generic for Lua construct.
+ The function returns an iterator for repeated matching of the pattern sep in
+ the string subj, subject to flags cf and ef.
+ The sep pattern can be a string or a GRegex object previously compiled with GRegex.new().
+ Unlike gmatch, there will always be at least one iteration pass, even if there are no matches in the subject.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>sep</term>
+ <listitem><para> A Perl-compatible regular expression pattern string or GRegex object </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: sep -->
+ <varlistentry><term>cf (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> compilation flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: cf (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>The iterator function is called by Lua. On every iteration, it returns
+ a subject section (can be an empty string), followed by all captures in the order they
+ appear in the sep pattern (or the entire match if the sep pattern specified no captures).
+ If there is no match (this can occur only in the last iteration), then nothing is
+ returned after the subject section. The iteration will continue till the end of the subject.
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.split -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_GRegex_version__'>
+ <title>GRegex.version()</title>
+ <para>Returns a returns a string containing the version of the used library.</para>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>The version string</para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: GRegex.version -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: GRegex.version -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_gregex_match_subject___init____ef__'>
+ <title>gregex:match(subject, [init], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Searches for the first match of the regexp pattern in the string subject, starting
+ from offset init, subject to flags ef.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>init (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> start offset in the subject (can be negative) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: init (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>On success, returns all substring matches ("captures"), in the order they appear in the pattern.
+ false is returned for sub-patterns that did not participate in the match. If
+ the pattern specified no captures then the whole matched substring is
+ returned. nil is returned if the pattern did not match.
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: gregex:match -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: gregex:match -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_gregex_find_subject___init____ef__'>
+ <title>gregex:find(subject, [init], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Searches for the first match of the regexp pattern in the string subject, starting
+ from offset init, subject to flags ef.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>init (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> start offset in the subject (can be negative) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: init (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>On success, returns the start point of the match (a number), the
+ end point of the match (a number), and all substring matches ("captures"), in
+ the order they appear in the pattern. false is returned for sub-patterns that did
+ not participate in the match. On failure, returns nil.
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: gregex:find -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_gregex_exec_subject___init____ef__'>
+ <title>gregex:exec(subject, [init], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Searches for the first match of the compiled GRegex object in the string subject, starting
+ from offset init, subject to the execution match flags ef.
+ </para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>init (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> start offset in the subject (can be negative) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: init (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>On success, returns the start point of the first match (a number), the
+ end point of the first match (a number), and the offsets of substring matches ("captures"
+ in Lua terminology) are returned as a third result, in a table. This table contains false
+ in the positions where the corresponding sub-pattern did not participate in the match.
+ On failure, returns nil.
+ Example:
+ If the whole match is at offsets 10,20 and substring matches are at offsets 12,14 and 16,19
+ then the function returns the following: 10, 20, { 12,14,16,19 }.
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: gregex:exec -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: gregex:exec -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_gregex_dfa_exec_subject___init____ef__'>
+ <title>gregex:dfa_exec(subject, [init], [ef])</title>
+ <para>Matches a compiled regular expression GRegex object against a given subject string subj, using a DFA matching algorithm.</para>
+ <section><title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term>subject</term>
+ <listitem><para> Subject string to search </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: subject -->
+ <varlistentry><term>init (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> start offset in the subject (can be negative) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: init (optional) -->
+ <varlistentry><term>ef (optional)</term>
+ <listitem><para> match execution flags (bitwise OR) </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry> <!-- function_arg_footer: ef (optional) -->
+ </variablelist>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>On success, returns the start point of the matches found (a number), a
+ table containing the end points of the matches found, the longer matches first, and the
+ number of matches found as the third return value.
+ On failure, returns nil.
+ Example:
+ If there are 3 matches found starting at offset 10 and ending at offsets 15, 20 and 25
+ then the function returns the following: 10, { 25,20,15 }, 3
+ </para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: gregex:dfa_exec -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: gregex:dfa_exec -->
+ <section id='lua_fn_gregex___tostring__'>
+ <title>gregex:__tostring()</title>
+ <para>Returns a string containing debug information about the GRegex object.</para>
+ <section><title>Returns</title>
+ <para>The debug string</para>
+ </section> <!-- function_returns_footer: gregex:__tostring -->
+ </section> <!-- function_footer: -->
+ </section> <!-- class_footer: GRegex -->
+ </section>
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--- a/epan/wslua/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/epan/wslua/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/wslua/lrexlib.c
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/wslua/lrexlib_glib.c
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/wslua/lrexlib_glib_f.c
diff --git a/epan/wslua/Makefile.am b/epan/wslua/Makefile.am
index ec4afd2cd9..0a721bd4fe 100644
--- a/epan/wslua/Makefile.am
+++ b/epan/wslua/Makefile.am
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libwslua.la
wslua_modules = \
$(srcdir)/lua_bitop.c \
+ $(srcdir)/lrexlib.c \
+ $(srcdir)/lrexlib_glib.c \
+ $(srcdir)/lrexlib_glib_f.c \
$(srcdir)/wslua_tvb.c \
$(srcdir)/wslua_proto.c \
$(srcdir)/wslua_int64.c \
@@ -83,6 +86,8 @@ MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = \
declare_wslua.h \
lua_bitop.h \
+ lrexlib.h \
+ lrexlib_algo.h \
register_wslua.c \
taps \
make-reg.pl \
@@ -125,6 +130,8 @@ checkapi:
init_wslua.c \
register_wslua.c \
taps_wslua.c \
+ lrexlib_glib.c \
+ lrexlib_glib_f.c \
wslua_dumper.c \
wslua_field.c \
wslua_gui.c \
diff --git a/epan/wslua/Makefile.nmake b/epan/wslua/Makefile.nmake
index 80bb18a64d..aa3e07a038 100644
--- a/epan/wslua/Makefile.nmake
+++ b/epan/wslua/Makefile.nmake
lua_bitop.c \
+ lrexlib.c \
+ lrexlib_glib.c \
+ lrexlib_glib_f.c \
wslua_tvb.c \
wslua_proto.c \
wslua_int64.c \
@@ -34,6 +37,9 @@ OBJECTS= \
register_wslua.obj \
taps_wslua.obj \
lua_bitop.obj \
+ lrexlib.obj \
+ lrexlib_glib.obj \
+ lrexlib_glib_f.obj \
wslua_tvb.obj \
wslua_proto.obj \
wslua_int64.obj \
diff --git a/epan/wslua/lrexlib.c b/epan/wslua/lrexlib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21038fa1e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/wslua/lrexlib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+/* common.c */
+/* See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lua.h"
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+#include "lrexlib.h"
+#define N_ALIGN sizeof(int)
+/* the table must be on Lua stack top */
+int get_int_field (lua_State *L, const char* field)
+ int val;
+ lua_getfield (L, -1, field);
+ val = (int) lua_tointeger (L, -1);
+ lua_pop (L, 1);
+ return val;
+/* the table must be on Lua stack top */
+void set_int_field (lua_State *L, const char* field, int val)
+ lua_pushinteger (L, val);
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, field);
+void *Lmalloc(lua_State *L, size_t size) {
+ void *ud;
+ lua_Alloc lalloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ud);
+ return lalloc(ud, NULL, 0, size);
+void *Lrealloc(lua_State *L, void *p, size_t osize, size_t nsize) {
+ void *ud;
+ lua_Alloc lalloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ud);
+ return lalloc(ud, p, osize, nsize);
+void Lfree(lua_State *L, void *p, size_t osize) {
+ void *ud;
+ lua_Alloc lalloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ud);
+ lalloc(ud, p, osize, 0);
+/* This function fills a table with string-number pairs.
+ The table can be passed as the 1-st lua-function parameter,
+ otherwise it is created. The return value is the filled table.
+int get_flags (lua_State *L, const flag_pair **arrs) {
+ const flag_pair *p;
+ const flag_pair **pp;
+ int nparams = lua_gettop(L);
+ if(nparams == 0)
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ else {
+ if(!lua_istable(L, 1))
+ luaL_argerror(L, 1, "not a table");
+ if(nparams > 1)
+ lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
+ }
+ for(pp=arrs; *pp; ++pp) {
+ for(p=*pp; p->key; ++p) {
+ lua_pushstring(L, p->key);
+ lua_pushinteger(L, p->val);
+ lua_rawset(L, -3);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+const char *get_flag_key (const flag_pair *fp, int val) {
+ for (; fp->key; ++fp) {
+ if (fp->val == val)
+ return fp->key;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* Classes */
+ * class TFreeList
+ * ***************
+ * Simple array of pointers to TBuffer's.
+ * The array has fixed capacity (not expanded automatically).
+ */
+void freelist_init (TFreeList *fl) {
+ fl->top = 0;
+void freelist_add (TFreeList *fl, TBuffer *buf) {
+ fl->list[fl->top++] = buf;
+void freelist_free (TFreeList *fl) {
+ while (fl->top > 0)
+ buffer_free (fl->list[--fl->top]);
+ * class TBuffer
+ * *************
+ * Auto-extensible array of characters for building long strings incrementally.
+ * * Differs from luaL_Buffer in that:
+ * * its operations do not change Lua stack top position
+ * * buffer_addvalue does not extract the value from Lua stack
+ * * buffer_pushresult does not have to be the last operation
+ * * Uses TFreeList class:
+ * * for inserting itself into a TFreeList instance for future clean-up
+ * * calls freelist_free prior to calling luaL_error.
+ * * Has specialized "Z-operations" for maintaining mixed string/integer
+ * array: bufferZ_addlstring, bufferZ_addnum and bufferZ_next.
+ * * if the array is intended to be "mixed", then the methods
+ * buffer_addlstring and buffer_addvalue must not be used
+ * (the application will crash on bufferZ_next).
+ * * conversely, if the array is not intended to be "mixed",
+ * then the method bufferZ_next must not be used.
+ */
+void buffer_init (TBuffer *buf, size_t sz, lua_State *L, TFreeList *fl) {
+ buf->arr = Lmalloc(L, sz);
+ if (!buf->arr) {
+ freelist_free (fl);
+ luaL_error (L, "malloc failed");
+ }
+ buf->size = sz;
+ buf->top = 0;
+ buf->L = L;
+ buf->freelist = fl;
+ freelist_add (fl, buf);
+void buffer_free (TBuffer *buf) {
+ Lfree(buf->L, buf->arr, buf->size);
+void buffer_clear (TBuffer *buf) {
+ buf->top = 0;
+void buffer_pushresult (TBuffer *buf) {
+ lua_pushlstring (buf->L, buf->arr, buf->top);
+void buffer_addbuffer (TBuffer *trg, TBuffer *src) {
+ buffer_addlstring (trg, src->arr, src->top);
+void buffer_addlstring (TBuffer *buf, const void *src, size_t sz) {
+ size_t newtop = buf->top + sz;
+ if (newtop > buf->size) {
+ char *p = (char*) Lrealloc (buf->L, buf->arr, buf->size, 2 * newtop); /* 2x expansion */
+ if (!p) {
+ freelist_free (buf->freelist);
+ luaL_error (buf->L, "realloc failed");
+ }
+ buf->arr = p;
+ buf->size = 2 * newtop;
+ }
+ if (src)
+ memcpy (buf->arr + buf->top, src, sz);
+ buf->top = newtop;
+void buffer_addvalue (TBuffer *buf, int stackpos) {
+ size_t len;
+ const char *p = lua_tolstring (buf->L, stackpos, &len);
+ buffer_addlstring (buf, p, len);
+void bufferZ_addlstring (TBuffer *buf, const void *src, size_t len) {
+ int n;
+ size_t header[2] = { ID_STRING };
+ header[1] = len;
+ buffer_addlstring (buf, header, sizeof (header));
+ buffer_addlstring (buf, src, len);
+ n = len % N_ALIGN;
+ if (n) buffer_addlstring (buf, NULL, N_ALIGN - n);
+void bufferZ_addnum (TBuffer *buf, size_t num) {
+ size_t header[2] = { ID_NUMBER };
+ header[1] = num;
+ buffer_addlstring (buf, header, sizeof (header));
+/* 1. When called repeatedly on the same TBuffer, its existing data
+ is discarded and overwritten by the new data.
+ 2. The TBuffer's array is never shrunk by this function.
