/* * Copyright 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. * See the COPYING file in the main directory for details. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Compilation Flags SWLOOPBACK compile for software loopback testing */ #include #include #include #include "Threads.h" #include "DummyLoad.h" #include using namespace std; int DummyLoad::loadBurst(short *wDummyBurst, int len) { dummyBurst = wDummyBurst; dummyBurstSz = len; } DummyLoad::DummyLoad (double _desiredSampleRate) { LOG(INFO) << "creating USRP device..."; sampleRate = _desiredSampleRate; } void DummyLoad::updateTime(void) { gettimeofday(&currTime,NULL); double timeElapsed = (currTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec)*1.0e6 + (currTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec); currstamp = (TIMESTAMP) floor(timeElapsed/(1.0e6/sampleRate)); } bool DummyLoad::make(bool wSkipRx) { samplesRead = 0; samplesWritten = 0; return true; } bool DummyLoad::start() { LOG(INFO) << "starting USRP..."; underrun = false; gettimeofday(&startTime,NULL); dummyBurstCursor = 0; return true; } bool DummyLoad::stop() { return true; } // NOTE: Assumes sequential reads int DummyLoad::readSamples(short *buf, int len, bool *overrun, TIMESTAMP timestamp, bool *wUnderrun, unsigned *RSSI) { updateTime(); underrunLock.lock(); *wUnderrun = underrun; underrunLock.unlock(); if (currstamp+len < timestamp) { usleep(100); return NULL; } else if (currstamp < timestamp) { usleep(100); return NULL; } else if (timestamp+len < currstamp) { memcpy(buf,dummyBurst+dummyBurstCursor*2,sizeof(short)*2*(dummyBurstSz-dummyBurstCursor)); int retVal = dummyBurstSz-dummyBurstCursor; dummyBurstCursor = 0; return retVal; } else if (timestamp + len > currstamp) { int amount = timestamp + len - currstamp; if (amount < dummyBurstSz-dummyBurstCursor) { memcpy(buf,dummyBurst+dummyBurstCursor*2,sizeof(short)*2*amount); dummyBurstCursor += amount; return amount; } else { memcpy(buf,dummyBurst+dummyBurstCursor*2,sizeof(short)*2*(dummyBurstSz-dummyBurstCursor)); int retVal = dummyBurstSz-dummyBurstCursor; dummyBurstCursor = 0; return retVal; } } return 0; } int DummyLoad::writeSamples(short *buf, int len, bool *wUnderrun, unsigned long long timestamp, bool isControl) { updateTime(); underrunLock.lock(); underrun |= (currstamp+len < timestamp); underrunLock.unlock(); return len; } bool DummyLoad::updateAlignment(TIMESTAMP timestamp) { return true; } bool DummyLoad::setTxFreq(double wFreq) { return true;}; bool DummyLoad::setRxFreq(double wFreq) { return true;};