diff options
authorHarald Welte <laforge@osmocom.org>2021-12-23 16:10:25 +0100
committerHarald Welte <laforge@osmocom.org>2021-12-23 16:10:25 +0100
commitf922d1841f775d0f6e4f30ae06532c44a58d8466 (patch)
parentdcec482b438b208e279ec44fff746caf45f6a394 (diff)
Add bgt-pwr-dist; A 3U component-carrier DC distribution module
-rw-r--r--bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDLX-1923772.pdfbin0 -> 934484 bytes
-rw-r--r--bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDLX_P-1923790.pdfbin0 -> 1336418 bytes
-rw-r--r--bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDX_0202.pdfbin0 -> 668529 bytes
-rw-r--r--bgt-pwr-dist/components/Littelfuse_PTC_16R_Datasheet.pdf.pdfbin0 -> 721660 bytes
-rw-r--r--bgt-pwr-dist/components/_S_eBwgMo_mC.pdfbin0 -> 120067 bytes
10 files changed, 15290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/bgt-pwr-dist.brd b/bgt-pwr-dist/bgt-pwr-dist.brd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb8077
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+License: CC-BY-SA</text>
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+&lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;br&gt;
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+ &lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt; &lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ ---------------------------&lt;BR&gt;
+&lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;&lt;span style='font-size:26pt;
+ color:#FF6600;'&gt;WE &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
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+&lt;B&gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;More than you expect&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/B&gt;
+&lt;b&gt;Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH &amp; Co. KG&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+EMC &amp; Inductive Solutions&lt;br&gt;
+D-74638 Waldenburg&lt;br&gt;
+Tel: +49 (0)7942-945-0&lt;br&gt;
+Fax:+49 (0)7942-945-405&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;a href="http://www.we-online.com/eagle"&gt;http://www.we-online.com/eagle &lt;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;a href="mailto:libraries@we-online.com"&gt;libraries@we-online.com&lt;/a&gt; &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+Neither CadSoft nor WE-eiSos does warrant that this library is error-free or &lt;br&gt;
+that it meets your specific requirements.&lt;br&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+Please contact us for more information.&lt;br&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+Eagle Version 6, Library Revision 2015c, 2015-06-02&lt;br&gt;
+Copyright: Würth Elektronik</description>
+<package name="694108301002">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;694108301002&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;WR-DC_DC Power Jack_Right Angled_THT Center Pin ?2.5_Plug ID ?2.05_Plug OD ?5.5</description>
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+<description>3U BGT 160x100 according to EN 68297-3-101
+face plate only 2mm (sysmocom) instead of 2.5mm (spec)</description>
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+<description>&lt;BR&gt;Wurth Elektronik - Connectors - Fuseholder - WR-FSH &lt;br&gt;&lt;Hr&gt;
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+ &lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt; &lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ ---------------------------&lt;BR&gt;
+&lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;&lt;span style='font-size:26pt;
+ color:#FF6600;'&gt;WE &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
+ ---------------------------&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Würth Elektronik&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ ---------O---&lt;BR&gt;
+ ----O--------&lt;BR&gt;
+ ---------O---&lt;BR&gt;
+ ----O--------&lt;BR&gt;
+ ---------O---&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+&lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+ &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+&lt;B&gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;More than you expect&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/B&gt;
+&lt;b&gt;Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH &amp; Co. KG&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+EMC &amp; Inductive Solutions&lt;br&gt;
+D-74638 Waldenburg&lt;br&gt;
+Tel: +49 (0)7942-945-0&lt;br&gt;
+Fax:+49 (0)7942-945-5000&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;a href="http://www.we-online.com/web/en/electronic_components/produkte_pb/bauteilebibliotheken/eagle_4.php"&gt;www.we-online.com/eagle&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;a href="mailto:libraries@we-online.com"&gt;libraries@we-online.com&lt;/a&gt; &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+Neither Autodesk nor Würth Elektronik eiSos does warrant that this library is error-free or &lt;br&gt;
+that it meets your specific requirements.&lt;br&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+Please contact us for more information.&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;br&gt;Eagle Version 9, Library Revision 2020a, 2020-09-08&lt;br&gt;
+Copyright: Würth Elektronik</description>
+<package name="696108003002">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;WR-FSH Fuseholder THT Blocks PCB Clip Cover
+&lt;br&gt;&lt;/b&gt;Mates with 696122003001</description>
+<pad name="1" x="-11.3" y="0" drill="1.5"/>
+<pad name="2" x="11.3" y="0" drill="1.5"/>
+<wire x1="-12.2" y1="-4.7" x2="-12.2" y2="4.7" width="0.1" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-12.2" y1="4.7" x2="12.2" y2="4.7" width="0.1" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="12.2" y1="-4.7" x2="-12.2" y2="-4.7" width="0.1" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-12.3" y1="4.8" x2="12.3" y2="4.8" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="12.3" y1="-4.8" x2="-12.3" y2="-4.8" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-12.3" y1="4.8" x2="-12.3" y2="1" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-12.3" y1="-4.8" x2="-12.3" y2="-1" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="12.3" y1="4.8" x2="12.3" y2="1" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="12.3" y1="-4.8" x2="12.3" y2="-1" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<text x="-3" y="-7" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<text x="0" y="5.5" size="1.27" layer="25" align="bottom-center">&gt;NAME</text>
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+<vertex x="-12.5" y="5"/>
+<vertex x="12.5" y="5"/>
+<vertex x="12.5" y="-5"/>
+<vertex x="-12.5" y="-5"/>
+<library name="diode">
+Based on the following sources:
+&lt;li&gt;Motorola : www.onsemi.com
+&lt;li&gt;Fairchild : www.fairchildsemi.com
+&lt;li&gt;Philips : www.semiconductors.com
+&lt;li&gt;Vishay : www.vishay.de
+&lt;author&gt;Created by librarian@cadsoft.de&lt;/author&gt;</description>
+<package name="DO201-15">
+diameter 5.6 mm, horizontal, grid 15.24 mm</description>
+<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0.5842" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="0" x2="-6.223" y2="0" width="1.27" layer="51"/>
+<pad name="C" x="-7.62" y="0" drill="1.4986" shape="long"/>
+<pad name="A" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.4986" shape="long"/>
+<text x="-5.08" y="3.175" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
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+<rectangle x1="5.08" y1="-0.635" x2="5.969" y2="0.635" layer="21"/>
+<library name="led-dialight">
+<package name="T-1">
+<description>Kingbright T-1 (3mm) Bi-Level Circuit Board Indicator WP934MD/2GD</description>
+<pad name="1" x="2.54" y="-1.27" drill="0.9"/>
+<pad name="2" x="2.54" y="1.27" drill="0.9"/>
+<pad name="3" x="0" y="-1.27" drill="0.9"/>
+<pad name="4" x="0" y="1.27" drill="0.9"/>
+<wire x1="-4.44" y1="2.54" x2="-4.44" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.44" y1="1.5" x2="-4.44" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.44" y1="-2.54" x2="3.81" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="-2.54" x2="3.81" y2="2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="2.54" x2="-4.44" y2="2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-5.74" y1="1.5" x2="-4.44" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.42" y1="-1.5" x2="-5.72" y2="-1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<text x="4.445" y="-1.905" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
+<library name="resistor">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Based on the previous libraries:
+All SMD packages are defined according to the IPC specifications and CECC&lt;p&gt;
+&lt;author&gt;Created by librarian@cadsoft.de&lt;/author&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+for Electrolyt Capacitors see also :&lt;p&gt;
+www.bccomponents.com &lt;p&gt;