+void bufferZ_putrepstring (TBuffer *BufRep, int reppos, int nsub) {
+ char dbuf[] = { 0, 0 };
+ size_t replen;
+ const char *p = lua_tolstring (BufRep->L, reppos, &replen);
+ const char *end = p + replen;
+ BufRep->top = 0;
+ while (p < end) {
+ const char *q;
+ for (q = p; q < end && *q != '%'; ++q)
+ {}
+ if (q != p)
+ bufferZ_addlstring (BufRep, p, q - p);
+ if (q < end) {
+ if (++q < end) { /* skip % */
+ if (isdigit (*q)) {
+ int num;
+ *dbuf = *q;
+ num = (int) strtol (dbuf, NULL, 10);
+ if (num == 1 && nsub == 0)
+ num = 0;
+ else if (num > nsub) {
+ freelist_free (BufRep->freelist);
+ luaL_error (BufRep->L, "invalid capture index");
+ }
+ bufferZ_addnum (BufRep, num);
+ }
+ else bufferZ_addlstring (BufRep, q, 1);
+ }
+ p = q + 1;
+ }
+ else break;
+ }
+ The intended use of this function is as follows:
+ size_t iter = 0;
+ while (bufferZ_next (buf, &iter, &num, &str)) {
+ if (str) do_something_with_string (str, num);
+ else do_something_with_number (num);
+ }
+int bufferZ_next (TBuffer *buf, size_t *iter, size_t *num, const char **str) {
+ if (*iter < buf->top) {
+ size_t *ptr_header = (size_t*)(buf->arr + *iter);
+ *num = ptr_header[1];
+ *iter += 2 * sizeof (size_t);
+ *str = NULL;
+ if (*ptr_header == ID_STRING) {
+ int n;
+ *str = buf->arr + *iter;
+ *iter += *num;
+ n = *iter % N_ALIGN;
+ if (n) *iter += (N_ALIGN - n);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if LUA_VERSION_NUM > 501
+int luaL_typerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname) {
+ const char *msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "%s expected, got %s",
+ tname, luaL_typename(L, narg));
+ return luaL_argerror(L, narg, msg);
diff --git a/epan/wslua/lrexlib.h b/epan/wslua/lrexlib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae578034d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/wslua/lrexlib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+/* common.h */
+License of Lrexlib release
+Copyright (C) Reuben Thomas 2000-2012
+Copyright (C) Shmuel Zeigerman 2004-2012
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated
+documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+Software without restriction, including without limitation
+the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
+sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall
+be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+#ifndef _LREXLIB_H
+#define _LREXLIB_H
+#include "lua.h"
+#define VERSION "2.7.2"
+#if LUA_VERSION_NUM > 501
+ int luaL_typerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname);
+/* REX_API can be overridden from the command line or Makefile */
+#ifndef REX_API
+/* Special values for maxmatch in gsub. They all must be negative. */
+#define GSUB_UNLIMITED -1
+/* Common structs and functions */
+typedef struct {
+ const char* key;
+ int val;
+} flag_pair;
+typedef struct { /* compile arguments */
+ const char * pattern;
+ size_t patlen;
+ void * ud;
+ int cflags;
+ const char * locale; /* PCRE, Oniguruma */
+ const unsigned char * tables; /* PCRE */
+ int tablespos; /* PCRE */
+ void * syntax; /* Oniguruma */
+ const unsigned char * translate; /* GNU */
+ int gnusyn; /* GNU */
+} TArgComp;
+typedef struct { /* exec arguments */
+ const char * text;
+ size_t textlen;
+ int startoffset;
+ int eflags;
+ int funcpos;
+ int maxmatch;
+ int funcpos2; /* used with gsub */
+ int reptype; /* used with gsub */
+ size_t ovecsize; /* PCRE: dfa_exec */
+ size_t wscount; /* PCRE: dfa_exec */
+} TArgExec;
+struct tagFreeList; /* forward declaration */
+struct tagBuffer {
+ size_t size;
+ size_t top;
+ char * arr;
+ lua_State * L;
+ struct tagFreeList * freelist;
+struct tagFreeList {
+ struct tagBuffer * list[16];
+ int top;
+typedef struct tagBuffer TBuffer;
+typedef struct tagFreeList TFreeList;
+void freelist_init (TFreeList *fl);
+void freelist_add (TFreeList *fl, TBuffer *buf);
+void freelist_free (TFreeList *fl);
+void buffer_init (TBuffer *buf, size_t sz, lua_State *L, TFreeList *fl);
+void buffer_free (TBuffer *buf);
+void buffer_clear (TBuffer *buf);
+void buffer_addbuffer (TBuffer *trg, TBuffer *src);
+void buffer_addlstring (TBuffer *buf, const void *src, size_t sz);
+void buffer_addvalue (TBuffer *buf, int stackpos);
+void buffer_pushresult (TBuffer *buf);
+void bufferZ_putrepstring (TBuffer *buf, int reppos, int nsub);
+int bufferZ_next (TBuffer *buf, size_t *iter, size_t *len, const char **str);
+void bufferZ_addlstring (TBuffer *buf, const void *src, size_t len);
+void bufferZ_addnum (TBuffer *buf, size_t num);
+int get_int_field (lua_State *L, const char* field);
+void set_int_field (lua_State *L, const char* field, int val);
+int get_flags (lua_State *L, const flag_pair **arr);
+const char *get_flag_key (const flag_pair *fp, int val);
+void *Lmalloc (lua_State *L, size_t size);
+void *Lrealloc (lua_State *L, void *p, size_t osize, size_t nsize);
+void Lfree (lua_State *L, void *p, size_t size);
diff --git a/epan/wslua/lrexlib_algo.h b/epan/wslua/lrexlib_algo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e97c2b1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/wslua/lrexlib_algo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+/* lrexlib_algo.h */
+/* See Copyright Notice in the file lrexlib.h */
+#include "lrexlib.h"
+# define WSLUA_TYPEOF_FIELD "__typeof"
+#define REX_VERSION "Lrexlib " VERSION
+/* Forward declarations */
+static void gmatch_pushsubject (lua_State *L, TArgExec *argE);
+static int findmatch_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE);
+static int split_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE, int offset);
+static int compile_regex (lua_State *L, const TArgComp *argC, TUserdata **pud);
+static int generate_error (lua_State *L, const TUserdata *ud, int errcode);
+#if LUA_VERSION_NUM == 501
+# define ALG_ENVIRONINDEX lua_upvalueindex(1)
+# define ALG_CHARSIZE 1
+# define BUFFERZ_PUTREPSTRING bufferZ_putrepstring
+# define ALG_GETCARGS(a,b,c)
+# define ALG_GETEFLAGS(L,idx) luaL_optint (L, idx, ALG_EFLAGS_DFLT)
+#define DO_NAMED_SUBPATTERNS(a,b,c)
+/* When doing an iterative search, there can occur a situation of a zero-length
+ * match at the current position, that prevents further advance on the subject
+ * string.
+ * There are two ways to handle that (AFAIK):
+ * a) Advance by one character (continue the search from the next position),
+ * or
+ * b) Search for a non-zero-length match that begins from the current
+ * position ("retry" the search). If the match is not found then advance
+ * by one character.
+ * The "b)" seems more correct, but most regex libraries expose no API for that.
+ * The known exception is PCRE that has flags PCRE_NOTEMPTY and PCRE_ANCHORED.
+ */
+ #define SET_RETRY(a,b) (a=b)
+ static int gsub_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE, int offset, int retry);
+ static int gmatch_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE, int retry);
+ #define GSUB_EXEC gsub_exec
+ #define GMATCH_EXEC gmatch_exec
+ #define SET_RETRY(a,b) ((void)a)
+ static int gsub_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE, int offset);
+ static int gmatch_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE);
+ #define GSUB_EXEC(a,b,c,d) gsub_exec(a,b,c)
+ #define GMATCH_EXEC(a,b,c) gmatch_exec(a,b)
+#define METHOD_FIND 0
+#define METHOD_MATCH 1
+#define METHOD_EXEC 2
+#define METHOD_TFIND 3
+static int OptLimit (lua_State *L, int pos) {
+ if (lua_isnoneornil (L, pos))
+ if (lua_isfunction (L, pos))
+ if (lua_isnumber (L, pos)) {
+ int a = (int) lua_tointeger (L, pos);
+ return a < 0 ? 0 : a;
+ }
+ return luaL_typerror (L, pos, "number or function");
+static int get_startoffset(lua_State *L, int stackpos, size_t len) {
+ int startoffset = luaL_optint(L, stackpos, 1);
+ if(startoffset > 0)
+ startoffset--;
+ else if(startoffset < 0) {
+ startoffset += len/ALG_CHARSIZE;
+ if(startoffset < 0)
+ startoffset = 0;
+ }
+ return startoffset*ALG_CHARSIZE;
+static TUserdata* test_ud (lua_State *L, int pos)
+ TUserdata *ud;
+ if (lua_getmetatable(L, pos) &&
+ lua_rawequal(L, -1, ALG_ENVIRONINDEX) &&
+ (ud = (TUserdata *)lua_touserdata(L, pos)) != NULL) {
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ return ud;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static TUserdata* check_ud (lua_State *L)
+ TUserdata *ud = test_ud(L, 1);
+ if (ud == NULL) luaL_typerror(L, 1, REX_TYPENAME);
+ return ud;
+static void check_subject (lua_State *L, int pos, TArgExec *argE)
+ int stype;
+ argE->text = lua_tolstring (L, pos, &argE->textlen);
+ stype = lua_type (L, pos);
+ if (stype != LUA_TSTRING && stype != LUA_TTABLE && stype != LUA_TUSERDATA) {
+ luaL_typerror (L, pos, "string, table or userdata");
+ } else if (argE->text == NULL) {
+ int type;
+ lua_getfield (L, pos, "topointer");
+ if (lua_type (L, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION)
+ luaL_error (L, "subject has no topointer method");
+ lua_pushvalue (L, pos);
+ lua_call (L, 1, 1);
+ type = lua_type (L, -1);
+ luaL_error (L, "subject's topointer method returned %s (expected lightuserdata)",
+ lua_typename (L, type));
+ argE->text = lua_touserdata (L, -1);
+ lua_pop (L, 1);
+#if LUA_VERSION_NUM == 501
+ lua_objlen (L, pos);
+ lua_len (L, pos);
+ type = lua_type (L, -1);
+ if (type != LUA_TNUMBER)
+ luaL_error (L, "subject's length is %s (expected number)",
+ lua_typename (L, type));
+ argE->textlen = lua_tointeger (L, -1);
+ lua_pop (L, 1);
+ }
+static void check_pattern (lua_State *L, int pos, TArgComp *argC)
+ if (lua_isstring (L, pos)) {
+ argC->pattern = lua_tolstring (L, pos, &argC->patlen);
+ argC->ud = NULL;
+ }
+ else if ((argC->ud = test_ud (L, pos)) == NULL)
+ luaL_typerror(L, pos, "string or "REX_TYPENAME);
+static void checkarg_new (lua_State *L, TArgComp *argC) {
+ argC->pattern = luaL_checklstring (L, 1, &argC->patlen);
+ argC->cflags = ALG_GETCFLAGS (L, 2);
+ ALG_GETCARGS (L, 3, argC);
+/* function gsub (s, patt, f, [n], [cf], [ef], [larg...]) */
+static void checkarg_gsub (lua_State *L, TArgComp *argC, TArgExec *argE) {
+ check_subject (L, 1, argE);
+ check_pattern (L, 2, argC);
+ lua_tostring (L, 3); /* converts number (if any) to string */
+ argE->reptype = lua_type (L, 3);
+ if (argE->reptype != LUA_TSTRING && argE->reptype != LUA_TTABLE &&
+ argE->reptype != LUA_TFUNCTION && argE->reptype != LUA_TNIL &&
+ (argE->reptype != LUA_TBOOLEAN ||
+ (argE->reptype == LUA_TBOOLEAN && lua_toboolean (L, 3)))) {
+ luaL_typerror (L, 3, "string, table, function, false or nil");
+ }
+ argE->funcpos = 3;
+ argE->funcpos2 = 4;
+ argE->maxmatch = OptLimit (L, 4);
+ argC->cflags = ALG_GETCFLAGS (L, 5);
+ argE->eflags = ALG_GETEFLAGS (L, 6);
+ ALG_GETCARGS (L, 7, argC);
+/* function find (s, patt, [st], [cf], [ef], [larg...]) */
+/* function match (s, patt, [st], [cf], [ef], [larg...]) */
+static void checkarg_find_func (lua_State *L, TArgComp *argC, TArgExec *argE) {
+ check_subject (L, 1, argE);
+ check_pattern (L, 2, argC);
+ argE->startoffset = get_startoffset (L, 3, argE->textlen);
+ argC->cflags = ALG_GETCFLAGS (L, 4);
+ argE->eflags = ALG_GETEFLAGS (L, 5);
+ ALG_GETCARGS (L, 6, argC);
+/* function gmatch (s, patt, [cf], [ef], [larg...]) */
+/* function split (s, patt, [cf], [ef], [larg...]) */
+static void checkarg_gmatch_split (lua_State *L, TArgComp *argC, TArgExec *argE) {
+ check_subject (L, 1, argE);
+ check_pattern (L, 2, argC);
+ argC->cflags = ALG_GETCFLAGS (L, 3);
+ argE->eflags = ALG_GETEFLAGS (L, 4);
+ ALG_GETCARGS (L, 5, argC);
+/* method r:tfind (s, [st], [ef]) */
+/* method r:exec (s, [st], [ef]) */
+/* method r:find (s, [st], [ef]) */
+/* method r:match (s, [st], [ef]) */
+static void checkarg_find_method (lua_State *L, TArgExec *argE, TUserdata **ud) {
+ *ud = check_ud (L);
+ check_subject (L, 2, argE);
+ argE->startoffset = get_startoffset (L, 3, argE->textlen);
+ argE->eflags = ALG_GETEFLAGS (L, 4);
+static int algf_new (lua_State *L) {
+ TArgComp argC;
+ checkarg_new (L, &argC);
+ return compile_regex (L, &argC, NULL);
+static void push_substrings (lua_State *L, TUserdata *ud, const char *text,
+ TFreeList *freelist) {
+ int i;
+ if (lua_checkstack (L, ALG_NSUB(ud)) == 0) {
+ if (freelist)
+ freelist_free (freelist);
+ luaL_error (L, "cannot add %d stack slots", ALG_NSUB(ud));
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i <= ALG_NSUB(ud); i++) {
+ ALG_PUSHSUB_OR_FALSE (L, ud, text, i);
+ }
+static int algf_gsub (lua_State *L) {
+ TUserdata *ud;
+ TArgComp argC;
+ TArgExec argE;
+ int n_match = 0, n_subst = 0, st = 0, retry;
+ TBuffer BufOut, BufRep, BufTemp, *pBuf = &BufOut;
+ TFreeList freelist;
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ checkarg_gsub (L, &argC, &argE);
+ if (argC.ud) {
+ ud = (TUserdata*) argC.ud;
+ lua_pushvalue (L, 2);
+ }
+ else compile_regex (L, &argC, &ud);
+ freelist_init (&freelist);
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if (argE.reptype == LUA_TSTRING) {
+ buffer_init (&BufRep, 256, L, &freelist);
+ BUFFERZ_PUTREPSTRING (&BufRep, argE.funcpos, ALG_NSUB(ud));
+ }
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if (argE.maxmatch == GSUB_CONDITIONAL) {
+ buffer_init (&BufTemp, 1024, L, &freelist);
+ pBuf = &BufTemp;
+ }
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ buffer_init (&BufOut, 1024, L, &freelist);
+ SET_RETRY (retry, 0);
+ while ((argE.maxmatch < 0 || n_match < argE.maxmatch) && st <= (int)argE.textlen) {
+ int from, to, res;
+ int curr_subst = 0;
+ res = GSUB_EXEC (ud, &argE, st, retry);
+ if (ALG_NOMATCH (res)) {
+ if (retry) {
