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2 files changed, 128 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/GSM411.st b/GSM411.st
index 28dea5c..7bccadc 100644
--- a/GSM411.st
+++ b/GSM411.st
@@ -156,6 +156,10 @@ GSMCpMessage subclass: GSMCpData [
add: GSM411CpUserData asTLVDescription;
+ rpMessage [
+ ^GSMRpMessage decode: self userData data readStream.
+ ]
GSMCpMessage subclass: GSMCpAck [
@@ -182,30 +186,143 @@ GSMCpMessage subclass: GSMCpError [
+Object subclass: GSMRpInformationElement [
+ <category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
+ GSMRpInformationElement class >> readFrom: aStream with: anAttr [
+ | len |
+ len := aStream next asInteger.
+ len printNl.
+ ^self new
+ readFrom: (aStream next: len);
+ inspect;
+ yourself.
+ ]
+GSMRpInformationElement subclass: GSMRpOrigantorAddress [
+ | data |
+ <category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
+ GSMRpOrigantorAddress class >> asTLVDescription [
+ ^Osmo.TLVDescription new
+ beLV; instVarName: #origAddress; parseClass: self;
+ yourself.
+ ]
+ readFrom: anArray [
+ data := anArray
+ ]
+GSMRpInformationElement subclass: GSMRpDestinationAddress [
+ | data |
+ <category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
+ GSMRpDestinationAddress class >> asTLVDescription [
+ ^Osmo.TLVDescription new
+ beLV; instVarName: #destAddress; parseClass: self;
+ yourself.
+ ]
+ readFrom: anArray [
+ data := anArray
+ ]
+GSMRpInformationElement subclass: GSMRpUserData [
+ | data |
+ <category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
+ GSMRpUserData class >> asTLVDescription [
+ ^Osmo.TLVDescription new
+ beTLV; instVarName: #userData; parseClass: self;
+ tag: 16r41; yourself.
+ ]
+ readFrom: anArray [
+ data := anArray
+ ]
Osmo.TLVParserBase subclass: GSMRpMessage [
+ | direction reference |
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
+ GSMRpMessage class >> decode: aStream [
+ <category: '8.2.2'>
+ | mti |
+ "GSM 04.11 has a crazy table in 8.2.2 for the Message type indicator.
+ The decoding depends on the direction but right now it is still unique
+ so we can determine direction and and message type from that number."
+ mti := (aStream next bitAnd: 2r111).
+ mti = 2r000 ifTrue: [^GSMRpData new decode: aStream direction: #msn].
+ mti = 2r001 ifTrue: [^GSMRpData new decode: aStream direction: #nms].
+ mti = 2r010 ifTrue: [^GSMRpAck new decode: aStream direction: #msn].
+ mti = 2r011 ifTrue: [^GSMRpAck new decode: aStream direction: #nms].
+ mti = 2r100 ifTrue: [^GSMRpError new decode: aStream direction: #msn].
+ mti = 2r101 ifTrue: [^GSMRpError new decode: aStream direction: #nms].
+ mti = 2r110 ifTrue: [^GSMRpSmma new decode: aStream direction: #msn].
+ ^self error: 'Can not decode ', mti displayString.
+ ]
+ decode: aStream direction: aDirection [
+ direction := aDirection.
+ reference := aStream next asInteger.
+ self class tlvDescription do: [:attr |
+ attr isMandatory ifTrue:
+ [self doParse: attr stream: aStream].
+ attr isOptional ifTrue:
+ [self parseOptional: attr tag: aStream peek stream: aStream].
+ ].
+ ]
GSMRpMessage subclass: GSMRpData [
+ | origAddress destAddress userData |
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
<comment: '7.3.1'>
- "Depending on the direction the Originator address is short."
+ GSMRpData class >> tlvDescription [
+ ^OrderedCollection new
+ add: GSMRpOrigantorAddress asTLVDescription;
+ add: GSMRpDestinationAddress asTLVDescription;
+ add: GSMRpUserData asTLVDescription;
+ yourself.
+ ]
GSMRpMessage subclass: GSMRpSmma [
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
<comment: '7.3.2'>
+ GSMRpSmma class >> tlvDescription [
+ ^OrderedCollection new
+ ]
GSMRpMessage subclass: GSMRpAck [
+ | userData |
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
<comment: '7.3.3'>
+ GSMRpAck class >> tlvDescription [
+ ^OrderedCollection new
+ add: GSMRpUserData asTLVDescription beOptional yourself;
+ yourself.
+ ]
GSMRpMessage subclass: GSMRpError [
+ | cause userData |
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SMS-Message'>
<comment: '7.3.4'>
+ GSMRpError class >> tlvDescription [
+ ^OrderedCollection new
+ add: GSMRpCause asTLVDescription;
+ add: GSMRpUserData asTLVDescription beOptional;
+ yourself
+ ]
Eval [
diff --git a/SMSTests.st b/SMSTests.st
index c09c00d..47e33c8 100644
--- a/SMSTests.st
+++ b/SMSTests.st
@@ -21,18 +21,21 @@ TestCase subclass: GSM411Test [
testCPData [
| inp dec |
- inp := #(16r09 16r01 16r35 16r01 16r2A 16r07 16r91 16r44
- 16r77 16r58 16r10 16r06 16r50 16r00 16r2B 16r04
- 16r04 16r81 16r32 16r24 16r00 16r00 16r80 16r21
- 16r03 16r41 16r24 16r32 16r40 16r1F 16r41 16r26
- 16r03 16r94 16r7D 16r56 16rA5 16r20 16r28 16rF2
- 16rE9 16r2C 16r82 16r82 16rD2 16r22 16r48 16r58
- 16r64 16r3E 16r9D 16r47 16r10 16rF5 16r09 16rAA) asByteArray.
+ inp := #[
+ 16r09 16r01 16r23 16r00 16r0C 16r00 16r07 16r91
+ 16r36 16r19 16r08 16r00 16r10 16r50 16r17 16r01
+ 16r0C 16r0F 16r81 16r00 16r33 16r33 16r33 16r33
+ 16r33 16r33 16rF3 16r00 16r00 16r09 16rAA 16rBB
+ 16rCC 16rDD 16rEE 16rFF 16r11 16r22].
dec := GSM48MSG decode: inp readStream.
assert: dec type = GSMCpData messageType;
assert: dec toMessage asByteArray = inp.
+ self
+ assert: dec rpMessage toMessage asByteArray = dec userData data.
testCPData2 [