#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Early proof-of-concept towards a SM-DP+ HTTP service for GSMA consumer eSIM RSP # # (C) 2023-2024 by Harald Welte # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import json import sys import argparse import uuid import os import functools from typing import Optional, Dict, List from pprint import pprint as pp import base64 from base64 import b64decode from klein import Klein from twisted.web.iweb import IRequest import asn1tools from pySim.utils import h2b, b2h, swap_nibbles import pySim.esim.rsp as rsp from pySim.esim.es8p import * # HACK: make this configurable DATA_DIR = './smdpp-data' HOSTNAME = 'testsmdpplus1.example.com' # must match certificates! def b64encode2str(req: bytes) -> str: """Encode given input bytes as base64 and return result as string.""" return base64.b64encode(req).decode('ascii') def set_headers(request: IRequest): """Set the request headers as mandatory by GSMA eSIM RSP.""" request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8') request.setHeader('X-Admin-Protocol', 'gsma/rsp/v2.1.0') def build_status_code(subject_code: str, reason_code: str, subject_id: Optional[str], message: Optional[str]) -> Dict: r = {'subjectCode': subject_code, 'reasonCode': reason_code } if subject_id: r['subjectIdentifier'] = subject_id if message: r['message'] = message return r def build_resp_header(js: dict, status: str = 'Executed-Success', status_code_data = None) -> None: # SGP.22 v3.0 js['header'] = { 'functionExecutionStatus': { 'status': status, } } if status_code_data: js['header']['functionExecutionStatus']['statusCodeData'] = status_code_data from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import decode_dss_signature, encode_dss_signature from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key, Encoding, PublicFormat, PrivateFormat, NoEncryption from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature from cryptography import x509 def ecdsa_dss_to_tr03111(sig: bytes) -> bytes: """convert from DER format to BSI TR-03111; first get long integers; then convert those to bytes.""" r, s = decode_dss_signature(sig) return r.to_bytes(32, 'big') + s.to_bytes(32, 'big') def ecdsa_tr03111_to_dss(sig: bytes) -> bytes: """convert an ECDSA signature from BSI TR-03111 format to DER: first get long integers; then encode those.""" assert len(sig) == 64 r = int.from_bytes(sig[0:32], 'big') s = int.from_bytes(sig[32:32*2], 'big') return encode_dss_signature(r, s) class CertAndPrivkey: """A pair of certificate and private key, as used for ECDSA signing.""" def __init__(self, required_policy_oid: Optional[x509.ObjectIdentifier] = None, cert: Optional[x509.Certificate] = None, priv_key = None): self.required_policy_oid = required_policy_oid self.cert = cert self.priv_key = priv_key def cert_from_der_file(self, path: str): with open(path, 'rb') as f: cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(f.read()) if self.required_policy_oid: # verify it is the right type of certificate (id-rspRole-dp-auth, id-rspRole-dp-auth-v2, etc.) assert cert_policy_has_oid(cert, self.required_policy_oid) self.cert = cert def privkey_from_pem_file(self, path: str, password: Optional[str] = None): with open(path, 'rb') as f: self.priv_key = load_pem_private_key(f.read(), password) def ecdsa_sign(self, plaintext: bytes) -> bytes: """Sign some input-data using an ECDSA signature compliant with SGP.22, which internally refers to Global Platform 2.2 Annex E, which in turn points to BSI TS-03111 which states "concatengated raw R + S values". """ sig = self.priv_key.sign(plaintext, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())) # convert from DER format to BSI TR-03111; first get long integers; then convert those to bytes return ecdsa_dss_to_tr03111(sig) def get_authority_key_identifier(self) -> x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier: """Return the AuthorityKeyIdentifier X.509 extension of the certificate.""" return list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x.value, x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier), self.cert.extensions))[0].value def get_subject_alt_name(self) -> x509.SubjectAlternativeName: """Return the SubjectAlternativeName X.509 extension of