+for trimmer refence see : &lt;u&gt;www.electrospec-inc.com/cross_references/trimpotcrossref.asp&lt;/u&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+&lt;map name="nav_main"&gt;
+&lt;area shape="rect" coords="0,1,140,23" href="../military_specs.asp" title=""&gt;
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+&lt;area shape="rect" coords="1,129,138,150" href="../edge.asp" title=""&gt;
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+&lt;b&gt;&lt;font color="#0000FF" size="4"&gt;TRIM-POT CROSS REFERENCE&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;RECTANGULAR MULTI-TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;MURATA&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;SPECTROL&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;MILSPEC&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;&lt;TD&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/TD&gt;
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+ &lt;TR&gt;
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+ 3005P&lt;BR&gt;
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+ 3006Y&lt;BR&gt;
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+ 89XH&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78SLT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78L&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 56P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ T8S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 56P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78P&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ T18/784&lt;BR&gt;
+ 783&lt;BR&gt;
+ 781&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ 1697/1897&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1680/1880&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2187&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8035EKP/CT20/RJ-20P&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-20X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1211L&lt;BR&gt;
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+ 8012EKR&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1211P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKJ&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKL&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKQ&lt;BR&gt;
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+ 2101P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2101W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2101Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMCOG&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ 70Y-T602&lt;BR&gt;
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+ 70P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 70Y&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR12&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SQUARE MULTI-TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BOURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MURATA&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SPECTROL&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MILSPEC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ 3250L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3250P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3250W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3250X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3252P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3252W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3252X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3260P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3260W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3260X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3262P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3262W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3262X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3266P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3266W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3266X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3290H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3290P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3290W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3292P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3292W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3292X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299Z&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66X&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66X&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64X&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66X&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ 68P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 68W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 68X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67Y&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67Z&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 5050&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5091&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5080&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5087&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ T63YB&lt;BR&gt;
+ T63XB&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5887&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5891&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5880&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93YA&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93XA&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93YB&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93XB&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ 8026EKP&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKW&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKM&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKP&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKB&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKM&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1309X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1309P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1309W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8024EKP&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8024EKW&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8024EKN&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-9P/CT9P&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-9W&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-9X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ &lt;/TD&gt;
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+ 3103P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103Z&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105P/3106P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105W/3106W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105X/3106X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105Y/3106Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105Z/3105Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102Z&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
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+ EVMCBG&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMCCG&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 55-1-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 55-4-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 55-3-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 55-2-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 50-2-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 50-4-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 50-3-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64Z&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ RT/RTR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SINGLE TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BOURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MURATA&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SPECTROL&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MILSPEC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ 3323P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3323S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3323W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3329H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3329P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3329W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3339H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3339P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3339W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352E&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352K&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352T&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352V&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362M&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362R&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362U&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386C&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386F&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386K&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386M&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 25P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25RX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 82P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 82M&lt;BR&gt;
