path: root/ngff-cardem/eagle/ngff-cardem.brd
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-09-09ngff-cardem: split C301 into two footprints (solves SYS#5614)Martin Schramm1-42/+75
2021-09-09ngff-cardem: add PU+PD footpint for DCDC ENA input (solves SYS#5519)Martin Schramm1-64/+113
2021-09-08ngff-cardem: insert 2 PUs as DNP for possible !CONNECT_UART{1,2} biasingMartin Schramm1-9/+50
2021-09-08ngff-cardem: populate R102 to uncond' release /NGFF_RESET (solves SYS#5531)Martin Schramm1-9/+9
2021-09-08ngff-cardem: exchange two BJT to available types (BC850)Martin Schramm1-15/+15
2021-09-08ngff-cardem: make DCDC301 default to Murata OKL-T/3-W12P-CMartin Schramm1-6/+6
2021-06-16ngff-cardem: unify IP4234CZ6 sub-typesMartin Schramm1-3/+3
2021-06-16ngff-cardem: update parts for BOM (in gnumeric and xls)Martin Schramm1-556/+556
2021-06-13ngff-cardem: run renumber-sheet.uld and normalize-texts2.ulpMartin Schramm1-415/+417
2021-06-13ngff-cardem: improve GND guarding; more GND viasMartin Schramm1-80/+92
2021-06-13ngff-cardem: a few more GND viasMartin Schramm1-137/+138
2021-06-13ngff-cardem: examine ERC + DRC for new partMartin Schramm1-138/+168
2021-06-13ngff-cardem: added a 2nd TPS22958 in VSSOP in parall due to availabilityMartin Schramm1-35/+168
2021-06-13ngff-cardem: add proper floppy power conn w/ a 2-resistor solder switchMartin Schramm1-278/+422
2021-06-12ngff-cardem: prelim floppy power connectorMartin Schramm1-72/+87
2021-06-11ngff-cardem: ERC+DRC doneMartin Schramm1-149/+1102
2021-06-11ngff-cardem: length matching for USB3Martin Schramm1-194/+177
2021-06-11ngff-cardem: Simtrace LEDs' logic unified (solves #5472)Martin Schramm1-36/+212
2021-06-11ngff-cardem: currebt state w/ zero airwiresMartin Schramm1-463/+555
2021-06-10ngff-cardem: update from 'rc-sysmocom.lbr' to purge footprints w/ "..@1"Martin Schramm1-366/+72
2021-06-10ngff-cardem: add SIM detection switche logicMartin Schramm1-143/+328
2021-06-09ngff-cardem: connect both SIMTRACE LEDs and assign to GPIOsMartin Schramm1-431/+353
2021-06-07ngff-cardem: connect three of four user LEDs (adresses SYS#5481)Martin Schramm1-202/+242
2021-06-06ngff-cardem: repair mangled serial wire tracesMartin Schramm1-8/+6
2021-06-06ngff-cardem: 4-position jumper conn instead 3 pos. w/ NGFF_RESET exposedMartin Schramm1-352/+561
2021-06-05ngff-cardem: add 2.5mm stereo jack for debug UART (solves SYS#5471)Martin Schramm1-11/+48
2021-06-04ngff-cardem: add series 47R into SAM3S' RxD line (PA9) (solves SYS#5470)Martin Schramm1-232/+317
2021-06-04ngff-cardem: bring /FLAG of IC1 to a GPIO (solves SYS#5477)Martin Schramm1-57/+100
2021-06-04ngff-cardem: use 30k/47k voltage divider for UIM_PWR like in octsimtestMartin Schramm1-237/+231
2021-06-04ngff-cardem: add SIM Vcc switch logicMartin Schramm1-179/+380
2021-06-04ngff-cardem: add PRW_ON logicMartin Schramm1-264/+407
2021-06-03ngff-cardem: reduce number of options jumper to 3Martin Schramm1-110/+52
2021-06-03add and route PCM headerMartin Schramm1-395/+649
2021-05-29ngff-cardem: exchange TPS22965 with TPS22958 due to availabilityMartin Schramm1-111/+157
2021-05-19ngff-cardem: state w/ changes as of 18th MayMartin Schramm1-274/+216
2021-05-16ngff-cardem: commiting current stateMartin Schramm1-3197/+3102
2021-04-26ngff-cardem: remove SIM switch trio and connect straight to pivotMartin Schramm1-115/+72
2021-04-26ngff-cardem: add 2x octal FET sw, suggest switch matrixMartin Schramm1-551/+599
2021-04-25ngff-cardem: better function groups' placementMartin Schramm1-3471/+2640
2021-04-24ngff-cardem: add 12 MHz XTAL to ATSAM3SMartin Schramm1-169/+186
2021-04-24ngff-cardem: purge ST34 naming residueMartin Schramm1-820/+576
2021-04-23ngff-cardem: start designMartin Schramm1-0/+10443