the certificate.""" return list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x.value, x509.SubjectAlternativeName), self.cert.extensions))[0].value def get_cert_as_der(self) -> bytes: """Return certificate encoded as DER.""" return self.cert.public_bytes(Encoding.DER) def get_curve(self) -> ec.EllipticCurve: return self.cert.public_key().public_numbers().curve class ApiError(Exception): def __init__(self, subject_code: str, reason_code: str, message: Optional[str] = None, subject_id: Optional[str] = None): self.status_code = build_status_code(subject_code, reason_code, subject_id, message) def encode(self) -> str: """Encode the API Error into a responseHeader string.""" js = {} build_resp_header(js, 'Failed', self.status_code) return json.dumps(js) def cert_policy_has_oid(cert: x509.Certificate, match_oid: x509.ObjectIdentifier) -> bool: """Determine if given certificate has a certificatePolicy extension of matching OID.""" for policy_ext in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x.value, x509.CertificatePolicies), cert.extensions): if any(policy.policy_identifier == match_oid for policy in policy_ext.value._policies): return True return False ID_RSP = "" ID_RSP_CERT_OBJECTS = '.'.join([ID_RSP, '2']) ID_RSP_ROLE = '.'.join([ID_RSP_CERT_OBJECTS, '1']) class oid: id_rspRole_ci = x509.ObjectIdentifier(ID_RSP_ROLE + '.0') id_rspRole_euicc_v2 = x509.ObjectIdentifier(ID_RSP_ROLE + '.1') id_rspRole_eum_v2 = x509.ObjectIdentifier(ID_RSP_ROLE + '.2') id_rspRole_dp_tls_v2 = x509.ObjectIdentifier(ID_RSP_ROLE + '.3') id_rspRole_dp_auth_v2 = x509.ObjectIdentifier(ID_RSP_ROLE + '.4') id_rspRole_dp_pb_v2 = x509.ObjectIdentifier(ID_RSP_ROLE + '.5') id_rspRole_ds_tls_v2 = x509.ObjectIdentifier(ID_RSP_ROLE + '.6') id_rspRole_ds_auth_v2 = x509.ObjectIdentifier(ID_RSP_ROLE + '.7') class SmDppHttpServer: app = Klein() @staticmethod def load_certs_from_path(path: str) -> List[x509.Certificate]: """Load all DER + PEM files from given directory path and return them as list of x509.Certificate instances.""" certs = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in filenames: cert = None if filename.endswith('.der'): with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), 'rb') as f: cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(f.read()) elif filename.endswith('.pem'): with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), 'rb') as f: cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(f.read()) if cert: # verify it is a CI certificate (keyCertSign + i-rspRole-ci) if not cert_policy_has_oid(cert, oid.id_rspRole_ci): raise ValueError("alleged CI certificate %s doesn't have CI policy" % filename) certs.append(cert) return certs def ci_get_cert_for_pkid(self, ci_pkid: bytes) -> Optional[x509.Certificate]: """Find CI certificate for given key identifier.""" for cert in self.ci_certs: print("cert: %s" % cert) subject_exts = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x.value, x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier), cert.extensions)) print(subject_exts) subject_pkid = subject_exts[0].value print(subject_pkid) if subject_pkid and subject_pkid.key_identifier == ci_pkid: return cert return None def __init__(self, server_hostname: str, ci_certs_path: str, use_brainpool: bool = False): self.server_hostname = server_hostname self.ci_certs = self.load_certs_from_path(ci_certs_path) # load DPauth cert + key self.dp_auth = CertAndPrivkey(oid.id_rspRole_dp_auth_v2) cert_dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'certs') if use_brainpool: self.dp_auth.cert_from_der_file(os.path.join(cert_dir, 'DPauth', 'CERT_S_SM_DPauth_ECDSA_BRP.der')) self.dp_auth.privkey_from_pem_file(os.path.join(cert_dir, 'DPauth', 'SK_S_SM_DPauth_ECDSA_BRP.pem')) else: self.dp_auth.cert_from_der_file(os.path.join(cert_dir, 'DPauth', 'CERT_S_SM_DPauth_ECDSA_NIST.der')) self.dp_auth.privkey_from_pem_file(os.path.join(cert_dir, 'DPauth', 'SK_S_SM_DPauth_ECDSA_NIST.pem')) # load DPpb cert + key self.dp_pb = CertAndPrivkey(oid.id_rspRole_dp_pb_v2) if use_brainpool: self.dp_pb.cert_from_der_file(os.path.join(cert_dir, 'DPpb', 'CERT_S_SM_DPpb_ECDSA_BRP.der')) self.dp_pb.privkey_from_pem_file(os.path.join(cert_dir, 'DPpb', 'SK_S_SM_DPpb_ECDSA_BRP.pem')) else: self.dp_pb.cert_from_der_file(os.path.join(cert_dir, 'DPpb', 'CERT_S_SM_DPpb_ECDSA_NIST.der')) self.dp_pb.privkey_from_pem_file(os.path.join(cert_dir, 'DPpb', 'SK_S_SM_DPpb_ECDSA_NIST.pem')) self.rss = rsp.RspSessionStore(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "sm-dp-sessions")) @app.handle_errors(ApiError) def handle_apierror(self, request: IRequest, failure): request.setResponseCode(200) pp(failure) return failure.value.encode() @staticmethod def _ecdsa_verify(cert: x509.Certificate, signature: bytes, data: bytes) -> bool: pubkey = cert.public_key() dss_sig = ecdsa_tr03111_to_dss(signature) try: pubkey.verify(dss_sig, data, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())) return True except InvalidSignature: return False @staticmethod def b64decode_members(indict: Dict, keys: List[str]): """base64-decoder all members of 'indict' whose key is in 'keys'.""" for key in keys: if key in indict: indict[key] = b64decode(indict[key]) @staticmethod def b64encode_members(indict: Dict, keys: List[str]): """base64-encoder (to string!) all members of 'indict' whose key is in 'keys'.""" for key in keys: if key in indict: indict[key] = b64encode2str(indict[key]) @staticmethod def asn1decode_member(indict: Dict, key: str, typename: Optional[str]): """decode indict[key] using RSP ASN.1 decoder for type 'typename'.""" if not typename: typename = capitalize_first_char(key) if key in indict: indict[key] = rsp.asn1.decode(typename, indict[key]) @staticmethod def asn1encode_member(indict: Dict, key: str, typename: Optional[str]): """encode indict[key] using RSP ASN.1 decoder for type 'typename'.""" if not typename: typename = capitalize_first_char(key) if key in indict: indict[key] = rsp.asn1.encode(typename, indict[key]) @staticmethod def rsp_api_wrapper(func): """Wrapper that can be used as decorator in order to perform common REST API endpoint entry/exit functionality, such as JSON decoding/encoding and debug-printing.""" @functools.wraps(func) def _api_wrapper(self, request: IRequest): # TODO: evaluate User-Agent + X-Admin-Protocol header # TODO: reject any non-JSON Content-type content = json.loads(request.content.read()) print("Rx JSON: %s" % content) set_headers(request) output = func(self, request, content) or {} build_resp_header(output) print("Tx JSON: %s" % output) return json.dumps(output) return _api_wrapper def initiateAutentication(self, request: IRequest, content: dict) -> dict: """See ES9+ InitiateAuthentication SGP.22 Section 5.6.1""" # Verify that the received address matches its own SM-DP+ address, where the comparison SHALL be # case-insensitive. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "SM-DP+ Address - Refused". if content['smdpAddress'] != self.server_hostname: raise ApiError('8.8.1', '3.8', 'Invalid SM-DP+ Address') euiccChallenge = content['euiccChallenge'] if len(euiccChallenge) != 16: raise ValueError euiccInfo1 = content['euiccInfo1'] print("Rx euiccInfo1: %s" % euiccInfo1) #euiccInfo1['svn'] # TODO: If euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3 is present ... pkid_list = euiccInfo1['euiccCiPKIdListForSigning'] if 'euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3' in euiccInfo1: pkid_list = pkid_list + euiccInfo1['euiccCiPKIdListForSigningV3'] # verify it supports one of the keys indicated by euiccCiPKIdListForSigning if not any(self.ci_get_cert_for_pkid(x) for x in pkid_list): raise ApiError('8.8.2', '3.1', 'None of the proposed Public Key Identifiers is supported by the SM-DP+') # TODO: Determine the set of CERT.DPauth.SIG that satisfy the following criteria: # * Part of a certificate chain ending at one of the eSIM CA RootCA Certificate, whose Public Keys is # supported by the eUICC (indicated by euiccCiPKIdListForVerification). # * Using a certificate chain that the eUICC and the LPA both support: #euiccInfo1['euiccCiPKIdListForVerification'] # raise ApiError('8.8.4', '3.7', 'The SM-DP+ has no CERT.DPauth.SIG which chains to one of the eSIM CA Root CA CErtificate with a Public Key supported by the eUICC') # Generate a TransactionID which is used to identify the ongoing RSP session. The TransactionID # SHALL be unique within the scope and lifetime of each SM-DP+. transactionId = uuid.uuid4().hex assert not transactionId