path: root/doc/wireshark-filter.pod.template
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authorGerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>2006-05-31 19:12:15 +0000
committerGerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>2006-05-31 19:12:15 +0000
commiteb71f7fb96f883b748536eecde9f6f49eedbcfee (patch)
treee686fde4e5609ee0ed12778fccbded159b386785 /doc/wireshark-filter.pod.template
parent2fd928645b5aa69feb967d00f8604b98ed0dc237 (diff)
Rename the main executable to "wireshark", along with more conversions:
ethereal.com -> wireshark.org mailing lists and addresses ETHEREAL -> WIRESHARK Man pages Automake/Autoconf names svn path=/trunk/; revision=18271
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/wireshark-filter.pod.template')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e410bf375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/wireshark-filter.pod.template
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+=head1 NAME
+wireshark-filter - Wireshark filter syntax and reference
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+B<wireshark> [other options]
+S<[ B<-R> "filter expression" ]>
+B<tshark> [other options]
+S<[ B<-R> "filter expression" ]>
+B<Wireshark> and B<TShark> share a powerful filter engine that helps remove
+the noise from a packet trace and lets you see only the packets that interest
+you. If a packet meets the requirements expressed in your filter, then it
+is displayed in the list of packets. Display filters let you compare the
+fields within a protocol against a specific value, compare fields against
+fields, and check the existence of specified fields or protocols.
+Filters are also used by other features such as statistics generation and
+packet list colorization (the latter is only available to B<Wireshark>). This
+manual page describes their syntax and provides a comprehensive reference of
+filter fields.
+=head2 Check whether a field or protocol exists
+The simplest filter allows you to check for the existence of a protocol or
+field. If you want to see all packets which contain the IP protocol, the
+filter would be "ip" (without the quotation marks). To see all packets
+that contain a Token-Ring RIF field, use "tr.rif".
+Think of a protocol or field in a filter as implicitly having the "exists"
+Note: all protocol and field names that are available in B<Wireshark> and
+B<TShark> filters are listed in the comprehensive B<FILTER PROTOCOL
+REFERENCE> (see below).
+=head2 Comparison operators
+Fields can also be compared against values. The comparison operators
+can be expressed either through English-like abbreviations or through
+C-like symbols:
+ eq, == Equal
+ ne, != Not Equal
+ gt, > Greater Than
+ lt, < Less Than
+ ge, >= Greater than or Equal to
+ le, <= Less than or Equal to
+=head2 Search and match operators
+Additional operators exist expressed only in English, not C-like syntax:
+ contains Does the protocol, field or slice contain a value
+ matches Does the protocol or text string match the given Perl
+ regular expression
+The "contains" operator allows a filter to search for a sequence of
+characters, expressed as a string (quoted or unquoted), or bytes,
+expressed as a byte array. For example, to search for a given HTTP
+URL in a capture, the following filter can be used:
+ http contains "http://www.wireshark.org"
+The "contains" operator cannot be used on atomic fields,
+such as numbers or IP addresses.
+The "matches" operator allows a filter to apply to a specified
+Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE). The "matches" operator is only
+implemented for protocols and for protocol fields with a text string
+representation. For example, to search for a given WAP WSP User-Agent,
+you can write:
+ wsp.user_agent matches "(?i)cldc"
+This example shows an interesting PCRE feature: pattern match options have to
+be specified with the B<(?>optionB<)> construct. For instance, B<(?i)> performs
+a case-insensitive pattern match. More information on PCRE can be found in the
+pcrepattern(3) man page (Perl Regular Expressions are explained in
+Note: the "matches" operator is only available if B<Wireshark> or B<TShark>
+have been compiled with the PCRE library. This can be checked by running:
+ wireshark -v
+ tshark -v
+or selecting the "About Wireshark" item from the "Help" menu in B<Wireshark>.
+=head2 Functions
+The filter language has the following functions:
+ upper(string-field) - converts a string field to uppercase
+ lower(string-field) - converts a string field to lowercase
+upper() and lower() are useful for performing case-insensitive string
+comparisons. For example:
+ upper(ncp.nds_stream_name) contains "MACRO"
+ lower(mount.dump.hostname) == "angel"
+=head2 Protocol field types
+Each protocol field is typed. The types are:
+ Unsigned integer (8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit)
+ Signed integer (8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit)
+ Boolean
+ Ethernet address (6 bytes)
+ Byte array
+ IPv4 address
+ IPv6 address
+ IPX network number
+ Text string
+ Double-precision floating point number
+An integer may be expressed in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal notation.
