diff options
4 files changed, 445 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/Makefile.common b/epan/dissectors/Makefile.common
index de763ee9a2..8b893c77bd 100644
--- a/epan/dissectors/Makefile.common
+++ b/epan/dissectors/Makefile.common
@@ -601,6 +601,7 @@ DISSECTOR_SRC = \
packet-jabber.c \
packet-jmirror.c \
packet-jpeg.c \
+ packet-json.c \
packet-juniper.c \
packet-jxta.c \
packet-k12.c \
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/packet-json.c b/epan/dissectors/packet-json.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d0c856f880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/packet-json.c
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+/* packet-json.c
+ * Routines for JSON dissection
+ * References:
+ * RFC 4627: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4627
+ * Website: http://json.org/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, Jakub Zawadzki <darkjames@darkjames.ath.cx>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <epan/emem.h>
+#include <epan/packet.h>
+#include <epan/tvbparse.h>
+static gint proto_json = -1;
+static gint ett_json = -1;
+static gint ett_json_array = -1;
+static gint ett_json_object = -1;
+static gint ett_json_member = -1;
+static gint hf_json_array = -1;
+static gint hf_json_object = -1;
+static gint hf_json_member = -1;
+/* XXX, static gint hf_json_member_key = -1; */
+static gint hf_json_value_string = -1;
+static gint hf_json_value_number = -1;
+static gint hf_json_value_false = -1;
+static gint hf_json_value_null = -1;
+static gint hf_json_value_true = -1;
+static tvbparse_wanted_t* want;
+static tvbparse_wanted_t* want_ignore;
+static dissector_handle_t text_lines_handle;
+typedef enum {
+ /* not really tokens ... */
+} json_token_type_t;
+typedef struct {
+ ep_stack_t stack;
+} json_parser_data_t;
+static void
+dissect_json(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
+ proto_tree *json_tree = NULL;
+ proto_item *ti = NULL;
+ json_parser_data_t parser_data;
+ tvbparse_t *tt;
+ const char *data_name;
+ int offset;
+ data_name = pinfo->match_string;
+ if (!(data_name && data_name[0])) {
+ /*
+ * No information from "match_string"
+ */
+ data_name = (char *)(pinfo->private_data);
+ if (!(data_name && data_name[0])) {
+ /*
+ * No information from "private_data"
+ */
+ data_name = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tree) {
+ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_json, tvb, 0, -1, FALSE);
+ json_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_json);
+ if (data_name)
+ proto_item_append_text(ti, ": %s", data_name);
+ }
+ offset = 0;
+ parser_data.stack = ep_stack_new();
+ ep_stack_push(parser_data.stack, json_tree);
+ tt = tvbparse_init(tvb, offset, -1, &parser_data, want_ignore);
+ /* XXX, only one json in packet? */
+ while ((tvbparse_get(tt, want)))
+ ;
+ offset = tvbparse_curr_offset(tt);
+ proto_item_set_len(ti, offset);
+ /* if we have some unparsed data, pass to data-text-lines dissector (?) */
+ if (tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset) != 0) {
+ int datalen, reported_datalen;
+ tvbuff_t *next_tvb;
+ datalen = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
+ reported_datalen = tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
+ next_tvb = tvb_new_subset(tvb, offset, datalen, reported_datalen);
+ call_dissector(text_lines_handle, next_tvb, pinfo, tree);
+ } else if (data_name) {
+ col_append_sep_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " ", "(%s)", data_name);
+ }
+static void before_object(void *tvbparse_data, const void *wanted_data _U_, tvbparse_elem_t *tok) {
+ json_parser_data_t *data = (json_parser_data_t *) tvbparse_data;
+ proto_tree *tree = ep_stack_peek(data->stack);
+ proto_tree *subtree;
+ proto_item *ti;
+ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_json_object, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, FALSE);
+ subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_json_object);
+ ep_stack_push(data->stack, subtree);
+static void after_object(void *tvbparse_data, const void *wanted_data _U_, tvbparse_elem_t *elem _U_) {
+ json_parser_data_t *data = (json_parser_data_t *) tvbparse_data;
+ ep_stack_pop(data->stack);
+static void before_member(void *tvbparse_data, const void *wanted_data _U_, tvbparse_elem_t *tok) {
+ json_parser_data_t *data = (json_parser_data_t *) tvbparse_data;
+ proto_tree *tree = ep_stack_peek(data->stack);
+ proto_tree *subtree;
+ proto_item *ti;
+ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_json_member, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, FALSE);
+ subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_json_member);
+ ep_stack_push(data->stack, subtree);
+static void after_member(void *tvbparse_data, const void *wanted_data _U_, tvbparse_elem_t *tok) {
+ json_parser_data_t *data = (json_parser_data_t *) tvbparse_data;
+ proto_tree *tree = ep_stack_pop(data->stack);
+ if (tree) {
+ tvbparse_elem_t *key_tok = tok->sub;
+ if (key_tok && key_tok->id == JSON_TOKEN_STRING) {
+ char *key = tvb_get_ephemeral_string(key_tok->tvb, key_tok->offset, key_tok->len);
+ proto_item_append_text(tree, " Key: %s", key);
+ }
+ /* XXX, hf_json_member_key */
+ }
+static void before_array(void *tvbparse_data, const void *wanted_data _U_, tvbparse_elem_t *tok) {
+ json_parser_data_t *data = (json_parser_data_t *) tvbparse_data;
+ proto_tree *tree = ep_stack_peek(data->stack);
+ proto_tree *subtree;
