# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Holger Hans Peter Freyther # Copyright (C) 2013 Katerina Barone-Adesi # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # VTY helper code for OpenBSC # import re import socket import sys, subprocess import os """VTYInteract: interact with an osmocom vty Specify a VTY to connect to, and run commands on it. Connections will be reestablished as necessary. Methods: __init__, command, enabled_command, verify, w_verify""" debug_tcp_sockets = (os.getenv('OSMOPY_DEBUG_TCP_SOCKETS', '0') != '0') def cmd(what): print '\n> %s' % what sys.stdout.flush() subprocess.call(what, shell=True) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() print '' sys.stdout.flush() def print_used_tcp_sockets(): if not debug_tcp_sockets: return cmd('ls /proc/self/fd'); cmd('ss -tn'); cmd('ss -tln'); cmd('ps xua | grep osmo'); class VTYInteract(object): """__init__(self, name, host, port): name is the name the vty prints for commands, ie OpenBSC host is the hostname to connect to port is the port to connect on""" all_sockets = [] def __init__(self, name, host, port): print_used_tcp_sockets() self.name = name self.host = host self.port = port self.socket = None self.norm_end = re.compile('\r\n%s(?:\(([\w-]*)\))?> $' % self.name) self.priv_end = re.compile('\r\n%s(?:\(([\w-]*)\))?# $' % self.name) self.last_node = '' def _close_socket(self): if self.socket: if debug_tcp_sockets: VTYInteract.all_sockets.remove(self.socket) print "Socket: closing %s:%d %r (%d sockets open)" % ( self.host, self.port, self.socket, len(VTYInteract.all_sockets)) self.socket.close() self.socket = None def _is_end(self, text, ends): """ >>> vty = VTYInteract('OsmoNAT', 'localhost', 9999) >>> end = [vty.norm_end, vty.priv_end] Simple test >>> text1 = 'abc\\r\\nOsmoNAT> ' >>> vty._is_end(text1, end) 11 Simple test with the enabled node >>> text2 = 'abc\\r\\nOsmoNAT# ' >>> vty._is_end(text2, end) 11 Now the more complicated one >>> text3 = 'abc\\r\\nOsmoNAT(config)# ' >>> vty._is_end(text3, end) 19 Now the more complicated one >>> text4 = 'abc\\r\\nOsmoNAT(config-nat)# ' >>> vty._is_end(text4, end) 23 Now the more complicated one >>> text5 = 'abc\\r\\nmoo' >>> vty._is_end(text5, end) 0 Check for node name extraction >>> text6 = 'abc\\r\\nOsmoNAT(config-nat)# ' >>> vty._is_end(text6, end) 23 >>> vty.node() 'config-nat' Check for empty node name extraction >>> text7 = 'abc\\r\\nOsmoNAT# ' >>> vty._is_end(text7, end) 11 >>> vty.node() is None True """ self.last_node = None for end in ends: match = end.search(text) if match: self.last_node = match.group(1) return match.end() - match.start() return 0 def _common_command(self, request, close=False, ends=None): if not ends: ends = [self.norm_end, self.priv_end] if not self.socket: self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.setblocking(1) self.socket.connect((self.host, self.port)) if debug_tcp_sockets: VTYInteract.all_sockets.append(self.socket) print "Socket: connected to %s:%d %r (%d sockets open)" % ( self.host, self.port, self.socket, len(VTYInteract.all_sockets)) self.socket.recv(4096) # Now send the command self.socket.send("%s\r" % request) res = "" end = "" # Unfortunately, timeout and recv don't always play nicely while True: data = self.socket.recv(4096) res = "%s%s" % (res, data) if not res: # yes, this is ugly raise IOError("Failed to read data (did the app crash?)") end = self._is_end(res, ends) if end > 0: break if close: self._close_socket() return res[len(request) + 2: -end] """A generator function yielding lines separated by delim. Behaves similar to a file readlines() method. Example of use: for line in vty.readlines(): print line """ def readlines(self, recv_buffer=4096, delim='\n'): buffer = '' data = True while data: data = self.socket.recv(recv_buffer) buffer += data while buffer.find(delim) != -1: line, buffer = buffer.split('\n', 1) yield line return # There's no close parameter, as close=True makes this useless def enable(self): self.command("enable") """Run a command on the vty""" def command(self, request, close=False): return self._common_command(request, close) """Run enable, followed by another command""" def enabled_command(self, request, close=False): self.enable() return self._common_command(request, close) """Verify, ignoring leading/trailing whitespace""" # inspired by diff -w, though not identical def w_verify(self, command, results, close=False, loud=True): return self.verify(command, results, close, loud, lambda x: x.strip()) """Verify that a command has the expected results command = the command to verify results = the expected results [line1, line2, ...] close = True to close the socket after running the verify loud = True to show what was expected and what actually happend, stdout f = A function to run over the expected and actual results, before compare Returns True iff the expected and actual results match""" def verify(self, command, results, close=False, loud=True, f=None): res = self.command(command, close).split('\r\n') if f: res = map(f, res) results = map(f, results) if loud: if res != results: print "Rec: %s\nExp: %s" % (res, results) return res == results def node(self): return self.last_node if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()