in self.rss # Generate a serverChallenge for eUICC authentication attached to the ongoing RSP session. serverChallenge = os.urandom(16) # Generate a serverSigned1 data object as expected by the eUICC and described in section 5.7.13 "ES10b.AuthenticateServer". If and only if both eUICC and LPA indicate crlStaplingV3Support, the SM-DP+ SHALL indicate crlStaplingV3Used in sessionContext. serverSigned1 = { 'transactionId': h2b(transactionId), 'euiccChallenge': euiccChallenge, 'serverAddress': self.server_hostname, 'serverChallenge': serverChallenge, } print("Tx serverSigned1: %s" % serverSigned1) serverSigned1_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('ServerSigned1', serverSigned1) print("Tx serverSigned1: %s" % rsp.asn1.decode('ServerSigned1', serverSigned1_bin)) output = {} output['serverSigned1'] = serverSigned1 # Generate a signature (serverSignature1) as described in section 5.7.13 "ES10b.AuthenticateServer" using the SK related to the selected CERT.DPauth.SIG. # serverSignature1 SHALL be created using the private key associated to the RSP Server Certificate for authentication, and verified by the eUICC using the contained public key as described in section 2.6.9. serverSignature1 SHALL apply on serverSigned1 data object. output['serverSignature1'] = b'\x5f\x37\x40' + self.dp_auth.ecdsa_sign(serverSigned1_bin) output['transactionId'] = transactionId server_cert_aki = self.dp_auth.get_authority_key_identifier() output['euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed'] = b'\x04\x14' + server_cert_aki.key_identifier output['serverCertificate'] = self.dp_auth.get_cert_as_der() # CERT.DPauth.SIG # FIXME: add those certificate #output['otherCertsInChain'] = ... # create SessionState and store it in rss self.rss[transactionId] = rsp.RspSessionState(transactionId, serverChallenge) return output @app.route('/gsma/rsp2/es9plus/initiateAuthentication', methods=['POST']) @rsp_api_wrapper def json_initiateAuthentication(self, request: IRequest, content: dict): """Transform from JSON binding to generic function and back.""" # convert from JSON/BASE64 to decoded ASN.1 b64decode_members(content, ['euiccChallenge', 'euiccInfo1', 'lpaRspCapability']) asn1decode_member(content, 'eUICCInfo1') # do the actual processing output = self.initiateAuthentication(request, content) # convert from decoded ASN.1 to base64 to JSON asn1encode_member(output, 'serverSigned1') b64encode_members(output, ['serverSigned1', 'serverSignature1', 'euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed', 'serverCertificate', 'otherCertsInChain', 'crlList']) return output def authenticateClient(self, request: IRequest, content: dict) -> dict: """See ES9+ AuthenticateClient in SGP.22 Section 5.6.3""" transactionId = content['transactionId'] authenticateServerResp = content['authenticateServerResponse'] print("Rx %s: %s" % authenticateServerResp) if authenticateServerResp[0] == 'authenticateResponseError': r_err = authenticateServerResp[1] #r_err['transactionId'] #r_err['authenticateErrorCode'] raise ValueError("authenticateResponseError %s" % r_err) r_ok = authenticateServerResp[1] euiccSigned1 = r_ok['euiccSigned1'] # TODO: use original data, don't re-encode? euiccSigned1_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('EuiccSigned1', euiccSigned1) euiccSignature1_bin = r_ok['euiccSignature1'] euiccCertificate_dec = r_ok['euiccCertificate'] # TODO: use original data, don't re-encode? euiccCertificate_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('Certificate', euiccCertificate_dec) eumCertificate_dec = r_ok['eumCertificate'] eumCertificate_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('Certificate', eumCertificate_dec) # TODO v3: otherCertsInChain # load certificate euicc_cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(euiccCertificate_bin) eum_cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(eumCertificate_bin) # TODO: Verify the validity of the eUICC certificate chain # raise ApiError('8.1.3', '6.1', 'Verification failed') # raise ApiError('8.1.3', '6.3', 'Expired') # TODO: Verify that the Root Certificate of the eUICC certificate chain corresponds to the # euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed or euiccCiPKIdToBeUsedV3 # raise ApiError('8.11.1', '3.9', 'Unknown') # Verify euiccSignature1 over euiccSigned1 using pubkey from euiccCertificate. # Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "eUICC - Verification failed" if not self._ecdsa_verify(euicc_cert, euiccSignature1_bin, euiccSigned1_bin): raise ApiError('8.1', '6.1', 'Verification failed') # Verify that the transactionId is known and relates to an ongoing RSP session. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ # SHALL return a status code "TransactionId - Unknown" ss = self.rss.get(transactionId, None) if ss is None: raise ApiError('8.10.1', '3.9', 'Unknown') ss.euicc_cert = euicc_cert ss.eum_cert = eum_cert # do we need this in the state? # TODO: verify eUICC cert is signed by EUM cert # TODO: verify EUM cert is signed by CI cert # TODO: verify EID of eUICC cert is within permitted range of EUM cert ss.eid = ss.euicc_cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(x509.oid.NameOID.SERIAL_NUMBER)[0].value print("EID (from eUICC cert): %s" % ss.eid) # Verify that the serverChallenge attached to the ongoing RSP session matches the # serverChallenge returned by the eUICC. Otherwise, the SM-DP+ SHALL return a status code "eUICC - # Verification failed". if euiccSigned1['serverChallenge'] != ss.serverChallenge: raise ApiError('8.1', '6.1', 'Verification failed') # Put together profileMetadata + _bin ss.profileMetadata = ProfileMetadata(iccid_bin= h2b(swap_nibbles('89000123456789012358')), spn="OsmocomSPN", profile_name="OsmocomProfile") profileMetadata_bin = ss.profileMetadata.gen_store_metadata_request() # Put together smdpSigned2 + _bin smdpSigned2 = { 'transactionId': h2b(ss.transactionId), 'ccRequiredFlag': False, # whether the Confirmation Code is required #'bppEuiccOtpk': None, # whether otPK.EUICC.ECKA already used for binding the BPP, tag '5F49' } smdpSigned2_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('SmdpSigned2', smdpSigned2) ss.smdpSignature2_do = b'\x5f\x37\x40' + self.dp_pb.ecdsa_sign(smdpSigned2_bin + b'\x5f\x37\x40' + euiccSignature1_bin) # update non-volatile state with updated ss object self.rss[transactionId] = ss return { 'transactionId': transactionId, 'profileMetadata': profileMetadata, 'smdpSigned2': smdpSigned2, 'smdpSignature2': ss.smdpSignature2_do, 'smdpCertificate': self.dp_pb.get_cert_as_der(), # CERT.DPpb.SIG } @app.route('/gsma/rsp2/es9plus/authenticateClient', methods=['POST']) @rsp_api_wrapper def json_authenticateClient(self, request: IRequest, content: dict): """Transform from JSON binding to generic function and back.""" b64decode_members(content, ['authenticateServerResponse', 'deleteNotifciationForDc']) asn1decode_member(content, 'authenticateServerResponse') output = self.authenticateClient(requeset, content) asn1encode_member(output, 'smdpSigned2') b64encode_members(output, ['profileMetadata', 'smdpSigned2', 'smdpSignature2', 'smdpCertificate']) return output def getBoundProfilePackage(self, request: IRequest, content: dict) -> dict: """See ES9+ GetBoundProfilePackage SGP.22 Section 5.6.2""" transactionId = content['transactionId'] # Verify that the received transactionId is known and relates to an ongoing RSP session ss = self.rss.get(transactionId, None) if not ss: raise ApiError('8.10.1', '3.9', 'The RSP session identified by the TransactionID is unknown') prepDownloadResp = content['prepareDownloadResponse'] print("Rx %s: %s" % prepDownloadResp) if prepDownloadResp[0] == 'downloadResponseError': r_err = prepDownloadResp[1] #r_err['transactionId'] #r_err['downloadErrorCode'] raise ValueError("downloadResponseError %s" % r_err) r_ok = prepDownloadResp[1] # Verify the euiccSignature2 computed over euiccSigned2 and smdpSignature2 using the PK.EUICC.SIG attached to the ongoing RSP session euiccSigned2 = r_ok['euiccSigned2'] # TODO: use original data, don't re-encode? euiccSigned2_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('EUICCSigned2', euiccSigned2) if not self._ecdsa_verify(ss.euicc_cert, r_ok['euiccSignature2'], euiccSigned2_bin + ss.smdpSignature2_do): raise ApiError('8.1', '6.1', 'eUICC signature is invalid') # not in spec: Verify that signed TransactionID is outer transaction ID if h2b(transactionId) != euiccSigned2['transactionId']: raise ApiError('8.10.1', '3.9', 