/* control utility for the Calypso bootloader */ /* (C) 2010 by Ingo Albrecht * * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MSGB_MAX 256 #define MEM_MSG_MAX (MSGB_MAX - 16) #define DEFAULT_SOCKET "/tmp/osmocom_loader" static struct bsc_fd connection; enum { STATE_INIT, STATE_QUERY_PENDING, STATE_DUMP_IN_PROGRESS, STATE_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS, STATE_FLASHRANGE_GET_INFO, STATE_FLASHRANGE_IN_PROGRESS, STATE_PROGRAM_GET_INFO, STATE_PROGRAM_IN_PROGRESS, STATE_DUMPING, }; struct flashblock { uint8_t fb_chip; uint32_t fb_offset; uint32_t fb_addr; uint32_t fb_size; }; static struct { /* debug flags */ unsigned char print_requests; unsigned char print_replies; /* quit flag for main loop */ unsigned char quit; /* main state machine */ int state; /* pending query command */ uint8_t command; /* general timeout */ struct timer_list timeout; /* binary i/o for firmware images */ FILE *binfile; /* buffer containing binfile data */ char *binbuf; /* memory operation state */ uint8_t memchip; /* target chip (for flashes) */ uint32_t membase; /* target base address of operation */ uint32_t memlen; /* length of entire operation */ uint32_t memoff; /* offset for next request */ uint16_t memcrc; /* crc for current request */ uint16_t memreq; /* length of current request */ /* array of all flash blocks */ uint8_t flashcommand; uint32_t numblocks; struct flashblock blocks[512]; } osmoload; static int usage(const char *name) { printf("Usage: %s [ -v | -h ] [ -d tr ] [ -m {c123,c155} ] [ -l /tmp/osmocom_loader ] COMMAND ...\n", name); puts("\n Memory commands:"); puts(" memget - Peek at memory"); puts(" memput - Poke at memory"); puts(" memdump - Dump memory to file"); puts(" memload - Load file into memory"); puts("\n Flash commands:"); puts(" finfo - Information about flash chips"); puts(" funlock
- Unlock flash block"); puts(" flock
- Lock flash block"); puts(" flockdown
- Lock down flash block"); puts(" fgetlock
- Get locking state of block"); puts(" ferase
- Erase flash range"); puts(" fprogram
- Program file into flash"); puts("\n Execution commands:"); puts(" jump - Jump to address"); puts(" jumpflash - Jump to flash loader"); puts(" jumprom - Jump to rom loader"); puts("\n Device lifecycle:"); puts(" ping - Ping the loader"); puts(" reset - Reset device"); puts(" off - Power off device"); puts("\n Debug:"); puts(" dump - Dump loader traffic to console"); exit(2); } static int version(const char *name) { //printf("\n%s version %s\n", name, VERSION); exit(2); } static void hexdump(const uint8_t *data, unsigned int len) { const uint8_t *bufptr = data; const uint8_t const *endptr = bufptr + len; int n, m, i, hexchr; for (n=0; n < len; n+=32, bufptr += 32) { hexchr = 0; for(m = 0; m < 32 && bufptr < endptr; m++, bufptr++) { if((m) && !(m%4)) { putchar(' '); hexchr++; } printf("%02x", *bufptr); hexchr+=2; } bufptr -= m; int n = 71 - hexchr; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { putchar(' '); } putchar(' '); for(m = 0; m < 32 && bufptr < endptr; m++, bufptr++) { if(isgraph(*bufptr)) { putchar(*bufptr); } else { putchar('.'); } } bufptr -= m; putchar('\n'); } } static void loader_send_request(struct msgb *msg) { int rc; u_int16_t len = htons(msg->len); if(osmoload.print_requests) { printf("Sending %d bytes:\n", msg->len); hexdump(msg->data, msg->len); } rc = write(connection.fd, &len, sizeof(len)); if(rc != sizeof(len)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing.\n"); exit(2); } rc = write(connection.fd, msg->data, msg->len); if(rc != msg->len) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing.