/* SIMtrace 2 common board pin definitions * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifndef _BOARD_ #define _BOARD_ /** Headers */ #include "chip.h" /* We need this for a nop instruction in USB_HAL.c */ #define __CC_ARM /** Board */ #include "board_lowlevel.h" #include "uart_console.h" #include "iso7816_4.h" #include "led.h" #include "cciddriver.h" #include "usart.h" #include "USBD.h" #include "USBD_Config.h" #include "USBDDriver.h" /** Highlevel */ #include "trace.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "inttypes.h" #include "syscalls.h" #define MIN(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b) #ifdef __GNUC__ #undef __GNUC__ #endif /** Family definition (already defined) */ #define sam3s /** Core definition */ #define cortexm3 #define BOARD_MCK 48000000 #define PIO_LED_RED PIO_PA17 #define PIO_LED_GREEN PIO_PA18 #define PIN_LED_RED {PIO_LED_RED, PIOA, ID_PIOA, PIO_OUTPUT_1, PIO_DEFAULT} #define PIN_LED_GREEN {PIO_LED_GREEN, PIOA, ID_PIOA, PIO_OUTPUT_1, PIO_DEFAULT} #define PINS_LEDS PIN_LED_RED, PIN_LED_GREEN #define LED_NUM_RED 0 #define LED_NUM_GREEN 1 /** USART0 pin RX */ #define PIN_USART0_RXD {PIO_PA9A_URXD0, PIOA, ID_PIOA, PIO_PERIPH_A, PIO_DEFAULT} /** USART0 pin TX */ #define PIN_USART0_TXD {PIO_PA10A_UTXD0, PIOA, ID_PIOA, PIO_PERIPH_A, PIO_DEFAULT} #define BOARD_PIN_USART_RXD PIN_USART0_RXD #define BOARD_PIN_USART_TXD PIN_USART0_TXD #define BOARD_ID_USART ID_USART0 #define BOARD_USART_BASE USART0 #define PINS_UART { PIO_PA9A_URXD0|PIO_PA10A_UTXD0, PIOA, ID_PIOA, PIO_PERIPH_A, PIO_DEFAULT} /** UART0 */ /** Console baudrate always using 115200. */ #define CONSOLE_BAUDRATE 115200 /** UART peripheral used by the console (UART0). */ #define CONSOLE_UART UART0 /** UART peripheral ID used by the console (UART0). */ #define CONSOLE_ID ID_UART0 /** UART ISR used by the console (UART0). */ #define CONSOLE_ISR UART0_IrqHandler /** UART IRQ used by the console (UART0). */ #define CONSOLE_IRQ UART0_IRQn /** Pins description corresponding to Rxd,Txd, (UART pins) */ #define CONSOLE_PINS {PINS_UART} /// Smartcard detection pin // FIXME: add connect pin as iso pin...should it be periph b or interrupt oder input? #define BOARD_ISO7816_BASE_USART USART0 #define BOARD_ISO7816_ID_USART ID_USART0 /* USART peripherals for a phone and SIM card setup */ /* USART peripheral connected to the SIM card */ #define USART_SIM USART0 /* ID of USART peripheral connected to the SIM card */ #define ID_USART_SIM ID_USART0 /* Interrupt request ID of USART peripheral connected to the SIM card */ #define IRQ_USART_SIM USART0_IRQn /* USART peripheral connected to the phone */ #define USART_PHONE USART1 /* ID of USART peripheral connected to the phone */ #define ID_USART_PHONE ID_USART1 /* Interrupt request ID of USART peripheral connected to the phone */ #define IRQ_USART_PHONE USART1_IRQn #define SIM_PWEN PIO_PA5 #define VCC_FWD PIO_PA26 /** Pin configuration to control USB pull-up on D+ * @details the USB pull-up on D+ is enable by default on the board but can be disabled by setting PA16 high */ #define PIN_USB_PULLUP {PIO_PA16, PIOA, ID_PIOA, PIO_OUTPUT_0, PIO_DEFAULT} // Board has UDP controller #define BOARD_USB_UDP // D+ has external pull-up #define BOARD_USB_PULLUP_EXTERNAL #define BOARD_USB_DFU #define BOARD_DFU_BOOT_SIZE (16 * 1024) #define BOARD_DFU_RAM_SIZE (2 * 1024) #define BOARD_DFU_PAGE_SIZE 512 #define BOARD_DFU_NUM_IF 2 extern void board_exec_dbg_cmd(int ch); extern void board_main_top(void); extern int board_override_enter_dfu(void); #endif