+ 82PA&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91E&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91T&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91A&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91V&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25V&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25P&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25U&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25RX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72XW&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72XL&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72PM&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72RX&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72PX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72RXW&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72RXL&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ T7YB&lt;BR&gt;
+ T7YA&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ TXD&lt;BR&gt;
+ TYA&lt;BR&gt;
+ TYP&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ TYD&lt;BR&gt;
+ TX&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 150SX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 100SX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 102T&lt;BR&gt;
+ 101S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 190T&lt;BR&gt;
+ 150TX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 101&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 101SX&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ ET6P&lt;BR&gt;
+ ET6S&lt;BR&gt;
+ ET6X&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-6W/8014EMW&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-6P/8014EMP&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-6X/8014EMX&lt;BR&gt;
+ TM7W&lt;BR&gt;
+ TM7P&lt;BR&gt;
+ TM7X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8017SMS&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8017SMB&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8017SMA&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6W&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6H&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6P&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6R&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6V&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKV&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKX&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKP&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKZ&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKW&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3321H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3321P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3321N&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1102H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1102P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1102T&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVA0911V304A&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVA0911H413A&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVG0707V100A&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVA0607V(H)306A&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVA1214H213A&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104C&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104F&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104H&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104M&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ EVMQ0G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMQIG&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMQ3G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMS0G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMQ0G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMG0G&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMK4GA00B&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM30GA00B&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMK0GA00B&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM38GA00B&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMB6&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVLQ0&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMMSG&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMMBG&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMMAG&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMMCS&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMM1&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMM0&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMM3&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 62-3-1&lt;BR&gt;
+ 62-1-2&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67R&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67P&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63V&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63M&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63P&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR50&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR50&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR50&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;
+ &lt;FONT color="#0000FF" SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SMD TRIM-POT CROSS REFERENCE&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;P&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MULTI-TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BOURNS&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;TOCOS&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;AUX/KYOCERA&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ 3224G&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3224J&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3224W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3269P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3269W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3269X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 44G&lt;BR&gt;
+ 44J&lt;BR&gt;
+ 44W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 84P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 84W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 84X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST63Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST63Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST5P&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST5W&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST5X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ &lt;/TD&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SINGLE TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BOURNS&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;TOCOS&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;AUX/KYOCERA&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ 3314G&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3314J&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3364A/B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3364C/D&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3364W/X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3313G&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3313J&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 23B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 23A&lt;BR&gt;
+ 21X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 21W&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 22B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 22A&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ ST5YL/ST53YL&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST5YJ/5T53YJ&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-23A&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-22B&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-22&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ ST-4B&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-4A&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-3B&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-3A&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM-6YS&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM-1E&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM-1G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM-1D&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ G4B&lt;BR&gt;
+ G4A&lt;BR&gt;
+ TR04-3S1&lt;BR&gt;
+ TRG04-2S1&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ DVR-43A&lt;BR&gt;
+ CVR-42C&lt;BR&gt;