\n"); exit(2); } } static void loader_do_memdump(uint16_t crc, void *address, size_t length); static void loader_do_memload(); static void loader_do_fprogram(); static void loader_do_flashrange(uint8_t cmd, struct msgb *msg, uint8_t chip, uint32_t address, uint32_t status); static void memop_timeout(void *dummy) { switch(osmoload.state) { case STATE_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS: printf("Timeout. Repeating."); osmoload.memoff -= osmoload.memreq; loader_do_memload(); break; default: break; } return; } static void loader_parse_flash_info(struct msgb *msg) { uint8_t nchips; nchips = msgb_get_u8(msg); osmoload.numblocks = 0; int chip; for(chip = 0; chip < nchips; chip++) { uint32_t address; address = msgb_get_u32(msg); uint32_t chipsize; chipsize = msgb_get_u32(msg); uint8_t nregions; nregions = msgb_get_u8(msg); printf(" chip %d at 0x%8.8x of %d bytes in %d regions\n", chip, address, chipsize, nregions); uint32_t curoffset = 0; int region; for(region = 0; region < nregions; region++) { uint16_t blockcount = msgb_get_u32(msg); uint32_t blocksize = msgb_get_u32(msg); printf(" region %d with %d blocks of %d bytes each\n", region, blockcount, blocksize); int block; for(block = 0; block < blockcount; block++) { osmoload.blocks[osmoload.numblocks].fb_chip = chip; osmoload.blocks[osmoload.numblocks].fb_offset = curoffset; osmoload.blocks[osmoload.numblocks].fb_addr = address + curoffset; osmoload.blocks[osmoload.numblocks].fb_size = blocksize; printf(" block %d with %d bytes at 0x%8.8x on chip %d\n", osmoload.numblocks, blocksize, address + curoffset, chip); curoffset += blocksize; osmoload.numblocks++; } } } } static void loader_handle_reply(struct msgb *msg) { if(osmoload.print_replies) { printf("Received %d bytes:\n", msg->len); hexdump(msg->data, msg->len); } uint8_t cmd = msgb_get_u8(msg); uint8_t chip; uint8_t length; uint16_t crc; uint32_t address; uint32_t entrypoint; uint32_t status; void *data; switch(cmd) { case LOADER_INIT: address = msgb_get_u32(msg); entrypoint = msgb_get_u32(msg); printf("Loader at entry %x has been started, requesting load to %x\n", entrypoint, address); break; case LOADER_PING: case LOADER_RESET: case LOADER_POWEROFF: case LOADER_ENTER_ROM_LOADER: case LOADER_ENTER_FLASH_LOADER: break; case LOADER_MEM_READ: length = msgb_get_u8(msg); crc = msgb_get_u16(msg); address = msgb_get_u32(msg); data = msgb_get(msg, length); break; case LOADER_MEM_WRITE: length = msgb_get_u8(msg); crc = msgb_get_u16(msg); address = msgb_get_u32(msg); break; case LOADER_JUMP: address = msgb_get_u32(msg); break; case LOADER_FLASH_INFO: break; case LOADER_FLASH_GETLOCK: case LOADER_FLASH_ERASE: case LOADER_FLASH_UNLOCK: case LOADER_FLASH_LOCK: case LOADER_FLASH_LOCKDOWN: chip = msgb_get_u8(msg); address = msgb_get_u32(msg); status = msgb_get_u32(msg); break; case LOADER_FLASH_PROGRAM: length = msgb_get_u8(msg); crc = msgb_get_u16(msg); msgb_get_u8(msg); // XXX align chip = msgb_get_u8(msg); address = msgb_get_u32(msg); status = msgb_get_u32(msg); break; default: printf("Received unknown reply %d:\n", cmd); hexdump(msg->data, msg->len); osmoload.quit = 1; return; } switch(osmoload.state) { case STATE_QUERY_PENDING: case STATE_DUMPING: switch(cmd) { case LOADER_PING: printf("Received pong.\n"); break; case LOADER_RESET: printf("Reset confirmed.\n"); break; case LOADER_POWEROFF: printf("Poweroff confirmed.\n"); break; case LOADER_ENTER_ROM_LOADER: printf("Jump to ROM loader confirmed.\n"); break; case LOADER_ENTER_FLASH_LOADER: printf("Jump to flash loader confirmed.\n"); break; case LOADER_MEM_READ: printf("Received memory dump of %d bytes at 0x%x:\n", length, address); hexdump(data, length); break; case LOADER_MEM_WRITE: printf("Confirmed memory write of %d bytes at 0x%x.\n", length, address); break; case LOADER_JUMP: printf("Confirmed jump to 0x%x.