+ if (st < (int)argE.textlen) { /* advance by 1 char (not replaced) */
+ buffer_addlstring (&BufOut, argE.text + st, ALG_CHARSIZE);
+ retry = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (!ALG_ISMATCH (res)) {
+ freelist_free (&freelist);
+ return generate_error (L, ud, res);
+ }
+ ++n_match;
+ from = ALG_BASE(st) + ALG_SUBBEG(ud,0);
+ to = ALG_BASE(st) + ALG_SUBEND(ud,0);
+ if (st < from) {
+ buffer_addlstring (&BufOut, argE.text + st, from - st);
+#ifdef ALG_PULL
+ st = from;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if (argE.reptype == LUA_TSTRING) {
+ size_t iter = 0, num;
+ const char *str;
+ while (bufferZ_next (&BufRep, &iter, &num, &str)) {
+ if (str)
+ buffer_addlstring (pBuf, str, num);
+ else if (num == 0 || ALG_SUBVALID (ud,(int)num))
+ buffer_addlstring (pBuf, argE.text + ALG_BASE(st) + ALG_SUBBEG(ud,(int)num), ALG_SUBLEN(ud,(int)num));
+ }
+ curr_subst = 1;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ else if (argE.reptype == LUA_TTABLE) {
+ if (ALG_NSUB(ud) > 0)
+ ALG_PUSHSUB_OR_FALSE (L, ud, argE.text + ALG_BASE(st), 1);
+ else
+ lua_pushlstring (L, argE.text + from, to - from);
+ lua_gettable (L, argE.funcpos);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ else if (argE.reptype == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
+ int narg;
+ lua_pushvalue (L, argE.funcpos);
+ if (ALG_NSUB(ud) > 0) {
+ push_substrings (L, ud, argE.text + ALG_BASE(st), &freelist);
+ narg = ALG_NSUB(ud);
+ }
+ else {
+ lua_pushlstring (L, argE.text + from, to - from);
+ narg = 1;
+ }
+ if (0 != lua_pcall (L, narg, 1, 0)) {
+ freelist_free (&freelist);
+ return lua_error (L); /* re-raise the error */
+ }
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ else if (argE.reptype == LUA_TNIL || argE.reptype == LUA_TBOOLEAN) {
+ buffer_addlstring (pBuf, argE.text + from, to - from);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if (argE.reptype == LUA_TTABLE || argE.reptype == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
+ if (lua_tostring (L, -1)) {
+ buffer_addvalue (pBuf, -1);
+ curr_subst = 1;
+ }
+ else if (!lua_toboolean (L, -1))
+ buffer_addlstring (pBuf, argE.text + from, to - from);
+ else {
+ freelist_free (&freelist);
+ luaL_error (L, "invalid replacement value (a %s)", luaL_typename (L, -1));
+ }
+ if (argE.maxmatch != GSUB_CONDITIONAL)
+ lua_pop (L, 1);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if (argE.maxmatch == GSUB_CONDITIONAL) {
+ /* Call the function */
+ lua_pushvalue (L, argE.funcpos2);
+ lua_pushinteger (L, from/ALG_CHARSIZE + 1);
+ lua_pushinteger (L, to/ALG_CHARSIZE);
+ if (argE.reptype == LUA_TSTRING)
+ buffer_pushresult (&BufTemp);
+ else {
+ lua_pushvalue (L, -4);
+ lua_remove (L, -5);
+ }
+ if (0 != lua_pcall (L, 3, 2, 0)) {
+ freelist_free (&freelist);
+ lua_error (L); /* re-raise the error */
+ }
+ /* Handle the 1-st return value */
+ if (lua_isstring (L, -2)) { /* coercion is allowed here */
+ buffer_addvalue (&BufOut, -2); /* rep2 */
+ curr_subst = 1;
+ }
+ else if (lua_toboolean (L, -2))
+ buffer_addbuffer (&BufOut, &BufTemp); /* rep1 */
+ else {
+ buffer_addlstring (&BufOut, argE.text + from, to - from); /* "no" */
+ curr_subst = 0;
+ }
+ /* Handle the 2-nd return value */
+ if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) { /* no coercion is allowed here */
+ int n = (int) lua_tointeger (L, -1);
+ if (n < 0) /* n */
+ n = 0;
+ argE.maxmatch = n_match + n;
+ }
+ else if (lua_toboolean (L, -1)) /* "yes to all" */
+ argE.maxmatch = GSUB_UNLIMITED;
+ else
+ buffer_clear (&BufTemp);
+ lua_pop (L, 2);
+ if (argE.maxmatch != GSUB_CONDITIONAL)
+ pBuf = &BufOut;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ n_subst += curr_subst;
+ if (st < to) {
+ st = to;
+ SET_RETRY (retry, 0);
+ }
+ else if (st < (int)argE.textlen) {
+ retry = 1;
+ /* advance by 1 char (not replaced) */
+ buffer_addlstring (&BufOut, argE.text + st, ALG_CHARSIZE);
+ }
+ else break;
+ }
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ buffer_addlstring (&BufOut, argE.text + st, argE.textlen - st);
+ buffer_pushresult (&BufOut);
+ lua_pushinteger (L, n_match);
+ lua_pushinteger (L, n_subst);
+ freelist_free (&freelist);
+ return 3;
+static int finish_generic_find (lua_State *L, TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE,
+ int method, int res)
+ if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) {
+ if (method == METHOD_FIND)
+ ALG_PUSHOFFSETS (L, ud, ALG_BASE(argE->startoffset), 0);
+ if (ALG_NSUB(ud)) /* push captures */
+ push_substrings (L, ud, argE->text, NULL);
+ else if (method != METHOD_FIND) {
+ ALG_PUSHSUB (L, ud, argE->text, 0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return (method == METHOD_FIND) ? ALG_NSUB(ud) + 2 : ALG_NSUB(ud);
+ }
+ else if (ALG_NOMATCH (res))
+ return lua_pushnil (L), 1;
+ else
+ return generate_error (L, ud, res);
+static int generic_find_func (lua_State *L, int method) {
+ TUserdata *ud;
+ TArgComp argC;
+ TArgExec argE;
+ int res;
+ checkarg_find_func (L, &argC, &argE);
+ if (argE.startoffset > (int)argE.textlen)
+ return lua_pushnil (L), 1;
+ if (argC.ud) {
+ ud = (TUserdata*) argC.ud;
+ lua_pushvalue (L, 2);
+ }
+ else compile_regex (L, &argC, &ud);
+ res = findmatch_exec (ud, &argE);
+ return finish_generic_find (L, ud, &argE, method, res);
+static int algf_find (lua_State *L) {
+ return generic_find_func (L, METHOD_FIND);
+static int algf_match (lua_State *L) {
+ return generic_find_func (L, METHOD_MATCH);
+static int gmatch_iter (lua_State *L) {
+ int retry;
+ TArgExec argE;
+ TUserdata *ud = (TUserdata*) lua_touserdata (L, lua_upvalueindex (1));
+ argE.text = lua_tolstring (L, lua_upvalueindex (2), &argE.textlen);
+ argE.eflags = (int) lua_tointeger (L, lua_upvalueindex (3));
+ argE.startoffset = (int) lua_tointeger (L, lua_upvalueindex (4));
+ retry = (int) lua_tointeger (L, lua_upvalueindex (5));
+ if (argE.startoffset > (int)argE.textlen)
+ return 0;
+ while (1) {
+ int res = GMATCH_EXEC (ud, &argE, retry);
+ if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) {
+ int incr = 0;
+ if (ALG_SUBLEN(ud,0)) {
+ SET_RETRY (retry, 0);
+ }
+ else { /* no progress: prevent endless loop */
+ SET_RETRY (retry, 1);
+ incr = ALG_CHARSIZE;
+ }
+ lua_pushinteger(L, ALG_BASE(argE.startoffset) + incr + ALG_SUBEND(ud,0)); /* update start offset */
+ lua_replace (L, lua_upvalueindex (4));
+ lua_pushinteger (L, retry);
+ lua_replace (L, lua_upvalueindex (5)); /* update retry */
+ /* push either captures or entire match */
+ if (ALG_NSUB(ud)) {
+ push_substrings (L, ud, argE.text, NULL);
+ return ALG_NSUB(ud);
+ }
+ else {
+ ALG_PUSHSUB (L, ud, argE.text, 0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ALG_NOMATCH (res)) {
+ if (retry) {
+ if (argE.startoffset < (int)argE.textlen) {
+ ++argE.startoffset; /* advance by 1 char */
+ SET_RETRY (retry, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return generate_error (L, ud, res);
+ }
+static int split_iter (lua_State *L) {
+ int incr, newoffset, res;
+ TArgExec argE;
+ TUserdata *ud = (TUserdata*) lua_touserdata (L, lua_upvalueindex (1));
+ argE.text = lua_tolstring (L, lua_upvalueindex (2), &argE.textlen);
+ argE.eflags = (int) lua_tointeger (L, lua_upvalueindex (3));
+ argE.startoffset = (int) lua_tointeger (L, lua_upvalueindex (4));
+ incr = (int) lua_tointeger (L, lua_upvalueindex (5));
+ if (argE.startoffset > (int)argE.textlen)
+ return 0;
+ if ((newoffset = argE.startoffset + incr) > (int)argE.textlen)
+ goto nomatch;
+ res = split_exec (ud, &argE, newoffset);
+ if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) {
+ lua_pushinteger(L, ALG_BASE(newoffset) + ALG_SUBEND(ud,0)); /* update start offset */
+ lua_replace (L, lua_upvalueindex (4));
+ lua_pushinteger (L, ALG_SUBLEN(ud,0) ? 0 : ALG_CHARSIZE); /* update incr */
+ lua_replace (L, lua_upvalueindex (5));
+ /* push text preceding the match */
+ lua_pushlstring (L, argE.text + argE.startoffset,
+ ALG_SUBBEG(ud,0) + ALG_BASE(newoffset) - argE.startoffset);
+ /* push either captures or entire match */
+ if (ALG_NSUB(ud)) {
+ push_substrings (L, ud, argE.text + ALG_BASE(newoffset), NULL);
+ return 1 + ALG_NSUB(ud);
+ }
+ else {
+ ALG_PUSHSUB (L, ud, argE.text + ALG_BASE(newoffset), 0);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ALG_NOMATCH (res))
+ goto nomatch;
+ else
+ return generate_error (L, ud, res);
+ lua_pushinteger (L, argE.textlen + 1); /* mark as last iteration */
+ lua_replace (L, lua_upvalueindex (4)); /* update start offset */
+ lua_pushlstring (L, argE.text+argE.startoffset, argE.textlen-argE.startoffset);
+ return 1;
+static int algf_gmatch (lua_State *L)
+ TArgComp argC;
+ TArgExec argE;
+ TUserdata *ud;
+ checkarg_gmatch_split (L, &argC, &argE);
+ if (argC.ud) {
+ ud = (TUserdata*) argC.ud;
+ lua_pushvalue (L, 2);
+ }
+ else compile_regex (L, &argC, &ud); /* 1-st upvalue: ud */
+ gmatch_pushsubject (L, &argE); /* 2-nd upvalue: s */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, argE.eflags); /* 3-rd upvalue: ef */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, 0); /* 4-th upvalue: startoffset */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, 0); /* 5-th upvalue: retry */
+ lua_pushcclosure (L, gmatch_iter, 5);
+ lua_pushcclosure (L, gmatch_iter, 4);
+ return 1;
+static int algf_split (lua_State *L)
+ TArgComp argC;
+ TArgExec argE;
+ TUserdata *ud;
+ checkarg_gmatch_split (L, &argC, &argE);
+ if (argC.ud) {
+ ud = (TUserdata*) argC.ud;
+ lua_pushvalue (L, 2);
+ }
+ else compile_regex (L, &argC, &ud); /* 1-st upvalue: ud */
+ gmatch_pushsubject (L, &argE); /* 2-nd upvalue: s */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, argE.eflags); /* 3-rd upvalue: ef */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, 0); /* 4-th upvalue: startoffset */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, 0); /* 5-th upvalue: incr */
+ lua_pushcclosure (L, split_iter, 5);
+ return 1;
+static void push_substring_table (lua_State *L, TUserdata *ud, const char *text) {
+ int i;
+ lua_newtable (L);
+ for (i = 1; i <= ALG_NSUB(ud); i++) {
+ ALG_PUSHSUB_OR_FALSE (L, ud, text, i);
+ lua_rawseti (L, -2, i);
+ }
+static void push_offset_table (lua_State *L, TUserdata *ud, int startoffset) {
+ int i, j;
+ lua_newtable (L);
+ for (i=1, j=1; i <= ALG_NSUB(ud); i++) {
+ if (ALG_SUBVALID (ud,i)) {
+ ALG_PUSHSTART (L, ud, startoffset, i);
+ lua_rawseti (L, -2, j++);
+ ALG_PUSHEND (L, ud, startoffset, i);
+ lua_rawseti (L, -2, j++);
+ }
+ else {
+ lua_pushboolean (L, 0);
+ lua_rawseti (L, -2, j++);
+ lua_pushboolean (L, 0);
+ lua_rawseti (L, -2, j++);
+ }
+ }
+static int generic_find_method (lua_State *L, int method) {
+ TUserdata *ud;
+ TArgExec argE;
+ int res;
+ checkarg_find_method (L, &argE, &ud);
+ if (argE.startoffset > (int)argE.textlen)
+ return lua_pushnil(L), 1;
+ res = findmatch_exec (ud, &argE);
+ if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) {
+ switch (method) {
+ ALG_PUSHOFFSETS (L, ud, ALG_BASE(argE.startoffset), 0);
+ push_offset_table (L, ud, ALG_BASE(argE.startoffset));
+ DO_NAMED_SUBPATTERNS (L, ud, argE.text);
+ return 3;
+ ALG_PUSHOFFSETS (L, ud, ALG_BASE(argE.startoffset), 0);
+ push_substring_table (L, ud, argE.text);
+ DO_NAMED_SUBPATTERNS (L, ud, argE.text);
+ return 3;
+ return finish_generic_find (L, ud, &argE, method, res);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (ALG_NOMATCH (res))
+ return lua_pushnil (L), 1;
+ else
+ return generate_error(L, ud, res);
+static int algm_find (lua_State *L) {
+ return generic_find_method (L, METHOD_FIND);
+static int algm_match (lua_State *L) {
+ return generic_find_method (L, METHOD_MATCH);
+static int algm_tfind (lua_State *L) {
+ return generic_find_method (L, METHOD_TFIND);
+static int algm_exec (lua_State *L) {
+ return generic_find_method (L, METHOD_EXEC);
+static void alg_register (lua_State *L, const luaL_Reg *r_methods,
+ const luaL_Reg *r_functions, const char *name) {
+ /* Create a new function environment to serve as a metatable for methods. */
+#if LUA_VERSION_NUM == 501
+ lua_newtable (L);
+ lua_pushvalue (L, -1);
+ lua_replace (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX);
+ luaL_register (L, NULL, r_methods);
+ luaL_newmetatable(L, REX_TYPENAME);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
+ luaL_setfuncs (L, r_methods, 1);
+ lua_pushstring(L, REX_LIBNAME);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, WSLUA_TYPEOF_FIELD);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* mt.__index = mt */
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
+ /* Register functions. */
+ lua_createtable(L, 0, 8);
+#if LUA_VERSION_NUM == 501
+ luaL_register (L, NULL, r_functions);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
+ luaL_setfuncs (L, r_functions, 1);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
+ lua_setglobal(L, REX_LIBNAME);
+ lua_pushstring(L, REX_LIBNAME);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, WSLUA_TYPEOF_FIELD);
+ lua_pushfstring (L, REX_VERSION" (for %s)", name);
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, "_VERSION");
diff --git a/epan/wslua/lrexlib_glib.c b/epan/wslua/lrexlib_glib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01b60de133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/wslua/lrexlib_glib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+/* lrexlib_glib.c - Lua binding of GLib Regex library */
+/* See Copyright Notice in the file lrexlib.h */
+/* This is similar to Lrexlib's PCRE implementation, but has been changed
+ * for GLib's pcre implementation, which is different.
