#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # Utility to display some informations about a SIM card # # # Copyright (C) 2009 Sylvain Munaut # Copyright (C) 2010 Harald Welte # Copyright (C) 2013 Alexander Chemeris # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import hashlib from optparse import OptionParser import os import random import re import sys from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF, DF, EF_SST_map from pySim.ts_31_102 import EF_UST_map from pySim.ts_31_103 import EF_IST_map from pySim.commands import SimCardCommands from pySim.cards import card_detect, Card from pySim.utils import h2b, swap_nibbles, rpad, dec_imsi, dec_iccid, dec_msisdn, format_xplmn_w_act, dec_spn, dec_st def parse_options(): parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]") parser.add_option("-d", "--device", dest="device", metavar="DEV", help="Serial Device for SIM access [default: %default]", default="/dev/ttyUSB0", ) parser.add_option("-b", "--baud", dest="baudrate", type="int", metavar="BAUD", help="Baudrate used for SIM access [default: %default]", default=9600, ) parser.add_option("-p", "--pcsc-device", dest="pcsc_dev", type='int', metavar="PCSC", help="Which PC/SC reader number for SIM access", default=None, ) parser.add_option("--osmocon", dest="osmocon_sock", metavar="PATH", help="Socket path for Calypso (e.g. Motorola C1XX) based reader (via OsmocomBB)", default=None, ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.error("Extraneous arguments") return options if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse options opts = parse_options() # Init card reader driver if opts.pcsc_dev is not None: print("Using PC/SC reader (dev=%d) interface" % opts.pcsc_dev) from pySim.transport.pcsc import PcscSimLink sl = PcscSimLink(opts.pcsc_dev) elif opts.osmocon_sock is not None: print("Using Calypso-based (OsmocomBB, sock=%s) reader interface" % opts.osmocon_sock) from pySim.transport.calypso import CalypsoSimLink sl = CalypsoSimLink(sock_path=opts.osmocon_sock) else: # Serial reader is default print("Using serial reader (port=%s, baudrate=%d) interface" % (opts.device, opts.baudrate)) from pySim.transport.serial import SerialSimLink sl = SerialSimLink(device=opts.device, baudrate=opts.baudrate) # Create command layer scc = SimCardCommands(transport=sl) # Wait for SIM card sl.wait_for_card() # Assuming UICC SIM scc.cla_byte = "00" scc.sel_ctrl = "0004" # Testing for Classic SIM or UICC (res, sw) = sl.send_apdu(scc.cla_byte + "a4" + scc.sel_ctrl + "02" + "3f00") if sw == '6e00': # Just a Classic SIM scc.cla_byte = "a0" scc.sel_ctrl = "0000" # Program the card print("Reading ...") # Initialize Card object by auto detecting the card card = card_detect("auto", scc) or Card(scc) # Read all AIDs on the UICC card.read_aids() # EF.ICCID (res, sw) = card.read_iccid() if sw == '9000': print("ICCID: %s" % (res,)) else: print("ICCID: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) # EF.IMSI (res, sw) = card.read_imsi() if sw == '9000': print("IMSI: %s" % (res,)) else: print("IMSI: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) # EF.GID1 try: (res, sw) = card.read_gid1() if sw == '9000': print("GID1: %s" % (res,)) else: print("GID1: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) except Exception as e: print("GID1: Can't read file -- %s" % (str(e),)) # EF.GID2 try: (res, sw) = card.read_binary('GID2') if sw == '9000': print("GID2: %s" % (res,)) else: print("GID2: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) except Exception as e: print("GID2: Can't read file -- %s" % (str(e),)) # EF.SMSP (res, sw) = card.read_record('SMSP', 1) if sw == '9000': print("SMSP: %s" % (res,)) else: print("SMSP: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) # EF.SPN try: (res, sw) = card.read_spn() if sw == '9000': print("SPN: %s" % (res[0] or "Not available")) print("Display HPLMN: %s" % (res[1],)) print("Display OPLMN: %s" % (res[2],)) else: print("SPN: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) except Exception as e: print("SPN: Can't read file -- %s" % (str(e),)) # EF.PLMNsel try: (res, sw) = card.read_binary('PLMNsel') if sw == '9000': print("PLMNsel: %s" % (res)) else: print("PLMNsel: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) except Exception as e: print("PLMNsel: Can't read file -- " + str(e)) # EF.PLMNwAcT try: (res, sw) = card.read_plmn_act() if sw == '9000': print("PLMNwAcT:\n%s" % (res)) else: print("PLMNwAcT: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) except Exception as e: print("PLMNwAcT: Can't read file -- " + str(e)) # EF.OPLMNwAcT try: (res, sw) = card.read_oplmn_act() if sw == '9000': print("OPLMNwAcT:\n%s" % (res)) else: print("OPLMNwAcT: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) except Exception as e: print("OPLMNwAcT: Can't read file -- " + str(e)) # EF.HPLMNAcT try: (res, sw) = card.read_hplmn_act() if sw == '9000': print("HPLMNAcT:\n%s" % (res)) else: print("HPLMNAcT: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) except Exception as e: print("HPLMNAcT: Can't read file -- " + str(e)) # EF.ACC (res, sw) = card.read_binary('ACC') if sw == '9000': print("ACC: %s" % (res,)) else: print("ACC: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) # EF.MSISDN try: (res, sw) = card.read_msisdn() if sw == '9000': # (npi, ton, msisdn) = res if res is not None: print("MSISDN (NPI=%d ToN=%d): %s" % res) else: print("MSISDN: Not available") else: print("MSISDN: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) except Exception as e: print("MSISDN: Can't read file -- " + str(e)) # EF.AD (res, sw) = card.read_binary('AD') if sw == '9000': print("AD: %s" % (res,)) else: print("AD: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) # EF.SST (res, sw) = card.read_binary('SST') if sw == '9000': print("SIM Service Table: %s" % res) # Print those which are available print("%s" % dec_st(res)) else: print("SIM Service Table: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) # Check whether we have th AID of USIM, if so select it by its AID # EF.UST - File Id in ADF USIM : 6f38 if '9000' == card.select_adf_by_aid(): # EF.UST (res, sw) = card.read_binary('6f38') if sw == '9000': print("USIM Service Table: %s" % res) # Print those which are available print("%s" % dec_st(res, table="usim")) else: print("USIM Service Table: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) # Check whether we have th AID of ISIM, if so select it by its AID # EF.IST - File Id in ADF ISIM : 6f07 if '9000' == card.select_adf_by_aid(adf="isim"): # EF.IST (res, sw) = card.read_binary('6f07') if sw == '9000': print("ISIM Service Table: %s" % res) # Print those which are available print("%s" % dec_st(res, table="isim")) else: print("ISIM Service Table: Can't read, response code = %s" % (sw,)) # Done for this card and maybe for everything ? print("Done !\n")