/* built-in call control * * (C) 2016 by Andreas Eversberg * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/debug.h" #include "../common/sender.h" #include "cause.h" #include "call.h" #include "mncc_sock.h" extern int use_mncc_sock; extern int send_patterns; /* stream patterns/announcements */ int16_t *outoforder_spl = NULL; int16_t *ringback_spl = NULL; int16_t *busy_spl = NULL; int16_t *congestion_spl = NULL; int outoforder_size = 0; int ringback_size = 0; int busy_size = 0; int congestion_size = 0; int outoforder_max = 0; int ringback_max = 0; int busy_max = 0; int congestion_max = 0; enum call_state { CALL_IDLE = 0, CALL_SETUP_MO, CALL_SETUP_MT, CALL_ALERTING, CALL_CONNECT, CALL_DISCONNECTED, }; enum audio_pattern { PATTERN_NONE = 0, PATTERN_RINGBACK, PATTERN_BUSY, PATTERN_CONGESTION, PATTERN_OUTOFORDER, }; void get_pattern(const int16_t **spl, int *size, int *max, enum audio_pattern pattern) { *spl = NULL; *size = 0; *max = 0; switch (pattern) { case PATTERN_RINGBACK: *spl = ringback_spl; *size = ringback_size; *max = ringback_max; break; case PATTERN_BUSY: *spl = busy_spl; *size = busy_size; *max = busy_max; break; case PATTERN_CONGESTION: no_outoforder: *spl = congestion_spl; *size = congestion_size; *max = congestion_max; break; case PATTERN_OUTOFORDER: if (!outoforder_spl) goto no_outoforder; *spl = outoforder_spl; *size = outoforder_size; *max = outoforder_max; break; default: ; } } static int new_callref = 0; /* toward mobile */ /* built in call instance */ typedef struct call { int callref; enum call_state state; int disc_cause; /* cause that has been sent by transceiver instance for release */ char station_id[16]; char dialing[16]; void *sound; /* headphone interface */ int latspl; /* sample latency at sound interface */ samplerate_t srstate; /* patterns/announcement upsampling */ jitter_t audio; /* headphone audio dejittering */ int audio_pos; /* position when playing patterns */ int dial_digits; /* number of digits to be dialed */ int loopback; /* loopback test for echo */ } call_t; static call_t call; static void call_new_state(enum call_state state) { call.state = state; call.audio_pos = 0; } static void get_call_patterns(int16_t *samples, int length, enum audio_pattern pattern) { const int16_t *spl; int size, max, pos; get_pattern(&spl, &size, &max, pattern); /* stream sample */ pos = call.audio_pos; while(length--) { if (pos >= size) *samples++ = 0; else *samples++ = spl[pos] >> 1; if (++pos == max) pos = 0; } call.audio_pos = pos; } static enum audio_pattern cause2pattern(int cause) { int pattern; switch (cause) { case CAUSE_BUSY: pattern = PATTERN_BUSY; break; case CAUSE_OUTOFORDER: pattern = PATTERN_OUTOFORDER; break; default: pattern = PATTERN_CONGESTION; } return pattern; } /* MNCC call instance */ typedef struct process { struct process *next; int callref; enum call_state state; int audio_disconnected; /* if not associated with transceiver anymore */ enum audio_pattern pattern; int audio_pos; } process_t; static process_t *process_head = NULL; static void create_process(int callref, int state) { process_t *process; process = calloc(sizeof(*process), 1); if (!process) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "No memory!\n"); abort(); } process->next = process_head; process_head = process; process->callref = callref; process->state = state; } static void destroy_process(int callref) { process_t *process = process_head; process_t **process_p = &process_head; while (process) { if (process->callref == callref) { *process_p = process->next; free(process); return; } process_p = &process->next; process = process->next; } PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "Process with callref 0x%x not found!\n", callref); } static int is_process(int callref) { process_t *process = process_head; while (process) { if (process->callref == callref) return 1; process = process->next; } return 0; } static enum call_state is_process_state(int callref) { process_t *process = process_head; while (process) { if (process->callref == callref) return process->state; process = process->next; } return CALL_IDLE; } static void set_state_process(int callref, enum call_state state) { process_t *process = process_head; while (process) { if (process->callref == callref) { process->state = state; return; } process = process->next; } PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "Process with callref 0x%x not found!\n", callref); } static void set_pattern_process(int callref, enum audio_pattern pattern) { process_t *process = process_head; while (process) { if (process->callref == callref) { process->pattern = pattern; process->audio_pos = 0; return; } process = process->next; } PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "Process with callref 0x%x not found!