+ *
+ * The changes made by me, Hadriel Kaplan, are in the Public Domain, or
+ * under the MIT license if your country does not allow Public Domain.
+ *
+ * Changes relative to Lrelxib-PCRE:
+ * - No chartables or locale handling
+ * - dfa_exec doesn't take 'ovecsize' nor 'wscount' args
+ * - dfa_exec returns boolean true for partial match, without subcapture info
+ * - named subgroups do not return a table of name-keyed entries, because
+ * GLib doesn't provide a way to learn that information
+ * - there is no 'config()' function, since GLib doesn't offer such info
+ * - the 'flags()' function still works, returning all flags, but two new
+ * functions 'compile_flags()' and 'match_flags()' return just their respective
+ * flags, since GLib has a different and smaller set of such flags, for
+ * regex compile vs. match functions
+ * - Using POSIX character classes against strings with non-ASCII characters
+ * might match high-order characters, because glib always sets PCRE_UCP
+ * even if G_REGEX_RAW is set. For example, '[:alpha;]' and '\w' match certain
+ * non-ASCII bytes.
+ * - obviously quite a bit else is changed to interface to GLib's regex instead
+ * of PCRE, but hopefully those changes aren't visible to user/caller
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "lua.h"
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+#include "lrexlib.h"
+extern int Gregex_get_flags (lua_State *L);
+extern int Gregex_get_compile_flags (lua_State *L);
+extern int Gregex_get_match_flags (lua_State *L);
+extern flag_pair gregex_error_flags[];
+/* These 2 settings may be redefined from the command-line or the makefile.
+ * They should be kept in sync between themselves and with the target name.
+ */
+#ifndef REX_LIBNAME
+# define REX_LIBNAME "GRegex"
+# else
+# define REX_LIBNAME "rex_glib"
+# endif
+#ifndef REX_OPENLIB
+# define REX_OPENLIB luaopen_rex_glib
+#define ALG_EFLAGS_DFLT 0
+static int getcflags (lua_State *L, int pos);
+#define ALG_GETCFLAGS(L,pos) getcflags(L, pos)
+#define ALG_NOMATCH(res) ((res) == FALSE)
+#define ALG_ISMATCH(res) ((res) == TRUE)
+#define ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) getSubStartPos(ud,n)
+#define ALG_SUBEND(ud,n) getSubEndPos(ud,n)
+#define ALG_SUBLEN(ud,n) (ALG_SUBEND(ud,n) - ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n))
+#define ALG_SUBVALID(ud,n) (ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) >= 0)
+#define ALG_NSUB(ud) ((int) g_regex_get_capture_count(ud->pr))
+#define ALG_PUSHSUB(L,ud,text,n) \
+ lua_pushlstring (L, (text) + ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n), ALG_SUBLEN(ud,n))
+#define ALG_PUSHSUB_OR_FALSE(L,ud,text,n) \
+ (ALG_SUBVALID(ud,n) ? ALG_PUSHSUB (L,ud,text,n) : lua_pushboolean (L,0))
+#define ALG_PUSHSTART(L,ud,offs,n) lua_pushinteger(L, (offs) + ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) + 1)
+#define ALG_PUSHEND(L,ud,offs,n) lua_pushinteger(L, (offs) + ALG_SUBEND(ud,n))
+#define ALG_PUSHOFFSETS(L,ud,offs,n) \
+ (ALG_PUSHSTART(L,ud,offs,n), ALG_PUSHEND(L,ud,offs,n))
+#define ALG_BASE(st) 0
+#define ALG_PULL
+/* we define ALG_USERETRY because GLib does expose PCRE's NOTEMPTY and ANCHORED flags */
+/* unfortunately GLib doesn't expose cerrtain macros it would be nice to have */
+#if VERSION_GLIB >= 234
+# define G_REGEX_COMPILE_MASK_234 0
+/* Mask of all the possible values for GRegexCompileFlags. */
+#if VERSION_GLIB >= 234
+# define G_REGEX_MATCH_MASK_234 0
+/* Mask of all the possible values for GRegexMatchFlags. */
+static int check_eflags(lua_State *L, const int idx, const int def);
+#define ALG_GETEFLAGS(L,idx) check_eflags(L, idx, ALG_EFLAGS_DFLT)
+typedef struct {
+ GRegex * pr;
+ GMatchInfo * match_info;
+ GError * error; /* didn't want to put this here, but can't free it otherwise */
+ int freed;
+} TGrgx;
+static void minfo_free(TGrgx* ud) {
+ if (ud->match_info)
+ g_match_info_free (ud->match_info);
+ ud->match_info = NULL;
+static void gerror_free(TGrgx* ud) {
+ if (ud->error)
+ g_error_free (ud->error);
+ ud->error = NULL;
+static int getSubStartPos(TGrgx* ud, int n) {
+ int start_pos = -1;
+ g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, n, &start_pos, NULL);
+ return start_pos;
+static int getSubEndPos(TGrgx* ud, int n) {
+ int end_pos = -1;
+ g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, n, NULL, &end_pos);
+ return end_pos;
+#define TUserdata TGrgx
+/* TODO: handle named subpatterns somehow */
+#if 0
+static void do_named_subpatterns (lua_State *L, TGrgx *ud, const char *text);
+# define DO_NAMED_SUBPATTERNS do_named_subpatterns
+#include "lrexlib_algo.h"
+/* Functions
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+static int getcflags (lua_State *L, int pos) {
+ switch (lua_type (L, pos)) {
+ case LUA_TNONE:
+ case LUA_TNIL:
+ case LUA_TNUMBER: {
+ int res = (int) lua_tointeger (L, pos);
+ if ((res & ~G_REGEX_COMPILE_MASK) != 0) {
+ return luaL_error (L, "GLib Regex compile flag is invalid");
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ case LUA_TSTRING: {
+ const char *s = lua_tostring (L, pos);
+ int res = 0, ch;
+ while ((ch = *s++) != '\0') {
+ if (ch == 'i') res |= G_REGEX_CASELESS;
+ else if (ch == 'm') res |= G_REGEX_MULTILINE;
+ else if (ch == 's') res |= G_REGEX_DOTALL;
+ else if (ch == 'x') res |= G_REGEX_EXTENDED;
+ else if (ch == 'U') res |= G_REGEX_UNGREEDY;
+ }
+ return (int)res;
+ }
+ default:
+ return luaL_typerror (L, pos, "number or string");
+ }
+static int check_eflags(lua_State *L, const int idx, const int def) {
+ int eflags = luaL_optint (L, idx, def);
+ if ((eflags & ~G_REGEX_MATCH_MASK) != 0) {
+ return luaL_error (L, "GLib Regex match flag is invalid");
+ }
+ return eflags;
+/* this function is used in algo.h as well */
+static int generate_error (lua_State *L, const TGrgx *ud, int errcode) {
+ const char *key = get_flag_key (gregex_error_flags, ud->error->code);
+ (void) errcode;
+ if (key)
+ return luaL_error (L, "error G_REGEX_%s (%s)", key, ud->error->message);
+ else
+ return luaL_error (L, "GLib Regex error: %s (code %d)", ud->error->message, ud->error->code);
+static int compile_regex (lua_State *L, const TArgComp *argC, TGrgx **pud) {
+ TGrgx *ud;
+ ud = (TGrgx*)lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (TGrgx));
+ memset (ud, 0, sizeof (TGrgx)); /* initialize all members to 0 */
+ lua_pushvalue (L, ALG_ENVIRONINDEX);
+ lua_setmetatable (L, -2);
+ ud->pr = g_regex_new (argC->pattern, argC->cflags | G_REGEX_RAW, 0, &ud->error);
+ if (!ud->pr)
+ return luaL_error (L, "%s (code: %d)", ud->error->message, ud->error->code);
+ if (pud) *pud = ud;
+ return 1;
+/* method r:dfa_exec (s, [st], [ef]) */
+static void checkarg_dfa_exec (lua_State *L, TArgExec *argE, TGrgx **ud) {
+ *ud = check_ud (L);
+ argE->text = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &argE->textlen);
+ argE->startoffset = get_startoffset (L, 3, argE->textlen);
+ argE->eflags = ALG_GETEFLAGS (L, 4);
+/* unlike PCRE, partial matching won't return the actual substrings/matches */
+static int Gregex_dfa_exec (lua_State *L)
+ TArgExec argE;
+ TGrgx *ud;
+ gboolean res;
+ checkarg_dfa_exec (L, &argE, &ud);
+ gerror_free (ud);
+ res = g_regex_match_all_full (ud->pr, argE.text, (int)argE.textlen,
+ argE.startoffset, argE.eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error);
+ if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) {
+ int i, start_pos, end_pos;
+ int max = g_match_info_get_match_count (ud->match_info);
+ g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, 0, &start_pos, NULL);
+ lua_pushinteger (L, start_pos + 1); /* 1-st return value */
+ lua_newtable (L); /* 2-nd return value */
+ for (i=0; i<max; i++) {
+ g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, i, NULL, &end_pos);
+ /* I don't know why these offsets aren't incremented by 1 to match Lua indexing? */
+ lua_pushinteger (L, end_pos);
+ lua_rawseti (L, -2, i+1);
+ }
+ lua_pushinteger (L, max); /* 3-rd return value */
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ else if (g_match_info_is_partial_match(ud->match_info)) {
+ lua_pushboolean(L,1);
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ if (ALG_NOMATCH (res))
+ return lua_pushnil (L), 1;
+ else
+ return generate_error (L, ud, 0);
+ }
+ static int gmatch_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE, int retry) {
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ gerror_free (ud);
+ int eflags = retry ? (argE->eflags|G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY|G_REGEX_MATCH_ANCHORED) : argE->eflags;
+ return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen,
+ argE->startoffset, eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error);
+ }
+ static int gmatch_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE) {
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ gerror_free (ud);
+ return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen,
+ argE->startoffset, argE->eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error);
+ }
+static void gmatch_pushsubject (lua_State *L, TArgExec *argE) {
+ lua_pushlstring (L, argE->text, argE->textlen);
+static int findmatch_exec (TGrgx *ud, TArgExec *argE) {
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ gerror_free (ud);
+ return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen,
+ argE->startoffset, argE->eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error);
+ static int gsub_exec (TGrgx *ud, TArgExec *argE, int st, int retry) {
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ gerror_free (ud);
+ int eflags = retry ? (argE->eflags|G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY|G_REGEX_MATCH_ANCHORED) : argE->eflags;
+ return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen,
+ st, eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error);
+ }
+ static int gsub_exec (TGrgx *ud, TArgExec *argE, int st) {
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ gerror_free (ud);
+ return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen,
+ st, argE->eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error);
+ }
+static int split_exec (TGrgx *ud, TArgExec *argE, int offset) {
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ gerror_free (ud);
+ return g_regex_match_full (ud->pr, argE->text, argE->textlen, offset,
+ argE->eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error);
+static int Gregex_gc (lua_State *L) {
+ TGrgx *ud = check_ud (L);
+ if (ud->freed == 0) { /* precaution against "manual" __gc calling */
+ ud->freed = 1;
+ if (ud->pr) g_regex_unref (ud->pr);
+ minfo_free (ud);
+ gerror_free (ud);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int Gregex_tostring (lua_State *L) {
+ TGrgx *ud = check_ud (L);
+ if (ud->freed == 0)
+ lua_pushfstring (L, "%s (%p)", REX_TYPENAME, (void*)ud);
+ else
+ lua_pushfstring (L, "%s (deleted)", REX_TYPENAME);
+ return 1;
+static int Gregex_version (lua_State *L) {
+ return 1;
+static const luaL_Reg r_methods[] = {
+ { "exec", algm_exec },
+ { "tfind", algm_tfind }, /* old name: match */
+ { "find", algm_find },
+ { "match", algm_match },
+ { "dfa_exec", Gregex_dfa_exec },
+ { "__gc", Gregex_gc },
+ { "__tostring", Gregex_tostring },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+static const luaL_Reg r_functions[] = {
