Message type 2.1 F 1 Nature of connection indicators 3.35 F 1 Forward call indicators 3.23 F 2 Calling party's category 3.11 F 1 Transmission medium requirement 3.54 F 1 Called party number (Note 2) 3.9 V 4-? Transit network selection (national use) 3.53 O 4-? Call reference (national use) 3.8 O 7 Calling party number (Note 2) 3.10 O 4-? Optional forward call indicators 3.38 O 3 Redirecting number (Note 2) 3.44 O 4-? Redirection information 3.45 O 3-4 Closed user group interlock code 3.15 O 6 Connection request 3.17 O 7-9 Original called number (Note 2) 3.39 O 4-? User-to-user information 3.61 O 3-131 Access transport 3.3 O 3-? User service information 3.57 O 4-13 User-to-user indicators 3.60 O 3 Generic number (Notes 1 and 2) 3.26 O 5-? Propagation delay counter 3.42 O 4 User service information prime 3.58 O 4-13 Network specific facility (national use) 3.36 O 4-? Generic digits (national use) (Note 1) 3.24 O 4-? Origination ISC point code 3.40 O 4 User teleservice information 3.59 O 4-5 Remote operations (national use) 3.48 O 8-? Parameter compatibility information 3.41 O 4-? Generic notification indicator (Note 1) 3.25 O 3 Service activation 3.49 O 3-? Generic reference (reserved ) 3.27 O 5-? MLPP precedence 3.34 O 8 Transmission medium requirement prime 3.55 O 3 Location number (Note 2) 3.30 O 4-? Forward GVNS 3.66 O 5-26 CCSS 3.63 O 3-? Network management controls 3.68 O 3-? Circuit assignment map 3.69 O 6-7 Correlation id 3.70 O 3-? Call diversion treatment indicators 3.72 O 3-? Called IN number (Note 2) 3.73 O 4-? Call offering treatment indicators 3.74 O 3-? Conference treatment indicators 3.76 O 3-? SCF id 3.71 O 3-? UID capability indicators 3.79 O 3-? Echo control information 3.19 O 3 Hop counter 3.80 O 3 Collect call request 3.81 O 3 Application transport parameter (Note 3) 3.82 O 5-? Pivot capability 3.84 O 3 Called directory number (national use) 3.86 O 5-? Original called IN number 3.87 O 4-? Calling geodetic location 3.88 O 3-? Network routing number (national use) 3.90 O 4-? QoR capability (network option) 3.91 O 3 Pivot counter 3.93 O 3 Pivot routing forward information 3.94 O 3-? Redirect capability (national use) 3.96 O 3 Redirect counter (national use) 3.97 O 3 Redirect status 3.98 O 3 Redirect forward information (national use) 3.99 O 3-? Number portability forward information (network option) 3.101 O 1-? End of optional parameters 3.20 O 1