" (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther All Rights Reserved This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . " PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'SUnit'. TestCase subclass: HLRTest [ testHLRFind [ | hlr sub | hlr := HLRLocalCollection new. hlr addSubscriber: '123456'. hlr addSubscriber: '345677'. self deny: (hlr findSubscriberByIMSI: '123456') isNil. self deny: (hlr findSubscriberByIMSI: '345677') isNil. self assert: (hlr findSubscriberByIMSI: '432432') isNil. sub := hlr findSubscriberByIMSI: '123456'. self assert: sub imsi = '123456'. ] ] HLRResolver subclass: HLRDummyResolver [ insertSubscriber: aIMSI [ ^ true ] ] TestCase subclass: VLRTest [ testVLRFind [ | vlr sub1 sub2 | vlr := VLRLocalCollection initWith: HLRDummyResolver new. self assert: (vlr insertSubscriber: '123456'). sub1 := vlr findSubscriberByIMSI: '123456' ifAbsent: [2342]. self assert: sub1 imsi = '123456'. self assert: sub1 tmsi isNil. sub2 := vlr findSubscriberByTMSI: 2342 ifAbsent: [true]. self assert: (sub2 isKindOf: True). sub1 instVarNamed: #tmsi put: 2342. sub2 := vlr findSubscriberByTMSI: 2342 ifAbsent: [false]. self assert: sub1 = sub2. ] ] TestCase subclass: BSCConfigTest [ testConfigItem [ | item1 item2 addr | addr := Sockets.SocketAddress byName: ''. item1 := BSCConfigItem initWith: '' name: 'test1'. item2 := BSCConfigItem initWith: addr name: 'test2'. self assert: item1 name = 'test1'. self assert: item1 peer = addr. self assert: item1 lac = -1. self deny: item1 connected. self assert: item2 name = 'test2'. self assert: item2 peer = addr. self assert: item2 lac = -1. self deny: item2 connected. ] testConfig [ | cfg | "Test that adding stuff again is refused" cfg := BSCConfig new. self shouldnt: [cfg addBSC: '' withName: 'abc1' andLac: 2311 sendOsmoRSIP: false] raise: Exception description: 'Simply adding it'. self should: [cfg addBSC: '' withName: 'abc2' andLac: 1123 sendOsmoRSIP: false] raise: Exception description: 'Same IP is forbidden'. self should: [cfg addBSC: '' withName: 'abc3' andLac: 2311 sendOsmoRSIP: false] raise: Exception description: 'Different IP same lac'. self shouldnt: [cfg addBSC: '' withName: 'abc4' andLac: 1123 sendOsmoRSIP: false] raise: Exception description: 'Different IP, different lac'. self assert: cfg bscList size = 2 description: 'Two BSCs should be registered'. cfg removeBSC: ''. self assert: cfg bscList size = 1 description: 'One BSC should be gone'. cfg removeBSCByLac: 1123. self assert: cfg bscList size = 0 description: 'All BSCsshould be removed'. ] ] TestCase subclass: BSCListenerTest [ testListenAndStop [ | listener res | listener := BSCListener initWith: '' port: 9245 handler: nil. 'Will attempt to stop the connection' printNl. [(Delay forSeconds: 2) wait. listener stop] fork. res := listener serve. self deny: res. "Test that it will work again" 'Will attempt to stop the connection2' printNl. listener start. [(Delay forSeconds: 2) wait. listener stop] fork. res := listener serve. self deny: res. ] testListenOnDeadSocket [ | listener res | listener := BSCListener initWith: '' port: 9245 handler: nil. listener stop. res := listener serve. self deny: res. ] ] TestCase subclass: MSCBSCConnectionHandlerTest [ testOnlyOnce [ " | msc socket bsc | msc := MSCApplication new. msc bscConfig addBSC: '' withName: 'foo' andLac: 4711. bsc := msc bscConfig bscList first. socket := DummySocket new. socket instVarNamed: #peer put: bsc peer. socket instVarNamed: #closed put: false. " ] ] TestCase subclass: BSCIPAConnectionTest [ testSmoke [ | ipa | ipa := BSCIPAConnection createOn: 'hi' writeStream withConfig: (BSCConfigItem initWith: '' name: 'foo') msc: nil. ] ]