path: root/doc
diff options
authorGerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>2022-03-17 13:56:37 -0700
committerGerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>2022-08-29 15:35:19 -0700
commit5243ffa4c292ed3b1277f86dd2a9d5b8aaf74312 (patch)
tree2ff7a8f0c4403df9398fbaf94e911aafc559c7c9 /doc
parent90143855af7c0c5ffd2ee5374dd7df17a246299c (diff)
extcap: Add falcodump.
Add an extcap that fetches a scap from a Falco/libsinsp plugin. Tested using the cloudtrail plugin.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
index b08e799c80..413b0b23cc 100644
--- a/doc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ ADD_MAN_PAGE(reordercap 1)
ADD_MAN_PAGE(sshdump 1)
ADD_MAN_PAGE(text2pcap 1)
ADD_MAN_PAGE(tshark 1)
+ADD_MAN_PAGE(falcodump 1)
ADD_MAN_PAGE(udpdump 1)
ADD_MAN_PAGE(wifidump 1)
diff --git a/doc/falcodump.adoc b/doc/falcodump.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a16629c6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/falcodump.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+= falcodump(1)
+:doctype: manpage
+:stylesheet: ws.css
+:copycss: ../docbook/{stylesheet}
+== NAME
+falcodump - Dump log data to a file using a Falco source plugin.
+[ *--help* ]
+[ *--version* ]
+[ *--plugin-api-version* ]
+[ *--extcap-interfaces* ]
+[ *--extcap-dlts* ]
+[ *--extcap-interface*=<interface> ]
+[ *--extcap-config* ]
+[ *--extcap-capture-filter*=<capture filter> ]
+[ *--capture* ]
+[ *--fifo*=<path to file or pipe> ]
+[ *--plugin-source*=<source path or URL> ]
+*falcodump* is an extcap tool that allows one to capture log messages from cloud providers.
+Each plugin is listed as a separate interface.
+For example, the AWS CloudTrail plugin is listed as “cloudtrail”.
+Print program arguments.
+This will also list the configuration arguments for each plugin.
+Print the program version.
+Print the Falco plugin API version.
+List the available interfaces.
+Use the specified interface.
+List the DLTs of the specified interface.
+List the configuration options of specified interface.
+--extcap-capture-filter=<capture filter>::
+The capture filter.
+Must be a valid Sysdig / Falco filter.
+Start capturing from the source specified by --plugin-source via the specified interface and write raw packet data to the location specified by --fifo.
+--fifo=<path to file or pipe>::
+Save captured packet to file or send it through pipe.
+--plugin-source=<source path or URL>::
+Capture from the specified location.
+To see program arguments:
+ falcodump --help
+To see program version:
+ falcodump --version
+To see interfaces:
+ falcodump --extcap-interfaces
+Only one interface (falcodump) is supported.
+.Example output
+ interface {value=cloudtrail}{display=Falco plugin}
+To see interface DLTs:
+ falcodump --extcap-interface=cloudtrail --extcap-dlts
+.Example output
+ dlt {number=147}{name=cloudtrail}{display=USER0}
+To see interface configuration options:
+ falcodump --extcap-interface=cloudtrail --extcap-config
+.Example output
+ arg {number=0}{call=--plugin-source}{display=Plugin source}{type=string}{tooltip=The plugin data source. This us usually a URL.}{placeholder=Enter a source URL…}{required=true}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=1}{call=cloudtrail-s3downloadconcurrency}{display=s3DownloadConcurrency}{type=integer}{default=1}{tooltip=Controls the number of background goroutines used to download S3 files (Default: 1)}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=2}{call=cloudtrail-sqsdelete}{display=sqsDelete}{type=boolean}{default=true}{tooltip=If true then the plugin will delete sqs messages from the queue immediately after receiving them (Default: true)}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=3}{call=cloudtrail-useasync}{display=useAsync}{type=boolean}{default=true}{tooltip=If true then async extraction optimization is enabled (Default: true)}{group=Capture}
+To capture AWS CloudTrail events from an S3 bucket:
+ falcodump --extcap-interface=cloudtrail --fifo=/tmp/cloudtrail.pcap --plugin-source=s3://aws-cloudtrail-logs.../CloudTrail/us-east-2/... --capture
+NOTE: kbd:[CTRL+C] should be used to stop the capture in order to ensure clean termination.
+xref:wireshark.html[wireshark](1), xref:tshark.html[tshark](1), xref:dumpcap.html[dumpcap](1), xref:extcap.html[extcap](4)
+//, xref:logray.html[logray](1)
+*falcodump* is part of the *Logray* distribution.
+The latest version of *Logray* can be found at https://www.wireshark.org.
+HTML versions of the Wireshark project man pages are available at
+.Original Author
+Gerald Combs <gerald[AT]wireshark.org>