diff options
authorJeff Morriss <jeff.morriss@ulticom.com>2007-08-15 20:35:14 +0000
committerJeff Morriss <jeff.morriss@ulticom.com>2007-08-15 20:35:14 +0000
commit58b8fef9ea5160a7cca6fc57a0cd563a186f1dd8 (patch)
parent05bdebe45d664f3ebba08cda633ccc2e71d2ca18 (diff)
As discussed on the -dev list quite a while ago: a small tool to check Wireshark code (or at least parts of it) for "bad" things (C++ style comments and API/function calls that should not be used). I'm checking in because I almost missed some C++ style comments in a file I was contemplating checking in; this tool can help us (at least me) avoid such problems in the future.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=22509
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/checkAPIs.pl b/tools/checkAPIs.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1d1526b4bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/checkAPIs.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright 2006, Jeff Morriss <jeff.morriss[AT]ulticom.com>
+# A simple tool to check source code for function calls that should not
+# be called by Wireshark code.
+# $Id$
+# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+use strict;
+# APIs that MUST NOT be used in Wireshark
+my @prohibitedAPIs=
+ # Memory-unsafe APIs
+ # Use something that won't overwrite the end of your buffer instead
+ # of these:
+ 'gets',
+ 'sprintf',
+ 'vsprintf',
+ 'strcpy',
+ 'strcat',
+ 'cftime',
+ 'ascftime',
+ ### non-portable APIs
+ # use glib (g_*) versions instead of these:
+ 'ntohl',
+ 'ntohs',
+ 'htonl',
+ 'htons',
+ # use ep_ or se_ functions instead of these:
+ 'malloc',
+ 'free',
+# APIs that SHOULD NOT be used in Wireshark (any more)
+my @deprecatedAPIs=
+ # Wireshark should not write to stdout (?)
+ # (Of course tshark should!)
+ 'printf',
+ 'perror',
+ # Use PROTO_ITEM_SET_HIDDEN instead of these:
+ 'proto_tree_add_item_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_bytes_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_time_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_ipxnet_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_ipv4_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_ipv6_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_ether_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_guid_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_oid_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_string_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_boolean_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_float_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_double_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_uint_hidden',
+ 'proto_tree_add_int_hidden',
+# Given a list of APIs and the contents of a file, see if the API appears
+# in the file. If so, push the API onto the provided list.
+sub findAPIinList($$$)
+ my ($apiList, $fileContentsRef, $foundAPIsRef)=@_;
+ for my $api (@{$apiList})
+ {
+ if ($$fileContentsRef =~ m/\W$api\W*\(/)
+ {
+ push @{$foundAPIsRef},$api;
+ }
+ }
+# The below Regexp are based on those from:
+# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Rx/Recipe/59811
+# They are in the public domain.
+# 1. A complicated regex which matches C-style comments.
+my $CComment = qr{/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/};
+# 1.a A regex that matches C++-style comments.
+#my $CppComment = qr{//(.*?)\n};
+# 2. A regex which matches double-quoted strings.
+my $DoubleQuotedStr = qr{(?:\"(?:\\.|[^\"\\])*\")};
+# 3. A regex which matches single-quoted strings.
+my $SingleQuotedStr = qr{(?:\'(?:\\.|[^\'\\])*\')};
+# 4. Now combine 1 through 3 to produce a regex which
+# matches _either_ double or single quoted strings
+# OR comments. We surround the comment-matching
+# regex in capturing parenthesis to store the contents
+# of the comment in $1.
+# my $commentAndStringRegex = qr{(?:$DoubleQuotedStr|$SingleQuotedStr)|($CComment)|($CppComment)};
+# 4. Wireshark is strictly a C program so don't take out C++ style comments
+# since they shouldn't be there anyway...
+my $commentAndStringRegex = qr{(?:$DoubleQuotedStr|$SingleQuotedStr)|($CComment)};
+my $errorCount = 0;
+while ($_ = $ARGV[0])
+ shift;
+ my $filename = $_;
+ my @foundProhibitedAPIs = ();
+ my @foundDeprecatedAPIs = ();
+ die "No such file: \"$filename\"" if (! -e $filename);
+ # delete leading './'
+ $filename =~ s@^\./@@;
+ # Read in the file (ouch, but it's easier that way)
+ my $fileContents = `cat $filename`;
+ # Remove all the C-comments and strings
+ $fileContents =~ s {$commentAndStringRegex} []g;
+ if ($fileContents =~ m{//})
+ {
+ print "Error: Found C++ style comments\n";
+ $errorCount++;
+ }
+ findAPIinList(\@prohibitedAPIs, \$fileContents, \@foundProhibitedAPIs);
+ # the use of "prohibited" APIs is an error, increment the error count
+ $errorCount += @foundProhibitedAPIs;
+ findAPIinList(\@deprecatedAPIs, \$fileContents, \@foundDeprecatedAPIs);
+ # (the use of deprecated APIs is bad but not an error)
+ print "Error: Found prohibited APIs in ".$filename.": ".join(',', @foundProhibitedAPIs)."\n" if @foundProhibitedAPIs;
+ print "Warning: Found deprecated APIs in ".$filename.": ".join(',', @foundDeprecatedAPIs)."\n" if @foundDeprecatedAPIs;