\n", address); break; case LOADER_FLASH_ERASE: printf("Confirmed flash erase of chip %d address 0x%8.8x, status %s\n", chip, address, status ? "FAILED" : "ok"); break; case LOADER_FLASH_GETLOCK: printf("Lock state of chip %d address 0x%8.8x is %s\n", chip, address, (status == LOADER_FLASH_LOCKED ? "locked" : (status == LOADER_FLASH_LOCKED_DOWN ? "locked down" : (status == LOADER_FLASH_UNLOCKED ? "unlocked" : "UNKNOWN")))); break; case LOADER_FLASH_UNLOCK: printf("Confirmed flash unlock of chip %d address 0x%8.8x, status %s\n", chip, address, status ? "FAILED" : "ok"); break; case LOADER_FLASH_LOCK: printf("Confirmed flash lock of chip %d address 0x%8.8x, status %s\n", chip, address, status ? "FAILED" : "ok"); break; case LOADER_FLASH_LOCKDOWN: printf("Confirmed flash lockdown of chip %d address 0x%8.8x, status %s\n", chip, address, status ? "FAILED" : "ok"); break; case LOADER_FLASH_INFO: loader_parse_flash_info(msg); break; default: break; } if(osmoload.state == STATE_QUERY_PENDING) { if(osmoload.command == cmd) { osmoload.quit = 1; } } break; case STATE_DUMP_IN_PROGRESS: if(cmd == LOADER_MEM_READ) { loader_do_memdump(crc, data, length); } break; case STATE_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS: if(cmd == LOADER_MEM_WRITE) { if(osmoload.memcrc != crc) { osmoload.memoff -= osmoload.memreq; printf("\nbad crc %4.4x (not %4.4x) at offset 0x%8.8x", crc, osmoload.memcrc, osmoload.memoff); } else { putchar('.'); } loader_do_memload(); } break; case STATE_PROGRAM_GET_INFO: case STATE_PROGRAM_IN_PROGRESS: if(cmd == LOADER_FLASH_PROGRAM) { if(osmoload.memcrc != crc) { osmoload.memoff -= osmoload.memreq; printf("\nbad crc %4.4x (not %4.4x) at offset 0x%8.8x", crc, osmoload.memcrc, osmoload.memoff); } else { putchar('.'); } if(((int)status) != 0) { printf("\nstatus %d, aborting\n", status); exit(1); } loader_do_fprogram(); } break; case STATE_FLASHRANGE_GET_INFO: case STATE_FLASHRANGE_IN_PROGRESS: loader_do_flashrange(cmd, msg, chip, address, status); break; default: break; } fflush(stdout); } static int loader_read_cb(struct bsc_fd *fd, unsigned int flags) { struct msgb *msg; u_int16_t len; int rc; msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); if (!msg) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate msg.\n"); return -1; } rc = read(fd->fd, &len, sizeof(len)); if (rc < sizeof(len)) { fprintf(stderr, "Short read. Error.\n"); exit(2); } if (ntohs(len) > MSGB_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "Length is too big: %u\n", ntohs(len)); msgb_free(msg); return -1; } /* blocking read for the poor... we can starve in here... */ msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, ntohs(len)); rc = read(fd->fd, msg->l2h, msgb_l2len(msg)); if (rc != msgb_l2len(msg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not read data: rc: %d errno: %d\n", rc, errno); msgb_free(msg); return -1; } loader_handle_reply(msg); msgb_free(msg); return 0; } static void loader_connect(const char *socket_path) { int rc; struct sockaddr_un local; struct bsc_fd *conn = &connection; local.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(local.sun_path, socket_path, sizeof(local.sun_path)); local.sun_path[sizeof(local.sun_path) - 1] = '\0'; conn->fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (conn->fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create unix domain socket.\n"); exit(1); } rc = connect(conn->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &local, sizeof(local.sun_family) + strlen(local.sun_path)); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to '%s'.\n", local.sun_path); exit(1); } conn->when = BSC_FD_READ; conn->cb = loader_read_cb; conn->data = NULL; if (bsc_register_fd(conn) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register fd.