+ CVR-42A/C&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+&lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;ALT =&amp;nbsp;ALTERNATE&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+<package name="0207/7">
+type 0207, grid 7.5 mm</description>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="0" x2="-3.429" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-3.175" y1="0.889" x2="-2.921" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="-3.175" y1="-0.889" x2="-2.921" y2="-1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="2.921" y1="-1.143" x2="3.175" y2="-0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="2.921" y1="1.143" x2="3.175" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="-3.175" y1="-0.889" x2="-3.175" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-2.921" y1="1.143" x2="-2.54" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.413" y1="1.016" x2="-2.54" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.921" y1="-1.143" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.413" y1="-1.016" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.413" y1="1.016" x2="2.54" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.413" y1="1.016" x2="-2.413" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.413" y1="-1.016" x2="2.54" y2="-1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.413" y1="-1.016" x2="-2.413" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.921" y1="1.143" x2="2.54" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.921" y1="-1.143" x2="2.54" y2="-1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.175" y1="-0.889" x2="3.175" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="3.429" y1="0" x2="3.81" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/>
+<pad name="1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="octagon"/>
+<pad name="2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="octagon"/>
+<text x="-2.54" y="1.397" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-2.286" y="-0.5588" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-3.429" y1="-0.3048" x2="-3.175" y2="0.3048" layer="51"/>
+<rectangle x1="3.175" y1="-0.3048" x2="3.429" y2="0.3048" layer="51"/>
+<attribute name="VERSION" value="v1"/>
+<class number="0" name="default" width="2" drill="0">
+<clearance class="0" value="0.5"/>
+<class number="1" name="misc" width="0" drill="0">
+<designrules name="default *">
+<description language="de">&lt;b&gt;EAGLE Design Rules&lt;/b&gt;
+Die Standard-Design-Rules sind so gewählt, dass sie für
+die meisten Anwendungen passen. Sollte ihre Platine
+besondere Anforderungen haben, treffen Sie die erforderlichen
+Einstellungen hier und speichern die Design Rules unter
+einem neuen Namen ab.</description>
+<description language="en">&lt;b&gt;EAGLE Design Rules&lt;/b&gt;
+The default Design Rules have been set to cover
+a wide range of applications. Your particular design
+may have different requirements, so please make the
+necessary adjustments and save your customized
+design rules under a new name.</description>
+<param name="layerSetup" value="(1*16)"/>
+<param name="mtCopper" value="0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm"/>
+<param name="mtIsolate" value="1.5mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm"/>
+<param name="mdWireWire" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdWirePad" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdWireVia" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdPadPad" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdPadVia" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdViaVia" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdSmdPad" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdSmdVia" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdSmdSmd" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdViaViaSameLayer" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mnLayersViaInSmd" value="2"/>
+<param name="mdCopperDimension" value="40mil"/>
+<param name="mdDrill" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="mdSmdStop" value="0mil"/>
+<param name="msWidth" value="10mil"/>
+<param name="msDrill" value="24mil"/>
+<param name="msMicroVia" value="9.99mm"/>
+<param name="msBlindViaRatio" value="0.5"/>
+<param name="rvPadTop" value="0.5"/>
+<param name="rvPadInner" value="0.25"/>
+<param name="rvPadBottom" value="0.25"/>
+<param name="rvViaOuter" value="0.25"/>
+<param name="rvViaInner" value="0.25"/>
+<param name="rvMicroViaOuter" value="0.25"/>
+<param name="rvMicroViaInner" value="0.25"/>
+<param name="rlMinPadTop" value="0.25mm"/>
+<param name="rlMaxPadTop" value="20mil"/>
+<param name="rlMinPadInner" value="10mil"/>
+<param name="rlMaxPadInner" value="20mil"/>
+<param name="rlMinPadBottom" value="10mil"/>
+<param name="rlMaxPadBottom" value="20mil"/>
+<param name="rlMinViaOuter" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="rlMaxViaOuter" value="20mil"/>
+<param name="rlMinViaInner" value="8mil"/>
+<param name="rlMaxViaInner" value="20mil"/>
+<param name="rlMinMicroViaOuter" value="4mil"/>
+<param name="rlMaxMicroViaOuter" value="20mil"/>
+<param name="rlMinMicroViaInner" value="4mil"/>
+<param name="rlMaxMicroViaInner" value="20mil"/>
+<param name="psTop" value="-1"/>
+<param name="psBottom" value="-1"/>
+<param name="psFirst" value="-1"/>
+<param name="psElongationLong" value="100"/>
+<param name="psElongationOffset" value="100"/>
+<param name="mvStopFrame" value="1"/>
+<param name="mvCreamFrame" value="0"/>
+<param name="mlMinStopFrame" value="4mil"/>
+<param name="mlMaxStopFrame" value="4mil"/>
+<param name="mlMinCreamFrame" value="0mil"/>
+<param name="mlMaxCreamFrame" value="0mil"/>
+<param name="mlViaStopLimit" value="0mil"/>
+<param name="srRoundness" value="0"/>
+<param name="srMinRoundness" value="0mil"/>
+<param name="srMaxRoundness" value="0mil"/>
+<param name="slThermalIsolate" value="10mil"/>
+<param name="slThermalsForVias" value="0"/>
+<param name="dpMaxLengthDifference" value="10mm"/>
+<param name="dpGapFactor" value="2.5"/>
+<param name="checkGrid" value="0"/>
+<param name="checkAngle" value="0"/>
+<param name="checkFont" value="1"/>
+<param name="checkRestrict" value="1"/>
+<param name="useDiameter" value="13"/>
+<param name="maxErrors" value="50"/>
+<pass name="Default">
+<param name="RoutingGrid" value="50mil"/>
+<param name="AutoGrid" value="1"/>
+<param name="Efforts" value="0"/>
+<param name="TopRouterVariant" value="1"/>
+<param name="tpViaShape" value="round"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.1" value="a"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.2" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.3" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.4" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.5" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.6" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.7" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.8" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.9" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.10" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.11" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.12" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.13" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.14" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.15" value="0"/>
+<param name="PrefDir.16" value="a"/>
+<param name="cfVia" value="8"/>
+<param name="cfNonPref" value="5"/>
+<param name="cfChangeDir" value="2"/>
+<param name="cfOrthStep" value="2"/>
+<param name="cfDiagStep" value="3"/>
+<param name="cfExtdStep" value="0"/>
+<param name="cfBonusStep" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfMalusStep" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfPadImpact" value="4"/>
+<param name="cfSmdImpact" value="4"/>
+<param name="cfBusImpact" value="0"/>
+<param name="cfHugging" value="3"/>
+<param name="cfAvoid" value="4"/>
+<param name="cfPolygon" value="10"/>
+<param name="cfBase.1" value="0"/>
+<param name="cfBase.2" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.3" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.4" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.5" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.6" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.7" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.8" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.9" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.10" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.11" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.12" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.13" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.14" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.15" value="1"/>
+<param name="cfBase.16" value="0"/>
+<param name="mnVias" value="20"/>
+<param name="mnSegments" value="9999"/>
+<param name="mnExtdSteps" value="9999"/>
+<param name="mnRipupLevel" value="10"/>