\n", callref); } /* disconnect audio, now send audio directly from pattern/announcement, not from transceiver */ static void disconnect_process(int callref, int cause) { process_t *process = process_head; while (process) { if (process->callref == callref) { process->pattern = cause2pattern(cause); process->audio_disconnected = 1; process->audio_pos = 0; return; } process = process->next; } PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "Process with callref 0x%x not found!\n", callref); } /* check if audio is disconnected */ static int is_process_disconnected(int callref) { process_t *process = process_head; while (process) { if (process->callref == callref) { return process->audio_disconnected; } process = process->next; } PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_DEBUG, "Process with callref 0x%x not found, this is ok!\n", callref); return 0; } /* check if pattern is set, so we send patterns and announcements */ static int is_process_pattern(int callref) { process_t *process = process_head; while (process) { if (process->callref == callref) { return (process->pattern != PATTERN_NONE); } process = process->next; } PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_DEBUG, "Process with callref 0x%x not found, this is ok!\n", callref); return 0; } static void get_process_patterns(process_t *process, int16_t *samples, int length) { const int16_t *spl; int size, max, pos; get_pattern(&spl, &size, &max, process->pattern); /* stream sample */ pos = process->audio_pos; while(length--) { if (pos >= size) *samples++ = 0; else *samples++ = spl[pos] >> 1; if (++pos == max) pos = 0; } process->audio_pos = pos; } static struct termios term_orig; int call_init(const char *station_id, const char *sounddev, int samplerate, int latency, int dial_digits, int loopback) { struct termios term; int rc = 0; if (use_mncc_sock) return 0; if (!loopback) { tcgetattr(0, &term_orig); term = term_orig; term.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG|ICANON|ECHO); term.c_cc[VMIN]=1; term.c_cc[VTIME]=2; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term); } memset(&call, 0, sizeof(call)); strncpy(call.station_id, station_id, sizeof(call.station_id) - 1); call.latspl = latency * samplerate / 1000; call.dial_digits = dial_digits; call.loopback = loopback; if (!sounddev[0]) return 0; /* open sound device for call control */ call.sound = sound_open(sounddev, samplerate); if (!call.sound) { PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "No sound device!\n"); rc = -EIO; goto error; } rc = init_samplerate(&call.srstate, samplerate); if (rc < 0) { PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed to init sample rate conversion!\n"); goto error; } rc = jitter_create(&call.audio, samplerate / 5); if (rc < 0) { PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed to create and init audio buffer!\n"); goto error; } return 0; error: call_cleanup(); return rc; } void call_cleanup(void) { if (use_mncc_sock) return; if (!call.loopback) tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term_orig); /* close sound devoice */ if (call.sound) sound_close(call.sound); jitter_destroy(&call.audio); if (process_head) { PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_ERROR, "Not all MNCC instances have been released!\n"); } } static int get_char() { struct timeval tv = {0, 0}; fd_set fds; char c = 0; int __attribute__((__unused__)) rc; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(0, &fds); select(0+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (FD_ISSET(0, &fds)) { rc = read(0, &c, 1); return c; } else return -1; } static int process_ui(void) { int c; c = get_char(); /* break */ if (c == 3) return 1; switch (call.state) { case CALL_IDLE: if (c > 0) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' && strlen(call.station_id) < call.dial_digits) { call.station_id[strlen(call.station_id) + 1] = '\0'; call.station_id[strlen(call.station_id)] = c; } if ((c == 8 || c == 127) && strlen(call.station_id)) call.station_id[strlen(call.station_id) - 1] = '\0'; if (c == 'd' && strlen(call.station_id) == call.dial_digits) { int rc; int callref = ++new_callref; PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Outgoing call to %s\n", call.station_id); call.dialing[0] = '\0'; call_new_state(CALL_SETUP_MT); call.callref = callref; rc = call_out_setup(callref, call.station_id); if (rc < 0) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_NOTICE, "Call rejected, cause %d\n", -rc); call_new_state(CALL_DISCONNECTED); call.callref = 0; call.disc_cause = -rc; } } } printf("on-hook: %s%s (enter 0..9 or d=dial)\r", call.station_id, "..............." + 15 - call.dial_digits + strlen(call.station_id)); break; case