\n"); exit(1); } } static void loader_send_simple(uint8_t command) { struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); msgb_put_u8(msg, command); loader_send_request(msg); msgb_free(msg); osmoload.command = command; } static void loader_start_query(uint8_t command) { loader_send_simple(command); osmoload.state = STATE_QUERY_PENDING; } static void loader_send_flash_query(uint8_t command, uint8_t chip, uint32_t address) { struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); msgb_put_u8(msg, command); msgb_put_u8(msg, chip); msgb_put_u32(msg, address); loader_send_request(msg); msgb_free(msg); osmoload.command = command; } static void loader_start_flash_query(uint8_t command, uint8_t chip, uint32_t address) { loader_send_flash_query(command, chip, address); osmoload.state = STATE_QUERY_PENDING; } static void loader_start_memget(uint8_t length, uint32_t address) { struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); msgb_put_u8(msg, LOADER_MEM_READ); msgb_put_u8(msg, length); msgb_put_u32(msg, address); loader_send_request(msg); msgb_free(msg); osmoload.state = STATE_QUERY_PENDING; osmoload.command = LOADER_MEM_READ; } static void loader_start_memput(uint8_t length, uint32_t address, void *data) { struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); msgb_put_u8(msg, LOADER_MEM_WRITE); msgb_put_u8(msg, length); msgb_put_u16(msg, crc16(0, data, length)); msgb_put_u32(msg, address); memcpy(msgb_put(msg, length), data, length); loader_send_request(msg); msgb_free(msg); osmoload.state = STATE_QUERY_PENDING; osmoload.command = LOADER_MEM_WRITE; } static void loader_start_jump(uint32_t address) { struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); msgb_put_u8(msg, LOADER_JUMP); msgb_put_u32(msg, address); loader_send_request(msg); msgb_free(msg); osmoload.state = STATE_QUERY_PENDING; osmoload.command = LOADER_JUMP; } static void loader_do_memdump(uint16_t crc, void *data, size_t length) { int rc; if(data && length) { osmoload.memcrc = crc16(0, data, length); if(osmoload.memcrc != crc) { osmoload.memoff -= osmoload.memreq; printf("\nbad crc %4.4x (not %4.4x) at offset 0x%8.8x", crc, osmoload.memcrc, osmoload.memoff); } else { putchar('.'); } memcpy(osmoload.binbuf + osmoload.memoff, data, length); osmoload.memoff += length; } uint32_t rembytes = osmoload.memlen - osmoload.memoff; if(!rembytes) { puts("done."); osmoload.quit = 1; unsigned c = osmoload.memlen; char *p = osmoload.binbuf; while(c) { rc = fwrite(p, 1, c, osmoload.binfile); if(ferror(osmoload.binfile)) { printf("Could not read from file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } c -= rc; p += rc; } fclose(osmoload.binfile); osmoload.binfile = NULL; free(osmoload.binbuf); return; } uint8_t reqbytes = (rembytes < MEM_MSG_MAX) ? rembytes : MEM_MSG_MAX; struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); msgb_put_u8(msg, LOADER_MEM_READ); msgb_put_u8(msg, reqbytes); msgb_put_u32(msg, osmoload.membase + osmoload.memoff); loader_send_request(msg); msgb_free(msg); } static void loader_do_memload() { uint32_t rembytes = osmoload.memlen - osmoload.memoff; if(!rembytes) { puts("done."); osmoload.quit = 1; return; } bsc_schedule_timer(&osmoload.timeout, 0, 500000); uint8_t reqbytes = (rembytes < MEM_MSG_MAX) ? rembytes : MEM_MSG_MAX; osmoload.memcrc = crc16(0, (uint8_t *) osmoload.binbuf + osmoload.memoff, reqbytes); osmoload.memreq = reqbytes; struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); msgb_put_u8(msg, LOADER_MEM_WRITE); msgb_put_u8(msg, reqbytes); msgb_put_u16(msg, osmoload.memcrc); msgb_put_u32(msg, osmoload.membase + osmoload.memoff); unsigned char *p = msgb_put(msg, reqbytes); memcpy(p, osmoload.binbuf + osmoload.memoff, reqbytes); #if 0 printf("Sending %u bytes at offset %u to address %x with crc %x\n", reqbytes, osmoload.memoff, osmoload.membase + osmoload.memoff, osmoload.memcrc); #endif loader_send_request(msg); msgb_free(msg); osmoload.memoff += reqbytes; } static void loader_do_fprogram() { uint32_t