+ { "match", algf_match },
+ { "find", algf_find },
+ { "gmatch", algf_gmatch },
+ { "gsub", algf_gsub },
+ { "split", algf_split },
+ { "new", algf_new },
+ { "flags", Gregex_get_flags },
+ { "compile_flags", Gregex_get_compile_flags },
+ { "match_flags", Gregex_get_match_flags },
+ { "version", Gregex_version },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+/* Open the library */
+REX_API int REX_OPENLIB (lua_State *L) {
+ alg_register(L, r_methods, r_functions, "GLib Regex");
+ return 1;
diff --git a/epan/wslua/lrexlib_glib_f.c b/epan/wslua/lrexlib_glib_f.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed3299081f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/wslua/lrexlib_glib_f.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+/* lrexlib_gregex_f.c - GLib regular expression library */
+/* See Copyright Notice in the file lrexlib.h */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "lua.h"
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+#include "lrexlib.h"
+static flag_pair gregex_compile_flags[] = {
+/*----------------------- Compile flags -----------------------------------*/
+#if VERSION_GLIB >= 234
+ { NULL, 0 }
+/*----------------------- Match flags -------------------------------------*/
+static flag_pair gregex_match_flags[] = {
+#if VERSION_GLIB >= 234
+ { NULL, 0 }
+flag_pair gregex_error_flags[] = {
+#if VERSION_GLIB >= 234
+ { NULL, 0 }
+int Gregex_get_compile_flags (lua_State *L) {
+ const flag_pair* fps[] = { gregex_compile_flags, NULL };
+ return get_flags (L, fps);
+int Gregex_get_match_flags (lua_State *L) {
+ const flag_pair* fps[] = { gregex_match_flags, NULL };
+ return get_flags (L, fps);
+int Gregex_get_flags (lua_State *L) {
+ const flag_pair* fps[] = { gregex_compile_flags, gregex_match_flags, gregex_error_flags, NULL };
+ return get_flags (L, fps);
diff --git a/epan/wslua/make-reg.pl b/epan/wslua/make-reg.pl
index 7f7408dc99..1eeb167e9a 100755
--- a/epan/wslua/make-reg.pl
+++ b/epan/wslua/make-reg.pl
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ for (@classes) {
print C "\twslua_reg_module(L, \"bit\", luaopen_bit);\n";
# the bitops library returns a value on the stack - get rid of it
print C "\tlua_pop(L,1);\n";
+print C "\twslua_reg_module(L, \"GRegex\", luaopen_rex_glib);\n";
print C "}\n\n";
diff --git a/epan/wslua/wslua.h b/epan/wslua/wslua.h
index e73e7be931..2ec7456766 100644
--- a/epan/wslua/wslua.h
+++ b/epan/wslua/wslua.h
@@ -608,5 +608,6 @@ extern int wslua_is_field_available(lua_State* L, const char* field_abbr);
extern int wslua_bin2hex(lua_State* L, const guint8* data, const guint len, const gboolean lowercase, const gchar* sep);
extern int wslua_hex2bin(lua_State* L, const char* data, const guint len, const gchar* sep);
+extern int luaopen_rex_glib(lua_State *L);
diff --git a/test/lua/common_sets.lua b/test/lua/common_sets.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e71251fea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/common_sets.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+-- See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE
+-- This file should contain only test sets that behave identically
+-- when being run with pcre or posix regex libraries.
+local luatest = require "luatest"
+local N = luatest.NT
+local function norm(a) return a==nil and N or a end
+local function get_gsub (lib)
+ return lib.gsub or
+ function (subj, pattern, repl, n)
+ return lib.new (pattern) : gsub (subj, repl, n)
+ end
+local function set_f_gmatch (lib, flg)
+ -- gmatch (s, p, [cf], [ef])
+ local function test_gmatch (subj, patt)
+ local out, guard = {}, 10
+ for a, b in lib.gmatch (subj, patt) do
+ table.insert (out, { norm(a), norm(b) })
+ guard = guard - 1
+ if guard == 0 then break end
+ end
+ return unpack (out)
+ end
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gmatch",
+ Func = test_gmatch,
+ --{ subj patt results }
+ { {"ab", lib.new"."}, {{"a",N}, {"b",N} } },
+ { {("abcd"):rep(3), "(.)b.(d)"}, {{"a","d"},{"a","d"},{"a","d"}} },
+ { {"abcd", ".*" }, {{"abcd",N},{"",N} } },--zero-length match
+ { {"abc", "^." }, {{"a",N}} },--anchored pattern
+ }
+local function set_f_split (lib, flg)
+ -- split (s, p, [cf], [ef])
+ local function test_split (subj, patt)
+ local out, guard = {}, 10
+ for a, b, c in lib.split (subj, patt) do
+ table.insert (out, { norm(a), norm(b), norm(c) })
+ guard = guard - 1
+ if guard == 0 then break end
+ end
+ return unpack (out)
+ end
+ return {
+ Name = "Function split",
+ Func = test_split,
+ --{ subj patt results }
+ { {"ab", lib.new","}, {{"ab",N,N}, } },
+ { {"ab", ","}, {{"ab",N,N}, } },
+ { {",", ","}, {{"",",",N}, {"", N, N}, } },
+ { {",,", ","}, {{"",",",N}, {"",",",N}, {"",N,N} } },
+ { {"a,b", ","}, {{"a",",",N}, {"b",N,N}, } },
+ { {",a,b", ","}, {{"",",",N}, {"a",",",N}, {"b",N,N}} },
+ { {"a,b,", ","}, {{"a",",",N}, {"b",",",N}, {"",N,N} } },
+ { {"a,,b", ","}, {{"a",",",N}, {"",",",N}, {"b",N,N}} },
+ { {"ab<78>c", "<(.)(.)>"}, {{"ab","7","8"}, {"c",N,N}, } },
+ { {"abc", "^."}, {{"", "a",N}, {"bc",N,N}, } },--anchored pattern
+ { {"abc", "^"}, {{"", "", N}, {"abc",N,N}, } },
+-- { {"abc", "$"}, {{"abc","",N}, {"",N,N}, } },
+-- { {"abc", "^|$"}, {{"", "", N}, {"abc","",N},{"",N,N},} },
+ }
+local function set_f_find (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Function find",
+ Func = lib.find,
+ -- {subj, patt, st}, { results }
+ { {"abcd", lib.new".+"}, { 1,4 } }, -- [none]
+ { {"abcd", ".+"}, { 1,4 } }, -- [none]
+ { {"abcd", ".+", 2}, { 2,4 } }, -- positive st
+ { {"abcd", ".+", -2}, { 3,4 } }, -- negative st
+ { {"abcd", ".*"}, { 1,4 } }, -- [none]
+ { {"abc", "bc"}, { 2,3 } }, -- [none]
+ { {"abcd", "(.)b.(d)"}, { 1,4,"a","d" }}, -- [captures]
+ }
+local function set_f_match (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Function match",
+ Func = lib.match,
+ -- {subj, patt, st}, { results }
+ { {"abcd", lib.new".+"}, {"abcd"} }, -- [none]
+ { {"abcd", ".+"}, {"abcd"} }, -- [none]
+ { {"abcd", ".+", 2}, {"bcd"} }, -- positive st
+ { {"abcd", ".+", -2}, {"cd"} }, -- negative st
+ { {"abcd", ".*"}, {"abcd"} }, -- [none]
+ { {"abc", "bc"}, {"bc"} }, -- [none]
+ { {"abcd", "(.)b.(d)"}, {"a","d"} }, -- [captures]
+ }
+local function set_m_exec (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Method exec",
+ Method = "exec",
+ --{patt}, {subj, st} { results }
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4,{}} }, -- [none]
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",2}, {2,4,{}} }, -- positive st
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",-2}, {3,4,{}} }, -- negative st
+ { {".*"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4,{}} }, -- [none]
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc"}, {2,3,{}} }, -- [none]
+ { { "(.)b.(d)"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4,{1,1,4,4}}},--[captures]
+ { {"(a+)6+(b+)"}, {"Taa66bbT",2}, {2,7,{2,3,6,7}}},--[st+captures]
+ }
+local function set_m_tfind (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Method tfind",
+ Method = "tfind",
+ --{patt}, {subj, st} { results }
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4,{}} }, -- [none]
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",2}, {2,4,{}} }, -- positive st
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",-2}, {3,4,{}} }, -- negative st
+ { {".*"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4,{}} }, -- [none]
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc"}, {2,3,{}} }, -- [none]
+ { {"(.)b.(d)"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4,{"a","d"}}},--[captures]
+ }
+local function set_m_find (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Method find",
+ Method = "find",
+ --{patt}, {subj, st} { results }
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4} }, -- [none]
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",2}, {2,4} }, -- positive st
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",-2}, {3,4} }, -- negative st
+ { {".*"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4} }, -- [none]
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc"}, {2,3} }, -- [none]
+ { {"(.)b.(d)"}, {"abcd"}, {1,4,"a","d"}},--[captures]
+ }
+local function set_m_match (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Method match",
+ Method = "match",
+ --{patt}, {subj, st} { results }
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd"}, {"abcd"} }, -- [none]
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",2}, {"bcd" } }, -- positive st
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",-2}, {"cd" } }, -- negative st
+ { {".*"}, {"abcd"}, {"abcd"} }, -- [none]
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc"}, {"bc" } }, -- [none]
+ {{ "(.)b.(d)"}, {"abcd"}, {"a","d"} }, --[captures]
+ }
+local function set_f_gsub1 (lib, flg)
+ local subj, pat = "abcdef", "[abef]+"
+ local cpat = lib.new(pat)
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set1",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1, res2, res3 },
+ { {subj, cpat, "", 0}, {subj, 0, 0} }, -- test "n" + empty_replace
+ { {subj, pat, "", 0}, {subj, 0, 0} }, -- test "n" + empty_replace
+ { {subj, pat, "", -1}, {subj, 0, 0} }, -- test "n" + empty_replace
+ { {subj, pat, "", 1}, {"cdef", 1, 1} },
+ { {subj, pat, "", 2}, {"cd", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "", 3}, {"cd", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "" }, {"cd", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "#", 0}, {subj, 0, 0} }, -- test "n" + non-empty_replace
+ { {subj, pat, "#", 1}, {"#cdef", 1, 1} },
+ { {subj, pat, "#", 2}, {"#cd#", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "#", 3}, {"#cd#", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "#" }, {"#cd#", 2, 2} },
+ { {"abc", "^.", "#" }, {"#bc", 1, 1} }, -- anchored pattern
+ }
+local function set_f_gsub2 (lib, flg)
+ local subj, pat = "abc", "([ac])"
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set2",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1, res2, res3 },
+ { {subj, pat, "<%1>" }, {"<a>b<c>", 2, 2} }, -- test non-escaped chars in f
+ { {subj, pat, "%<%1%>" }, {"<a>b<c>", 2, 2} }, -- test escaped chars in f
+ { {subj, pat, "" }, {"b", 2, 2} }, -- test empty replace
+ { {subj, pat, "1" }, {"1b1", 2, 2} }, -- test odd and even %'s in f
+ { {subj, pat, "%1" }, {"abc", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "%%1" }, {"%1b%1", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "%%%1" }, {"%ab%c", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "%%%%1" }, {"%%1b%%1", 2, 2} },
+ { {subj, pat, "%%%%%1" }, {"%%ab%%c", 2, 2} },
+ }
+local function set_f_gsub3 (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set3",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1,res2,res3 },
+ { {"abc", "a", "%0" }, {"abc", 1, 1} }, -- test (in)valid capture index
+ { {"abc", "a", "%1" }, {"abc", 1, 1} },
+ { {"abc", "[ac]", "%1" }, {"abc", 2, 2} },
+ { {"abc", "(a)", "%1" }, {"abc", 1, 1} },
+ { {"abc", "(a)", "%2" }, "invalid capture index" },
+ }
+local function set_f_gsub4 (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set4",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1, res2, res3 },
+ { {"a2c3", ".", "#" }, {"####", 4, 4} }, -- test .
