path: root/plugins/stats_tree
diff options
authorLuis Ontanon <luis.ontanon@gmail.com>2005-07-24 01:39:04 +0000
committerLuis Ontanon <luis.ontanon@gmail.com>2005-07-24 01:39:04 +0000
commitec941c4a8cbbd3e1f7995baa730b5204753caf6b (patch)
tree61bb6b98ed50e3fe09b9c583e5d74204b1153d3c /plugins/stats_tree
parent47a4bc1156bb185a580b744b3ffeb838be874ebd (diff)
http_stats_tree is moving to a new home (packet-http.c)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=15021
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/stats_tree')
4 files changed, 3 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/stats_tree/Makefile.am b/plugins/stats_tree/Makefile.am
index efe0a78fb3..e4bbf76f62 100644
--- a/plugins/stats_tree/Makefile.am
+++ b/plugins/stats_tree/Makefile.am
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)
plugindir = @plugindir@
plugin_LTLIBRARIES = stats_tree.la
-stats_tree_la_SOURCES = http_stats_tree.c stats_tree_plugin.c
+stats_tree_la_SOURCES = stats_tree_plugin.c pinfo_stats_tree.c
stats_tree_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
stats_tree_la_LIBADD = @PLUGIN_LIBS@
diff --git a/plugins/stats_tree/Makefile.nmake b/plugins/stats_tree/Makefile.nmake
index 6d52522bab..c06bb59051 100644
--- a/plugins/stats_tree/Makefile.nmake
+++ b/plugins/stats_tree/Makefile.nmake
-OBJECTS=http_stats_tree.obj stats_tree_plugin.obj
stats_tree.dll stats_tree.exp stats_tree.lib : $(OBJECTS) $(LINK_PLUGIN_WITH)
link -dll /out:stats_tree.dll $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LINK_PLUGIN_WITH) \
diff --git a/plugins/stats_tree/http_stats_tree.c b/plugins/stats_tree/http_stats_tree.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f25762ec08..0000000000
--- a/plugins/stats_tree/http_stats_tree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-/* http_stats_tree.c
-* Stats tree for HTTP
-* (c) 2005, Luis E. G. Ontanon <luis.ontanon@gmail.com>
-* $Id$
-* Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
-* By Gerald Combs <gerald@ethereal.com>
-* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "config.h"
-#include <epan/stats_tree.h>
-#include <epan/dissectors/packet-http.h>
-static const value_string vals_status_code[] = {
- { 100, "Continue" },
- { 101, "Switching Protocols" },
- { 199, "Informational - Others" },
- { 200, "OK"},
- { 201, "Created"},
- { 202, "Accepted"},
- { 203, "Non-authoritative Information"},
- { 204, "No Content"},
- { 205, "Reset Content"},
- { 206, "Partial Content"},
- { 299, "Success - Others"},
- { 300, "Multiple Choices"},
- { 301, "Moved Permanently"},
- { 302, "Moved Temporarily"},
- { 303, "See Other"},
- { 304, "Not Modified"},
- { 305, "Use Proxy"},
- { 399, "Redirection - Others"},
- { 400, "Bad Request"},
- { 401, "Unauthorized"},
- { 402, "Payment Required"},
- { 403, "Forbidden"},
- { 404, "Not Found"},
- { 405, "Method Not Allowed"},
- { 406, "Not Acceptable"},
- { 407, "Proxy Authentication Required"},
- { 408, "Request Time-out"},
- { 409, "Conflict"},
- { 410, "Gone"},
- { 411, "Length Required"},
- { 412, "Precondition Failed"},
- { 413, "Request Entity Too Large"},
- { 414, "Request-URI Too Large"},
- { 415, "Unsupported Media Type"},
- { 499, "Client Error - Others"},
- { 500, "Internal Server Error"},
- { 501, "Not Implemented"},
- { 502, "Bad Gateway"},
- { 503, "Service Unavailable"},
- { 504, "Gateway Time-out"},
- { 505, "HTTP Version not supported"},
- { 599, "Server Error - Others"},
- { 0, NULL}
-static const gchar* st_str_reqs = "HTTP Requests by Server";
-static const gchar* st_str_reqs_by_srv_addr = "HTTP Requests by Server Address";
-static const gchar* st_str_reqs_by_http_host = "HTTP Requests by HTTP Host";
