/* * Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. * See the COPYING file in the main directory for details. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Compilation switches TRANSMIT_LOGGING write every burst on the given slot to a log */ #include #include "Transceiver.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif using namespace GSM; #define USB_LATENCY_INTRVL 10,0 #if USE_UHD # define USB_LATENCY_MIN 6,7 #else # define USB_LATENCY_MIN 1,1 #endif #define INIT_ENERGY_THRSHD 5.0f Transceiver::Transceiver(int wBasePort, const char *TRXAddress, int wSPS, GSM::Time wTransmitLatency, RadioInterface *wRadioInterface) :mDataSocket(wBasePort+2,TRXAddress,wBasePort+102), mControlSocket(wBasePort+1,TRXAddress,wBasePort+101), mClockSocket(wBasePort,TRXAddress,wBasePort+100) { GSM::Time startTime(random() % gHyperframe,0); mFIFOServiceLoopThread = new Thread(32768); ///< thread to push bursts into transmit FIFO mControlServiceLoopThread = new Thread(32768); ///< thread to process control messages from GSM core mTransmitPriorityQueueServiceLoopThread = new Thread(32768);///< thread to process transmit bursts from GSM core mSPS = wSPS; mRadioInterface = wRadioInterface; mTransmitLatency = wTransmitLatency; mTransmitDeadlineClock = startTime; mLastClockUpdateTime = startTime; mLatencyUpdateTime = startTime; mRadioInterface->getClock()->set(startTime); mMaxExpectedDelay = 0; txFullScale = mRadioInterface->fullScaleInputValue(); rxFullScale = mRadioInterface->fullScaleOutputValue(); mOn = false; mTxFreq = 0.0; mRxFreq = 0.0; mPower = -10; mEnergyThreshold = INIT_ENERGY_THRSHD; prevFalseDetectionTime = startTime; } Transceiver::~Transceiver() { sigProcLibDestroy(); mTransmitPriorityQueue.clear(); } bool Transceiver::init() { if (!sigProcLibSetup(mSPS)) { LOG(ALERT) << "Failed to initialize signal processing library"; return false; } // initialize filler tables with dummy bursts for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { signalVector* modBurst = modulateBurst(gDummyBurst, 8 + (i % 4 == 0), mSPS); if (!modBurst) { sigProcLibDestroy(); LOG(ALERT) << "Failed to initialize filler table"; return false; } scaleVector(*modBurst,txFullScale); fillerModulus[i]=26; for (int j = 0; j < 102; j++) { fillerTable[j][i] = new signalVector(*modBurst); } delete modBurst; mChanType[i] = NONE; channelResponse[i] = NULL; DFEForward[i] = NULL; DFEFeedback[i] = NULL; channelEstimateTime[i] = mTransmitDeadlineClock; } return true; } void Transceiver::addRadioVector(BitVector &burst, int RSSI, GSM::Time &wTime) { // modulate and stick into queue signalVector* modBurst = modulateBurst(burst, 8 + (wTime.TN() % 4 == 0), mSPS); scaleVector(*modBurst,txFullScale * pow(10,-RSSI/10)); radioVector *newVec = new radioVector(*modBurst,wTime); mTransmitPriorityQueue.write(newVec); delete modBurst; } #ifdef TRANSMIT_LOGGING void Transceiver::unModulateVector(signalVector wVector) { SoftVector *burst = demodulateBurst(wVector, mSPS, 1.0, 0.0); LOG(DEBUG) << "LOGGED BURST: " << *burst; /* unsigned char burstStr[gSlotLen+1]; SoftVector::iterator burstItr = burst->begin(); for (int i = 0; i < gSlotLen; i++) { // FIXME: Demod bits are inverted! burstStr[i] = (unsigned char) ((*burstItr++)*255.0); } burstStr[gSlotLen]='\0'; LOG(DEBUG) << "LOGGED BURST: " << burstStr; */ delete burst; } #endif void Transceiver::pushRadioVector(GSM::Time &nowTime) { // dump stale bursts, if any while (radioVector* staleBurst = mTransmitPriorityQueue.getStaleBurst(nowTime)) { // Even if the burst is stale, put it in the fillter table. // (It might be an idle pattern.) LOG(NOTICE) << "dumping STALE burst in TRX->USRP interface"; const GSM::Time& nextTime = staleBurst->getTime(); int TN = nextTime.TN(); int modFN = nextTime.FN() % fillerModulus[TN]; delete fillerTable[modFN][TN]; fillerTable[modFN][TN] = staleBurst; } int TN = nowTime.TN(); int modFN = nowTime.FN() % fillerModulus[nowTime.TN()]; // if queue contains data at the desired timestamp, stick it into FIFO if (radioVector *next = (radioVector*) mTransmitPriorityQueue.getCurrentBurst(nowTime)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "transmitFIFO: wrote burst " << next << " at time: " << nowTime; delete fillerTable[modFN][TN]; fillerTable[modFN][TN] = new signalVector(*(next)); mRadioInterface->driveTransmitRadio(*(next),(mChanType[TN]==NONE)); //fillerTable[modFN][TN])); delete next; #ifdef TRANSMIT_LOGGING if (nowTime.TN()==TRANSMIT_LOGGING) { unModulateVector(*(fillerTable[modFN][TN])); } #endif return; } // otherwise, pull filler data, and push to radio FIFO mRadioInterface->driveTransmitRadio(*(fillerTable[modFN][TN]),(mChanType[TN]==NONE)); #ifdef TRANSMIT_LOGGING if (nowTime.TN()==TRANSMIT_LOGGING) unModulateVector(*fillerTable[modFN][TN]); #endif } void Transceiver::setModulus(int timeslot) { switch (mChanType[timeslot]) { case NONE: case I: case II: case III: case FILL: fillerModulus[timeslot] = 26; break; case IV: case VI: case V: fillerModulus[timeslot] = 51; break; //case V: case VII: fillerModulus[timeslot] = 102; break; case XIII: fillerModulus[timeslot] = 52; break; default: break; } } Transceiver::CorrType Transceiver::expectedCorrType(GSM::Time currTime) { unsigned burstTN = currTime.TN(); unsigned burstFN = currTime.FN(); switch (mChanType[burstTN]) { case NONE: return OFF; break; case FILL: return IDLE; break; case I: return TSC; /*if (burstFN % 26 == 25) return IDLE; else return TSC;*/ break; case II: return TSC; break; case III: return TSC; break; case IV: case VI: return RACH; break; case V: { int mod51 = burstFN % 51; if ((mod51 <= 36) && (mod51 >= 14)) return RACH; else if ((mod51 == 4) || (mod51 == 5)) return RACH; else if ((mod51 == 45) || (mod51 == 46)) return RACH; else return TSC; break; } case VII: if ((burstFN % 51 <= 14) && (burstFN % 51 >= 12)) return IDLE; else return TSC; break; case XIII: { int mod52 = burstFN % 52; if ((mod52 == 12) || (mod52 == 38)) return RACH; else if ((mod52 == 25) || (mod52 == 51)) return IDLE; else return TSC; break; } case LOOPBACK: if ((burstFN % 51 <= 50) && (burstFN % 51 >=48)) return IDLE; else return TSC; break; default: return OFF; break; } } SoftVector *Transceiver::pullRadioVector(GSM::Time &wTime, int &RSSI, int &timingOffset) { bool needDFE = (mMaxExpectedDelay > 1); radioVector *rxBurst = (radioVector *) mReceiveFIFO->get(); if (!rxBurst) return NULL; LOG(DEBUG) << "receiveFIFO: read radio vector at time: " << rxBurst->getTime() << ", new size: " << mReceiveFIFO->size(); int timeslot = rxBurst->getTime().TN(); CorrType corrType = expectedCorrType(rxBurst->getTime()); if ((corrType==OFF) || (corrType==IDLE)) { delete rxBurst; return NULL; } // check to see if received burst has sufficient signalVector *vectorBurst = rxBurst; complex