+ { {"a2c3", ".+", "#" }, {"#", 1, 1} }, -- test .+
+ { {"a2c3", ".*", "#" }, {"##", 2, 2} }, -- test .*
+ { {"/* */ */", "\\/\\*(.*)\\*\\/", "#" }, {"#", 1, 1} },
+ { {"a2c3", "[0-9]", "#" }, {"a#c#", 2, 2} }, -- test %d
+ { {"a2c3", "[^0-9]", "#" }, {"#2#3", 2, 2} }, -- test %D
+ { {"a \t\nb", "[ \t\n]", "#" }, {"a###b", 3, 3} }, -- test %s
+ { {"a \t\nb", "[^ \t\n]", "#" }, {"# \t\n#", 2, 2} }, -- test %S
+ }
+local function set_f_gsub5 (lib, flg)
+ local function frep1 () end -- returns nothing
+ local function frep2 () return "#" end -- ignores arguments
+ local function frep3 (...) return table.concat({...}, ",") end -- "normal"
+ local function frep4 () return {} end -- invalid return type
+ local function frep5 () return "7", "a" end -- 2-nd return is "a"
+ local function frep6 () return "7", "break" end -- 2-nd return is "break"
+ local subj = "a2c3"
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set5",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1, res2, res3 },
+ { {subj, "a(.)c(.)", frep1 }, {subj, 1, 0} },
+ { {subj, "a(.)c(.)", frep2 }, {"#", 1, 1} },
+ { {subj, "a(.)c(.)", frep3 }, {"2,3", 1, 1} },
+ { {subj, "a.c.", frep3 }, {subj, 1, 1} },
+ { {subj, "z*", frep1 }, {subj, 5, 0} },
+ { {subj, "z*", frep2 }, {"#a#2#c#3#", 5, 5} },
+ { {subj, "z*", frep3 }, {subj, 5, 5} },
+ { {subj, subj, frep4 }, "invalid return type" },
+ { {"abc",".", frep5 }, {"777", 3, 3} },
+ { {"abc",".", frep6 }, {"777", 3, 3} },
+ }
+local function set_f_gsub6 (lib, flg)
+ local tab1, tab2, tab3 = {}, { ["2"] = 56 }, { ["2"] = {} }
+ local subj = "a2c3"
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set6",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1,res2,res3 },
+ { {subj, "a(.)c(.)", tab1 }, {subj, 1, 0} },
+ { {subj, "a(.)c(.)", tab2 }, {"56", 1, 1} },
+ { {subj, "a(.)c(.)", tab3 }, "invalid replacement type" },
+ { {subj, "a.c.", tab1 }, {subj, 1, 0} },
+ { {subj, "a.c.", tab2 }, {subj, 1, 0} },
+ { {subj, "a.c.", tab3 }, {subj, 1, 0} },
+ }
+local function set_f_gsub8 (lib, flg)
+ local subj, patt, repl = "abcdef", "..", "*"
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set8",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1, res2, res3 },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() end }, {"abcdef", 3, 0} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return nil end }, {"abcdef", 3, 0} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return false end }, {"abcdef", 3, 0} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return true end }, {"***", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return {} end }, {"***", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return "#" end }, {"###", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return 57 end }, {"575757", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function (from) return from end }, {"135", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function (from, to) return to end }, {"246", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function (from,to,rep) return rep end },
+ {"***", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function (from, to, rep) return rep..to..from end },
+ {"*21*43*65", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return nil end }, {"abcdef", 3, 0} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return nil, nil end }, {"abcdef", 3, 0} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return nil, false end }, {"abcdef", 3, 0} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return nil, true end }, {"ab**", 3, 2} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return true, true end }, {"***", 3, 3} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return nil, 0 end }, {"abcdef", 1, 0} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return true, 0 end }, {"*cdef", 1, 1} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return nil, 1 end }, {"ab*ef", 2, 1} },
+ { {subj, patt, repl, function() return true, 1 end }, {"**ef", 2, 2} },
+ }
+return function (libname, isglobal)
+ local lib = isglobal and _G[libname] or require (libname)
+ return {
+ set_f_gmatch (lib),
+ set_f_split (lib),
+ set_f_find (lib),
+ set_f_match (lib),
+ set_m_exec (lib),
+ set_m_tfind (lib),
+ set_m_find (lib),
+ set_m_match (lib),
+ set_f_gsub1 (lib),
+ set_f_gsub2 (lib),
+ set_f_gsub3 (lib),
+ set_f_gsub4 (lib),
+ set_f_gsub5 (lib),
+ set_f_gsub6 (lib),
+ set_f_gsub8 (lib),
+ }
diff --git a/test/lua/glib_sets.lua b/test/lua/glib_sets.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c3f38a483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/glib_sets.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+-- See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE
+local pat2pcre = require "pat2pcre"
+local luatest = require "luatest"
+local N = luatest.NT
+local function norm(a) return a==nil and N or a end
+local function fill (n, m)
+ local t = {}
+ for i = n, m, -1 do table.insert (t, i) end
+ return t
+-- glib doesn't do partial matching return of matches, nor
+-- does it support ovecsize being set through the API
+local function set_m_dfa_exec (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Method dfa_exec for glib",
+ Method = "dfa_exec",
+--{patt,cf,lo}, {subj,st,ef,os,ws} { results }
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd"}, {1,{4,3,2,1},4} }, -- [none]
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",2}, {2,{4,3,2}, 3} }, -- positive st
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",-2}, {3,{4,3}, 2} }, -- negative st
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",5}, {N } }, -- failing st
+ { {".*"}, {"abcd"}, {1,{4,3,2,1,0},5}}, -- [none]
+ { {".*?"}, {"abcd"}, {1,{4,3,2,1,0},5}}, -- non-greedy
+ { {"aBC",flg.CASELESS}, {"abc"}, {1,{3},1} }, -- cf
+ { {"aBC","i" }, {"abc"}, {1,{3},1} }, -- cf
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc"}, {2,{3},1} }, -- [none]
+ { {"bc",flg.ANCHORED}, {"abc"}, {N } }, -- cf
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc",N, flg.ANCHORED}, {N } }, -- ef
+ { { "(.)b.(d)"}, {"abcd"}, {1,{4},1} }, --[captures]
+ { {"abc"}, {"ab"}, {N } },
+ { {"abc"}, {"abc",N,flg.PARTIAL}, {1,{3},1} },
+ { {"abc*"}, {"abcc",N,flg.PARTIAL}, {1,{4,3,2},3} },
+ { {"abc"}, {"ab",N,flg.PARTIAL}, {true} },
+ { {"bc"}, {"ab",N,flg.PARTIAL}, {true} },
+local function get_gsub (lib)
+ return lib.gsub or
+ function (subj, pattern, repl, n)
+ return lib.new (pattern) : gsub (subj, repl, n)
+ end
+-- sadly, glib *always* sets the PCRE_UCP compilation flag, regardless
+-- of REGEX_RAW being set - this is, frankly, a bug in my opinion
+-- but anyway, it means things like '[:alpha:]' and '\w' match things that Lua's
+-- '%a' does not match
+local function set_f_gsub7 (lib, flg)
+ local subj = ""
+ for i = 0, 255 do
+ subj = subj .. string.char (i)
+ end
+ -- This set requires calling prepare_set before calling gsub_test
+ local set = {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set7 for glib",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, },
+ { {subj, "[a-zA-Z]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^a-zA-Z]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%c", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%C", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[a-z]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^a-z]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%d", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%D", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%p", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%P", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "%s", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "%S", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[A-Z]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^A-Z]", "" }, }, -- 10
+ { {subj, "[a-zA-Z0-9]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%x", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%X", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%z", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%Z", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%a]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%A]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%c]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%C]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%D]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%l]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%L]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%p]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%P]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%u]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%U]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%w]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%W]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%x]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%X]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%z]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%Z]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%a_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%A_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%c_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%C_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%l_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%L_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%p_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%P_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%u_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%U_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%w_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%W_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%x_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%X_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%z_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%Z_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%a%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%A%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%c%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%C%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%l%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%L%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%p%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%P%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%u%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%U%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%w%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[%W%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%x%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%X%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%z%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%Z%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%a%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%A%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%c%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%C%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%l%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%L%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%p%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%P%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%u%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%U%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%w%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%W%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%x%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%X%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%z%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%Z%d]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%a_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%A_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%c_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%C_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%l_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%L_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%p_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%P_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%u_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%U_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%w_]", "" }, },
+-- { {subj, "[^%W_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%x_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%X_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%z_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%Z_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "\100", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[\100]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^\100]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[\100-\200]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^\100-\200]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "\100a", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[\100a]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^\100a]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[\100-\200a]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^\100-\200a]", "" }, },
+ }
+ -- fill in reference results
+ for _,v in ipairs(set) do
+ local r0, r1, r2 = pcall (string.gsub, unpack (v[1]))
+ v[2] = r0 and { r1, r2, r2 } or { r0, r1 }
+ end
+ -- convert patterns: lua -> pcre
+ for _, test in ipairs (set) do
+ test[1][2] = pat2pcre (test[1][2])
+ end
+ return set
+return function (libname, isglobal)
+ local lib = isglobal and _G[libname] or require (libname)
+ local flags = lib.flags and lib.flags ()
+ local sets = {
+ set_m_dfa_exec (lib, flags),
+ set_f_gsub7 (lib, flags)
+ }
+ return sets
diff --git a/test/lua/gregex.lua b/test/lua/gregex.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ad04ba6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/gregex.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+-- Tests for GLib Regex functions
+-- written by Hadriel Kaplan, based on Lrexlib's test suite
+-- This is a test script for tshark/wireshark.
+-- This script runs inside tshark/wireshark, so to run it do:
+-- tshark -r empty.cap -X lua_script:<path_to_testdir>/lua/gregex.lua -X lua_script1:glib
+-- if you have to give addtional paths to find the dependent lua files,
+-- use the '-X lua_script1:' syntax to add more arguments
+-- available arguments:
+-- -d<dir> provides path directory for lua include files
+-- -v verbose mode
+-- -V very verbose mode
+-- save args before we do anything else
+local args = {...}
+for i,v in ipairs(args) do
+ print(i.." = "..v)
+local function testing(...)
+ print("---- Testing "..tostring(...).." ----")
+local count = 0
+local function test(name, ...)
+ count = count + 1
+ io.write("test "..name.."-"..count.."...")
+ if (...) == true then
+ io.write("passed\n")
+ io.flush()
+ else
+ io.write("failed!\n")
+ io.flush()
+ error(name.." test failed!")
+ end
+------------- First test some basic stuff to make sure we're sane -----------
+print("Lua version: ".._VERSION)
+testing("Lrexlib GLib Regex library")
+local lib = GRegex
+test("global",_G.GRegex == lib)
+for name, val in pairs(lib) do
+ print("\t"..name.." = "..type(val))
+test("class",type(lib) == 'table')
+test("class",type(lib._VERSION) == 'string')
+test("class",type(lib.find) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.compile_flags) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.match_flags) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.flags) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.gsub) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.gmatch) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.new) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.match) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.split) == 'function')
+test("class",type(lib.version) == 'function')
+testing("info and flags")
+test("typeof",typeof(lib) == 'GRegex')
+print("Glib version = "..lib.version())
+local function getTSize(t)
+ local c = 0
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ -- print(k.." = "..v)
+ c = c + 1
+ end
+ return c
+local flags = lib.flags()
+-- print("size = "..c)
+-- it's 84 for newer GLib, 61 for older
+test("flags", getTSize(flags) > 60)
+test("cflags", getTSize(lib.compile_flags()) > 15)
+test("eflags", getTSize(lib.match_flags()) > 8)
+local results
+local function checkFunc(objname,funcname,...)
+ results = { pcall(objname[funcname],...) }
+ if results[1] then
+ return true
+ end
+ -- print("Got this error: '"..tostring(results[2]).."'")
