path: root/.gitlab-ci.yml
diff options
authorGerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>2021-10-10 12:37:50 -0700
committerWireshark GitLab Utility <gerald+gitlab-utility@wireshark.org>2021-10-10 20:32:28 +0000
commit6299a66a929b446ebf7beeb853b19634aa2c1f1e (patch)
treef1d514d3abb4e488641aec526f4d5242aea811d9 /.gitlab-ci.yml
parent9aa87dae84d6e4ccaec9f00cb741df89c2c804e2 (diff)
Revert "GitLab CI: Add an "Update Numbers" job."
This reverts commit f773bb43912a333918c7ca8713551a73d8494740. Maybe some other time.
Diffstat (limited to '.gitlab-ci.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index e96bc733fa..59fefc6294 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -67,11 +67,6 @@ variables:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" && $SCHEDULE_TYPE == "daily"'
when: always
-# Weekly jobs. Care should be taken when changing this since the scheduler
-# often doesn't report errors.
- - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" && $SCHEDULE_TYPE == "weekly"'
- when: always
# Fuzz jobs. Care should be taken when changing this since the scheduler
# often doesn't report errors.
@@ -803,90 +798,6 @@ Code Lines:
-Update Numbers:
- extends: .build-ubuntu
- rules: !reference [.if-weekly-schedule]
- retry: 1
- cache:
- script:
- # build-ubuntu puts us in `build`.
- # - env | grep "^CI_" | sort
- - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update
- - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --yes install libwww-perl transifex-client
- - |
- cat > ~/.transifexrc <<FIN
- [https://www.transifex.com]
- api_hostname = https://api.transifex.com
- hostname = https://www.transifex.com
- password = $TRANSIFEX_TOKEN
- username = api
- # XXX Use a role account instead?
- - git config user.email "gerald@wireshark.org"
- - git config user.name "Gerald Combs"
- - DATESTAMP=$( date +%F )
- - MERGE_REQ_BRANCH="update-numbers-${DATESTAMP}-master"
- - COMMIT_FILES=( "AUTHORS" "NEWS" "manuf" "services" "enterprises.tsv" "epan/dissectors/usb.c" )
- - git checkout -b "$MERGE_REQ_BRANCH"
- - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:cmake_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KRunning CMake" "$( date +%s)"
- - cmake -GNinja $CMAKE_ARGS ..
- - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:cmake_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
- - printf "\e[0Ksection_start:%s:ninja_section[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KBuilding" "$( date +%s)"
- - ninja
- - ninja news
- - printf "\e[0Ksection_end:%s:ninja_section\r\e[0K" "$( date +%s)"
- - cd ..
- - |
- cat > commit-message.txt <<FIN
- [Automatic update for $DATESTAMP]
- Update manuf, services enterprise numbers, translations, and other items.
- - git --no-pager shortlog -se HEAD > ./AUTHORS.git
- - ./tools/generate_authors.pl ./AUTHORS.src ./AUTHORS.git > ./AUTHORS
- - ./tools/make-sminmpec.pl || echo "SMI failed." >> commit-message.txt
- - python3 ./tools/make-manuf.py || "manuf failed." >> commit-message.txt
- - touch -d "2 weeks ago" services
- - ./tools/make-services.py || echo "services failed." >> commit-message.txt
- - ./tools/make-usb.py || "USB failed." >> commit-message.txt
- - ./tools/update-tx || "Transifex failed." >> commit-message.txt
- - while IFS='' read -r line; do COMMIT_FILES+=("$line"); done < <( git ls-files -m ui/qt )
- - while IFS='' read -r line; do COMMIT_FILES+=("$line"); done < <( git ls-files -m debian/po )
- - ./tools/update-tools-help.py -p ./build/run
- - while IFS='' read -r line; do COMMIT_FILES+=("$line"); done < <( git ls-files -m docbook/wsug_src )
- - ./tools/make-no-reassembly-profile.py -p ./build/run
- - git add "profiles/No Reassembly/preferences"
- - YEAR=$( date +%Y )
- - sed -E --in-place "s/(_[0-9]{5}_)2[0-9]{7}/\1${YEAR}0714/g" $( grep -E -r -l "[0-9]_2[0-9]{7}" doc docbook )
- - while IFS='' read -r line; do COMMIT_FILES+=("$line"); done < <( git ls-files -m doc docbook )
- - git add "${COMMIT_FILES[@]}"
- - git commit --file=commit-message.txt
- - git log --stat --max-count=1
- # Create a patch just in case.
- - git diff HEAD~1 > ${MERGE_REQ_BRANCH}.patch
- # Adapted from https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2017/09/05/how-to-automatically-create-a-new-mr-on-gitlab-with-gitlab-ci/
- - if [[ $CI_PROJECT_URL =~ ^https?://[^/]+ ]]; then API_HOST="${BASH_REMATCH[0]}/api/v4/projects/" ; fi
- - |
- POST_DATA=$(cat <<FIN
- {
- "id": ${CI_PROJECT_ID},
- "source_branch": "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}",
- "target_branch": "master",
- "title": "[Automatic update for ${DATESTAMP}]",
- "remove_source_branch": true
- }
- )
- # - echo "$POST_DATA"
- - curl --verbose "${API_HOST}${CI_PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests"
- --header "Content-Type:\ application/json"
- --data "${POST_DATA}"
- artifacts:
- paths:
- - update-numbers-*.patch
# Fuzz TShark using ASAN and valgrind.
extends: .build-ubuntu