rembytes = osmoload.memlen - osmoload.memoff; if(!rembytes) { puts("done."); osmoload.quit = 1; return; } bsc_schedule_timer(&osmoload.timeout, 0, 10000000); uint8_t reqbytes = (rembytes < MEM_MSG_MAX) ? rembytes : MEM_MSG_MAX; osmoload.memcrc = crc16(0, (uint8_t *) osmoload.binbuf + osmoload.memoff, reqbytes); osmoload.memreq = reqbytes; struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc(MSGB_MAX, "loader"); msgb_put_u8(msg, LOADER_FLASH_PROGRAM); msgb_put_u8(msg, reqbytes); msgb_put_u16(msg, osmoload.memcrc); msgb_put_u8(msg, 0); // XXX: align data to 16bit msgb_put_u8(msg, osmoload.memchip); msgb_put_u32(msg, osmoload.membase + osmoload.memoff); unsigned char *p = msgb_put(msg, reqbytes); memcpy(p, osmoload.binbuf + osmoload.memoff, reqbytes); #if 0 printf("Sending %u bytes at offset %u to address %x with crc %x\n", reqbytes, osmoload.memoff, osmoload.membase + osmoload.memoff, osmoload.memcrc); #endif loader_send_request(msg); msgb_free(msg); osmoload.memoff += reqbytes; } static void loader_start_memdump(uint32_t length, uint32_t address, char *file) { printf("Dumping %u bytes of memory at 0x%x to file %s\n", length, address, file); osmoload.binbuf = malloc(length); if(!osmoload.binbuf) { printf("Could not allocate %u bytes for %s.\n", length, file); exit(1); } osmoload.binfile = fopen(file, "wb"); if(!osmoload.binfile) { printf("Could not open %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } osmoload.membase = address; osmoload.memlen = length; osmoload.memoff = 0; osmoload.state = STATE_DUMP_IN_PROGRESS; loader_do_memdump(0, NULL, 0); } static void loader_start_memload(uint32_t address, char *file) { int rc; struct stat st; rc = stat(file, &st); if(rc < 0) { printf("Could not stat %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } uint32_t length = st.st_size; printf("Loading %u bytes of memory to address 0x%x from file %s\n", length, address, file); osmoload.binbuf = malloc(length); if(!osmoload.binbuf) { printf("Could not allocate %u bytes for %s.\n", length, file); exit(1); } osmoload.binfile = fopen(file, "rb"); if(!osmoload.binfile) { printf("Could not open %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } unsigned c = length; char *p = osmoload.binbuf; while(c) { rc = fread(p, 1, c, osmoload.binfile); if(ferror(osmoload.binfile)) { printf("Could not read from file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } c -= rc; p += rc; } fclose(osmoload.binfile); osmoload.binfile = NULL; osmoload.membase = address; osmoload.memlen = length; osmoload.memoff = 0; osmoload.state = STATE_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS; loader_do_memload(); } static void loader_start_flashrange(uint8_t command, uint32_t address, uint32_t length) { switch(command) { case LOADER_FLASH_ERASE: printf("Erasing %u bytes of flash at 0x%x\n", length, address); break; case LOADER_FLASH_LOCK: printf("Locking %u bytes of flash at 0x%x\n", length, address); break; case LOADER_FLASH_LOCKDOWN: printf("Locking down %u bytes of flash at 0x%x\n", length, address); break; case LOADER_FLASH_UNLOCK: printf("Unlocking %u bytes of flash at 0x%x\n", length, address); break; case LOADER_FLASH_GETLOCK: printf("Getlocking %u bytes of flash at 0x%x\n", length, address); break; default: puts("Unknown range command"); abort(); break; } osmoload.flashcommand = command; osmoload.membase = address; osmoload.memlen = length; osmoload.memoff = 0; printf(" requesting flash info to determine block layout\n"); osmoload.state = STATE_FLASHRANGE_GET_INFO; loader_send_simple(LOADER_FLASH_INFO); } static void loader_do_flashrange(uint8_t cmd, struct msgb *msg, uint8_t chip, uint32_t address, uint32_t status) { switch(osmoload.state) { case STATE_FLASHRANGE_GET_INFO: if(cmd == LOADER_FLASH_INFO) { loader_parse_flash_info(msg); osmoload.state = STATE_FLASHRANGE_IN_PROGRESS; loader_do_flashrange(0, NULL, 0, 0, 0); } break; case STATE_FLASHRANGE_IN_PROGRESS: { if(msg) { if(cmd == osmoload.flashcommand) { if(cmd == LOADER_FLASH_GETLOCK) { printf(" lock state of chip %d address 0x%8.8x is %s\n", chip, address, (status == LOADER_FLASH_LOCKED ? "locked" : (status == LOADER_FLASH_LOCKED_DOWN ? "locked down" : (status == LOADER_FLASH_UNLOCKED ? "unlocked" : "UNKNOWN")))); } else { printf(" confirmed operation on chip %d address 0x%8.8x, status %s\n", chip, address, status ? "FAILED" : "ok"); } } else { break; } } uint32_t addr = osmoload.membase + osmoload.memoff; if(osmoload.memoff >= osmoload.memlen) { puts(" operation done"); osmoload.quit = 1; break; } uint8_t found = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < osmoload.numblocks; i++) { struct flashblock *b = &osmoload.blocks[i]; if(b->fb_addr == addr) { loader_send_flash_query(osmoload.flashcommand, b->fb_chip, b->fb_offset); osmoload.memoff += b->fb_size; found = 1; break; } } if(!found) { puts("Oops!? Block not found?"); // XXX message abort(); } } break; } } static void loader_start_fprogram(uint8_t chip, uint32_t address, char *file) { int rc; struct stat st; rc = stat(file, &st); if(rc < 0) { printf("Could not stat %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } uint32_t length = st.st_size; printf("Loading %u bytes of memory at 0x%x in chip %d from file %s\n", length, address, chip, file); osmoload.binbuf = malloc(length); if(!osmoload.binbuf) { printf("Could not allocate %u bytes for %s.\n", length, file); exit(1); } osmoload.binfile = fopen(file, "rb"); if(!osmoload.binfile) { printf("Could not open %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } unsigned c = length; char *p = osmoload.binbuf; while(c) { rc = fread(p, 1, c, osmoload.binfile); if(ferror(osmoload.binfile)) { printf("Could not read from file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } c -= rc; p += rc; } fclose(osmoload.binfile); osmoload.binfile = NULL; osmoload.memchip = chip; osmoload.membase = address; osmoload.memlen = length; osmoload.memoff = 0; osmoload.state = STATE_PROGRAM_IN_PROGRESS; loader_do_fprogram(); } static void query_timeout(void *dummy) { puts("Query timed out."); exit(2); } static void loader_command(char *name, int cmdc, char **cmdv) { if(!cmdc) { usage(name); } char *cmd = cmdv[0]; char buf[MEM_MSG_MAX]; memset(buf, 23, sizeof(buf)); if(!strcmp(cmd, "dump")) { osmoload.state = STATE_DUMPING; } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "ping")) { loader_start_query(LOADER_PING); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "off")) { loader_start_query(LOADER_POWEROFF); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "reset")) { loader_start_query(LOADER_RESET); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "jumprom")) { loader_start_query(LOADER_ENTER_ROM_LOADER); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "jumpflash")) { loader_start_query(LOADER_ENTER_FLASH_LOADER); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "finfo")) { puts("Requesting flash layout info"); loader_start_query(LOADER_FLASH_INFO); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "memput")) { uint32_t address; if(cmdc < 3) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); unsigned int i; char *hex = cmdv[2]; if(strlen(hex)&1) { puts("Invalid hex string."); exit(2); } for(i = 0; i <= sizeof(buf) && i < strlen(hex)/2; i++) { if(i >= sizeof(buf)) { puts("Value too long for single message"); exit(2); } unsigned int byte; int count = sscanf(hex + i * 2, "%02x", &byte); if(count != 1) { puts("Invalid hex string."); exit(2); } buf[i] = byte & 0xFF; } loader_start_memput(i & 0xFF, address, buf); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "memget")) { uint32_t address; uint8_t