CALL_SETUP_MO: case CALL_SETUP_MT: case CALL_ALERTING: case CALL_CONNECT: case CALL_DISCONNECTED: if (c > 0) { if (c == 'h') { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Call hangup\n"); call_new_state(CALL_IDLE); if (call.callref) { call_out_release(call.callref, CAUSE_NORMAL); call.callref = 0; } } } if (call.state == CALL_SETUP_MT) printf("call setup: %s (enter h=hangup)\r", call.station_id); if (call.state == CALL_ALERTING) printf("call ringing: %s (enter h=hangup)\r", call.station_id); if (call.state == CALL_CONNECT) { if (call.dialing[0]) printf("call active: %s->%s (enter h=hangup)\r", call.station_id, call.dialing); else printf("call active: %s (enter h=hangup)\r", call.station_id); } if (call.state == CALL_DISCONNECTED) printf("call disconnected: %s (enter h=hangup)\r", cause_name(call.disc_cause)); break; } fflush(stdout); return 0; } /* get keys from keyboad to control call via console * returns 1 on exit (ctrl+c) */ int process_call(void) { if (use_mncc_sock) { mncc_handle(); return 0; } if (!call.loopback) { if (process_ui()) return 1; } if (!call.sound) return 0; /* handle audio, if sound device is used */ int16_t samples[call.latspl]; int count; int rc; count = sound_get_inbuffer(call.sound); if (count < 0) { PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed to get samples in buffer (rc = %d)!\n", count); if (count == -EPIPE) PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "Trying to recover.\n"); return 0; } if (count < call.latspl) { int16_t up[count + 10]; count = call.latspl - count; switch(call.state) { case CALL_ALERTING: count = (int)((double)count / call.srstate.factor + 0.5); get_call_patterns(samples, count, PATTERN_RINGBACK); count = samplerate_upsample(&call.srstate, samples, count, up); /* prevent click after hangup */ jitter_clear(&call.audio); break; case CALL_DISCONNECTED: count = (int)((double)count / call.srstate.factor + 0.5); get_call_patterns(samples, count, cause2pattern(call.disc_cause)); count = samplerate_upsample(&call.srstate, samples, count, up); /* prevent click after hangup */ jitter_clear(&call.audio); break; default: jitter_load(&call.audio, up, count); } rc = sound_write(call.sound, up, up, count); if (rc < 0) { PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed to write TX data to sound device (rc = %d)\n", rc); if (rc == -EPIPE) PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "Trying to recover.\n"); return 0; } } count = sound_read(call.sound, samples, samples, call.latspl); if (count < 0) { PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed to read from sound device (rc = %d)!\n", count); if (count == -EPIPE) PDEBUG(DSENDER, DEBUG_ERROR, "Trying to recover.\n"); return 0; } if (count) { int16_t down[count]; /* more than enough */ if (call.loopback == 3) jitter_save(&call.audio, samples, count); count = samplerate_downsample(&call.srstate, samples, count, down); call_rx_audio(call.callref, down, count); } return 0; } /* Setup is received from transceiver. */ int call_in_setup(int callref, const char *callerid, const char *dialing) { if (callref < 0x4000000) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "Invalid callref from mobile station, please fix!\n"); abort(); } if (!strcmp(dialing, "0")) dialing = "operator"; PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Incomming call from '%s' to '%s'\n", callerid, dialing); if (use_mncc_sock) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)]; struct gsm_mncc *mncc = (struct gsm_mncc *)buf; int rc; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); mncc->msg_type = MNCC_SETUP_IND; mncc->callref = callref; mncc->fields |= MNCC_F_CALLING; strncpy(mncc->calling.number, callerid, sizeof(mncc->calling.number) - 1); mncc->calling.type = 4; /* caller ID is of type 'subscriber' */ mncc->fields |= MNCC_F_CALLED; strncpy(mncc->called.number, dialing, sizeof(mncc->called.number) - 1); mncc->called.type = 0; /* dialing is of type 'unknown' */ mncc->lchan_type = GSM_LCHAN_TCH_F; mncc->fields |= MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP; mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[0] = BCAP_ANALOG_8000HZ; mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[1] = -1; PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Sending MNCC call towards Network\n"); create_process(callref, CALL_SETUP_MO); rc = mncc_write(buf, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)); if (rc < 0) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_NOTICE, "We have no MNCC connection, rejecting.\n"); destroy_process(callref); return -CAUSE_TEMPFAIL; } return 0; } /* setup is also allowed on disconnected call */ if (call.state == CALL_DISCONNECTED) call_new_state(CALL_IDLE); if (call.state != CALL_IDLE) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_NOTICE, "We are busy, rejecting.