+<param name="mnRipupSteps" value="100"/>
+<param name="mnRipupTotal" value="100"/>
+<pass name="Follow-me" refer="Default" active="yes">
+<pass name="Busses" refer="Default" active="yes">
+<param name="cfNonPref" value="4"/>
+<param name="cfBusImpact" value="4"/>
+<param name="cfHugging" value="0"/>
+<param name="mnVias" value="0"/>
+<pass name="Route" refer="Default" active="yes">
+<pass name="Optimize1" refer="Default" active="yes">
+<param name="cfVia" value="99"/>
+<param name="cfExtdStep" value="10"/>
+<param name="cfHugging" value="1"/>
+<param name="mnExtdSteps" value="1"/>
+<param name="mnRipupLevel" value="0"/>
+<pass name="Optimize2" refer="Optimize1" active="yes">
+<param name="cfNonPref" value="0"/>
+<param name="cfChangeDir" value="6"/>
+<param name="cfExtdStep" value="0"/>
+<param name="cfBonusStep" value="2"/>
+<param name="cfMalusStep" value="2"/>
+<param name="cfPadImpact" value="2"/>
+<param name="cfSmdImpact" value="2"/>
+<param name="cfHugging" value="0"/>
+<pass name="Optimize3" refer="Optimize2" active="yes">
+<param name="cfChangeDir" value="8"/>
+<param name="cfPadImpact" value="0"/>
+<param name="cfSmdImpact" value="0"/>
+<pass name="Optimize4" refer="Optimize3" active="yes">
+<param name="cfChangeDir" value="25"/>
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+<attribute name="NAME" x="5.715" y="67.31" size="1.27" layer="25"/>
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+Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line,
+which will not be processed correctly with this version.
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+<pad name="1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="1.5" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
+<pad name="2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="1.5" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="4.6" x2="-7.62" y2="4.2" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="4.2" x2="-7.62" y2="-3.8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="7.62" y1="4.6" x2="7.62" y2="4.2" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="7.62" y1="4.2" x2="7.62" y2="-3.8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="4.6" x2="7.62" y2="4.6" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="-3.8" x2="7.62" y2="-3.8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<text x="-8.89" y="-5.08" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="8.89" y="5.08" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R270">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<circle x="-6.35" y="3" radius="0.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="4.2" x2="7.62" y2="4.2" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<package name="RIA266-02">
+<pad name="1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="1.5" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
+<pad name="2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="1.5" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="2" x2="-7.62" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="7.62" y1="2" x2="7.62" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="2" x2="7.62" y2="2" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="-10" x2="7.62" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<text x="-8.89" y="-8.89" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="8.89" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R270">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<circle x="-6.35" y="1.27" radius="0.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<symbol name="HDR_1X2">
+<pin name="P$1" x="-5.08" y="0" length="short"/>
+<pin name="P$2" x="-5.08" y="-2.54" length="short"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="2.54" x2="-2.54" y2="-5.08" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-5.08" x2="5.08" y2="-5.08" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="-5.08" x2="5.08" y2="2.54" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="2.54" x2="-2.54" y2="2.54" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<text x="-2.54" y="-7.62" size="1.27" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
+<deviceset name="RIA_1X2" prefix="X" uservalue="yes">
+<gate name="G$1" symbol="HDR_1X2" x="0" y="0"/>
+<device name="-182" package="RIA182-02">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="-183" package="RIA183-02">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="-220" package="RIA220-02">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="-230" package="RIA230">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="-382" package="RIA382-02">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="-383" package="RIA383-02">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="-264" package="RIA264-02">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="-266" package="RIA266-02">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="P$2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<library name="littlefuse">
+<package name="2920L">
+<description>2920 package as per Littelfuse POLY-FUSE 2920L data sheet</description>
+<smd name="1" x="-3.3" y="0" dx="2" dy="5.3" layer="1"/>
+<smd name="2" x="3.3" y="0" dx="2" dy="5.3" layer="1"/>
+<wire x1="-3.7" y1="2.6" x2="3.7" y2="2.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="3.7" y1="-0.7" x2="3.7" y2="-2.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="3.7" y1="-2.6" x2="-3.7" y2="-2.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-3.7" y1="-2.6" x2="-3.7" y2="-0.7" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-3.7" y1="0.7" x2="-3.7" y2="2.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-3.7" y1="0.7" x2="-3.7" y2="-0.7" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/>
+<wire x1="3.7" y1="-0.7" x2="3.7" y2="0.7" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/>
+<text x="-3.7" y="2.9" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="3.7" y="-2.8" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector" rot="R180">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="1206L">
+<description>From Littelfuse POLY-FUSE 1206L data sheet</description>
+<smd name="1" x="-1.4" y="0" dx="1" dy="1.8" layer="1" roundness="30"/>
+<smd name="2" x="1.4" y="0" dx="1" dy="1.8" layer="1" roundness="30"/>
+<wire x1="-1.6" y1="0.85" x2="1.6" y2="0.85" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1.6" y1="0.85" x2="1.6" y2="0.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1.6" y1="-0.2" x2="1.6" y2="-0.85" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1.6" y1="-0.85" x2="-1.6" y2="-0.85" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-1.6" y1="-0.85" x2="-1.6" y2="-0.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-1.6" y1="0.2" x2="-1.6" y2="0.85" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-1.6" y1="0.2" x2="-1.6" y2="-0.2" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/>
+<wire x1="1.6" y1="-0.2" x2="1.6" y2="0.2" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/>
+<text x="-1.5" y="1" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="1.6" y="-1" size="0.8128" layer="27" font="vector" rot="R180">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="16R300G">
+<description>Littelfuse 16R300G PTC</description>
+<pad name="1" x="-2.6" y="0.6" drill="0.8" rot="R90"/>
+<pad name="2" x="2.6" y="-0.6" drill="0.8" rot="R90"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="1.5" x2="3.81" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="1.5" x2="3.81" y2="-1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.5" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.5" x2="-3.81" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
+<text x="5.08" y="-1.27" size="1.016" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="14">&gt;NAME</text>
+<symbol name="PTC">
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="0.889" x2="-2.54" y2="0.889" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.889" x2="2.54" y2="-0.889" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.889" x2="-2.54" y2="-0.889" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="0.889" x2="2.54" y2="-0.889" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="1.27" y1="1.778" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.778" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.778" x2="-2.286" y2="-1.778" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="2.54" x2="2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="3.302" y1="2.54" x2="3.302" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-1.0668" y1="2.1336" x2="-0.762" y2="2.159" width="0.1524" layer="94" curve="-143.401004"/>
+<wire x1="-0.762" y1="2.159" x2="-0.635" y2="1.651" width="0.1524" layer="94" curve="16.281888"/>
+<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.651" x2="-0.0508" y2="1.5494" width="0.1524" layer="94" curve="135.668554"/>
+<wire x1="-0.0508" y1="1.5494" x2="-0.127" y2="2.921" width="0.1524" layer="94" curve="65.705733"/>