+The following three display filters are equivalent:
+ frame.pkt_len > 10
+ frame.pkt_len > 012
+ frame.pkt_len > 0xa
+Boolean values are either true or false. In a display filter expression
+testing the value of a Boolean field, "true" is expressed as 1 or any
+other non-zero value, and "false" is expressed as zero. For example, a
+token-ring packet's source route field is Boolean. To find any
+source-routed packets, a display filter would be:
+ tr.sr == 1
+Non source-routed packets can be found with:
+ tr.sr == 0
+Ethernet addresses and byte arrays are represented by hex
+digits. The hex digits may be separated by colons, periods, or hyphens:
+ eth.dst eq ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+ aim.data == 0.1.0.d
+ fddi.src == aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
+ echo.data == 7a
+IPv4 addresses can be represented in either dotted decimal notation or
+by using the hostname:
+ ip.dst eq www.mit.edu
+ ip.src ==
+IPv4 addresses can be compared with the same logical relations as numbers:
+eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, and le. The IPv4 address is stored in host order,
+so you do not have to worry about the endianness of an IPv4 address
+when using it in a display filter.
+Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) notation can be used to test if an
+IPv4 address is in a certain subnet. For example, this display filter
+will find all packets in the 129.111 Class-B network:
+ ip.addr ==
+Remember, the number after the slash represents the number of bits used
+to represent the network. CIDR notation can also be used with
+hostnames, as in this example of finding IP addresses on the same Class C
+network as 'sneezy':
+ ip.addr eq sneezy/24
+The CIDR notation can only be used on IP addresses or hostnames, not in
+variable names. So, a display filter like "ip.src/24 == ip.dst/24" is
+not valid (yet).
+IPX networks are represented by unsigned 32-bit integers. Most likely
+you will be using hexadecimal when testing IPX network values:
+ ipx.src.net == 0xc0a82c00
+Strings are enclosed in double quotes:
+ http.request.method == "POST"
+Inside double quotes, you may use a backslash to embed a double quote
+or an arbitrary byte represented in either octal or hexadecimal.
+ browser.comment == "An embedded \" double-quote"
+Use of hexadecimal to look for "HEAD":
+ http.request.method == "\x48EAD"
+Use of octal to look for "HEAD":
+ http.request.method == "\110EAD"
+This means that you must escape backslashes with backslashes inside
+double quotes.
+ smb.path contains "\\\\SERVER\\SHARE"
+looks for \\SERVER\SHARE in "smb.path".
+=head2 The slice operator
+You can take a slice of a field if the field is a text string or a
+byte array.
+For example, you can filter on
+the vendor portion of an ethernet address (the first three bytes) like
+ eth.src[0:3] == 00:00:83
+Another example is:
+ http.content_type[0:4] == "text"
+You can use the slice operator on a protocol name, too.
+The "frame" protocol can be useful, encompassing all the data captured
+by B<Wireshark> or B<TShark>.
+ token[0:5] ne
+ llc[0] eq aa
+ frame[100-199] contains "wireshark"
+The following syntax governs slices:
+ [i:j] i = start_offset, j = length
+ [i-j] i = start_offset, j = end_offset, inclusive.
+ [i] i = start_offset, length = 1
+ [:j] start_offset = 0, length = j
+ [i:] start_offset = i, end_offset = end_of_field
+Offsets can be negative, in which case they indicate the
+offset from the B<end> of the field. The last byte of the field is at offset
+-1, the last but one byte is at offset -2, and so on.
+Here's how to check the last four bytes of a frame:
+ frame[-4:4] ==
+ frame[-4:] ==
+You can concatenate slices using the comma operator:
+ ftp[1,3-5,9:] == 01:03:04:05:09:0a:0b
+This concatenates offset 1, offsets 3-5, and offset 9 to the end of the ftp
+=head2 Type conversions
+If a field is a text string or a byte array, it can be expressed in whichever
+way is most convenient.
+So, for instance, the following filters are equivalent:
+ http.request.method == "GET"
+ http.request.method == 47.45.54
+A range can also be expressed in either way:
+ frame[60:2] gt 50.51
+ frame[60:2] gt "PQ"
+=head2 Bit field operations
+It is also possible to define tests with bit field operations. Currently the
+following bit field operation is supported:
+ bitwise_and, & Bitwise AND
+The bitwise AND operation allows testing to see if one or more bits are set.