+ return false
+test("new", checkFunc(lib,"new",".*"))
+test("new", checkFunc(lib,"new",""))
+test("new", checkFunc(lib,"new","(hello|world)"))
+test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new","*"))
+test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new"))
+test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new","(hello|world"))
+test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new","[0-9"))
+-- invalid compile flag
+test("new_err", not checkFunc(lib,"new","[0-9]",flags.PARTIAL))
+local val1 = "hello world foo bar"
+local val2 = "hello wORld FOO bar"
+local patt = "hello (world) (.*) bar"
+local rgx = lib.new(patt)
+local rgx2 = lib.new(patt,flags.CASELESS)
+test("typeof",typeof(rgx) == 'GRegex')
+test("typeof",typeof(rgx2) == 'GRegex')
+test("match", checkFunc(lib,"match", val1,patt, 1, flags.CASELESS) and results[2] == "world" and results[3] == "foo")
+test("match", checkFunc(lib,"match", val2,patt, 1, flags.CASELESS) and results[2] == "wORld" and results[3] == "FOO")
+test("match", checkFunc(lib,"match", val1,rgx) and results[2] == "world" and results[3] == "foo")
+test("match", checkFunc(rgx,"match", rgx,val1) and results[2] == "world" and results[3] == "foo")
+test("match", checkFunc(rgx2,"match", rgx2,val2, 1) and results[2] == "wORld" and results[3] == "FOO")
+-- different offset won't match this pattern
+test("match_err", checkFunc(rgx2,"match", rgx2,val2, 4) and results[2] == nil)
+-- invalid compile flag
+test("match_err", not checkFunc(lib,"match", val1,patt, 1, flags.PARTIAL))
+-- invalid match flag
+test("match_err", not checkFunc(rgx,"match", rgx,val1, 1, flags.CASELESS))
+test("find", checkFunc(lib,"find", val1,patt) and results[2] == 1 and results[3] == val1:len()
+ and results[4] == "world" and results[5] == "foo")
+test("find", checkFunc(lib,"find", val1,rgx) and results[2] == 1 and results[3] == val1:len()
+ and results[4] == "world" and results[5] == "foo")
+test("find", checkFunc(rgx,"find", rgx,val1) and results[2] == 1 and results[3] == val1:len()
+ and results[4] == "world" and results[5] == "foo")
+--checkFunc(rgx,"exec", rgx,val1)
+test("exec", checkFunc(rgx,"exec", rgx,val1) and results[2] == 1 and results[3] == val1:len()
+ and results[4][1] == 7 and results[4][2] == 11 and results[4][3] == 13 and results[4][4] == 15)
+------- OK, we're sane, so run all the library's real tests ---------
+testing("Lrexlib-provided tests")
+-- we're not using the "real" lib name
+local GLIBNAME = "GRegex"
+local isglobal = true
+ local dir
+ for i = 1, select ("#", ...) do
+ local arg = select (i, ...)
+ --print(arg)
+ if arg:sub(1,2) == "-d" then
+ dir = arg:sub(3)
+ end
+ end
+ dir = dir:gsub("[/\\]+$", "")
+ local path = dir .. "/?.lua;"
+ if package.path:sub(1, #path) ~= path then
+ package.path = path .. package.path
+ end
+local luatest = require "luatest"
+-- returns: number of failures
+local function test_library (libname, setfile, verbose, really_verbose)
+ if verbose then
+ print (("[lib: %s; file: %s]"):format (libname, setfile))
+ end
+ local lib = isglobal and _G[libname] or require (libname)
+ local f = require (setfile)
+ local sets = f (libname, isglobal)
+ local n = 0 -- number of failures
+ for _, set in ipairs (sets) do
+ if verbose then
+ print (set.Name or "Unnamed set")
+ end
+ local err = luatest.test_set (set, lib, really_verbose)
+ if verbose then
+ for _,v in ipairs (err) do
+ print ("\nTest " .. v.i)
+ print (" Expected result:\n "..tostring(v))
+ luatest.print_results (v[1], " ")
+ table.remove(v,1)
+ print ("\n Got:")
+ luatest.print_results (v, " ")
+ end
+ end
+ n = n + #err
+ end
+ if verbose then
+ print ""
+ end
+ return n
+local avail_tests = {
+ posix = { lib = "rex_posix", "common_sets", "posix_sets" },
+ gnu = { lib = "rex_gnu", "common_sets", "emacs_sets", "gnu_sets" },
+ oniguruma = { lib = "rex_onig", "common_sets", "oniguruma_sets", },
+ pcre = { lib = "rex_pcre", "common_sets", "pcre_sets", "pcre_sets2", },
+ glib = { lib = GLIBNAME, "common_sets", "pcre_sets", "pcre_sets2", "glib_sets" },
+ spencer = { lib = "rex_spencer", "common_sets", "posix_sets", "spencer_sets" },
+ tre = { lib = "rex_tre", "common_sets", "posix_sets", "spencer_sets", --[["tre_sets"]] },
+ local verbose, really_verbose, tests, nerr = false, false, {}, 0
+ local dir
+ -- check arguments
+ for i = 1, select ("#", ...) do
+ local arg = select (i, ...)
+ --print(arg)
+ if arg:sub(1,1) == "-" then
+ if arg == "-v" then
+ verbose = true
+ elseif arg == "-V" then
+ verbose = true
+ really_verbose = true
+ elseif arg:sub(1,2) == "-d" then
+ dir = arg:sub(3)
+ end
+ else
+ if avail_tests[arg] then
+ tests[#tests+1] = avail_tests[arg]
+ else
+ error ("invalid argument: [" .. arg .. "]")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assert (#tests > 0, "no library specified")
+ -- give priority to libraries located in the specified directory
+ if dir and not isglobal then
+ dir = dir:gsub("[/\\]+$", "")
+ for _, ext in ipairs {"dll", "so", "dylib"} do
+ if package.cpath:match ("%?%." .. ext) then
+ local cpath = dir .. "/?." .. ext .. ";"
+ if package.cpath:sub(1, #cpath) ~= cpath then
+ package.cpath = cpath .. package.cpath
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- do tests
+ for _, test in ipairs (tests) do
+ package.loaded[test.lib] = nil -- to force-reload the tested library
+ for _, setfile in ipairs (test) do
+ nerr = nerr + test_library (test.lib, setfile, verbose, really_verbose)
+ end
+ end
+ print ("Total number of failures: " .. nerr)
+ assert(nerr == 0, "Test failed!")
+print("All tests passed!\n\n")
diff --git a/test/lua/luatest.lua b/test/lua/luatest.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..617329c9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/luatest.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+-- See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE
+-- arrays: deep comparison
+local function eq (t1, t2, lut)
+ if t1 == t2 then return true end
+ if type(t1) ~= "table" or type(t2) ~= "table" or #t1 ~= #t2 then
+ return false
+ end
+ lut = lut or {} -- look-up table: are these 2 arrays already compared?
+ lut[t1] = lut[t1] or {}
+ if lut[t1][t2] then return true end
+ lut[t2] = lut[t2] or {}
+ lut[t1][t2], lut[t2][t1] = true, true
+ for k,v in ipairs (t1) do
+ if not eq (t2[k], v, lut) then return false end -- recursion
+ end
+ return true
+-- a "nil GUID", to be used instead of nils in datasets
+local NT = "b5f74fe5-46f4-483a-8321-e58ba2fa0e17"
+-- pack vararg in table, replacing nils with "NT" items
+local function packNT (...)
+ local t = {}
+ for i=1, select ("#", ...) do
+ local v = select (i, ...)
+ t[i] = (v == nil) and NT or v
+ end
+ return t
+-- unpack table into vararg, replacing "NT" items with nils
+local function unpackNT (t)
+ local len = #t
+ local function unpack_from (i)
+ local v = t[i]
+ if v == NT then v = nil end
+ if i == len then return v end
+ return v, unpack_from (i+1)
+ end
+ if len > 0 then return unpack_from (1) end
+-- print results (deep into arrays)
+local function print_results (val, indent, lut)
+ indent = indent or ""
+ lut = lut or {} -- look-up table
+ local str = tostring (val)
+ if type (val) == "table" then
+ if lut[val] then
+ io.write (indent, str, "\n")
+ else
+ lut[val] = true
+ io.write (indent, str, "\n")
+ for i,v in ipairs (val) do
+ print_results (v, " " .. indent, lut) -- recursion
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ io.write (indent, val == NT and "nil" or str, "\n")
+ end
+-- returns:
+-- 1) true, if success; false, if failure
+-- 2) test results table or error_message
+local function test_function (test, func)
+ local res
+ local t = packNT (pcall (func, unpackNT (test[1])))
+ if t[1] then
+ table.remove (t, 1)
+ res = t
+ if alien then
+ local subject = test[1][1]
+ local buf = alien.buffer (#subject)
+ if #subject > 0 then
+ alien.memmove (buf:topointer (), subject, #subject)
+ end
+ test[1][1] = buf
+ local t = packNT (pcall (func, unpackNT (test[1])))
+ if t[1] then
+ table.remove (t, 1)
+ res = t
+ else
+ print "alien test failed"
+ res = t[2] --> error_message
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ res = t[2] --> error_message
+ end
+ local how = (type (res) == type (test[2])) and
+ (type (res) == "string" or eq (res, test[2])) -- allow error messages to differ
+ return how, res
+-- returns:
+-- 1) true, if success; false, if failure
+-- 2) test results table or error_message
+-- 3) test results table or error_message
+local function test_method (test, constructor, name)
+ local res1, res2
+ local subject = test[2][1]
+ local ok, r = pcall (constructor, unpackNT (test[1]))
+ if ok then
+ local t = packNT (pcall (r[name], r, unpackNT (test[2])))
+ if t[1] then
+ table.remove (t, 1)
+ res1, res2 = t
+ else
+ res1, res2 = 2, t[2] --> 2, error_message
+ end
+ else
+ res1, res2 = 1, r --> 1, error_message
+ end
+ return eq (res1, test[3]), res1, res2
+-- returns: a list of failed tests
+local function test_set (set, lib, verbose)
+ local list = {}
+ if type (set.Func) == "function" then
+ local func = set.Func
+ for i,test in ipairs (set) do
+ if verbose then
+ io.write (" running function test "..i.."...")
+ io.flush ()
+ end
+ local ok, res = test_function (test, func)
+ if not ok then
+ if verbose then io.stdout:write("failed!\n") end
+ table.insert (list, {i=i, test[2], res})
+ elseif verbose then
+ io.write ("passed\n")
+ io.flush ()
+ end
+ end
+ elseif type (set.Method) == "string" then
+ for i,test in ipairs (set) do
+ if verbose then
+ io.write (" running method test "..i.."...")
+ io.flush ()
+ end
+ local ok, res1, res2 = test_method (test, lib.new, set.Method)
+ if not ok then
+ if verbose then io.stdout:write("failed!\n") end
+ table.insert (list, {i=i, test[3], res1, res2})
+ elseif verbose then
+ io.write ("passed\n")
+ io.flush ()
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ error ("neither set.Func nor set.Method is valid")
+ end
+ return list
+return {
+ eq = eq,
+ NT = NT,
+ print_results = print_results,
+ test_function = test_function,
+ test_method = test_method,
+ test_set = test_set,
diff --git a/test/lua/pat2pcre.lua b/test/lua/pat2pcre.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2d60a443b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/pat2pcre.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+-- See Copyright Notice in the file lrexlib.h
+-- Convert Lua regex pattern to its PCRE equivalent.
+local t_esc = {
+ a = "[:alpha:]",
+ A = "[:^alpha:]",
+ c = "[:cntrl:]",
+ C = "[:^cntrl:]",
+ d = "[:digit:]",
+ D = "[:^digit:]",
+ l = "[:lower:]",
+ L = "[:^lower:]",
+ p = "[:punct:]",
+ P = "[:^punct:]",
+ s = "[:space:]",
+ S = "[:^space:]",
+ u = "[:upper:]",
+ U = "[:^upper:]",
+ w = "[:alnum:]",
+ W = "[:^alnum:]",
+ x = "[:xdigit:]",
+ X = "[:^xdigit:]",
+ z = "\\x00",
+ Z = "\\x01-\\xFF",
+local function rep_normal (ch)
+ assert (ch ~= "b", "\"%b\" subpattern is not supported")
+ assert (ch ~= "0", "invalid capture index")
+ local v = t_esc[ch]
+ return v and ("[" .. v .. "]") or ("\\" .. ch)
+local function rep_charclass (ch)
+ return t_esc[ch] or ("\\" .. ch)
+function pat2pcre (s)
+ local ind = 0
+ local function getc ()
+ ind = ind + 1
+ return string.sub (s, ind, ind)
+ end
+ local function getnum ()
+ local num = string.match (s, "^\\(%d%d?%d?)", ind)
+ if num then
+ ind = ind + #num
+ return string.format ("\\x%02X", num)
+ end
+ end
+ local out, state = "", "normal"
+ while ind < #s do
+ local ch = getc ()
+ if state == "normal" then
+ if ch == "%" then
+ out = out .. rep_normal (getc ())
+ elseif ch == "-" then
+ out = out .. "*?"
