"Copyright placeholder" Eval [ "Handle reloading the OsmoCore.st file for updates" Namespace current at: #OSMOCore ifPresent: [ :each | OSMOCore stopProcess ]. ] Object subclass: OSMOCore [ Process := nil. OSMOCore class >> initialize [ DLD addLibrary: 'libosmocore.so.0'. ObjectMemory addDependent: self. ] OSMOCore class >> poll [ | delay | delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 50. [true] whileTrue: [ self bsc_select_main: 1. delay wait. ]. ] OSMOCore class >> startProcess [ "I start a new polling process" Process := [ self poll. ] fork. ] OSMOCore class >> stopProcess [ "I will terminate the process" Process ifNotNil: [ Process terminate. Process := nil. ] ] OSMOCore class >> update: aSymbol [ "Check if the BSC Symbols are there again?" ] OSMOCore class >> bsc_select_main: poll [ ] OSMOCore class >> processEvents [ self bsc_select_main: 1 ] ] Eval [ OSMOCore initialize. ]