length; if(cmdc < 3) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); length = strtoul(cmdv[2], NULL, 16); if(length > MEM_MSG_MAX) { puts("Too many bytes"); exit(2); } loader_start_memget(length, address); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "jump")) { uint32_t address; if(cmdc < 2) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); loader_start_jump(address); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "memdump")) { uint32_t address; uint32_t length; if(cmdc < 4) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); length = strtoul(cmdv[2], NULL, 16); loader_start_memdump(length, address, cmdv[3]); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "memload")) { uint32_t address; if(cmdc < 3) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); loader_start_memload(address, cmdv[2]); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "fprogram")) { uint8_t chip; uint32_t address; if(cmdc < 4) { usage(name); } chip = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 10); address = strtoul(cmdv[2], NULL, 16); loader_start_fprogram(chip, address, cmdv[3]); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "ferase")) { uint32_t address; uint32_t length; if(cmdc < 3) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); length = strtoul(cmdv[2], NULL, 16); loader_start_flashrange(LOADER_FLASH_ERASE, address, length); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "flock")) { uint32_t address; uint32_t length; if(cmdc < 3) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); length = strtoul(cmdv[2], NULL, 16); loader_start_flashrange(LOADER_FLASH_LOCK, address, length); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "flockdown")) { uint32_t address; uint32_t length; if(cmdc < 3) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); length = strtoul(cmdv[2], NULL, 16); loader_start_flashrange(LOADER_FLASH_LOCKDOWN, address, length); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "funlock")) { uint32_t address; uint32_t length; if(cmdc < 3) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); length = strtoul(cmdv[2], NULL, 16); loader_start_flashrange(LOADER_FLASH_UNLOCK, address, length); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "fgetlock")) { uint32_t address; uint32_t length; if(cmdc < 3) { usage(name); } address = strtoul(cmdv[1], NULL, 16); length = strtoul(cmdv[2], NULL, 16); loader_start_flashrange(LOADER_FLASH_GETLOCK, address, length); } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "help")) { usage(name); } else { printf("Unknown command '%s'\n", cmd); usage(name); } if(osmoload.state == STATE_QUERY_PENDING) { osmoload.timeout.cb = &query_timeout; bsc_schedule_timer(&osmoload.timeout, 0, 5000000); } if(osmoload.state == STATE_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS) { osmoload.timeout.cb = &memop_timeout; } } void setdebug(const char *name, char c) { switch(c) { case 't': osmoload.print_requests = 1; break; case 'r': osmoload.print_replies = 1; break; default: usage(name); break; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; char *loader_un_path = "/tmp/osmocom_loader"; const char *debugopt; while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "d:hl:m:v")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'd': debugopt = optarg; while(*debugopt) { setdebug(argv[0], *debugopt); debugopt++; } break; case 'l': loader_un_path = optarg; break; case 'm': puts("model selection not implemented"); exit(2); break; case 'v': version(argv[0]); break; case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); break; } } osmoload.quit = 0; loader_connect(loader_un_path); loader_command(argv[0], argc - optind, argv + optind); while(!osmoload.quit) { bsc_select_main(0); } if(osmoload.binfile) { fclose(osmoload.binfile); } return 0; }