+ elseif ch == "." then
+ out = out .. "\\C"
+ elseif ch == "[" then
+ out = out .. ch
+ state = "charclass"
+ else
+ local num = getnum ()
+ out = num and (out .. num) or (out .. ch)
+ end
+ elseif state == "charclass" then
+ if ch == "%" then
+ out = out .. rep_charclass (getc ())
+ elseif ch == "]" then
+ out = out .. ch
+ state = "normal"
+ else
+ local num = getnum ()
+ out = num and (out .. num) or (out .. ch)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return out
+return pat2pcre
diff --git a/test/lua/pcre_sets.lua b/test/lua/pcre_sets.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d1e50390cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/pcre_sets.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+-- See Copyright Notice in the file lrexlib.h
+local luatest = require "luatest"
+local N = luatest.NT
+local function norm(a) return a==nil and N or a end
+local function fill (n, m)
+ local t = {}
+ for i = n, m, -1 do table.insert (t, i) end
+ return t
+local function set_named_subpatterns (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Named Subpatterns",
+ Func = function (subj, methodname, patt, name1, name2)
+ local r = lib.new (patt)
+ local _,_,caps = r[methodname] (r, subj)
+ return norm(caps[name1]), norm(caps[name2])
+ end,
+ --{} N.B. subject is always first element
+ { {"abcd", "tfind", "(?P<dog>.)b.(?P<cat>d)", "dog", "cat"}, {"a","d"} },
+ { {"abcd", "exec", "(?P<dog>.)b.(?P<cat>d)", "dog", "cat"}, {"a","d"} },
+ }
+local function set_f_find (lib, flg)
+ local cp1251 =
+ "ÀÁÂÃÄŨÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÜÛÚÝÞßàáâãäå¸æçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùüûúýþÿ"
+ local loc = "Russian_Russia.1251"
+ return {
+ Name = "Function find",
+ Func = lib.find,
+ --{subj, patt, st,cf,ef,lo}, { results }
+ { {"abcd", ".+", 5}, { N } }, -- failing st
+ { {"abcd", ".*?"}, { 1,0 } }, -- non-greedy
+ { {"abc", "aBC", N,flg.CASELESS}, { 1,3 } }, -- cf
+ { {"abc", "aBC", N,"i" }, { 1,3 } }, -- cf
+ { {"abc", "bc", N,flg.ANCHORED}, { N } }, -- cf
+ { {"abc", "bc", N,N,flg.ANCHORED}, { N } }, -- ef
+--{ {cp1251, "[[:upper:]]+", N,N,N, loc}, { 1,33} }, -- locale
+--{ {cp1251, "[[:lower:]]+", N,N,N, loc}, {34,66} }, -- locale
+local function set_f_match (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Function match",
+ Func = lib.match,
+ --{subj, patt, st,cf,ef,lo}, { results }
+ { {"abcd", ".+", 5}, { N }}, -- failing st
+ { {"abcd", ".*?"}, { "" }}, -- non-greedy
+ { {"abc", "aBC", N,flg.CASELESS}, {"abc" }}, -- cf
+ { {"abc", "aBC", N,"i" }, {"abc" }}, -- cf
+ { {"abc", "bc", N,flg.ANCHORED}, { N }}, -- cf
+ { {"abc", "bc", N,N,flg.ANCHORED}, { N }}, -- ef
+local function set_f_gmatch (lib, flg)
+ -- gmatch (s, p, [cf], [ef])
+ local pCSV = "(^[^,]*)|,([^,]*)"
+ local F = false
+ local function test_gmatch (subj, patt)
+ local out, guard = {}, 10
+ for a, b in lib.gmatch (subj, patt) do
+ table.insert (out, { norm(a), norm(b) })
+ guard = guard - 1
+ if guard == 0 then break end
+ end
+ return unpack (out)
+ end
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gmatch",
+ Func = test_gmatch,
+ --{ subj patt results }
+ { {"a\0c", "." }, {{"a",N},{"\0",N},{"c",N}} },--nuls in subj
+ { {"", pCSV}, {{"",F}} },
+ { {"12", pCSV}, {{"12",F}} },
+ { {",", pCSV}, {{"", F},{F,""}} },
+ { {"12,,45", pCSV}, {{"12",F},{F,""},{F,"45"}} },
+ { {",,12,45,,ab,", pCSV}, {{"",F},{F,""},{F,"12"},{F,"45"},{F,""},{F,"ab"},{F,""}} },
+ }
+local function set_f_split (lib, flg)
+ -- split (s, p, [cf], [ef])
+ local function test_split (subj, patt)
+ local out, guard = {}, 10
+ for a, b, c in lib.split (subj, patt) do
+ table.insert (out, { norm(a), norm(b), norm(c) })
+ guard = guard - 1
+ if guard == 0 then break end
+ end
+ return unpack (out)
+ end
+ return {
+ Name = "Function split",
+ Func = test_split,
+ --{ subj patt results }
+ { {"a,\0,c", ","}, {{"a",",",N},{"\0",",",N},{"c",N,N}, } },--nuls in subj
+ { {"ab", "$"}, {{"ab","",N}, {"",N,N}, } },
+ { {"ab", "^|$"}, {{"", "", N}, {"ab","",N}, {"",N,N}, } },
+ { {"ab45ab","(?<=ab).*?"}, {{"ab","",N}, {"45ab","",N},{"",N,N}, } },
+ { {"ab", "\\b"}, {{"", "", N}, {"ab","",N}, {"",N,N}, } },
+ }
+local function set_m_exec (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Method exec",
+ Method = "exec",
+--{patt,cf,lo}, {subj,st,ef} { results }
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",5}, { N } }, -- failing st
+ { {".*?"}, {"abcd"}, {1,0,{}} }, -- non-greedy
+ { {"aBC",flg.CASELESS}, {"abc"}, {1,3,{}} }, -- cf
+ { {"aBC","i" }, {"abc"}, {1,3,{}} }, -- cf
+ { {"bc",flg.ANCHORED}, {"abc"}, { N } }, -- cf
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc",N, flg.ANCHORED}, { N } }, -- ef
+local function set_m_tfind (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Method tfind",
+ Method = "tfind",
+--{patt,cf,lo}, {subj,st,ef} { results }
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",5}, { N } }, -- failing st
+ { {".*?"}, {"abcd"}, {1,0,{}} }, -- non-greedy
+ { {"aBC",flg.CASELESS}, {"abc"}, {1,3,{}} }, -- cf
+ { {"aBC","i" }, {"abc"}, {1,3,{}} }, -- cf
+ { {"bc",flg.ANCHORED}, {"abc"}, { N } }, -- cf
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc",N, flg.ANCHORED}, { N } }, -- ef
+local function set_m_dfa_exec (lib, flg)
+ return {
+ Name = "Method dfa_exec",
+ Method = "dfa_exec",
+--{patt,cf,lo}, {subj,st,ef,os,ws} { results }
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd"}, {1,{4,3,2,1},4} }, -- [none]
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",2}, {2,{4,3,2}, 3} }, -- positive st
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",-2}, {3,{4,3}, 2} }, -- negative st
+ { {".+"}, {"abcd",5}, {N } }, -- failing st
+ { {".*"}, {"abcd"}, {1,{4,3,2,1,0},5}}, -- [none]
+ { {".*?"}, {"abcd"}, {1,{4,3,2,1,0},5}}, -- non-greedy
+ { {"aBC",flg.CASELESS}, {"abc"}, {1,{3},1} }, -- cf
+ { {"aBC","i" }, {"abc"}, {1,{3},1} }, -- cf
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc"}, {2,{3},1} }, -- [none]
+ { {"bc",flg.ANCHORED}, {"abc"}, {N } }, -- cf
+ { {"bc"}, {"abc",N, flg.ANCHORED}, {N } }, -- ef
+ { { "(.)b.(d)"}, {"abcd"}, {1,{4},1} }, --[captures]
+ { {"abc"}, {"ab"}, {N } },
+ { {"abc"}, {"ab",N,flg.PARTIAL}, {1,{2},flg.ERROR_PARTIAL} },
+ { {".+"}, {string.rep("a",50),N,N,50,50}, {1, fill(50,26), 0}},-- small ovecsize
+return function (libname, isglobal)
+ local lib = isglobal and _G[libname] or require (libname)
+ local flags = lib.flags ()
+ local sets = {
+ set_f_match (lib, flags),
+ set_f_find (lib, flags),
+ set_f_gmatch (lib, flags),
+ set_f_split (lib, flags),
+ set_m_exec (lib, flags),
+ set_m_tfind (lib, flags),
+ }
+ if flags.MAJOR >= 4 then
+ table.insert (sets, set_named_subpatterns (lib, flags))
+ end
+ if flags.MAJOR >= 6 then
+ table.insert (sets, set_m_dfa_exec (lib, flags))
+ end
+ return sets
diff --git a/test/lua/pcre_sets2.lua b/test/lua/pcre_sets2.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c0c8d7a5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/pcre_sets2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+-- See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE
+local pat2pcre = require "pat2pcre"
+local function get_gsub (lib)
+ return lib.gsub or
+ function (subj, pattern, repl, n)
+ return lib.new (pattern) : gsub (subj, repl, n)
+ end
+local function set_f_gsub1 (lib, flg)
+ local subj, pat = "abcdef", "[abef]+"
+ return {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set1",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1, res2, res3 },
+ { {"a\0c", ".", "#" }, {"###", 3, 3} }, -- subj contains nuls
+ }
+local function set_f_gsub4 (lib, flg)
+ local pCSV = "(^[^,]*)|,([^,]*)"
+ local fCSV = function (a,b) return "["..(a or b).."]" end
+ local set = {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set4",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, res1, res2, res3 },
+ { {"/* */ */", "%/%*(.*)%*%/", "#" }, {"#", 1, 1} },
+ { {"a2c3", ".-", "#" }, {"#########", 9, 9} }, -- test .-
+ { {"/**/", "%/%*(.-)%*%/", "#" }, {"#", 1, 1} },
+ { {"/* */ */", "%/%*(.-)%*%/", "#" }, {"# */", 1, 1} },
+ { {"a2c3", "%d", "#" }, {"a#c#", 2, 2} }, -- test %d
+ { {"a2c3", "%D", "#" }, {"#2#3", 2, 2} }, -- test %D
+ { {"a \t\nb", "%s", "#" }, {"a###b", 3, 3} }, -- test %s
+ { {"a \t\nb", "%S", "#" }, {"# \t\n#", 2, 2} }, -- test %S
+ { {"abcd", "\\b", "%1"}, {"abcd", 2, 2} },
+ { {"", pCSV,fCSV}, {"[]", 1, 1} },
+ { {"123", pCSV,fCSV}, {"[123]", 1, 1} },
+ { {",", pCSV,fCSV}, {"[][]", 2, 2} },
+ { {"123,,456", pCSV,fCSV}, {"[123][][456]", 3, 3}},
+ { {",,123,456,,abc,789,", pCSV,fCSV}, {"[][][123][456][][abc][789][]", 8, 8}},
+ }
+ -- convert patterns: lua -> pcre
+ for _, test in ipairs (set) do
+ test[1][2] = pat2pcre (test[1][2])
+ end
+ return set
+local function set_f_gsub7 (lib, flg)
+ local subj = ""
+ for i = 0, 255 do
+ subj = subj .. string.char (i)
+ end
+ -- This set requires calling prepare_set before calling gsub_test
+ local set = {
+ Name = "Function gsub, set7",
+ Func = get_gsub (lib),
+ --{ s, p, f, n, },
+ { {subj, "%a", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%A", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%c", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%C", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%l", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%L", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%p", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%P", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%u", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%U", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%w", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%W", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%x", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%X", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%z", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "%Z", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%a]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%A]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%c]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%C]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%l]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%L]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%p]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%P]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%u]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%U]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%w]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%W]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%x]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%X]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%z]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%Z]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%a_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%A_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%c_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%C_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%l_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%L_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%p_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%P_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%u_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%U_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%w_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%W_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%x_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%X_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%z_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%Z_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%a%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%A%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%c%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%C%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%l%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%L%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%p%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%P%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%u%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%U%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%w%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%W%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%x%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%X%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%z%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[%Z%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%a%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%A%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%c%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%C%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%l%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%L%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%p%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%P%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%u%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%U%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%w%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%W%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%x%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%X%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%z%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%Z%d]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%a_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%A_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%c_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%C_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%l_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%L_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%p_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%P_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%u_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%U_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%w_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%W_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%x_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%X_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%z_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^%Z_]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "\100", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[\100]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^\100]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[\100-\200]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^\100-\200]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "\100a", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[\100a]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^\100a]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[\100-\200a]", "" }, },
+ { {subj, "[^\100-\200a]", "" }, },
+ }
+ -- fill in reference results
+ for _,v in ipairs(set) do
+ local r0, r1, r2 = pcall (string.gsub, unpack (v[1]))
+ v[2] = r0 and { r1, r2, r2 } or { r0, r1 }
+ end
+ -- convert patterns: lua -> pcre
+ for _, test in ipairs (set) do
+ test[1][2] = pat2pcre (test[1][2])
+ end
+ return set
+return function (libname, isglobal)
+ local lib = isglobal and _G[libname] or require (libname)
+ local flags = lib.flags and lib.flags ()
+ local sets = {
+ set_f_gsub1 (lib, flags),
+ set_f_gsub4 (lib, flags),
+ }
+ if flags.MAJOR*100 + flags.MINOR > 405 then
+ table.insert (sets, set_f_gsub7 (lib, flags))
+ end
+ return sets
diff --git a/test/suite-wslua.sh b/test/suite-wslua.sh
index 20b97f96ab..f734f41aea 100755
--- a/test/suite-wslua.sh
+++ b/test/suite-wslua.sh
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ wslua_step_args_test() {
-unittests_step_globals_test() {
+wslua_step_globals_test() {
if [ $HAVE_LUA -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -218,6 +218,22 @@ unittests_step_globals_test() {
+wslua_step_gregex_test() {
+ if [ $HAVE_LUA -ne 0 ]; then
+ test_step_skipped
+ return
+ fi
+ # Tshark catches lua script failures, so we have to parse the output.
+ $TSHARK -r $CAPTURE_DIR/empty.pcap -X lua_script:$TESTS_DIR/lua/gregex.lua -X lua_script1:-d$TESTS_DIR/lua/ -X lua_script1:glib -X lua_script1:-V > testout.txt 2>&1
+ if grep -q "All tests passed!" testout.txt; then
+ test_step_ok
+ else
+ cat testout.txt
+ test_step_failed "didn't find pass marker"
+ fi
wslua_step_struct_test() {
if [ $HAVE_LUA -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -244,7 +260,8 @@ wslua_suite() {
test_step_set_post wslua_cleanup_step
test_step_add "wslua dissector" wslua_step_dissector_test
test_step_add "wslua field/fieldinfo" wslua_step_field_test
- test_step_add "wslua globals" unittests_step_globals_test
+ test_step_add "wslua globals" wslua_step_globals_test
+ test_step_add "wslua gregex" wslua_step_gregex_test
test_step_add "wslua int64" wslua_step_int64_test
test_step_add "wslua listener" wslua_step_listener_test
test_step_add "wslua nstime" wslua_step_nstime_test