\n"); return -CAUSE_BUSY; } call.callref = callref; call_new_state(CALL_CONNECT); if (callerid[0]) { strncpy(call.station_id, callerid, call.dial_digits); call.station_id[call.dial_digits] = '\0'; } strncpy(call.dialing, dialing, sizeof(call.dialing) - 1); call.dialing[sizeof(call.dialing) - 1] = '\0'; return 0; } /* Transceiver indicates alerting. */ void call_in_alerting(int callref) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Call is alerting\n"); if (use_mncc_sock) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)]; struct gsm_mncc *mncc = (struct gsm_mncc *)buf; if (!send_patterns) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); mncc->msg_type = MNCC_ALERT_IND; mncc->callref = callref; PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Indicate MNCC alerting towards Network\n"); mncc_write(buf, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)); } else set_pattern_process(callref, PATTERN_RINGBACK); return; } if (call.callref != callref) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "invalid call ref.\n"); call_out_release(callref, CAUSE_INVALCALLREF); return; } call_new_state(CALL_ALERTING); } /* Transceiver indicates answer. */ static void _indicate_answer(int callref, const char *connectid) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)]; struct gsm_mncc *mncc = (struct gsm_mncc *)buf; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); mncc->msg_type = MNCC_SETUP_CNF; mncc->callref = callref; mncc->fields |= MNCC_F_CONNECTED; strncpy(mncc->connected.number, connectid, sizeof(mncc->connected.number) - 1); mncc->connected.type = 0; PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Indicate MNCC answer towards Network\n"); mncc_write(buf, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)); } void call_in_answer(int callref, const char *connectid) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Call has been answered by '%s'\n", connectid); if (use_mncc_sock) { _indicate_answer(callref, connectid); set_pattern_process(callref, PATTERN_NONE); set_state_process(callref, CALL_CONNECT); return; } if (call.callref != callref) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "invalid call ref.\n"); call_out_release(callref, CAUSE_INVALCALLREF); return; } call_new_state(CALL_CONNECT); strncpy(call.station_id, connectid, call.dial_digits); call.station_id[call.dial_digits] = '\0'; } /* Transceiver indicates release. */ void call_in_release(int callref, int cause) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Call has been released with cause=%d\n", cause); if (use_mncc_sock) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)]; struct gsm_mncc *mncc = (struct gsm_mncc *)buf; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); mncc->msg_type = MNCC_REL_IND; mncc->callref = callref; mncc->fields |= MNCC_F_CAUSE; mncc->cause.location = 1; /* private local */ mncc->cause.value = cause; if (is_process(callref)) { if (!send_patterns || is_process_state(callref) == CALL_DISCONNECTED || is_process_state(callref) == CALL_SETUP_MO) { PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Releasing MNCC call towards Network\n"); destroy_process(callref); mncc_write(buf, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)); } else { disconnect_process(callref, cause); } } else { PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Releasing MNCC call towards Network\n"); mncc_write(buf, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)); } return; } if (call.callref != callref) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_ERROR, "invalid call ref.\n"); /* don't send release, because caller already released */ return; } call_new_state(CALL_DISCONNECTED); call.callref = 0; call.disc_cause = cause; } /* forward audio to MNCC or call instance */ void call_tx_audio(int callref, int16_t *samples, int count) { if (use_mncc_sock) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct gsm_data_frame) + count * sizeof(int16_t)]; struct gsm_data_frame *data = (struct gsm_data_frame *)buf; /* if we are disconnected, ignore audio */ if (is_process_pattern(callref)) return; /* forward audio */ data->msg_type = ANALOG_8000HZ; data->callref = callref; memcpy(data->data, samples, count * sizeof(int16_t)); mncc_write(buf, sizeof(buf)); return; } /* save audio from transceiver to jitter buffer */ if (call.sound) { int16_t up[(int)((double)count * call.srstate.factor + 0.5) + 10]; count = samplerate_upsample(&call.srstate, samples, count, up); jitter_save(&call.audio, up, count); } } /* clock that is used to transmit patterns */ void call_mncc_clock(void) { process_t *process = process_head; uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct gsm_data_frame) + 160 * sizeof(int16_t)]; struct gsm_data_frame *data = (struct gsm_data_frame *)buf; while(process) { if (process->pattern != PATTERN_NONE) { data->msg_type = ANALOG_8000HZ; data->callref = process->callref; /* try to get patterns, else copy the samples we got */ get_process_patterns(process, (int16_t *)data->data, 160); mncc_write(buf, sizeof(buf)); } process = process->next; } } /* mncc messages received from network */ void call_mncc_recv(uint8_t *buf, int length) { struct gsm_mncc *mncc = (struct gsm_mncc *)buf; char number[sizeof(mncc->called.number)]; int callref; int rc; if (mncc->msg_type == ANALOG_8000HZ) { struct gsm_data_frame *data = (struct gsm_data_frame *)buf; int count = (length - sizeof(struct gsm_data_frame)) / 2; /* if we are disconnected, ignore audio */ if (is_process_pattern(data->callref)) return; call_rx_audio(data->callref, (int16_t *)data->data, count); return; } callref = mncc->callref; strcpy(number, mncc->called.number); if (is_process_disconnected(callref)) { switch(mncc->msg_type) { case MNCC_DISC_REQ: PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Received MNCC disconnect from Network with cause %d\n", mncc->cause.value); PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Call disconnected, releasing!\n"); destroy_process(callref); PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Releasing MNCC call towards Network\n"); mncc->msg_type = MNCC_REL_IND; mncc_write(buf, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)); break; case MNCC_REL_REQ: PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Received MNCC release from Network with cause %d\n", mncc->cause.value); PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Call released\n"); destroy_process(callref); break; } return; } switch(mncc->msg_type) { case MNCC_SETUP_REQ: PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Received MNCC call from Network to '%s'\n", mncc->called.number); if (mncc->callref >= 0x4000000) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid callref from network, please fix!\n"); abort(); } PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Confirming MNCC call to Network\n"); memset(buf, 0, length); mncc->msg_type = MNCC_CALL_CONF_IND; mncc->callref = callref; mncc->lchan_type = GSM_LCHAN_TCH_F; mncc->fields |= MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP; mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[0] = BCAP_ANALOG_8000HZ; mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[1] = -1; mncc_write(buf, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)); PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Outgoing call from to '%s'\n", number); create_process(callref, CALL_SETUP_MT); rc = call_out_setup(callref, number); if (rc < 0) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_NOTICE, "Call rejected, cause %d\n", -rc); if (send_patterns) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_DEBUG, "Early connecting after setup\n"); _indicate_answer(callref, number); disconnect_process(callref, -rc); break; } PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Rejecting MNCC call towards Network (cause=%d)\n", -rc); memset(buf, 0, length); mncc->msg_type = MNCC_REL_IND; mncc->callref = callref; mncc->fields |= MNCC_F_CAUSE; mncc->cause.location = 1; /* private local */ mncc->cause.value = -rc; mncc_write(buf, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc)); destroy_process(callref); break; } if (send_patterns) { PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_DEBUG, "Early connecting after setup\n"); set_state_process(callref, CALL_CONNECT); _indicate_answer(callref, number); break; } break; case MNCC_SETUP_RSP: PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Received MNCC answer from Network\n"); set_state_process(callref, CALL_CONNECT); break; case MNCC_DISC_REQ: PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Received MNCC disconnect from Network with cause %d\n", mncc->cause.value); set_state_process(callref, CALL_DISCONNECTED); PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Call disconnected\n"); call_out_disconnect(callref, mncc->cause.value); break; case MNCC_REL_REQ: PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_INFO, "Received MNCC release from Network with cause %d\n", mncc->cause.value); destroy_process(callref); PDEBUG(DCALL, DEBUG_INFO, "Call released\n"); call_out_release(callref, mncc->cause.value); break; } } /* break down of MNCC socket */ void call_mncc_flush(void) { while(process_head) { PDEBUG(DMNCC, DEBUG_NOTICE, "MNCC socket closed, releasing call\n"); call_out_release(process_head->callref, CAUSE_TEMPFAIL); destroy_process(process_head->callref); /* note: callref is released by sender's instance */ } }