amplitude = 0.0; float TOA = 0.0; float avgPwr = 0.0; #ifdef ENERGY_DETECT if (!energyDetect(*vectorBurst, 20 * mSPS, mEnergyThreshold, &avgPwr)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Estimated Energy: " << sqrt(avgPwr) << ", at time " << rxBurst->getTime(); double framesElapsed = rxBurst->getTime()-prevFalseDetectionTime; if (framesElapsed > 50) { // if we haven't had any false detections for a while, lower threshold mEnergyThreshold -= 10.0/10.0; if (mEnergyThreshold < 0.0) mEnergyThreshold = 0.0; prevFalseDetectionTime = rxBurst->getTime(); } delete rxBurst; return NULL; } LOG(DEBUG) << "Estimated Energy: " << sqrt(avgPwr) << ", at time " << rxBurst->getTime(); #endif // run the proper correlator bool success = false; if (corrType==TSC) { LOG(DEBUG) << "looking for TSC at time: " << rxBurst->getTime(); signalVector *channelResp; double framesElapsed = rxBurst->getTime()-channelEstimateTime[timeslot]; bool estimateChannel = false; if ((framesElapsed > 50) || (channelResponse[timeslot]==NULL)) { if (channelResponse[timeslot]) delete channelResponse[timeslot]; if (DFEForward[timeslot]) delete DFEForward[timeslot]; if (DFEFeedback[timeslot]) delete DFEFeedback[timeslot]; channelResponse[timeslot] = NULL; DFEForward[timeslot] = NULL; DFEFeedback[timeslot] = NULL; estimateChannel = true; } if (!needDFE) estimateChannel = false; float chanOffset; success = analyzeTrafficBurst(*vectorBurst, mTSC, 3.0, mSPS, &litude, &TOA, mMaxExpectedDelay, estimateChannel, &channelResp, &chanOffset); if (success) { LOG(DEBUG) << "FOUND TSC!!!!!! " << amplitude << " " << TOA; mEnergyThreshold -= 1.0F/10.0F; if (mEnergyThreshold < 0.0) mEnergyThreshold = 0.0; SNRestimate[timeslot] = amplitude.norm2()/(mEnergyThreshold*mEnergyThreshold+1.0); // this is not highly accurate if (estimateChannel) { LOG(DEBUG) << "estimating channel..."; channelResponse[timeslot] = channelResp; chanRespOffset[timeslot] = chanOffset; chanRespAmplitude[timeslot] = amplitude; scaleVector(*channelResp, complex(1.0,0.0)/amplitude); designDFE(*channelResp, SNRestimate[timeslot], 7, &DFEForward[timeslot], &DFEFeedback[timeslot]); channelEstimateTime[timeslot] = rxBurst->getTime(); LOG(DEBUG) << "SNR: " << SNRestimate[timeslot] << ", DFE forward: " << *DFEForward[timeslot] << ", DFE backward: " << *DFEFeedback[timeslot]; } } else { double framesElapsed = rxBurst->getTime()-prevFalseDetectionTime; LOG(DEBUG) << "wTime: " << rxBurst->getTime() << ", pTime: " << prevFalseDetectionTime << ", fElapsed: " << framesElapsed; mEnergyThreshold += 10.0F/10.0F*exp(-framesElapsed); prevFalseDetectionTime = rxBurst->getTime(); channelResponse[timeslot] = NULL; } } else { // RACH burst success = detectRACHBurst(*vectorBurst, 5.0, // detection threshold mSPS, &litude, &TOA); if (success) { LOG(DEBUG) << "FOUND RACH!!!!!! " << amplitude << " " << TOA; mEnergyThreshold -= (1.0F/10.0F); if (mEnergyThreshold < 0.0) mEnergyThreshold = 0.0; channelResponse[timeslot] = NULL; } else { double framesElapsed = rxBurst->getTime()-prevFalseDetectionTime; mEnergyThreshold += (1.0F/10.0F)*exp(-framesElapsed); prevFalseDetectionTime = rxBurst->getTime(); } } LOG(DEBUG) << "energy Threshold = " << mEnergyThreshold; // demodulate burst SoftVector *burst = NULL; if ((rxBurst) && (success)) { if ((corrType==RACH) || (!needDFE)) { burst = demodulateBurst(*vectorBurst, mSPS, amplitude,TOA); } else { // TSC scaleVector(*vectorBurst,complex(1.0,0.0)/amplitude); burst = equalizeBurst(*vectorBurst, TOA-chanRespOffset[timeslot], mSPS, *DFEForward[timeslot], *DFEFeedback[timeslot]); } wTime = rxBurst->getTime(); RSSI = (int) floor(20.0*log10(rxFullScale/amplitude.abs())); LOG(DEBUG) << "RSSI: " << RSSI; timingOffset = (int) round(TOA * 256.0 / mSPS); } //if (burst) LOG(DEBUG) << "burst: " << *burst << '\n'; delete rxBurst; return burst; } void Transceiver::start() { mControlServiceLoopThread->start((void * (*)(void*))ControlServiceLoopAdapter,(void*) this); } void Transceiver::reset() { mTransmitPriorityQueue.clear(); //mTransmitFIFO->clear(); //mReceiveFIFO->clear(); } void Transceiver::driveControl() { int MAX_PACKET_LENGTH = 100; // check control socket char buffer[MAX_PACKET_LENGTH]; int msgLen = -1; buffer[0] = '\0'; msgLen = mControlSocket.read(buffer); if (msgLen < 1) { return; } char cmdcheck[4]; char command[MAX_PACKET_LENGTH]; char response[MAX_PACKET_LENGTH]; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s",cmdcheck,command); writeClockInterface(); if (strcmp(cmdcheck,"CMD")!=0) { LOG(WARNING) << "bogus message on control interface"; return; } LOG(INFO) << "command is " << buffer; if (strcmp(command,"POWEROFF")==0) { // turn off transmitter/demod sprintf(response,"RSP POWEROFF 0"); } else if (strcmp(command,"POWERON")==0) { // turn on transmitter/demod if (!mTxFreq || !mRxFreq) sprintf(response,"RSP POWERON 1"); else { sprintf(response,"RSP POWERON 0"); if (!mOn) { // Prepare for thread start mPower = -20; mRadioInterface->start(); // Start radio interface threads. mFIFOServiceLoopThread->start((void * (*)(void*))FIFOServiceLoopAdapter,(void*) this); mTransmitPriorityQueueServiceLoopThread->start((void * (*)(void*))TransmitPriorityQueueServiceLoopAdapter,(void*) this); writeClockInterface(); mOn = true; } } } else if (strcmp(command,"SETMAXDLY")==0) { //set expected maximum time-of-arrival int maxDelay; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s %d",cmdcheck,command,&maxDelay); mMaxExpectedDelay = maxDelay; // 1 GSM symbol is approx. 1 km sprintf(response,"RSP SETMAXDLY 0 %d",maxDelay); } else if (strcmp(command,"SETRXGAIN")==0) { //set expected maximum time-of-arrival int newGain; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s %d",cmdcheck,command,&newGain); newGain = mRadioInterface->setRxGain(newGain); mEnergyThreshold = INIT_ENERGY_THRSHD; sprintf(response,"RSP SETRXGAIN 0 %d",newGain); } else if (strcmp(command,"NOISELEV")==0) { if (mOn) { sprintf(response,"RSP NOISELEV 0 %d", (int) round(20.0*log10(rxFullScale/mEnergyThreshold))); } else { sprintf(response,"RSP NOISELEV 1 0"); } } else if (strcmp(command,"SETPOWER")==0) { // set output power in dB int dbPwr; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s %d",cmdcheck,command,&dbPwr); if (!mOn) sprintf(response,"RSP SETPOWER 1 %d",dbPwr); else { mPower = dbPwr; mRadioInterface->setPowerAttenuation(dbPwr); sprintf(response,"RSP SETPOWER 0 %d",dbPwr); } } else if (strcmp(command,"ADJPOWER")==0) { // adjust power in dB steps int dbStep; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s %d",cmdcheck,command,&dbStep); if (!mOn) sprintf(response,"RSP ADJPOWER 1 %d",mPower); else { mPower += dbStep; sprintf(response,"RSP ADJPOWER 0 %d",mPower); } } #define FREQOFFSET 0//11.2e3 else if (strcmp(command,"RXTUNE")==0) { // tune