/* * Copyright 2018 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "Logger.h" #include "Threads.h" #include "LMSDevice.h" #include "Utils.h" #include extern "C" { #include "osmo_signal.h" #include } #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif using namespace std; #define MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE 10 #define GSM_CARRIER_BW 270000.0 /* 270kHz */ #define LMS_MIN_BW_SUPPORTED 2.5e6 /* 2.5mHz, minimum supported by LMS */ #define LMS_CALIBRATE_BW_HZ OSMO_MAX(GSM_CARRIER_BW, LMS_MIN_BW_SUPPORTED) #define SAMPLE_BUF_SZ (1 << 20) /* Size of Rx timestamp based Ring buffer, in bytes */ LMSDevice::LMSDevice(size_t tx_sps, size_t rx_sps, InterfaceType iface, size_t chan_num, double lo_offset, const std::vector& tx_paths, const std::vector& rx_paths): RadioDevice(tx_sps, rx_sps, iface, chan_num, lo_offset, tx_paths, rx_paths), m_lms_dev(NULL), started(false) { LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "creating LMS device..."; m_lms_stream_rx.resize(chans); m_lms_stream_tx.resize(chans); rx_gains.resize(chans); tx_gains.resize(chans); rx_buffers.resize(chans); } LMSDevice::~LMSDevice() { unsigned int i; LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Closing LMS device"; if (m_lms_dev) { /* disable all channels */ for (i=0; i= ARRAY_SIZE(lvl_map)) lvl = ARRAY_SIZE(lvl_map)-1; LOGLV(DDEVDRV, lvl_map[lvl]) << msg; } static void print_range(const char* name, lms_range_t *range) { LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << name << ": Min=" << range->min << " Max=" << range->max << " Step=" << range->step; } /*! Find the device string that matches all filters from \a args. * \param[in] info_list device addresses found by LMS_GetDeviceList() * \param[in] count length of info_list * \param[in] args dev-args value from osmo-trx.cfg, containing comma separated key=value pairs * \return index of first matching device or -1 (no match) */ int info_list_find(lms_info_str_t* info_list, unsigned int count, const std::string &args) { unsigned int i, j; vector filters; filters = comma_delimited_to_vector(args.c_str()); /* iterate over device addresses */ for (i=0; i < count; i++) { /* check if all filters match */ bool match = true; for (j=0; j < filters.size(); j++) { if (!strstr(info_list[i], filters[j].c_str())) { match = false; break; } } if (match) return i; } return -1; } int LMSDevice::open(const std::string &args, int ref, bool swap_channels) { lms_info_str_t* info_list; const lms_dev_info_t* device_info; lms_range_t range_sr; float_type sr_host, sr_rf; unsigned int i, n; int rc, dev_id; LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Opening LMS device.."; LMS_RegisterLogHandler(&lms_log_callback); if ((n = LMS_GetDeviceList(NULL)) < 0) LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "LMS_GetDeviceList(NULL) failed"; LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Devices found: " << n; if (n < 1) return -1; info_list = new lms_info_str_t[n]; if (LMS_GetDeviceList(info_list) < 0) LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "LMS_GetDeviceList(info_list) failed"; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Device [" << i << "]: " << info_list[i]; dev_id = info_list_find(info_list, n, args); if (dev_id == -1) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "No LMS device found with address '" << args << "'"; delete[] info_list; return -1; } LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Using device[" << dev_id << "]"; rc = LMS_Open(&m_lms_dev, info_list[dev_id], NULL); if (rc != 0) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "LMS_GetDeviceList() failed)"; delete [] info_list; return -1; } delete [] info_list; device_info = LMS_GetDeviceInfo(m_lms_dev); if ((ref != REF_EXTERNAL) && (ref != REF_INTERNAL)){ LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Invalid reference type"; goto out_close; } /* if reference clock is external setup must happen _before_ calling LMS_Init */ /* FIXME make external reference frequency configurable */ if (ref == REF_EXTERNAL) { LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Setting External clock reference to 10MHz"; /* Assume an external 10 MHz reference clock */ if (LMS_SetClockFreq(m_lms_dev, LMS_CLOCK_EXTREF, 10000000.0) < 0) goto