/* * Copyright 2018 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "Logger.h" #include "Threads.h" #include "LMSDevice.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif using namespace std; constexpr double LMSDevice::masterClockRate; #define MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE 10 #define LMS_SAMPLE_RATE GSMRATE*32 #define GSM_CARRIER_BW 270000.0 /* 270kHz */ #define LMS_MIN_BW_SUPPORTED 2.5e6 /* 2.5mHz, minimum supported by LMS */ #define LMS_CALIBRATE_BW_HZ OSMO_MAX(GSM_CARRIER_BW, LMS_MIN_BW_SUPPORTED) LMSDevice::LMSDevice(size_t sps, size_t chans): m_lms_dev(NULL), sps(sps), chans(chans) { LOG(INFO) << "creating LMS device..."; m_lms_stream_rx.resize(chans); m_lms_stream_tx.resize(chans); m_last_rx_underruns.resize(chans, 0); m_last_rx_overruns.resize(chans, 0); m_last_tx_underruns.resize(chans, 0); m_last_tx_overruns.resize(chans, 0); } static void lms_log_callback(int lvl, const char *msg) { /* map lime specific log levels */ static const int lvl_map[5] = { [0] = LOGL_FATAL, [1] = LOGL_ERROR, [2] = LOGL_NOTICE, [3] = LOGL_INFO, [4] = LOGL_DEBUG, }; /* protect against future higher log level values (lower importance) */ if ((unsigned int) lvl >= ARRAY_SIZE(lvl_map)) lvl = ARRAY_SIZE(lvl_map)-1; LOGLV(DLMS, lvl) << msg; } static void thread_enable_cancel(bool cancel) { cancel ? pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL) : pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL); } static void print_range(const char* name, lms_range_t *range) { LOG(DEBUG) << name << ": Min=" << range->min << " Max=" << range->max << " Step=" << range->step; } int LMSDevice::open(const std::string &args, int ref, bool swap_channels) { //lms_info_str_t dev_str; lms_info_str_t* info_list; lms_range_t range_lpfbw_rx, range_lpfbw_tx, range_sr; float_type sr_host, sr_rf, lpfbw_rx, lpfbw_tx; uint16_t dac_val; unsigned int i, n; int rc; LOG(INFO) << "Opening LMS device.."; LMS_RegisterLogHandler(&lms_log_callback); if ((n = LMS_GetDeviceList(NULL)) < 0) LOG(ERROR) << "LMS_GetDeviceList(NULL) failed"; LOG(DEBUG) << "Devices found: " << n; if (n < 1) return -1; info_list = new lms_info_str_t[n]; if (LMS_GetDeviceList(info_list) < 0) //Populate device list LOG(ERROR) << "LMS_GetDeviceList(info_list) failed"; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) //print device list LOG(DEBUG) << "Device [" << i << "]: " << info_list[i]; rc = LMS_Open(&m_lms_dev, info_list[0], NULL); if (rc != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "LMS_GetDeviceList() failed)"; delete [] info_list; return -1; } delete [] info_list; LOG(INFO) << "Init LMS device"; if (LMS_Init(m_lms_dev) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "LMS_Init() failed"; return -1; } if (LMS_GetSampleRateRange(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, &range_sr)) goto out_close; print_range("Sample Rate", &range_sr); LOG(DEBUG) << "Setting sample rate to " << GSMRATE*sps << " " << sps; if (LMS_SetSampleRate(m_lms_dev, GSMRATE*sps, 32) < 0) goto out_close; if (LMS_GetSampleRate(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, 0, &sr_host, &sr_rf)) goto out_close; LOG(DEBUG) << "Sample Rate: Host=" << sr_host << " RF=" << sr_rf; /* FIXME: make this device/model dependent, like UHDDevice:dev_param_map! */ //ts_offset = static_cast(8.9e-5 * GSMRATE); ts_offset = 0; switch (ref) { case REF_INTERNAL: LOG(DEBUG) << "Setting Internal clock reference"; /* Ugly API: Selecting clock source implicit by writing to VCTCXO DAC ?!? */ if (LMS_VCTCXORead(m_lms_dev, &dac_val) < 0) goto out_close; LOG(DEBUG) << "Setting VCTCXO to " << dac_val; if (LMS_VCTCXOWrite(m_lms_dev, dac_val) < 0) goto out_close; break; case REF_EXTERNAL: LOG(DEBUG) << "Setting External clock reference to " << 10000000.0; /* Assume an external 10 MHz reference clock */ if (LMS_SetClockFreq(m_lms_dev, LMS_CLOCK_EXTREF, 10000000.0) < 0) goto out_close; break; default: LOG(ALERT) << "Invalid reference type"; goto out_close; } if (LMS_GetLPFBWRange(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, &range_lpfbw_rx)) goto out_close; print_range("LPFBWRange Rx", &range_lpfbw_rx); if (LMS_GetLPFBWRange(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, &range_lpfbw_tx)) goto out_close; print_range("LPFBWRange Tx", &range_lpfbw_tx); lpfbw_rx = OSMO_MIN(OSMO_MAX(1.4001e6, range_lpfbw_rx.min), range_lpfbw_rx.max); lpfbw_tx = OSMO_MIN(OSMO_MAX(5.2e6, range_lpfbw_tx.min), range_lpfbw_tx.max); LOG(DEBUG) << "LPFBW: Rx=" << lpfbw_rx << " Tx=" << lpfbw_tx; /* Perform Rx and Tx calibration */ for (i=0; i maxTxGain()) dB = maxTxGain(); if (dB < minTxGain()) dB = minTxGain(); LOG(NOTICE) << "Setting TX gain to " << dB << " dB."; if (LMS_SetGaindB(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan, dB) < 0) LOG(ERR) << "Error setting TX gain"; return dB; } double LMSDevice::setRxGain(double dB, size_t chan) { if (chan) { LOG(ALERT) << "Invalid channel " << chan; return 0.0; } dB = 47.0; if (dB > maxRxGain()) dB = maxRxGain(); if (dB < minRxGain()) dB = minRxGain(); LOG(NOTICE) << "Setting RX gain to " << dB << " dB."; if (LMS_SetGaindB(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan, dB) < 0) LOG(ERR) << "Error setting RX gain"; return dB; } int LMSDevice::get_ant_idx(const std::string & name, bool dir_tx, size_t chan) { lms_name_t name_list[MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE]; /* large enough list for antenna names. */ const char* c_name = name.c_str(); int num_names; int i; num_names = LMS_GetAntennaList(m_lms_dev, dir_tx, chan, name_list); for (i = 0; i < num_names; i++) { if (!strcmp(c_name, name_list[i])) return i; } return -1; } bool LMSDevice::flush_recv(size_t num_pkts) { #define CHUNK 625 int len = CHUNK * sps; short *buffer = new short[len * 2]; int rc; lms_stream_meta_t rx_metadata = {}; rx_metadata.flushPartialPacket = false; rx_metadata.waitForTimestamp = false; ts_initial = 0; while (!ts_initial || (num_pkts-- > 0)) { rc = LMS_RecvStream(&m_lms_stream_rx[0], &buffer[0], len, &rx_metadata, 100); LOG(DEBUG) << "Flush: Recv buffer of len " << rc << " at " << std::hex << rx_metadata.timestamp; if (rc != len) { LOG(ALERT) << "LMS: Device receive timed out"; delete[] buffer; return false; } ts_initial = rx_metadata.timestamp + len; } LOG(INFO) << "Initial timestamp " << ts_initial << std::endl; delete[] buffer; return true; } bool LMSDevice::setRxAntenna(const std::string & ant, size_t chan) { int idx; if (chan >= rx_paths.size()) { LOG(ALERT) << "Requested non-existent channel " << chan; return false; } idx = get_ant_idx(ant, LMS_CH_RX, chan); if (idx < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "Invalid Rx Antenna"; return false; } if (LMS_SetAntenna(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan, idx) < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "Unable to set Rx Antenna"; } return true; } std::string LMSDevice::getRxAntenna(size_t chan) { lms_name_t name_list[MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE]; /* large enough list for antenna names. */ int idx; if (chan >= rx_paths.size()) { LOG(ALERT) << "Requested non-existent channel " << chan; return ""; } idx = LMS_GetAntenna(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan); if (idx < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "Error getting Rx Antenna"; return ""; } if (LMS_GetAntennaList(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan, name_list) < idx) { LOG(ALERT) << "Error getting Rx Antenna List"; return ""; } return name_list[idx]; } bool LMSDevice::setTxAntenna(const std::string & ant, size_t chan) { int idx; if (chan >= tx_paths.size()) { LOG(ALERT) << "Requested non-existent