-static const gchar* st_str_resps_by_srv_addr = "HTTP Responses by Server Address";
-static int st_node_reqs = -1;
-static int st_node_reqs_by_srv_addr = -1;
-static int st_node_reqs_by_http_host = -1;
-static int st_node_resps_by_srv_addr = -1;
-static void http_reqs_stats_tree_init(stats_tree* st) {
- st_node_reqs = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_reqs, 0, TRUE);
- st_node_reqs_by_srv_addr = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_reqs_by_srv_addr, st_node_reqs, TRUE);
- st_node_reqs_by_http_host = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_reqs_by_http_host, st_node_reqs, TRUE);
- st_node_resps_by_srv_addr = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_resps_by_srv_addr, 0, TRUE);
-static int http_reqs_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree* st, packet_info* pinfo, epan_dissect_t* edt _U_, const void* p) {
- const http_info_value_t* v = p;
- int reqs_by_this_host;
- int reqs_by_this_addr;
- int resps_by_this_addr;
- int i = v->response_code;
- static gchar ip_str[256];
- if (v->request_method) {
- g_snprintf(ip_str,sizeof(ip_str),"%s",address_to_str(&pinfo->dst));
- tick_stat_node(st, st_str_reqs, 0, FALSE);
- tick_stat_node(st, st_str_reqs_by_srv_addr, st_node_reqs, TRUE);
- tick_stat_node(st, st_str_reqs_by_http_host, st_node_reqs, TRUE);
- reqs_by_this_addr = tick_stat_node(st, ip_str, st_node_reqs_by_srv_addr, TRUE);
- if (v->http_host) {
- reqs_by_this_host = tick_stat_node(st, v->http_host, st_node_reqs_by_http_host, TRUE);
- tick_stat_node(st, ip_str, reqs_by_this_host, FALSE);
- tick_stat_node(st, v->http_host, reqs_by_this_addr, FALSE);
- }
- return 1;
- } else if (i != 0) {
- g_snprintf(ip_str,sizeof(ip_str),"%s",address_to_str(&pinfo->src));
- tick_stat_node(st, st_str_resps_by_srv_addr, 0, FALSE);
- resps_by_this_addr = tick_stat_node(st, ip_str, st_node_resps_by_srv_addr, TRUE);
- if ( (i>100)&&(i<400) ) {
- tick_stat_node(st, "OK", resps_by_this_addr, FALSE);
- } else {
- tick_stat_node(st, "KO", resps_by_this_addr, FALSE);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int st_node_requests_by_host = -1;
-static const guint8* st_str_requests_by_host = "HTTP Requests by HTTP Host";
-static void http_req_stats_tree_init(stats_tree* st) {
- st_node_requests_by_host = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_requests_by_host, 0, TRUE);
-static int http_req_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree* st, packet_info* pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t* edt _U_, const void* p) {
- const http_info_value_t* v = p;
- int reqs_by_this_host;
- if (v->request_method) {
- tick_stat_node(st, st_str_requests_by_host, 0, FALSE);
- if (v->http_host) {
- reqs_by_this_host = tick_stat_node(st, v->http_host, st_node_requests_by_host, TRUE);
- if (v->request_uri) {
- tick_stat_node(st, v->request_uri, reqs_by_this_host, TRUE);
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static const guint8* st_str_packets = "Total HTTP Packets";
-static const guint8* st_str_requests = "HTTP Request Packets";
-static const guint8* st_str_responses = "HTTP Response Packets";
-static const guint8* st_str_resp_broken = "???: broken";
-static const guint8* st_str_resp_100 = "1xx: Informational";
-static const guint8* st_str_resp_200 = "2xx: Success";
-static const guint8* st_str_resp_300 = "3xx: Redirection";
-static const guint8* st_str_resp_400 = "4xx: Client Error";
-static const guint8* st_str_resp_500 = "5xx: Server Error";
-static const guint8* st_str_other = "Other HTTP Packets";
-static int st_node_packets = -1;
-static int st_node_requests = -1;