+ proto_item *ti;
+ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_json_array, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, FALSE);
+ subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_json_array);
+ ep_stack_push(data->stack, subtree);
+static void after_array(void *tvbparse_data, const void *wanted_data _U_, tvbparse_elem_t *elem _U_) {
+ json_parser_data_t *data = (json_parser_data_t *) tvbparse_data;
+ ep_stack_pop(data->stack);
+static void after_value(void *tvbparse_data, const void *wanted_data _U_, tvbparse_elem_t *tok) {
+ json_parser_data_t *data = (json_parser_data_t *) tvbparse_data;
+ proto_tree *tree = ep_stack_peek(data->stack);
+ json_token_type_t value_id = JSON_TOKEN_INVALID;
+ if (tok->sub)
+ value_id = tok->sub->id;
+ switch (value_id) {
+ if (tok->len >= 2) {
+ char *str = ep_alloc(tok->len - 1);
+ /* XXX, for now only strip quotes, later we can unescape string */
+ tvb_memcpy(tok->tvb, str, tok->offset + 1, tok->len - 2);
+ str[tok->len - 2] = '\0';
+ proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_json_value_string, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, str);
+ } else
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_json_value_string, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, FALSE);
+ break;
+ /* XXX, convert to number */
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_json_value_number, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, FALSE);
+ break;
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_json_value_false, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, FALSE);
+ break;
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_json_value_null, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, FALSE);
+ break;
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_json_value_true, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ /* already added */
+ break;
+ default:
+ proto_tree_add_text(tree, tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len, "%s", tvb_format_text(tok->tvb, tok->offset, tok->len));
+ break;
+ }
+static void init_json_parser(void) {
+ static tvbparse_wanted_t _want_object;
+ static tvbparse_wanted_t _want_array;
+ tvbparse_wanted_t *want_object, *want_array;
+ tvbparse_wanted_t *want_member;
+ tvbparse_wanted_t *want_string;
+ tvbparse_wanted_t *want_number, *want_int;
+ tvbparse_wanted_t *want_value;
+ tvbparse_wanted_t *want_value_separator;
+#define tvbparse_optional(id, private_data, before_cb, after_cb, wanted) \
+ tvbparse_some(id, 0, 1, private_data, before_cb, after_cb, wanted)
+ want_string = tvbparse_quoted(JSON_TOKEN_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, '\"', '\\');
+ want_value_separator = tvbparse_char(-1, ",", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ /* int = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT ) */
+ want_int = tvbparse_set_oneof(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_char(-1, "0", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ tvbparse_set_seq(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_chars(-1, 1, 1, "123456789", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ tvbparse_optional(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* tvbparse_chars() don't respect 0 as min_len ;/ */
+ tvbparse_chars(-1, 0, 0, "0123456789", NULL, NULL, NULL)),
+ NULL),
+ NULL);
+ /* number = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ] */
+ want_number = tvbparse_set_seq(JSON_TOKEN_NUMBER, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_optional(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* tvbparse_chars() don't respect 0 as min_len ;/ */
+ tvbparse_chars(-1, 0, 1, "-", NULL, NULL, NULL)),
+ want_int,
+ /* frac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT */
+ tvbparse_optional(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_set_seq(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_char(-1, ".", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ tvbparse_chars(-1, 1, 0, "0123456789", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ NULL)),
+ /* exp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT */
+ tvbparse_optional(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_set_seq(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_char(-1, "eE", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ tvbparse_optional(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* tvbparse_chars() don't respect 0 as min_len ;/ */
+ tvbparse_chars(-1, 0, 1, "-+", NULL, NULL, NULL)),
+ tvbparse_chars(-1, 1, 0, "0123456789", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ NULL)),
+ NULL);
+ /* value = false / null / true / object / array / number / string */
+ want_value = tvbparse_set_oneof(-1, NULL, NULL, after_value,
+ tvbparse_string(JSON_TOKEN_FALSE, "false", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ tvbparse_string(JSON_TOKEN_NULL, "null", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ tvbparse_string(JSON_TOKEN_TRUE, "true", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ &_want_object,
+ &_want_array,
+ want_number,
+ want_string,
+ NULL);
+ /* array = begin-array [ value *( value-separator value ) ] end-array */
+ want_array = tvbparse_set_seq(JSON_ARRAY, NULL, before_array, after_array,
+ tvbparse_char(-1, "[", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ tvbparse_optional(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_set_seq(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ want_value,
