#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pySim: various utilities """ # # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Sylvain Munaut # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # def h2b(s): return ''.join([chr((int(x,16)<<4)+int(y,16)) for x,y in zip(s[0::2], s[1::2])]) def b2h(s): return ''.join(['%02x'%ord(x) for x in s]) def h2i(s): return [(int(x,16)<<4)+int(y,16) for x,y in zip(s[0::2], s[1::2])] def i2h(s): return ''.join(['%02x'%(x) for x in s]) def h2s(s): return ''.join([chr((int(x,16)<<4)+int(y,16)) for x,y in zip(s[0::2], s[1::2]) if not (x == 'f' and y == 'f') ]) def s2h(s): return b2h(s) def swap_nibbles(s): return ''.join([x+y for x,y in zip(s[1::2], s[0::2])]) def rpad(s, l, c='f'): return s + c * (l - len(s)) def lpad(s, l, c='f'): return c * (l - len(s)) + s def half_round_up(n): return (n + 1)//2 # IMSI encoded format: # For IMSI 0123456789ABCDE: # # | byte 1 | 2 upper | 2 lower | 3 upper | 3 lower | ... | 9 upper | 9 lower | # | length in bytes | 0 | odd/even | 2 | 1 | ... | E | D | # # If the IMSI is less than 15 characters, it should be padded with 'f' from the end. # # The length is the total number of bytes used to encoded the IMSI. This includes the odd/even # parity bit. E.g. an IMSI of length 14 is 8 bytes long, not 7, as it uses bytes 2 to 9 to # encode itself. # # Because of this, an odd length IMSI fits exactly into len(imsi) + 1 // 2 bytes, whereas an # even length IMSI only uses half of the last byte. def enc_imsi(imsi): """Converts a string imsi into the value of the EF""" l = half_round_up(len(imsi) + 1) # Required bytes - include space for odd/even indicator oe = len(imsi) & 1 # Odd (1) / Even (0) ei = '%02x' % l + swap_nibbles('%01x%s' % ((oe<<3)|1, rpad(imsi, 15))) return ei def dec_imsi(ef): """Converts an EF value to the imsi string representation""" if len(ef) < 4: return None l = int(ef[0:2], 16) * 2 # Length of the IMSI string l = l - 1 # Encoded length byte includes oe nibble swapped = swap_nibbles(ef[2:]).rstrip('f') oe = (int(swapped[0])>>3) & 1 # Odd (1) / Even (0) if not oe: # if even, only half of last byte was used l = l-1 if l != len(swapped) - 1: return None imsi = swapped[1:] return imsi def dec_iccid(ef): return swap_nibbles(ef).strip('f') def enc_iccid(iccid): return swap_nibbles(rpad(iccid, 20)) def enc_plmn(mcc, mnc): """Converts integer MCC/MNC into 3 bytes for EF""" return swap_nibbles(lpad('%d' % int(mcc), 3) + lpad('%d' % int(mnc), 3)) def dec_spn(ef): byte1 = int(ef[0:2]) hplmn_disp = (byte1&0x01 == 0x01) oplmn_disp = (byte1&0x02 == 0x02) name = h2s(ef[2:]) return (name, hplmn_disp, oplmn_disp) def enc_spn(name, hplmn_disp=False, oplmn_disp=False): byte1 = 0x00 if hplmn_disp: byte1 = byte1|0x01 if oplmn_disp: byte1 = byte1|0x02 return i2h([byte1])+s2h(name) def hexstr_to_fivebytearr(s): return [s[i:i+10] for i in range(0, len(s), 10) ] # Accepts hex string representing three bytes def dec_mcc_from_plmn(plmn): ia = h2i(plmn) digit1 = ia[0] & 0x0F # 1st byte, LSB digit2 = (ia[0] & 0xF0) >> 4 # 1st byte, MSB digit3 = ia[1] & 0x0F # 2nd byte, LSB if digit3 == 0xF and digit2 == 0xF and digit1 == 0xF: return 0xFFF # 4095 return derive_mcc(digit1, digit2, digit3) def dec_mnc_from_plmn(plmn): ia = h2i(plmn) digit1 = ia[2] & 0x0F # 3rd byte, LSB digit2 = (ia[2] & 0xF0) >> 4 # 3rd byte, MSB digit3 = (ia[1] & 0xF0) >> 4 # 2nd byte, MSB if digit3 == 0xF and digit2 == 0xF and digit1 == 0xF: return 0xFFF # 4095 return derive_mnc(digit1, digit2, digit3) def dec_act(twohexbytes): act_list = [ {'bit': 15, 'name': "UTRAN"}, {'bit': 14, 'name': "E-UTRAN"}, {'bit': 7, 'name': "GSM"}, {'bit': 6, 'name': "GSM COMPACT"}, {'bit': 5, 'name': "cdma2000 HRPD"}, {'bit': 4, 'name': "cdma2000 1xRTT"}, ] ia = h2i(twohexbytes) u16t = (ia[0] << 8)|ia[1] sel = [] for a in act_list: if u16t & (1 << a['bit']): sel.append(a['name']) return sel def dec_xplmn_w_act(fivehexbytes): res = {'mcc': 0, 'mnc': 0, 'act': []} plmn_chars = 6 act_chars = 4 plmn_str = fivehexbytes[:plmn_chars] # first three bytes (six ascii hex chars) act_str = fivehexbytes[plmn_chars:plmn_chars + act_chars] # two bytes after first three bytes res['mcc'] = dec_mcc_from_plmn(plmn_str) res['mnc'] = dec_mnc_from_plmn(plmn_str) res['act'] = dec_act(act_str) return res def format_xplmn_w_act(hexstr): s = "" for rec_data in hexstr_to_fivebytearr(hexstr): rec_info = dec_xplmn_w_act(rec_data) if rec_info['mcc'] == 0xFFF and rec_info['mnc'] == 0xFFF: rec_str = "unused" else: rec_str = "MCC: %03d MNC: %03d AcT: %s" % (rec_info['mcc'], rec_info['mnc'], ", ".join(rec_info['act'])) s += "\t%s # %s\n" % (rec_data, rec_str) return s def derive_milenage_opc(ki_hex, op_hex): """ Run the milenage algorithm to calculate OPC from Ki and OP """ from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor from pySim.utils import b2h # We pass in hex string and now need to work on bytes aes = AES.new(h2b(ki_hex)) opc_bytes = aes.encrypt(h2b(op_hex)) return b2h(strxor(opc_bytes, h2b(op_hex))) def calculate_luhn(cc): """ Calculate Luhn checksum used in e.g. ICCID and IMEI """ num = map(int, str(cc)) check_digit = 10 - sum(num[-2::-2] + [sum(divmod(d * 2, 10)) for d in num[::-2]]) % 10 return 0 if check_digit == 10 else check_digit def mcc_from_imsi(imsi): """ Derive the MCC (Mobile Country Code) from the first three digits of an IMSI """ if imsi == None: return None if len(imsi) > 3: return imsi[:3] else: return None def mnc_from_imsi(imsi, long=False): """ Derive the MNC (Mobile Country Code) from the 4th to 6th digit of an IMSI """ if imsi == None: return None if len(imsi) > 3: if long: return imsi[3:6] else: return imsi[3:5] else: return None def derive_mcc(digit1, digit2, digit3): """ Derive decimal representation of the MCC (Mobile Country Code) from three given digits. """ mcc = 0 if digit1 != 0x0f: mcc += digit1 * 100 if digit2 != 0x0f: mcc += digit2 * 10 if digit3 != 0x0f: mcc += digit3 return mcc def derive_mnc(digit1, digit2, digit3=0x0f): """ Derive decimal representation of the MNC (Mobile Network Code) from two or (optionally) three given digits. """ mnc = 0 # 3-rd digit is optional for the MNC. If present # the algorythm is the same as for the MCC. if digit3 != 0x0f: return derive_mcc(digit1, digit2, digit3) if digit1 != 0x0f: mnc += digit1 * 10 if digit2 != 0x0f: mnc += digit2 return mnc def dec_msisdn(ef_msisdn): """ Decode MSISDN from EF.MSISDN or EF.ADN (same structure). See 3GPP TS 31.102, section 4.2.26 and """ # Convert from str to (kind of) 'bytes' ef_msisdn = h2b(ef_msisdn) # Make sure mandatory fields are present if len(ef_msisdn) < 14: raise ValueError("EF.MSISDN is too short") # Skip optional Alpha Identifier xlen = len(ef_msisdn) - 14 msisdn_lhv = ef_msisdn[xlen:] # Parse the length (in bytes) of the BCD encoded number bcd_len = ord(msisdn_lhv[0]) # BCD length = length of dial num (max. 10 bytes) + 1 byte ToN and NPI if bcd_len == 0xff: return None elif bcd_len > 11 or bcd_len < 1: raise ValueError("Length of MSISDN (%d bytes) is out of range" % bcd_len) # Parse ToN / NPI ton = (ord(msisdn_lhv[1]) >> 4) & 0x07 npi = ord(msisdn_lhv[1]) & 0x0f bcd_len -= 1 # No MSISDN? if not bcd_len: return (npi, ton, None) msisdn = swap_nibbles(b2h(msisdn_lhv[2:][:bcd_len])).rstrip('f') # International number 10.5.118/3GPP TS 24.008 if ton == 0x01: msisdn = '+' + msisdn return (npi, ton, msisdn) def enc_msisdn(msisdn, npi=0x01, ton=0x03): """ Encode MSISDN as LHV so it can be stored to EF.MSISDN. See 3GPP TS 31.102, section 4.2.26 and Default NPI / ToN values: - NPI: ISDN / telephony numbering plan (E.164 / E.163), - ToN: network specific or international number (if starts with '+'). """ # Leading '+' indicates International Number if msisdn[0] == '+': msisdn = msisdn[1:] ton = 0x01 # Append 'f' padding if number of digits is odd if len(msisdn) % 2 > 0: msisdn += 'f' # BCD length also includes NPI/ToN header bcd_len = len(msisdn) // 2 + 1 npi_ton = (npi & 0x0f) | ((ton & 0x07) << 4) | 0x80 bcd = rpad(swap_nibbles(msisdn), 10 * 2) # pad to 10 octets return ('%02x' % bcd_len) + ('%02x' % npi_ton) + bcd def dec_st(st, table="sim"): """ Parses the EF S/U/IST and prints the list of available services in EF S/U/IST """ if table == "usim": from pySim.ts_31_102 import EF_UST_map lookup_map = EF_UST_map else: from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF_SST_map lookup_map = EF_SST_map st_bytes = [st[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(st), 2) ] avail_st = "" # Get each byte and check for available services for i in range(0, len(st_bytes)): # Byte i contains info about Services num (8i+1) to num (8i+8) byte = int(st_bytes[i], 16) # Services in each byte are in order MSB to LSB # MSB - Service (8i+8) # LSB - Service (8i+1) for j in range(1, 9): if byte&0x01 == 0x01 and ((8*i) + j in lookup_map): # Byte X contains info about Services num (8X-7) to num (8X) # bit = 1: service available # bit = 0: service not available avail_st += '\tService %d - %s\n' % ((8*i) + j, lookup_map[(8*i) + j]) byte = byte >> 1 return avail_st