receiver int freqKhz; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s %d",cmdcheck,command,&freqKhz); mRxFreq = freqKhz*1.0e3+FREQOFFSET; if (!mRadioInterface->tuneRx(mRxFreq)) { LOG(ALERT) << "RX failed to tune"; sprintf(response,"RSP RXTUNE 1 %d",freqKhz); } else sprintf(response,"RSP RXTUNE 0 %d",freqKhz); } else if (strcmp(command,"TXTUNE")==0) { // tune txmtr int freqKhz; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s %d",cmdcheck,command,&freqKhz); //freqKhz = 890e3; mTxFreq = freqKhz*1.0e3+FREQOFFSET; if (!mRadioInterface->tuneTx(mTxFreq)) { LOG(ALERT) << "TX failed to tune"; sprintf(response,"RSP TXTUNE 1 %d",freqKhz); } else sprintf(response,"RSP TXTUNE 0 %d",freqKhz); } else if (strcmp(command,"SETTSC")==0) { // set TSC int TSC; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s %d",cmdcheck,command,&TSC); if (mOn) sprintf(response,"RSP SETTSC 1 %d",TSC); else { mTSC = TSC; generateMidamble(mSPS, TSC); sprintf(response,"RSP SETTSC 0 %d", TSC); } } else if (strcmp(command,"SETSLOT")==0) { // set TSC int corrCode; int timeslot; sscanf(buffer,"%3s %s %d %d",cmdcheck,command,×lot,&corrCode); if ((timeslot < 0) || (timeslot > 7)) { LOG(WARNING) << "bogus message on control interface"; sprintf(response,"RSP SETSLOT 1 %d %d",timeslot,corrCode); return; } mChanType[timeslot] = (ChannelCombination) corrCode; setModulus(timeslot); sprintf(response,"RSP SETSLOT 0 %d %d",timeslot,corrCode); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "bogus command " << command << " on control interface."; } mControlSocket.write(response,strlen(response)+1); } bool Transceiver::driveTransmitPriorityQueue() { char buffer[gSlotLen+50]; // check data socket size_t msgLen = mDataSocket.read(buffer); if (msgLen!=gSlotLen+1+4+1) { LOG(ERR) << "badly formatted packet on GSM->TRX interface"; return false; } int timeSlot = (int) buffer[0]; uint64_t frameNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) frameNum = (frameNum << 8) | (0x0ff & buffer[i+1]); /* if (GSM::Time(frameNum,timeSlot) > mTransmitDeadlineClock + GSM::Time(51,0)) { // stale burst //LOG(DEBUG) << "FAST! "<< GSM::Time(frameNum,timeSlot); //writeClockInterface(); }*/ /* DAB -- Just let these go through the demod. if (GSM::Time(frameNum,timeSlot) < mTransmitDeadlineClock) { // stale burst from GSM core LOG(NOTICE) << "STALE packet on GSM->TRX interface at time "<< GSM::Time(frameNum,timeSlot); return false; } */ // periodically update GSM core clock LOG(DEBUG) << "mTransmitDeadlineClock " << mTransmitDeadlineClock << " mLastClockUpdateTime " << mLastClockUpdateTime; if (mTransmitDeadlineClock > mLastClockUpdateTime + GSM::Time(216,0)) writeClockInterface(); LOG(DEBUG) << "rcvd. burst at: " << GSM::Time(frameNum,timeSlot); int RSSI = (int) buffer[5]; static BitVector newBurst(gSlotLen); BitVector::iterator itr = newBurst.begin(); char *bufferItr = buffer+6; while (itr < newBurst.end()) *itr++ = *bufferItr++; GSM::Time currTime = GSM::Time(frameNum,timeSlot); addRadioVector(newBurst,RSSI,currTime); LOG(DEBUG) "added burst - time: " << currTime << ", RSSI: " << RSSI; // << ", data: " << newBurst; return true; } void Transceiver::driveReceiveFIFO() { SoftVector *rxBurst = NULL; int RSSI; int TOA; // in 1/256 of a symbol GSM::Time burstTime; mRadioInterface->driveReceiveRadio(); rxBurst = pullRadioVector(burstTime,RSSI,TOA); if (rxBurst) { LOG(DEBUG) << "burst