'The signed transactionId != outer transactionId') # store otPK.EUICC.ECKA in session state ss.euicc_otpk = euiccSigned2['euiccOtpk'] print("euiccOtpk: %s" % (b2h(ss.euicc_otpk))) # Generate a one-time ECKA key pair (ot{PK,SK}.DP.ECKA) using the curve indicated by the Key Parameter # Reference value of CERT.DPpb.ECDDSA print("curve = %s" % self.dp_pb.get_curve()) ss.smdp_ot = ec.generate_private_key(self.dp_pb.get_curve()) # extract the public key in (hopefully) the right format for the ES8+ interface ss.smdp_otpk = ss.smdp_ot.public_key().public_bytes(Encoding.X962, PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint) print("smdpOtpk: %s" % b2h(ss.smdp_otpk)) print("smdpOtsk: %s" % b2h(ss.smdp_ot.private_bytes(Encoding.DER, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, NoEncryption()))) ss.host_id = b'mahlzeit' # Generate Session Keys using the CRT, opPK.eUICC.ECKA and otSK.DP.ECKA according to annex G euicc_public_key = ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(ss.smdp_ot.curve, ss.euicc_otpk) ss.shared_secret = ss.smdp_ot.exchange(ec.ECDH(), euicc_public_key) print("shared_secret: %s" % b2h(ss.shared_secret)) # TODO: Check if this order requires a Confirmation Code verification # Perform actual protection + binding of profile package (or return pre-bound one) with open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'upp', 'TS48 V2 eSIM_GTP_SAIP2.1_NoBERTLV.rename2der'), 'rb') as f: upp = UnprotectedProfilePackage.from_der(f.read(), metadata=ss.profileMetadata) # HACK: Use empty PPP as we're still debuggin the configureISDP step, and we want to avoid # cluttering the log with stuff happening after the failure #upp = UnprotectedProfilePackage.from_der(b'', metadata=ss.profileMetadata) if False: # Use random keys bpp = BoundProfilePackage.from_upp(upp) else: # Use sesssion keys ppp = ProtectedProfilePackage.from_upp(upp, BspInstance(b'\x00'*16, b'\x11'*16, b'\x22'*16)) bpp = BoundProfilePackage.from_ppp(ppp) # update non-volatile state with updated ss object self.rss[transactionId] = ss return { 'transactionId': transactionId, 'boundProfilePackage': bpp.encode(ss, self.dp_pb), } @app.route('/gsma/rsp2/es9plus/getBoundProfilePackage', methods=['POST']) @rsp_api_wrapper def json_getBoundProfilePackage(self, request: IRequest, content: dict): """Transform from JSON binding to generic function and back.""" b64decode_members(content, ['prepareDownloadResponse']) asn1decode_member(content, 'prepareDownlaodResponse') output = self.getBoundProfilePackage(request, content) asn1encode_member(output, 'boundProfilePackage') b64encode_members(output, ['boundProfilePackage']) return output def handleNotification(self, request: IRequest, content: dict) -> dict: """See ES9+ HandleNotification in SGP.22 Section 5.6.4""" pendingNotification = content['pendingNotification'] print("Rx %s: %s" % pendingNotification) if pendingNotification[0] == 'profileInstallationResult': profileInstallRes = pendingNotification[1] pird = profileInstallRes['profileInstallationResultData'] transactionId = b2h(pird['transactionId']) ss = self.rss.get(transactionId, None) if ss is None: print("Unable to find session for transactionId") return profileInstallRes['euiccSignPIR'] # TODO: use original data, don't re-encode? pird_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('ProfileInstallationResultData', pird) # verify eUICC signature if not self._ecdsa_verify(ss.euicc_cert, profileInstallRes['euiccSignPIR'], pird_bin): print("Unable to verify eUICC signature") print("Profile Installation Final Result: ", pird['finalResult']) # remove session state del self.rss[transactionId] elif pendingNotification[0] == 'otherSignedNotification': # TODO pass else: raise ValueError(pendingNotification) return None @app.route('/gsma/rsp2/es9plus/handleNotification', methods=['POST']) @rsp_api_wrapper def json_handleNotification(self, request: IRequest, content: dict): """Transform from JSON binding to generic function and back.""" b64decode_members(content, ['pendingNotification']) asn1decode_member(content, 'pendingNotification') output = self.handleNotification(request, content) return output #@app.route('/gsma/rsp3/es9plus/handleDeviceChangeRequest, methods=['POST']') #@rsp_api_wrapper #"""See