out_close; } LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Init LMS device"; if (LMS_Init(m_lms_dev) != 0) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "LMS_Init() failed"; goto out_close; } /* LimeSDR-Mini does not have switches but needs soldering to select external/internal clock */ /* LimeNET-Micro also does not like selecting internal clock*/ /* also set device specific maximum tx levels selected by phasenoise measurements*/ if (strncmp(device_info->deviceName,"LimeSDR-USB",11) == 0){ /* if reference clock is internal setup must happen _after_ calling LMS_Init */ /* according to lms using LMS_CLOCK_EXTREF with a frequency <= 0 is the correct way to set clock to internal reference*/ if (ref == REF_INTERNAL) { LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Setting Internal clock reference"; if (LMS_SetClockFreq(m_lms_dev, LMS_CLOCK_EXTREF, -1) < 0) goto out_close; } maxTxGainClamp = 73.0; } else if (strncmp(device_info->deviceName,"LimeSDR-Mini",12) == 0) maxTxGainClamp = 66.0; else maxTxGainClamp = 71.0; /* "LimeNET-Micro", etc FIXME pciE based LMS boards?*/ /* enable all used channels */ for (i=0; i maxTxGain()) dB = maxTxGain(); if (dB < minTxGain()) dB = minTxGain(); LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, NOTICE) << "Setting TX gain to " << dB << " dB"; if (LMS_SetGaindB(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan, dB) < 0) LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERR) << "Error setting TX gain to " << dB << " dB"; else tx_gains[chan] = dB; return tx_gains[chan]; } double LMSDevice::setRxGain(double dB, size_t chan) { if (dB > maxRxGain()) dB = maxRxGain(); if (dB < minRxGain()) dB = minRxGain(); LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, NOTICE) << "Setting RX gain to " << dB << " dB"; if (LMS_SetGaindB(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan, dB) < 0) LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERR) << "Error setting RX gain to " << dB << " dB"; else rx_gains[chan] = dB; return rx_gains[chan]; } void LMSDevice::log_ant_list(bool dir_tx, size_t chan, std::ostringstream& os) { lms_name_t name_list[MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE]; /* large enough list for antenna names. */ int num_names; int i; num_names = LMS_GetAntennaList(m_lms_dev, dir_tx, chan, name_list); for (i = 0; i < num_names; i++) { if (i) os << ", "; os << "'" << name_list[i] << "'"; } } int LMSDevice::get_ant_idx(const std::string & name, bool dir_tx, size_t chan) { lms_name_t name_list[MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE]; /* large enough list for antenna names. */ const char* c_name = name.c_str(); int num_names; int i; num_names = LMS_GetAntennaList(m_lms_dev, dir_tx, chan, name_list); for (i = 0; i < num_names; i++) { if (!strcmp(c_name, name_list[i])) return i; } return -1; } bool LMSDevice::flush_recv(size_t num_pkts) { #define CHUNK 625 int len = CHUNK * tx_sps; short *buffer = (short*) alloca(sizeof(short) * len * 2); int rc; lms_stream_meta_t rx_metadata = {}; rx_metadata.flushPartialPacket = false; rx_metadata.waitForTimestamp = false; ts_initial = 0; while (!ts_initial || (num_pkts-- > 0)) { rc = LMS_RecvStream(&m_lms_stream_rx[0], &buffer[0], len, &rx_metadata, 100); LOGC(DDEV, DEBUG) << "Flush: Recv buffer of len " << rc << " at " << std::hex << rx_metadata.timestamp; if (rc != len) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Flush: Device receive timed out"; return false; } ts_initial = rx_metadata.timestamp + len; } LOGC(DDEV, INFO) << "Initial timestamp " << ts_initial << std::endl; return true; } bool LMSDevice::setRxAntenna(const std::string & ant, size_t chan) { int idx; if (chan >= rx_paths.size()) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Requested non-existent channel " << chan; return false; } idx = get_ant_idx(ant, LMS_CH_RX, chan); if (idx < 0) { std::ostringstream os; LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Invalid Rx Antenna: " << ant; log_ant_list(LMS_CH_RX, chan, os); LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, NOTICE) << "Available Rx Antennas: " << os; return false; } if (LMS_SetAntenna(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan, idx) < 0) { LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Unable to