+Bitwise AND operates on integer protocol fields and slices.
+When testing for TCP SYN packets, you can write:
+ tcp.flags & 0x02
+That expression will match all packets that contain a "tcp.flags" field
+with the 0x02 bit, i.e. the SYN bit, set.
+Similarly, filtering for all WSP GET and extended GET methods is achieved with:
+ wsp.pdu_type & 0x40
+When using slices, the bit mask must be specified as a byte string, and it must
+have the same number of bytes as the slice itself, as in:
+ ip[42:2] & 40:ff
+=head2 Logical expressions
+Tests can be combined using logical expressions.
+These too are expressable in C-like syntax or with English-like
+ and, && Logical AND
+ or, || Logical OR
+ not, ! Logical NOT
+Expressions can be grouped by parentheses as well. The following are
+all valid display filter expressions:
+ tcp.port == 80 and ip.src ==
+ not llc
+ http and frame[100-199] contains "wireshark"
+ (ipx.src.net == 0xbad && ipx.src.node == || ip
+Remember that whenever a protocol or field name occurs in an expression, the
+"exists" operator is implicitly called. The "exists" operator has the highest
+priority. This means that the first filter expression must be read as "show me
+the packets for which tcp.port exists and equals 80, and ip.src exists and
+equals". The second filter expression means "show me the packets
+where not (llc exists)", or in other words "where llc does not exist" and hence
+will match all packets that do not contain the llc protocol.
+The third filter expression includes the constraint that offset 199 in the
+frame exists, in other words the length of the frame is at least 200.
+A special caveat must be given regarding fields that occur more than
+once per packet. "ip.addr" occurs twice per IP packet, once for the
+source address, and once for the destination address. Likewise,
+"tr.rif.ring" fields can occur more than once per packet. The following
+two expressions are not equivalent:
+ ip.addr ne
+ not ip.addr eq
+The first filter says "show me packets where an ip.addr exists that
+does not equal". That is, as long as one ip.addr in the
+packet does not equal, the packet passes the display
+filter. The other ip.addr could equal and the packet would
+still be displayed.
+The second filter says "don't show me any packets that have an
+ip.addr field equal to". If one ip.addr is,
+the packet does not pass. If B<neither> ip.addr field is,
+then the packet is displayed.
+It is easy to think of the 'ne' and 'eq' operators as having an implict
+"exists" modifier when dealing with multiply-recurring fields. "ip.addr
+ne" can be thought of as "there exists an ip.addr that does
+not equal". "not ip.addr eq" can be thought of as
+"there does not exist an ip.addr equal to".
+Be careful with multiply-recurring fields; they can be confusing.
+Care must also be taken when using the display filter to remove noise
+from the packet trace. If, for example, you want to filter out all IP
+multicast packets to address, then using:
+ ip.dst ne
+may be too restrictive. Filtering with "ip.dst" selects only those
+B<IP> packets that satisfy the rule. Any other packets, including all
+non-IP packets, will not be displayed. To display the non-IP
+packets as well, you can use one of the following two expressions:
+ not ip or ip.dst ne
+ not ip.addr eq
+The first filter uses "not ip" to include all non-IP packets and then
+lets "ip.dst ne" filter out the unwanted IP packets. The
+second filter has already been explained above where filtering with
+multiply occuring fields was discussed.
+Each entry below provides an abbreviated protocol or field name. Every
+one of these fields can be used in a display filter. The type of the
+field is also given.
+=head1 NOTES
+The B<wireshark-filters> manpage is part of the B<Wireshark> distribution.
+The latest version of B<Wireshark> can be found at
+Regular expressions in the "matches" operator are provided with B<libpcre>,
+the Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions library: see B<http://www.pcre.org/>.
+This manpage does not describe the capture filter syntax, which is
+different. See the tcpdump(8) manpage for a description of capture
+filters. Microsoft Windows versions use WinPcap from
+B<http://www.winpcap.org/> for which the capture filter syntax is described
+in B<http://www.winpcap.org/docs/man/html/group__language.html>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+I<wireshark(1)>, I<tshark(1)>, I<editcap(1)>, I<tcpdump(8)>, I<pcap(3)>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+See the list of authors in the B<Wireshark> man page for a list of authors of
+that code.