+<wire x1="-0.127" y1="2.921" x2="-0.381" y2="2.794" width="0.1524" layer="94" curve="139.383116"/>
+<wire x1="-0.381" y1="2.794" x2="0.381" y2="2.286" width="0.1524" layer="94" curve="100.176187"/>
+<text x="-3.81" y="3.81" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-3.81" y="-3.81" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<pin name="2" x="-5.08" y="0" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1"/>
+<pin name="1" x="5.08" y="0" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
+<polygon width="0.1524" layer="94">
+<vertex x="2.54" y="2.54"/>
+<vertex x="2.794" y="1.778"/>
+<vertex x="2.286" y="1.778"/>
+<polygon width="0.1524" layer="94">
+<vertex x="3.302" y="2.54"/>
+<vertex x="3.556" y="1.778"/>
+<vertex x="3.048" y="1.778"/>
+<deviceset name="POLYFUSE" prefix="F" uservalue="yes">
+<gate name="G$1" symbol="PTC" x="0" y="0"/>
+<device name="-2920L" package="2920L">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="-1206L" package="1206L">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<device name="16R300G" package="16R300G">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<library name="supply1">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Supply Symbols&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+ GND, VCC, 0V, +5V, -5V, etc.&lt;p&gt;
+ Please keep in mind, that these devices are necessary for the
+ automatic wiring of the supply signals.&lt;p&gt;
+ The pin name defined in the symbol is identical to the net which is to be wired automatically.&lt;p&gt;
+ In this library the device names are the same as the pin names of the symbols, therefore the correct signal names appear next to the supply symbols in the schematic.&lt;p&gt;
+ &lt;author&gt;Created by librarian@cadsoft.de&lt;/author&gt;</description>
+<symbol name="GND">
+<wire x1="-1.905" y1="0" x2="1.905" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<pin name="GND" x="0" y="2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="sup" rot="R270"/>
+<symbol name="VCC">
+<wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.905" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.905" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.778" layer="96" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<pin name="VCC" x="0" y="-2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="sup" rot="R90"/>
+<deviceset name="GND" prefix="GND">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
+<gate name="1" symbol="GND" x="0" y="0"/>
+<device name="">
+<technology name=""/>
+<deviceset name="VCC" prefix="P+">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
+<gate name="VCC" symbol="VCC" x="0" y="0"/>
+<device name="">
+<technology name=""/>
+<library name="Wurth_Elektronik_Electromechanic_DC_Power_Jack_Connectors_rev15c">
+<description>&lt;BR&gt;Wurth Elektronik - DC Power Jack Connectors&lt;br&gt;&lt;Hr&gt;
+&lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+&lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt; &lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ ---------------------------&lt;BR&gt;
+&lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;&lt;span style='font-size:26pt;
+ color:#FF6600;'&gt;WE &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
+ ---------------------------&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Würth Elektronik&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ ---------O---&lt;BR&gt;
+ ----O--------&lt;BR&gt;
+ ---------O---&lt;BR&gt;
+ ----O--------&lt;BR&gt;
+ ---------O---&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+&lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+ &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+&lt;B&gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;More than you expect&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/B&gt;
+&lt;b&gt;Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH &amp; Co. KG&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+EMC &amp; Inductive Solutions&lt;br&gt;
+D-74638 Waldenburg&lt;br&gt;
+Tel: +49 (0)7942-945-0&lt;br&gt;
+Fax:+49 (0)7942-945-405&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;a href="http://www.we-online.com/eagle"&gt;http://www.we-online.com/eagle &lt;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;a href="mailto:libraries@we-online.com"&gt;libraries@we-online.com&lt;/a&gt; &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+Neither CadSoft nor WE-eiSos does warrant that this library is error-free or &lt;br&gt;
+that it meets your specific requirements.&lt;br&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+Please contact us for more information.&lt;br&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+Eagle Version 6, Library Revision 2015c, 2015-06-02&lt;br&gt;
+Copyright: Würth Elektronik</description>
+<package name="694108301002">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;694108301002&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;WR-DC_DC Power Jack_Right Angled_THT Center Pin ?2.5_Plug ID ?2.05_Plug OD ?5.5</description>
+<wire x1="-0.19985" y1="-4.50001875" x2="-0.000003125" y2="-4.299821875" width="0.2" layer="21" curve="97.0981"/>
+<wire x1="0.00001875" y1="4.300140625" x2="-0.2" y2="4.5" width="0.2" layer="21" curve="97.0429"/>
+<wire x1="-0.2" y1="4.5" x2="-0.200178125" y2="4.4999875" width="0.2" layer="21" curve="0.054215"/>
+<wire x1="-14.5" y1="-4.5" x2="-0.2" y2="-4.5" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-14.5" y1="4.5" x2="-12.7" y2="4.5" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-14.5" y1="-4.5" x2="-14.5" y2="-2.2" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="-4.3" x2="0" y2="4.3" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-8.3" y1="4.5" x2="-0.2" y2="4.5" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-14.5" y1="2.2" x2="-14.5" y2="4.5" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<pad name="2" x="-7.8" y="0" drill="0.8" diameter="2.1844" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
+<pad name="1" x="-13.6" y="0" drill="0.8" diameter="2.1844" shape="long" rot="R270"/>
+<pad name="3" x="-10.6" y="4.8" drill="0.8" diameter="2.1844" shape="long"/>
+<text x="-14.6" y="6.5" size="2.032" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="13" rot="SR0">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-14.6" y="-7.1484" size="2.032" layer="27" font="vector" ratio="13" rot="SR0">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<wire x1="-13.2" y1="-1.25" x2="-13.2" y2="1.25" width="0.1" layer="46"/>
+<wire x1="-14" y1="1.25" x2="-14" y2="-1.25" width="0.1" layer="46"/>
+<wire x1="-14" y1="1.25" x2="-13.2" y2="1.25" width="0.1" layer="46" curve="-180"/>
+<wire x1="-14" y1="-1.25" x2="-13.2" y2="-1.25" width="0.1" layer="46" curve="180"/>
+<wire x1="-9.35" y1="5.2" x2="-11.85" y2="5.2" width="0.1" layer="46"/>
+<wire x1="-11.85" y1="4.4" x2="-9.35" y2="4.4" width="0.1" layer="46"/>
+<wire x1="-11.85" y1="4.4" x2="-11.85" y2="5.2" width="0.1" layer="46" curve="-180"/>
+<wire x1="-9.35" y1="4.4" x2="-9.35" y2="5.2" width="0.1" layer="46" curve="180"/>
+<wire x1="-7.4" y1="-1.25" x2="-7.4" y2="1.25" width="0.1" layer="46"/>
+<wire x1="-8.2" y1="1.25" x2="-8.2" y2="-1.25" width="0.1" layer="46"/>
+<wire x1="-8.2" y1="1.25" x2="-7.4" y2="1.25" width="0.1" layer="46" curve="-180"/>
+<wire x1="-8.2" y1="-1.25" x2="-7.4" y2="-1.25" width="0.1" layer="46" curve="180"/>
+<text x="-0.465" y="-2.775" size="0.8128" layer="51" rot="R90">PCB Edge</text>
+<wire x1="0.25" y1="-4.75" x2="0.25" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="39"/>
+<wire x1="0.25" y1="6" x2="-14.75" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="39"/>
+<wire x1="-14.75" y1="6" x2="-14.75" y2="-4.75" width="0.127" layer="39"/>
+<wire x1="-14.75" y1="-4.75" x2="0.25" y2="-4.75" width="0.127" layer="39"/>
+<symbol name="DC_POWER_JACK">
+<pin name="1" x="0" y="0" visible="pad" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
+<pin name="2" x="0" y="-5.08" visible="pad" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
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+<wire x1="-8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="-8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="94" curve="-180"/>
+<wire x1="-8.255" y1="1.27" x2="-3.81" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="1.27" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.27" x2="-8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.27" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.905" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
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+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="1.905" x2="-3.81" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-5.08" x2="-8.255" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-8.255" y1="-5.08" x2="-8.89" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-8.89" y1="-3.81" x2="-9.525" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-2.54" x2="-2.54" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