channel " << chan; return false; } idx = get_ant_idx(ant, LMS_CH_TX, chan); if (idx < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "Invalid Rx Antenna"; return false; } if (LMS_SetAntenna(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan, idx) < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "Unable to set Rx Antenna"; } return true; } std::string LMSDevice::getTxAntenna(size_t chan) { lms_name_t name_list[MAX_ANTENNA_LIST_SIZE]; /* large enough list for antenna names. */ int idx; if (chan >= tx_paths.size()) { LOG(ALERT) << "Requested non-existent channel " << chan; return ""; } idx = LMS_GetAntenna(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan); if (idx < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "Error getting Tx Antenna"; return ""; } if (LMS_GetAntennaList(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan, name_list) < idx) { LOG(ALERT) << "Error getting Tx Antenna List"; return ""; } return name_list[idx]; } bool LMSDevice::requiresRadioAlign() { return false; } GSM::Time LMSDevice::minLatency() { /* Empirical data from a handful of relatively recent machines shows that the B100 will underrun when the transmit threshold is reduced to a time of 6 and a half frames, so we set a minimum 7 frame threshold. */ return GSM::Time(6,7); } // NOTE: Assumes sequential reads int LMSDevice::readSamples(std::vector < short *>&bufs, int len, bool * overrun, TIMESTAMP timestamp, bool * underrun, unsigned *RSSI) { int rc = 0; unsigned int i; lms_stream_status_t status; lms_stream_meta_t rx_metadata = {}; rx_metadata.flushPartialPacket = false; rx_metadata.waitForTimestamp = false; /* Shift read time with respect to transmit clock */ timestamp += ts_offset; rx_metadata.timestamp = 0; if (bufs.size() != chans) { LOG(ALERT) << "Invalid channel combination " << bufs.size(); return -1; } *overrun = false; *underrun = false; for (i = 0; i m_last_rx_underruns[i]) *underrun = true; m_last_rx_underruns[i] = status.underrun; if (status.overrun > m_last_rx_overruns[i]) *overrun = true; m_last_rx_overruns[i] = status.overrun; } thread_enable_cancel(true); } samplesRead += rc; if (((TIMESTAMP) rx_metadata.timestamp) < timestamp) rc = 0; return rc; } int LMSDevice::writeSamples(std::vector < short *>&bufs, int len, bool * underrun, unsigned long long timestamp, bool isControl) { int rc; unsigned int i; lms_stream_status_t status; lms_stream_meta_t tx_metadata = {}; tx_metadata.flushPartialPacket = false; tx_metadata.waitForTimestamp = true; tx_metadata.timestamp = timestamp; if (isControl) { LOG(ERR) << "Control packets not supported"; return 0; } if (bufs.size() != chans) { LOG(ALERT) << "Invalid channel combination " << bufs.size(); return -1; } *underrun = false; for (i = 0; i m_last_tx_underruns[i]) *underrun = true; m_last_tx_underruns[i] = status.underrun; } thread_enable_cancel(true); } samplesWritten += rc; return rc; } bool LMSDevice::updateAlignment(TIMESTAMP timestamp) { return true; } bool LMSDevice::setTxFreq(double wFreq, size_t chan) { if (chan) { LOG(ALERT) << "Invalid channel " << chan; return false; } if (LMS_SetLOFrequency(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_TX, chan, wFreq) < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "set Tx: " << wFreq << " failed!"; return false; } return true; } bool LMSDevice::setRxFreq(double wFreq, size_t chan) { if (chan) { LOG(ALERT) << "Invalid channel " << chan; return false; } if (LMS_SetLOFrequency(m_lms_dev, LMS_CH_RX, chan, wFreq) < 0) { LOG(ALERT) << "set Rx: " << wFreq << " failed!"; return false; } return true; } RadioDevice *RadioDevice::make(size_t tx_sps, size_t rx_sps, InterfaceType iface, size_t chans, double offset, const std::vector < std::string > &tx_paths, const std::vector < std::string > &rx_paths) { return new LMSDevice(tx_sps, chans); }