path: root/Makefile.am
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2012-07-08build: update autotools to modern standards.Diego Elio Pettenò1-5/+2
This includes removing AC_CANONICAL_BUILD/AC_CANONICAL_TARGET (weren't used), renaming configure.in to configure.ac (required for automake 1.13 coming up), moving automake options to configure.ac (removes use of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE with two parameters, which is also gone with automake 1.13). Also remove empty files and declare the system foreign, not gnu (NEWS and AUTHORS are not used), avoid re-declaring in the distributed files the conditional sources (automake takes care of that), and don't use -Werror (as it would fail to build with GCC 4.6 and 4.7). Signed-off-by: Diego Elio Pettenò <flameeyes@flameeyes.eu>
2011-10-09sam: Select the IO Backend at runtime when a device name is specifiedHolger Hans Peter Freyther1-1/+15
The configure part is more messy than I had hoped for. One can not just specify @VARIABLE_THAT_HAS_SOURCES@, I need to go through the every backend and add the sourcecode.
2011-10-09io: Create an io indirection to allow to compile multiple io backendsHolger Hans Peter Freyther1-1/+1
Right now only one io driver is compiled in and this one will be selected at application start.
2011-10-09Initial commit with software from sam7utils-0.2.1-bm.tar.bz2Holger Hans Peter Freyther1-0/+13