ES9+ ConfirmDeviceChange in SGP.22 Section 5.6.6""" # TODO: implement this def cancelSession(self, request: IRequest, content: dict) -> dict: """See ES9+ CancelSession in SGP.22 Section 5.6.5""" transactionId = content['transactionId'] # Verify that the received transactionId is known and relates to an ongoing RSP session ss = self.rss.get(transactionId, None) if ss is None: raise ApiError('8.10.1', '3.9', 'The RSP session identified by the transactionId is unknown') cancelSessionResponse = content['cancelSessionResponse'] print("Rx %s: %s" % cancelSessionResponse) if cancelSessionResponse[0] == 'cancelSessionResponseError': # FIXME: print some error return cancelSessionResponseOk = cancelSessionResponse[1] # TODO: use original data, don't re-encode? ecsr = cancelSessionResponseOk['euiccCancelSessionSigned'] ecsr_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('EuiccCancelSessionSigned', ecsr) # Verify the eUICC signature (euiccCancelSessionSignature) using the PK.EUICC.SIG attached to the ongoing RSP session if not self._ecdsa_verify(ss.euicc_cert, cancelSessionResponseOk['euiccCancelSessionSignature'], ecsr_bin): raise ApiError('8.1', '6.1', 'eUICC signature is invalid') # Verify that the received smdpOid corresponds to the one in SM-DP+ CERT.DPauth.SIG subj_alt_name = self.dp_auth.get_subject_alt_name() if x509.ObjectIdentifier(ecsr['smdpOid']) != subj_alt_name.oid: raise ApiError('8.8', '3.10', 'The provided SM-DP+ OID is invalid.') if ecsr['transactionId'] != h2b(transactionId): raise ApiError('8.10.1', '3.9', 'The signed transactionId != outer transactionId') # TODO: 1. Notify the Operator using the function "ES2+.HandleNotification" function # TODO: 2. Terminate the corresponding pending download process. # TODO: 3. If required, execute the SM-DS Event Deletion procedure described in section 3.6.3. # delete actual session data del self.rss[transactionId] return { 'transactionId': transactionId } @app.route('/gsma/rsp2/es9plus/cancelSession', methods=['POST']) @rsp_api_wrapper def json_cancelSessionn(self, request: IRequest, content: dict) -> dict: """Transform from JSON binding to generic function and back.""" b64decode_members(content, ['cancelSessionResponse']) asn1decode_member(content, 'cancelSessionResponse') output = self.cancelSession(request, content) return output @app.route('/gsma/rsp2/asn1', methods=['POST']) def asn1(self, request: IRequest) -> dict: # TODO: evaluate User-Agent + X-Admin-Protocol header # TODO: reject any non-ASN.1 Content-type content = rsp.asn1.decode('RemoteProfileProvisioningRequest', request.content.read()) print("Rx ASN.1: %s" % content) request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-gsma-rsp-asn1') request.setHeader('X-Admin-Protocol', 'gsma/rsp/v2.1.0') operation = content[0] if operation == 'initiateAuthenticationRequest': method = self.initiateAuthentication ochoice = 'initiateAuthenticationResponse' elif operation == 'authenticateClientRequest': method = self.authenticateClient ochoice = 'authenticateClientResponseEs9' elif operation == 'getBoundProfilePackageRequest': method = self.getBoundProfilePackage ochoice = 'getBoundProfilePackageResponse' elif operation == 'cancelSessionRequestEs9': method = self.cancelSession ochoice = 'cancelSessionResponseEs9' elif operation == 'handleNotification': method = self.handleNotification ochoice = None output = method(self, request, content[1]) if ochoice: output = (ochoice, output) print("Tx ASN.1: %s" % output) return rsp.asn1.encode('RemoteProfileProvisioningResponse', output) else: return None def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() #parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", help="Host/IP to bind HTTP to", default="localhost") #parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="TCP port to bind HTTP to", default=8000) #parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action='count', default=0) args = parser.parse_args() hs = SmDppHttpServer(HOSTNAME, os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'certs', 'CertificateIssuer'), use_brainpool=True) #hs.app.run(endpoint_description="ssl:port=8000:dhParameters=dh_param_2048.pem") hs.app.run("localhost", 8000) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)