/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Thomas Tsou * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "Transceiver.h" #include "radioDevice.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Samples-per-symbol for downlink path * 4 - Uses precision modulator (more computation, less distortion) * 1 - Uses minimized modulator (less computation, more distortion) * * Other values are invalid. Receive path (uplink) is always * downsampled to 1 sps. Default to 4 sps for all cases. */ #define DEFAULT_TX_SPS 4 /* * Samples-per-symbol for uplink (receiver) path * Do not modify this value. EDGE configures 4 sps automatically on * B200/B210 devices only. Use of 4 sps on the receive path for other * configurations is not supported. */ #define DEFAULT_RX_SPS 1 /* Default configuration parameters * Note that these values are only used if the particular key does not * exist in the configuration database. IP port and address values will * typically be overwritten by the OpenBTS.db values. Other values will * not be in the database by default. */ #define DEFAULT_TRX_PORT 5700 #define DEFAULT_TRX_IP "" #define DEFAULT_EXTREF false #define DEFAULT_DIVERSITY false #define DEFAULT_CHANS 1 struct trx_config { std::string log_level; std::string addr; std::string dev_args; unsigned port; unsigned tx_sps; unsigned rx_sps; unsigned chans; unsigned rtsc; bool extref; Transceiver::FillerType filler; bool diversity; double offset; double rssi_offset; bool swap_channels; bool edge; }; ConfigurationTable gConfig; volatile bool gshutdown = false; /* Run sanity check on configuration table * The global table constructor cannot provide notification in the * event of failure. Make sure that we can access the database, * write to it, and that it contains the bare minimum required keys. */ bool testConfig() { int val = 9999; std::string test = "asldfkjsaldkf"; const char *key = "Log.Level"; /* Attempt to query */ try { gConfig.getStr(key); } catch (...) { std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Config: Failed query required key " << key << std::endl; return false; } /* Attempt to set a test value in the global config */ if (!gConfig.set(test, val)) { std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Config: Failed to set test key" << std::endl; return false; } else { gConfig.remove(test); } return true; } /* Setup configuration values * Don't query the existence of the Log.Level because it's a * mandatory value. That is, if it doesn't exist, the configuration * table will crash or will have already crashed. Everything else we * can survive without and use default values if the database entries * are empty. */ bool trx_setup_config(struct trx_config *config) { std::string refstr, fillstr, divstr, edgestr; if (!testConfig()) return false; if (config->log_level == "") config->log_level = gConfig.getStr("Log.Level"); if (!config->port) { if (gConfig.defines("TRX.Port")) config->port = gConfig.getNum("TRX.Port"); else config->port = DEFAULT_TRX_PORT; } if (config->addr == "") { if (gConfig.defines("TRX.IP")) config->addr = gConfig.getStr("TRX.IP"); else config->addr = DEFAULT_TRX_IP; } if (!config->extref) { if (gConfig.defines("TRX.Reference")) config->extref = gConfig.getNum("TRX.Reference"); else config->extref = DEFAULT_EXTREF; } if (!config->diversity) { if (gConfig.defines("TRX.Diversity")) config->diversity = gConfig.getNum("TRX.Diversity"); else config->diversity = DEFAULT_DIVERSITY; } /* Diversity only supported on 2 channels */ if (config->diversity) config->chans = 2; edgestr = config->edge ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; refstr = config->extref ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; divstr = config->diversity ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; switch (config->filler) { case Transceiver::FILLER_DUMMY: fillstr = "Dummy bursts"; break; case Transceiver::FILLER_ZERO: fillstr = "Disabled"; break; case Transceiver::FILLER_NORM_RAND: fillstr = "Normal busrts with random payload"; break; case Transceiver::FILLER_EDGE_RAND: fillstr = "EDGE busrts with random payload"; break; case Transceiver::FILLER_ACCESS_RAND: fillstr = "Access busrts with random payload"; break; } std::ostringstream ost(""); ost << "Config Settings" << std::endl; ost << " Log Level............... " << config->log_level << std::endl; ost << " Device args............. " << config->dev_args << std::endl; ost << " TRX Base Port........... " << config->port << std::endl; ost << " TRX Address............. " << config->addr << std::endl; ost << " Channels................ " << config->chans << std::endl; ost << " Tx Samples-per-Symbol... " << config->tx_sps << std::endl; ost << " Rx Samples-per-Symbol... " << config->rx_sps << std::endl; ost << " EDGE support............ " << edgestr << std::endl; ost << " External Reference...... " << refstr << std::endl; ost << " C0 Filler Table......... " << fillstr << std::endl; ost << " Diversity............... " << divstr << std::endl; ost << " Tuning offset........... " << config->offset << std::endl; ost << " RSSI to dBm offset...... " << config->rssi_offset << std::endl; ost << " Swap channels........... " << config->swap_channels << std::endl; std::cout << ost << std::endl; return true; } /* Create radio interface * The interface consists of sample rate changes, frequency shifts, * channel multiplexing, and other conversions. The transceiver core * accepts input vectors sampled at multiples of the GSM symbol rate. * The radio interface connects the main transceiver with the device * object, which may be operating some other rate. */ RadioInterface *makeRadioInterface(struct trx_config *config, RadioDevice *usrp, int type) { RadioInterface *radio = NULL; if ((config->rx_sps != 1) && (type != RadioDevice::NORMAL)) { LOG(ALERT) << "Unsupported radio interface configuration"; } switch (type) { case