+ tvbparse_some(-1, 0, G_MAXINT, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_set_seq(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ want_value_separator,
+ want_value,
+ NULL)),
+ ),
+ tvbparse_char(-1, "]", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ NULL);
+ _want_array = *want_array;
+ /* member = string name-separator value */
+ want_member = tvbparse_set_seq(-1, NULL, before_member, after_member,
+ want_string,
+ tvbparse_char(-1, ":", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ want_value,
+ NULL);
+ /* object = begin-object [ member *( value-separator member ) ] end-object */
+ want_object = tvbparse_set_seq(JSON_OBJECT, NULL, before_object, after_object,
+ tvbparse_char(-1, "{", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ tvbparse_optional(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_set_seq(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ want_member,
+ tvbparse_some(-1, 0, G_MAXINT, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ tvbparse_set_seq(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ want_value_separator,
+ want_member,
+ NULL)),
+ ),
+ tvbparse_char(-1, "}", NULL, NULL, NULL),
+ NULL);
+ _want_object = *want_object;
+ want_ignore = tvbparse_chars(-1, 1, 0, " \t\r\n", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ /* JSON-text = object / array */
+ want = tvbparse_set_oneof(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ want_object,
+ want_array,
+ /* tvbparse_not_chars(-1, 1, 0, " \t\r\n", NULL, NULL, NULL), */
+ NULL);
+ /* XXX, heur? */
+proto_register_json(void) {
+ static gint *ett[] = {
+ &ett_json,
+ &ett_json_array,
+ &ett_json_object,
+ &ett_json_member
+ };
+ static hf_register_info hf[] = {
+ { &hf_json_array,
+ { "Array", "json.array", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "JSON array", HFILL }
+ },
+ { &hf_json_object,
+ { "Object", "json.object", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "JSON object", HFILL }
+ },
+ { &hf_json_member,
+ { "Member", "json.member", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "JSON object member", HFILL },
+ },
+/* XXX
+ { &hf_json_member_key,
+ { "Key", "json.member.key", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL },
+ },
+ { &hf_json_value_string, /* FT_STRINGZ? */
+ { "String value", "json.value.string", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "JSON string value", HFILL },
+ },
+ { &hf_json_value_number, /* FT_DOUBLE/ FT_INT64? */
+ { "Number value", "json.value.number", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "JSON number value", HFILL },
+ },
+ { &hf_json_value_false,
+ { "False value", "json.value.false", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "JSON false value", HFILL },
+ },
+ { &hf_json_value_null,
+ { "Null value", "json.value.null", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "JSON null value", HFILL },
+ },
+ { &hf_json_value_true,
+ { "True value", "json.value.true", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "JSON true value", HFILL },
+ },
+ };
+ proto_json = proto_register_protocol("JavaScript Object Notation", "JSON", "json");
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_json, hf, array_length(hf));
+ proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ register_dissector("json", dissect_json, proto_json);
+ init_json_parser();
+ dissector_handle_t json_handle;
+ json_handle = find_dissector("json");
+ dissector_add_string("media_type", "application/json", json_handle); /* RFC 4627 */
+ text_lines_handle = find_dissector("data-text-lines");
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/packet-text-media.c b/epan/dissectors/packet-text-media.c
index 5e97288165..ba2248cc6d 100644
--- a/epan/dissectors/packet-text-media.c
+++ b/epan/dissectors/packet-text-media.c
@@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ proto_reg_handoff_text_lines(void)
dissector_add_string("media_type", "application/vnd.poc.refer-to", text_lines_handle);
dissector_add_string("media_type", "application/vnd.drm.message", text_lines_handle);
- dissector_add_string("media_type", "application/json", text_lines_handle); /* RFC 4627 */
dissector_add_string("media_type", "application/x-wms-logplaystats", text_lines_handle);
dissector_add_string("media_type", "application/x-rtsp-udp-packetpair", text_lines_handle);
diff --git a/epan/tvbparse.c b/epan/tvbparse.c
index 01d7936af4..8564b52da2 100644
--- a/epan/tvbparse.c
+++ b/epan/tvbparse.c
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ static int cond_one_of(tvbparse_t* tt, const int offset, const tvbparse_wanted_t
int curr_len;
if ( offset + w->len > tt->end_offset )
- return -1;
+ continue;
curr_len = w->condition(tt, offset, w, &new);
@@ -503,12 +503,12 @@ static int cond_hash(tvbparse_t* tt, const int offset, const tvbparse_wanted_t*
int value_len;
tvbparse_elem_t* value_elem = NULL;
int tot_len;
+ tvbparse_elem_t* ret_tok;
if (TVBPARSE_DEBUG & TVBPARSE_DEBUG_HASH) g_warning("cond_hash: START");
- tvbparse_elem_t* ret_tok;
if ( offset > tt->end_offset )
return -1;
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ static int cond_some(tvbparse_t* tt, int offset, const tvbparse_wanted_t * wante
return -1;
if ( wanted->min == 0 ) {
- ret_tok = new_tok(tt,wanted->id,tt->offset,0,wanted);
+ ret_tok = new_tok(tt,wanted->id,offset,0,wanted);
while (got_so_far < wanted->max) {