#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pySim: Card programmation logic """ # # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Sylvain Munaut # Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Welte # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from pySim.utils import b2h, h2b, swap_nibbles, rpad, lpad, enc_imsi, enc_iccid, enc_plmn class Card(object): def __init__(self, scc): self._scc = scc def reset(self): self._scc.reset_card() class _MagicSimBase(Card): """ Theses cards uses several record based EFs to store the provider infos, each possible provider uses a specific record number in each EF. The indexes used are ( where N is the number of providers supported ) : - [2 .. N+1] for the operator name - [1 .. N] for the programable EFs * 3f00/7f4d/8f0c : Operator Name bytes 0-15 : provider name, padded with 0xff byte 16 : length of the provider name byte 17 : 01 for valid records, 00 otherwise * 3f00/7f4d/8f0d : Programmable Binary EFs * 3f00/7f4d/8f0e : Programmable Record EFs """ @classmethod def autodetect(kls, scc): try: for p, l, t in kls._files.values(): if not t: continue if scc.record_size(['3f00', '7f4d', p]) != l: return None except: return None return kls(scc) def _get_count(self): """ Selects the file and returns the total number of entries and entry size """ f = self._files['name'] r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f4d', f[0]]) rec_len = int(r[-1][28:30], 16) tlen = int(r[-1][4:8],16) rec_cnt = (tlen / rec_len) - 1; if (rec_cnt < 1) or (rec_len != f[1]): raise RuntimeError('Bad card type') return rec_cnt def program(self, p): # Go to dir self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f4d']) # Home PLMN in PLMN_Sel format hplmn = enc_plmn(p['mcc'], p['mnc']) # Operator name ( 3f00/7f4d/8f0c ) self._scc.update_record(self._files['name'][0], 2, rpad(b2h(p['name']), 32) + ('%02x' % len(p['name'])) + '01' ) # ICCID/IMSI/Ki/HPLMN ( 3f00/7f4d/8f0d ) v = '' # inline Ki if self._ki_file is None: v += p['ki'] # ICCID v += '3f00' + '2fe2' + '0a' + enc_iccid(p['iccid']) # IMSI v += '7f20' + '6f07' + '09' + enc_imsi(p['imsi']) # Ki if self._ki_file: v += self._ki_file + '10' + p['ki'] # PLMN_Sel v+= '6f30' + '18' + rpad(hplmn, 36) # ACC # This doesn't work with "fake" SuperSIM cards, # but will hopefully work with real SuperSIMs. if p.get('acc') is not None: v+= '6f78' + '02' + lpad(p['acc'], 4) self._scc.update_record(self._files['b_ef'][0], 1, rpad(v, self._files['b_ef'][1]*2) ) # SMSP ( 3f00/7f4d/8f0e ) # FIXME # Write PLMN_Sel forcefully as well r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f20', '6f30']) tl = int(r[-1][4:8], 16) hplmn = enc_plmn(p['mcc'], p['mnc']) self._scc.update_binary('6f30', hplmn + 'ff' * (tl-3)) def erase(self): # Dummy df = {} for k, v in self._files.iteritems(): ofs = 1 fv = v[1] * 'ff' if k == 'name': ofs = 2 fv = fv[0:-4] + '0000' df[v[0]] = (fv, ofs) # Write for n in range(0,self._get_count()): for k, (msg, ofs) in df.iteritems(): self._scc.update_record(['3f00', '7f4d', k], n + ofs, msg) class SuperSim(_MagicSimBase): name = 'supersim' _files = { 'name' : ('8f0c', 18, True), 'b_ef' : ('8f0d', 74, True), 'r_ef' : ('8f0e', 50, True), } _ki_file = None class MagicSim(_MagicSimBase): name = 'magicsim' _files = { 'name' : ('8f0c', 18, True), 'b_ef' : ('8f0d', 130, True), 'r_ef' : ('8f0e', 102, False), } _ki_file = '6f1b' class FakeMagicSim(Card): """ Theses cards have a record based EF 3f00/000c that contains the provider informations. See the program method for its format. The records go from 1 to N. """ name = 'fakemagicsim' @classmethod def autodetect(kls, scc): try: if scc.record_size(['3f00', '000c']) != 0x5a: return None except: return None return kls(scc) def _get_infos(self): """ Selects the file and returns the total number of entries and entry size """ r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '000c']) rec_len = int(r[-1][28:30], 16) tlen = int(r[-1][4:8],16) rec_cnt = (tlen / rec_len) - 1; if (rec_cnt < 1) or (rec_len != 0x5a): raise RuntimeError('Bad card type') return rec_cnt, rec_len def program(self, p): # Home PLMN r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f20', '6f30']) tl = int(r[-1][4:8], 16) hplmn = enc_plmn(p['mcc'], p['mnc']) self._scc.update_binary('6f30', hplmn + 'ff' * (tl-3)) # Get total number of entries and entry size rec_cnt, rec_len = self._get_infos() # Set first entry entry = ( '81' + # 1b Status: Valid & Active rpad(b2h(p['name'][0:14]), 28) + # 14b Entry Name enc_iccid(p['iccid']) + # 10b ICCID enc_imsi(p['imsi']) + # 9b IMSI_len + id_type(9) + IMSI p['ki'] + # 16b Ki lpad(p['smsp'], 80) # 40b SMSP (padded with ff if needed) ) self._scc.update_record('000c', 1, entry) def erase(self): # Get total number of entries and entry size rec_cnt, rec_len = self._get_infos() # Erase all entries entry = 'ff' * rec_len for i in range(0, rec_cnt): self._scc.update_record('000c', 1+i, entry) class GrcardSim(Card): """ Greencard (grcard.cn) HZCOS GSM SIM These cards have a much more regular ISO 7816-4 / TS 11.11 structure, and use standard UPDATE RECORD / UPDATE BINARY commands except for Ki. """ name = 'grcardsim' @classmethod def autodetect(kls, scc): return None def program(self, p): # We don't really know yet what ADM PIN 4 is about #self._scc.verify_chv(4, h2b("4444444444444444")) # Authenticate using ADM PIN 5 if p['pin_adm']: pin = p['pin_adm'] else: pin = h2b("4444444444444444") self._scc.verify_chv(5, pin) # EF.ICCID r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '2fe2']) data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('2fe2', enc_iccid(p['iccid'])) # EF.IMSI r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f20', '6f07']) data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('6f07', enc_imsi(p['imsi'])) # EF.ACC if p.get('acc') is not None: data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('6f78', lpad(p['acc'], 4)) # EF.SMSP r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f10', '6f42']) data, sw = self._scc.update_record('6f42', 1, lpad(p['smsp'], 80)) # Set the Ki using proprietary command pdu = '80d4020010' + p['ki'] data, sw = self._scc._tp.send_apdu(pdu) # EF.HPLMN r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f20', '6f30']) size = int(r[-1][4:8], 16) hplmn = enc_plmn(p['mcc'], p['mnc']) self._scc.update_binary('6f30', hplmn + 'ff' * (size-3)) # EF.SPN (Service Provider Name) r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f20', '6f30']) size = int(r[-1][4:8], 16) # FIXME # FIXME: EF.MSISDN def erase(self): return class SysmoSIMgr1(GrcardSim): """ sysmocom sysmoSIM-GR1 These cards have a much more regular ISO 7816-4 / TS 11.11 structure, and use standard UPDATE RECORD / UPDATE BINARY commands except for Ki. """ name = 'sysmosim-gr1' class SysmoUSIMgr1(Card): """ sysmocom sysmoUSIM-GR1 """ name = 'sysmoUSIM-GR1' @classmethod def autodetect(kls, scc): # TODO: Access the ATR return None def program(self, p): # TODO: check if verify_chv could be used or what it needs # self._scc.verify_chv(0x0A, [0x33,0x32,0x32,0x31,0x33,0x32,0x33,0x32]) # Unlock the card.. data, sw = self._scc._tp.send_apdu_checksw("0020000A083332323133323332") # TODO: move into SimCardCommands par = ( p['ki'] + # 16b K p['opc'] + # 32b OPC enc_iccid(p['iccid']) + # 10b ICCID enc_imsi(p['imsi']) # 9b IMSI_len + id_type(9) + IMSI ) data, sw = self._scc._tp.send_apdu_checksw("0099000033" + par) def erase(self): return class SysmoSIMgr2(Card): """ sysmocom sysmoSIM-GR2 """ name = 'sysmoSIM-GR2' @classmethod def autodetect(kls, scc): # TODO: look for ATR 3B 7D 94 00 00 55 55 53 0A 74 86 93 0B 24 7C 4D 54 68 return None def program(self, p): # select MF r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00']) # authenticate as SUPER ADM using default key self._scc.verify_chv(0x0b, h2b("3838383838383838")) # set ADM pin using proprietary command # INS: D4 # P1: 3A for PIN, 3B for PUK # P2: CHV number, as in VERIFY CHV for PIN, and as in UNBLOCK CHV for PUK # P3: 08, CHV length (curiously the PUK is also 08 length, instead of 10) if p['pin_adm']: pin = p['pin_adm'] else: pin = h2b("4444444444444444") pdu = 'A0D43A0508' + b2h(pin) data, sw = self._scc._tp.send_apdu(pdu) # authenticate as ADM (enough to write file, and can set PINs) self._scc.verify_chv(0x05, pin) # write EF.ICCID data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('2fe2', enc_iccid(p['iccid'])) # select DF_GSM r = self._scc.select_file(['7f20']) # write EF.IMSI data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('6f07', enc_imsi(p['imsi'])) # write EF.ACC if p.get('acc') is not None: data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('6f78', lpad(p['acc'], 4)) # get size and write EF.HPLMN r = self._scc.select_file(['6f30']) size = int(r[-1][4:8], 16) hplmn = enc_plmn(p['mcc'], p['mnc']) self._scc.update_binary('6f30', hplmn + 'ff' * (size-3)) # set COMP128 version 0 in proprietary file data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('0001', '001000') # set Ki in proprietary file data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('0001', p['ki'], 3) # select DF_TELECOM r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f10']) # write EF.SMSP data, sw = self._scc.update_record('6f42', 1, lpad(p['smsp'], 80)) def erase(self): return class SysmoUSIMSJS1(Card): """ sysmocom sysmoUSIM-SJS1 """ name = 'sysmoUSIM-SJS1' def __init__(self, ssc): super(SysmoUSIMSJS1, self).__init__(ssc) self._scc.cla_byte = "00" self._scc.sel_ctrl = "000C" @classmethod def autodetect(kls, scc): # TODO: look for ATR 3B 9F 96 80 1F C7 80 31 A0 73 BE 21 13 67 43 20 07 18 00 00 01 A5 return None def program(self, p): # authenticate as ADM using default key (written on the card..) if not p['pin_adm']: raise ValueError("Please provide a PIN-ADM as there is no default one") self._scc.verify_chv(0x0A, h2b(p['pin_adm'])) # select MF r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00']) # write EF.ICCID data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('2fe2', enc_iccid(p['iccid'])) # select DF_GSM r = self._scc.select_file(['7f20']) # set Ki in proprietary file data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('00FF', p['ki']) # set Ki in proprietary file content = "01" + p['opc'] data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('00F7', content) # write EF.IMSI data, sw = self._scc.update_binary('6f07', enc_imsi(p['imsi'])) # EF.SMSP r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7f10']) data, sw = self._scc.update_record('6f42', 1, lpad(p['smsp'], 104), force_len=True) def erase(self): return # In order for autodetection ... _cards_classes = [ FakeMagicSim, SuperSim, MagicSim, GrcardSim, SysmoSIMgr1, SysmoSIMgr2, SysmoUSIMgr1, SysmoUSIMSJS1 ]