RadioDevice::NORMAL: radio = new RadioInterface(usrp, config->tx_sps, config->rx_sps, config->chans); break; case RadioDevice::RESAMP_64M: case RadioDevice::RESAMP_100M: radio = new RadioInterfaceResamp(usrp, config->tx_sps, config->chans); break; case RadioDevice::DIVERSITY: radio = new RadioInterfaceDiversity(usrp, config->tx_sps, config->chans); break; default: LOG(ALERT) << "Unsupported radio interface configuration"; return NULL; } if (!radio->init(type)) { LOG(ALERT) << "Failed to initialize radio interface"; return NULL; } return radio; } /* Create transceiver core * The multi-threaded modem core operates at multiples of the GSM rate of * 270.8333 ksps and consists of GSM specific modulation, demodulation, * and decoding schemes. Also included are the socket interfaces for * connecting to the upper layer stack. */ Transceiver *makeTransceiver(struct trx_config *config, RadioInterface *radio) { Transceiver *trx; VectorFIFO *fifo; trx = new Transceiver(config->port, config->addr.c_str(), config->tx_sps, config->rx_sps, config->chans, GSM::Time(3,0), radio, config->rssi_offset); if (!trx->init(config->filler, config->rtsc)) { LOG(ALERT) << "Failed to initialize transceiver"; delete trx; return NULL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < config->chans; i++) { fifo = radio->receiveFIFO(i); if (fifo && trx->receiveFIFO(fifo, i)) continue; LOG(ALERT) << "Could not attach FIFO to channel " << i; delete trx; return NULL; } return trx; } static void sig_handler(int signo) { fprintf(stdout, "Received shutdown signal"); gshutdown = true; } static void setup_signal_handlers() { if (signal(SIGINT, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to install SIGINT signal handler\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't install SIGTERM signal handler\n"); exit( EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void print_help() { fprintf(stdout, "Options:\n" " -h This text\n" " -a UHD device args\n" " -l Logging level (%s)\n" " -i IP address of GSM core\n" " -p Base port number\n" " -e Enable EDGE receiver\n" " -d Enable dual channel diversity receiver\n" " -x Enable external 10 MHz reference\n" " -s Samples-per-symbol (1 or 4)\n" " -c Number of ARFCN channels (default=1)\n" " -f Enable C0 filler table\n" " -o Set baseband frequency offset (default=auto)\n" " -r Random burst test mode with TSC\n" " -A Random burst test mode with Access Bursts\n" " -R RSSI to dBm offset in dB (default=0)\n" " -S Swap channels (UmTRX only)\n", "EMERG, ALERT, CRT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG"); } static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv, struct trx_config *config) { int option; config->port = 0; config->tx_sps = DEFAULT_TX_SPS; config->rx_sps = DEFAULT_RX_SPS; config->chans = DEFAULT_CHANS; config->rtsc = 0; config->extref = false; config->filler = Transceiver::FILLER_ZERO; config->diversity = false; config->offset = 0.0; config->rssi_offset = 0.0; config->swap_channels = false; config->edge = false; while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "ha:l:i:p:c:dxfo:s:r:AR:Se")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'h': print_help(); exit(0); break; case 'a': config->dev_args = optarg; break; case 'l': config->log_level = optarg; break; case 'i': config->addr = optarg; break; case 'p': config->port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': config->chans = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': config->diversity = true; break; case 'x': config->extref = true; break; case 'f': config->filler = Transceiver::FILLER_DUMMY; break; case 'o': config->offset = atof(optarg); break; case 's': config->tx_sps = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': config->rtsc = atoi(optarg); config->filler = Transceiver::FILLER_NORM_RAND; break; case 'A': config->filler = Transceiver::FILLER_ACCESS_RAND; break; case 'R': config->rssi_offset = atof(optarg); break; case 'S': config->swap_channels = true; break; case 'e': config->edge = true; config->rx_sps = 4; break; default: print_help(); exit(0); } } if (config->edge && (config->filler == Transceiver::FILLER_NORM_RAND)) config->filler = Transceiver::FILLER_EDGE_RAND; if ((config->tx_sps != 1) && (config->tx_sps != 4)) { printf("Unsupported samples-per-symbol %i\n\n", config->tx_sps); print_help(); exit(0); } if (config->edge && (config->tx_sps != 4)) { printf("EDGE only supported at 4 samples per symbol\n\n"); print_help(); exit(0); } if (config->rtsc > 7) { printf("Invalid training sequence %i\n\n", config->rtsc); print_help(); exit(0); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int type, chans; RadioDevice *usrp; RadioInterface *radio = NULL; Transceiver *trx = NULL; struct trx_config config; handle_options(argc, argv, &config); setup_signal_handlers(); /* Check database sanity */ if (!trx_setup_config(&config)) { std::cerr << "Config: Database failure - exiting" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } gLogInit("transceiver", config.log_level.c_str(), LOG_LOCAL7); srandom(time(NULL)); /* Create the low level device object */ usrp = RadioDevice::make(config.tx_sps, config.rx_sps, config.chans, config.diversity, config.offset); type = usrp->open(config.dev_args, config.extref, config.swap_channels); if (type < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "Failed to create radio device" << std::endl; goto shutdown; } /* Setup the appropriate device interface */ radio = makeRadioInterface(&config, usrp, type); if (!radio) goto shutdown; /* Create the transceiver core */ trx = makeTransceiver(&config, radio); if (!trx) goto shutdown; chans = trx->numChans(); std::cout << "-- Transceiver active with " << chans << " channel(s)" << std::endl; while (!gshutdown) sleep(1); shutdown: std::cout << "Shutting down transceiver..." << std::endl; delete trx; delete radio; delete usrp; return 0; }