-static int st_node_responses = -1;
-static int st_node_resp_broken = -1;
-static int st_node_resp_100 = -1;
-static int st_node_resp_200 = -1;
-static int st_node_resp_300 = -1;
-static int st_node_resp_400 = -1;
-static int st_node_resp_500 = -1;
-static int st_node_other = -1;
-static void http_stats_tree_init(stats_tree* st) {
- st_node_packets = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_packets, 0, TRUE);
- st_node_requests = stats_tree_create_pivot(st, st_str_requests, st_node_packets);
- st_node_responses = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_responses, st_node_packets, TRUE);
- st_node_resp_broken = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_resp_broken, st_node_responses, TRUE);
- st_node_resp_100 = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_resp_100, st_node_responses, TRUE);
- st_node_resp_200 = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_resp_200, st_node_responses, TRUE);
- st_node_resp_300 = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_resp_300, st_node_responses, TRUE);
- st_node_resp_400 = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_resp_400, st_node_responses, TRUE);
- st_node_resp_500 = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_resp_500, st_node_responses, TRUE);
- st_node_other = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_other, st_node_packets,FALSE);
-static int http_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree* st, packet_info* pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t* edt _U_, const void* p) {
- const http_info_value_t* v = p;
- guint i = v->response_code;
- int resp_grp;
- const guint8* resp_str;
- static gchar str[64];
- tick_stat_node(st, st_str_packets, 0, FALSE);
- if (i) {
- tick_stat_node(st, st_str_responses, st_node_packets, FALSE);
- if ( (i<100)||(i>=600) ) {
- resp_grp = st_node_resp_broken;
- resp_str = st_str_resp_broken;
- } else if (i<200) {
- resp_grp = st_node_resp_100;
- resp_str = st_str_resp_100;
- } else if (i<300) {
- resp_grp = st_node_resp_200;
- resp_str = st_str_resp_200;
- } else if (i<400) {
- resp_grp = st_node_resp_300;
- resp_str = st_str_resp_300;
- } else if (i<500) {
- resp_grp = st_node_resp_400;
- resp_str = st_str_resp_400;
- } else {
- resp_grp = st_node_resp_500;
- resp_str = st_str_resp_500;
- }
- tick_stat_node(st, resp_str, st_node_responses, FALSE);
- g_snprintf(str, sizeof(str),"%u %s",i,match_strval(i,vals_status_code));
- tick_stat_node(st, str, resp_grp, FALSE);
- } else if (v->request_method) {
- stats_tree_tick_pivot(st,st_node_requests,v->request_method);
- } else {
- tick_stat_node(st, st_str_other, st_node_packets, FALSE);
- }
- return 1;
-/* register all http trees */
-extern void register_http_stat_trees(void) {
- stats_tree_register("http","http","HTTP/Packet Tree", http_stats_tree_packet, http_stats_tree_init, NULL );
- stats_tree_register("http","http_req","HTTP/Request Tree", http_req_stats_tree_packet, http_req_stats_tree_init, NULL );
- stats_tree_register("http","http_srv","HTTP/Server Tree",http_reqs_stats_tree_packet,http_reqs_stats_tree_init, NULL );
diff --git a/plugins/stats_tree/stats_tree_plugin.c b/plugins/stats_tree/stats_tree_plugin.c
index dccb029a50..df3b743ca2 100644
--- a/plugins/stats_tree/stats_tree_plugin.c
+++ b/plugins/stats_tree/stats_tree_plugin.c
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@
#include <epan/stats_tree.h>
-extern void register_pinfo_stat_trees(void);
extern void register_http_stat_trees(void);
G_MODULE_EXPORT const gchar version[] = "0.0";
G_MODULE_EXPORT void plugin_register_tap_listener(void)
- register_http_stat_trees();
+ register_pinfo_stat_trees();