+<text x="-10.16" y="2.54" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-10.16" y="-7.62" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
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+<vertex x="-2.032" y="-3.81"/>
+<deviceset name="694108301002" prefix="K">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;WR-DC_DC Power Jack_Right Angled_THT Center Pin Ø2.5_Plug ID Ø2.05_Plug OD Ø5.5
+;&lt;/b&gt;=&gt;Code : Con_WR-DC_THT_694108301002_694108301002
+&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href="http://katalog.we-online.de/media/images/eican/Con_WR-DC_THT_694108301002_pf2.jpg"&gt;
+&lt;img src="http://katalog.we-online.de/media/thumbs2/eican/thb_Con_WR-DC_THT_694108301002_pf2.jpg" width="320"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Details see: &lt;a href="http://katalog.we-online.de/em/datasheet/6941xx301002.pdf"&gt;http://katalog.we-online.de/em/datasheet/6941xx301002.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Created 2014-10-08, Karrer Zheng&lt;br&gt;
+2014 (C) Wurth Elektronik</description>
+<gate name="G$1" symbol="DC_POWER_JACK" x="0" y="0"/>
+<device name="" package="694108301002">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
+<technology name=""/>
+<library name="Wuerth_WR-FSH_rev20a">
+<description>&lt;BR&gt;Wurth Elektronik - Connectors - Fuseholder - WR-FSH &lt;br&gt;&lt;Hr&gt;
+&lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+&lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;
+ -----&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt; &lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ ---------------------------&lt;BR&gt;
+&lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;&lt;span style='font-size:26pt;
+ color:#FF6600;'&gt;WE &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
+ ---------------------------&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Würth Elektronik&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ ---------O---&lt;BR&gt;
+ ----O--------&lt;BR&gt;
+ ---------O---&lt;BR&gt;
+ ----O--------&lt;BR&gt;
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+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+&lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+ &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
+ &lt;BR&gt;
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+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+&lt;B&gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;More than you expect&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/B&gt;
+&lt;b&gt;Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH &amp; Co. KG&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+EMC &amp; Inductive Solutions&lt;br&gt;
+D-74638 Waldenburg&lt;br&gt;
+Tel: +49 (0)7942-945-0&lt;br&gt;
+Fax:+49 (0)7942-945-5000&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;a href="http://www.we-online.com/web/en/electronic_components/produkte_pb/bauteilebibliotheken/eagle_4.php"&gt;www.we-online.com/eagle&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;a href="mailto:libraries@we-online.com"&gt;libraries@we-online.com&lt;/a&gt; &lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+Neither Autodesk nor Würth Elektronik eiSos does warrant that this library is error-free or &lt;br&gt;
+that it meets your specific requirements.&lt;br&gt;&lt;BR&gt;
+Please contact us for more information.&lt;br&gt;
+&lt;br&gt;Eagle Version 9, Library Revision 2020a, 2020-09-08&lt;br&gt;
+Copyright: Würth Elektronik</description>
+<package name="696108003002">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;WR-FSH Fuseholder THT Blocks PCB Clip Cover
+&lt;br&gt;&lt;/b&gt;Mates with 696122003001</description>
+<pad name="1" x="-11.3" y="0" drill="1.5"/>
+<pad name="2" x="11.3" y="0" drill="1.5"/>
+<wire x1="-12.2" y1="-4.7" x2="-12.2" y2="4.7" width="0.1" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-12.2" y1="4.7" x2="12.2" y2="4.7" width="0.1" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="12.2" y1="4.7" x2="12.2" y2="-4.7" width="0.1" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="12.2" y1="-4.7" x2="-12.2" y2="-4.7" width="0.1" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-12.3" y1="4.8" x2="12.3" y2="4.8" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="12.3" y1="-4.8" x2="-12.3" y2="-4.8" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-12.3" y1="4.8" x2="-12.3" y2="1" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-12.3" y1="-4.8" x2="-12.3" y2="-1" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="12.3" y1="4.8" x2="12.3" y2="1" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="12.3" y1="-4.8" x2="12.3" y2="-1" width="0.2" layer="21"/>
+<text x="-3" y="-7" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<text x="0" y="5.5" size="1.27" layer="25" align="bottom-center">&gt;NAME</text>
+<polygon width="0.1" layer="39">
+<vertex x="-12.5" y="5"/>
+<vertex x="12.5" y="5"/>
+<vertex x="12.5" y="-5"/>
+<vertex x="-12.5" y="-5"/>
+<symbol name="WR-FSH">
+<pin name="1" x="-7.62" y="0" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas"/>
+<pin name="2" x="7.62" y="0" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" rot="R180"/>
+<text x="0" y="2.54" size="1.778" layer="95" align="bottom-center">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-5.08" y="-3.81" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="-1.27" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="1.27" x2="-5.08" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="1.27" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="1.27" x2="-5.08" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="1.27" x2="-3.81" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
+<deviceset name="696108003002" prefix="J">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;WR-FSH Fuseholder THT Blocks PCB Clip Cover
+&lt;/b&gt;Insulator Material PA66
+&lt;br&gt;Insulator Flammability Rating UL94 V-0
+&lt;br&gt;Insulator Color Green
+&lt;br&gt;Contact Material Copper Alloy
+&lt;br&gt;Contact Plating Tin over Nickel
+&lt;br&gt;Contact Type Stamped
+&lt;/b&gt;Operating Temperature -30 up to +120 °C
+&lt;br&gt;Compliance RoHS
+&lt;/b&gt;IR UL 20 A
+&lt;br&gt;IR VDE 6.3 A
+&lt;br&gt;Working Voltage [UL] 250 V (AC)
+&lt;br&gt;Working Voltage [VDE] 250 V (AC)
+&lt;br&gt;Withstanding Voltage [UL] 1500 V (AC)
+&lt;br&gt;Withstanding Voltage [cULus] 1500 V (AC)
+&lt;br&gt;Withstanding Voltage [VDE] 1500 V (AC)
+&lt;br&gt;Contact Resistance 10 mΩ
+&lt;br&gt;Contact Resistance [VDE] 10 mΩ
+&lt;/b&gt;Protection Class I &amp; II
+&lt;br&gt;Fuse Size 5x20 mm
+&lt;/b&gt;cULus Approval E157417
+&lt;br&gt;VDE Approval 129302
+&lt;/b&gt;Packaging Box
+&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href="https://katalog.we-online.com/media/images/v2/o33102v209%20Family_WR-FSH_69610X003002.jpg"&gt;
+&lt;img src="https://katalog.we-online.com/media/images/v2/o33102v209%20Family_WR-FSH_69610X003002.jpg" width="320"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Details see: &lt;a href="https://katalog.we-online.com/en/em/FSH_THT_PCB_CLIP_COVER_69610X003002"&gt;https://katalog.we-online.com/en/em/FSH_THT_PCB_CLIP_COVER_69610X003002&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Updated by Ella Wu 2019-10-25&lt;br&gt;
+2019 (C) Wurth Elektronik</description>
+<gate name="G$1" symbol="WR-FSH" x="0" y="0"/>
+<device name="" package="696108003002">
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
+<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
+<technology name="">
+<attribute name="DATASHEET-URL" value="https://www.we-online.com/catalog/datasheet/696108003002.pdf"/>
+<attribute name="IR-UL" value="20A"/>
+<attribute name="IR-VDE" value="6.3A"/>
+<attribute name="MATES" value="696122003001 "/>
+<attribute name="PART-NUMBER" value="696108003002"/>
+<attribute name="VALUE" value="696108003002"/>
+<library name="diode">
+Based on the following sources:
+&lt;li&gt;Motorola : www.onsemi.com
+&lt;li&gt;Fairchild : www.fairchildsemi.com
+&lt;li&gt;Philips : www.semiconductors.com
+&lt;li&gt;Vishay : www.vishay.de
+&lt;author&gt;Created by librarian@cadsoft.de&lt;/author&gt;</description>
+<package name="DO41-10">
+diameter 2.54 mm, horizontal, grid 10.16 mm</description>
+<wire x1="2.032" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.032" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.032" y1="-1.27" x2="2.032" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.032" y1="1.27" x2="2.032" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.032" y1="1.27" x2="-2.032" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="0" x2="4.064" y2="0" width="0.762" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-4.064" y2="0" width="0.762" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-0.635" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="1.016" y1="-0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="1.524" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="1.016" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<pad name="A" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.1176"/>