parameters: " << " time: " << burstTime << " RSSI: " << RSSI << " TOA: " << TOA << " bits: " << *rxBurst; char burstString[gSlotLen+10]; burstString[0] = burstTime.TN(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) burstString[1+i] = (burstTime.FN() >> ((3-i)*8)) & 0x0ff; burstString[5] = RSSI; burstString[6] = (TOA >> 8) & 0x0ff; burstString[7] = TOA & 0x0ff; SoftVector::iterator burstItr = rxBurst->begin(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gSlotLen; i++) { burstString[8+i] =(char) round((*burstItr++)*255.0); } burstString[gSlotLen+9] = '\0'; delete rxBurst; mDataSocket.write(burstString,gSlotLen+10); } } void Transceiver::driveTransmitFIFO() { /** Features a carefully controlled latency mechanism, to assure that transmit packets arrive at the radio/USRP before they need to be transmitted. Deadline clock indicates the burst that needs to be pushed into the FIFO right NOW. If transmit queue does not have a burst, stick in filler data. */ RadioClock *radioClock = (mRadioInterface->getClock()); if (mOn) { //radioClock->wait(); // wait until clock updates LOG(DEBUG) << "radio clock " << radioClock->get(); while (radioClock->get() + mTransmitLatency > mTransmitDeadlineClock) { // if underrun, then we're not providing bursts to radio/USRP fast // enough. Need to increase latency by one GSM frame. if (mRadioInterface->getWindowType() == RadioDevice::TX_WINDOW_USRP1) { if (mRadioInterface->isUnderrun()) { // only update latency at the defined frame interval if (radioClock->get() > mLatencyUpdateTime + GSM::Time(USB_LATENCY_INTRVL)) { mTransmitLatency = mTransmitLatency + GSM::Time(1,0); LOG(INFO) << "new latency: " << mTransmitLatency; mLatencyUpdateTime = radioClock->get(); } } else { // if underrun hasn't occurred in the last sec (216 frames) drop // transmit latency by a timeslot if (mTransmitLatency > GSM::Time(USB_LATENCY_MIN)) { if (radioClock->get() > mLatencyUpdateTime + GSM::Time(216,0)) { mTransmitLatency.decTN(); LOG(INFO) << "reduced latency: " << mTransmitLatency; mLatencyUpdateTime = radioClock->get(); } } } } // time to push burst to transmit FIFO pushRadioVector(mTransmitDeadlineClock); mTransmitDeadlineClock.incTN(); } } // FIXME -- This should not be a hard spin. // But any delay here causes us to throw omni_thread_fatal. //else radioClock->wait(); } void Transceiver::writeClockInterface() { char command[50]; // FIXME -- This should be adaptive. sprintf(command,"IND CLOCK %llu",(unsigned long long) (mTransmitDeadlineClock.FN()+2)); LOG(INFO) << "ClockInterface: sending " << command; mClockSocket.write(command,strlen(command)+1); mLastClockUpdateTime = mTransmitDeadlineClock; } void *FIFOServiceLoopAdapter(Transceiver *transceiver) { transceiver->setPriority(); while (1) { transceiver->driveReceiveFIFO(); transceiver->driveTransmitFIFO(); pthread_testcancel(); } return NULL; } void *ControlServiceLoopAdapter(Transceiver *transceiver) { while (1) { transceiver->driveControl(); pthread_testcancel(); } return NULL; } void *TransmitPriorityQueueServiceLoopAdapter(Transceiver *transceiver) { while (1) { bool stale = false; // Flush the UDP packets until a successful transfer. while (!transceiver->driveTransmitPriorityQueue()) { stale = true; } if (stale) { // If a packet was stale, remind the GSM stack of the clock. transceiver->writeClockInterface(); } pthread_testcancel(); } return NULL; }