set Rx Antenna"; } return true; } std::string LMSDevice::getRxAntenna(size_t chan) { lms_name_t name_list[MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE]; /* large enough list for antenna names. */ int idx; if (chan >= rx_paths.size()) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Requested non-existent channel " << chan; return ""; } idx = LMS_GetAntenna(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan); if (idx < 0) { LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Error getting Rx Antenna"; return ""; } if (LMS_GetAntennaList(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan, name_list) < idx) { LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Error getting Rx Antenna List"; return ""; } return name_list[idx]; } bool LMSDevice::setTxAntenna(const std::string & ant, size_t chan) { int idx; if (chan >= tx_paths.size()) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Requested non-existent channel " << chan; return false; } idx = get_ant_idx(ant, LMS_CH_TX, chan); if (idx < 0) { std::ostringstream os; LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Invalid Tx Antenna: " << ant; log_ant_list(LMS_CH_TX, chan, os); LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, NOTICE) << "Available Tx Antennas: " << os; return false; } if (LMS_SetAntenna(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan, idx) < 0) { LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Unable to set Rx Antenna"; } return true; } std::string LMSDevice::getTxAntenna(size_t chan) { lms_name_t name_list[MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE]; /* large enough list for antenna names. */ int idx; if (chan >= tx_paths.size()) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Requested non-existent channel " << chan; return ""; } idx = LMS_GetAntenna(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan); if (idx < 0) { LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Error getting Tx Antenna"; return ""; } if (LMS_GetAntennaList(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan, name_list) < idx) { LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Error getting Tx Antenna List"; return ""; } return name_list[idx]; } bool LMSDevice::requiresRadioAlign() { return false; } GSM::Time LMSDevice::minLatency() { /* UNUSED on limesdr (only used on usrp1/2) */ return GSM::Time(0,0); } /*! * Issue tracking description of several events: https://github.com/myriadrf/LimeSuite/issues/265 */ void LMSDevice::update_stream_stats_rx(size_t chan, bool *overrun) { lms_stream_status_t status; bool changed = false; if (LMS_GetStreamStatus(&m_lms_stream_rx[chan], &status) != 0) { LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Rx LMS_GetStreamStatus failed"; return; } /* FIFO overrun is counted when Rx FIFO is full but new data comes from the board and oldest samples in FIFO are overwritte. Value count since the last call to LMS_GetStreamStatus(stream). */ if (status.overrun) { changed = true; *overrun = true; LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Rx Overrun! (" << m_ctr[chan].rx_overruns << " -> " << status.overrun << ")"; } m_ctr[chan].rx_overruns += status.overrun; /* Dropped packets in Rx are counted when gaps in Rx timestamps are detected (likely because buffer overflow in hardware). Value count since the last call to LMS_GetStreamStatus(stream). */ if (status.droppedPackets) { changed = true; LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Rx Dropped packets by HW! (" << m_ctr[chan].rx_dropped_samples << " -> " << m_ctr[chan].rx_dropped_samples + status.droppedPackets << ")"; m_ctr[chan].rx_dropped_events++; } m_ctr[chan].rx_dropped_samples += status.droppedPackets; if (changed) osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_DEVICE, S_DEVICE_COUNTER_CHANGE, &m_ctr[chan]); } // NOTE: Assumes sequential reads int LMSDevice::readSamples(std::vector < short *>&bufs, int len, bool * overrun, TIMESTAMP timestamp, bool * underrun, unsigned *RSSI) { int rc, num_smpls, expect_smpls; ssize_t avail_smpls; TIMESTAMP expect_timestamp; unsigned int i; lms_stream_meta_t rx_metadata = {}; rx_metadata.flushPartialPacket = false; rx_metadata.waitForTimestamp = false; rx_metadata.timestamp = 0; if (bufs.size() != chans) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Invalid channel combination " << bufs.size(); return -1; } *overrun = false; *underrun = false; /* Check that timestamp is valid */ rc = rx_buffers[0]->avail_smpls(timestamp); if (rc < 0) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << rx_buffers[0]->str_code(rc); LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << rx_buffers[0]->str_status(timestamp); return 0; } for (i = 0; iavail_smpls(timestamp)) < len) { thread_enable_cancel(false); num_smpls = LMS_RecvStream(&m_lms_stream_rx[i], bufs[i], len - avail_smpls, &rx_metadata, 100); update_stream_stats_rx(i, overrun); thread_enable_cancel(true); if (num_smpls <= 0) { LOGCHAN(i, DDEV, ERROR) << "Device receive timed out (" << rc << " vs exp " << len << ")."; return -1; } LOGCHAN(i, DDEV, DEBUG) "Received timestamp = " << (TIMESTAMP)rx_metadata.timestamp << " (" << num_smpls << ")"; expect_smpls = len - avail_smpls; if (expect_smpls != num_smpls) LOGCHAN(i, DDEV, NOTICE) << "Unexpected recv buffer len: expect " << expect_smpls << " got " << num_smpls << ", diff=" << expect_smpls - num_smpls; expect_timestamp = timestamp + avail_smpls; if (expect_timestamp != (TIMESTAMP)rx_metadata.timestamp) LOGCHAN(i, DDEV, ERROR) << "Unexpected recv buffer timestamp: expect " << expect_timestamp << " got " << (TIMESTAMP)rx_metadata.timestamp << ", diff=" << rx_metadata.timestamp - expect_timestamp; rc = rx_buffers[i]->write(bufs[i], num_smpls, (TIMESTAMP)rx_metadata.timestamp); if (rc < 0) { LOGCHAN(i, DDEV, ERROR) << rx_buffers[i]->str_code(rc); LOGCHAN(i, DDEV, ERROR) << rx_buffers[i]->str_status(timestamp); if (rc != smpl_buf::ERROR_OVERFLOW) return 0; } } } /* We have enough samples */ for (size_t i = 0; i < rx_buffers.size(); i++) { rc = rx_buffers[i]->read(bufs[i], len, timestamp); if ((rc < 0) || (rc != len)) { LOGCHAN(i, DDEV, ERROR) << rx_buffers[i]->str_code(rc) << ". " << rx_buffers[i]->str_status(timestamp) << ", (len=" << len << ")"; return 0; } } return len; } void LMSDevice::update_stream_stats_tx(size_t chan, bool *underrun) { lms_stream_status_t status; bool changed = false; if (LMS_GetStreamStatus(&m_lms_stream_tx[chan], &status) != 0) { LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Tx LMS_GetStreamStatus failed"; return; } /* FIFO underrun is counted when Tx is running but FIFO is empty for >100 ms (500ms in older versions). Value count since the last call to LMS_GetStreamStatus(stream). */ if (status.underrun) { changed = true; *underrun = true; LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Tx Underrun! (" << m_ctr[chan].tx_underruns << " -> " << status.underrun << ")"; } m_ctr[chan].tx_underruns += status.underrun; /* Dropped packets in Tx are counted only when timestamps are enabled and SDR drops packet because of late timestamp. Value count since the last call to LMS_GetStreamStatus(stream). */ if (status.droppedPackets) { changed = true; LOGCHAN(chan, DDEV, ERROR) << "Tx Dropped packets by HW! (" << m_ctr[chan].tx_dropped_samples << " -> " << m_ctr[chan].tx_dropped_samples + status.droppedPackets << ")"; m_ctr[chan].tx_dropped_events++; } m_ctr[chan].tx_dropped_samples += status.droppedPackets; if (changed) osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_DEVICE, S_DEVICE_COUNTER_CHANGE, &m_ctr[chan]); } int LMSDevice::writeSamples(std::vector < short *>&bufs, int len, bool * underrun, unsigned long long timestamp, bool isControl) { int rc = 0; unsigned int i; lms_stream_meta_t tx_metadata = {}; tx_metadata.flushPartialPacket = false; tx_metadata.waitForTimestamp = true; tx_metadata.timestamp = timestamp - ts_offset; /* Shift Tx time by offset */ if (isControl) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Control packets not supported"; return 0; } if (bufs.size() != chans) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "Invalid channel combination " << bufs.size(); return -1; } *underrun = false; for (i = 0; i &tx_paths, const std::vector < std::string > &rx_paths) { if (tx_sps != rx_sps) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "LMS Requires tx_sps == rx_sps"; return NULL; } if (lo_offset != 0.0) { LOGC(DDEV, ERROR) << "LMS doesn't support lo_offset"; return NULL; } return new LMSDevice(tx_sps, rx_sps, iface, chans, lo_offset, tx_paths, rx_paths); }