+<pad name="C" x="-5.08" y="0" drill="1.1176"/>
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+<package name="DO35-10">
+diameter 2 mm, horizontal, grid 10.16 mm</description>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="0" x2="4.191" y2="0" width="0.508" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-4.191" y2="0" width="0.508" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.032" y1="-1.016" x2="2.032" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-4.191" y1="-0.254" x2="-2.286" y2="0.254" layer="21"/>
+<package name="DO204-10">
+diameter 4 mm, horizontal, grid 10 mm</description>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="0.635" x2="2.54" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.635" x2="-2.54" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="2.54" y1="-0.635" x2="2.921" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="3.048" y1="-0.508" x2="3.048" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.635" x2="-2.921" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-3.048" y1="0.508" x2="-2.921" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-3.048" y1="-0.508" x2="-3.048" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.286" y1="0.508" x2="-2.032" y2="0.762" width="0.6096" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-3.683" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="0.508" y1="0.508" x2="0.508" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0" x2="0.889" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0" x2="0.508" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0.508" x2="-0.508" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0" x2="-0.508" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<package name="DO15-12">
+diameter 3.5 mm, horizontal, grid 12.7 mm</description>
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+<pad name="A" x="6.35" y="0" drill="1.1176" shape="long"/>
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+<text x="-2.159" y="-1.397" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
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+diameter 4 mm, vertical, grid 10.16 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-3.81" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0" x2="-0.508" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="2.286" y1="1.016" x2="1.397" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.286" y1="-1.016" x2="-1.397" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="1.397" y1="-1.016" x2="2.286" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<text x="-2.286" y="-3.556" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
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+diameter 5.6 mm, horizontal, grid 15.24 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="5.08" y1="2.794" x2="5.08" y2="-2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 2.54 mm, horizontal, grid 10.16 mm</description>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="0" x2="4.191" y2="0" width="0.508" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-4.191" y2="0" width="0.508" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="1.016" y1="0.635" x2="1.016" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="1.016" y1="-0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="1.016" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-3.556" y1="1.016" x2="-3.302" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="-3.556" y1="-1.016" x2="-3.302" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
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+<wire x1="3.556" y1="-1.016" x2="3.556" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-3.556" y1="1.016" x2="-3.556" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-3.302" y1="1.27" x2="3.302" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-4.191" y1="-0.254" x2="-3.556" y2="0.254" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 3 mm, horizontal, grid 10.16 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.524" x2="-3.175" y2="1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-3.175" y1="1.524" x2="-3.175" y2="-1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<text x="-3.175" y="-3.048" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
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+<rectangle x1="3.175" y1="-0.381" x2="3.937" y2="0.381" layer="21"/>
+<package name="P2-15">
+diameter 5 mm, horizontal, grid 12.7 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-4.826" y1="2.54" x2="4.826" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.826" y1="-2.54" x2="-4.826" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-1.143" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="0" x2="-6.223" y2="0" width="1.27" layer="51"/>
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+<pad name="A" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.4986" shape="long"/>
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+<text x="-4.9022" y="-4.699" size="1.778" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-3.429" y1="-2.54" x2="-2.921" y2="2.54" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.635" x2="5.969" y2="0.635" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-5.969" y1="-0.635" x2="-4.826" y2="0.635" layer="21"/>
+<package name="DO34-7">
+diameter 1.8 mm, horizontal, grid 7.62 mm</description>
+<wire x1="-1.524" y1="-0.889" x2="1.524" y2="-0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="1.524" y1="0.889" x2="-1.524" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="1.524" y1="-0.889" x2="1.524" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-1.524" y1="0.889" x2="-1.524" y2="-0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="0" x2="2.921" y2="0" width="0.508" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="0" x2="-2.921" y2="0" width="0.508" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0" x2="-0.127" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.889" y1="0.508" x2="0.889" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.889" y1="-0.508" x2="-0.127" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.127" y1="0" x2="1.27" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.127" y1="0" x2="0.889" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.127" y1="0.508" x2="-0.127" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.127" y1="0" x2="-0.127" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<pad name="A" x="3.81" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/>
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+<text x="-1.524" y="-2.413" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-1.143" y1="-0.889" x2="-0.762" y2="0.889" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="1.524" y1="-0.254" x2="2.921" y2="0.254" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-2.921" y1="-0.254" x2="-1.524" y2="0.254" layer="21"/>
+<package name="SOT54H">
+2-lead plastic, vertical</description>
+<wire x1="-1.651" y1="2.032" x2="1.651" y2="2.032" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="280.388858"/>
+<wire x1="1.651" y1="2.032" x2="-1.651" y2="2.032" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.508" y1="-1.905" x2="0.508" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.508" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.381" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.381" y1="-1.27" x2="0.508" y2="-1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="-1.905" x2="-0.508" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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+<pad name="C" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="octagon"/>
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+<text x="3.175" y="-1.27" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="SOD523">
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+<wire x1="0.59" y1="0.4" x2="0.59" y2="-0.4" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="0.59" y1="-0.4" x2="-0.59" y2="-0.4" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-0.59" y1="-0.4" x2="-0.59" y2="0.4" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
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+<smd name="C" x="-0.6" y="0" dx="0.7" dy="0.5" layer="1"/>
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+<text x="-0.635" y="-1.905" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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+<rectangle x1="0.54" y1="-0.17" x2="0.75" y2="0.17" layer="51"/>
+<rectangle x1="-0.59" y1="-0.4" x2="-0.3" y2="0.4" layer="51"/>
+<package name="TO18D">
+2-lead metall, vertical</description>
+<wire x1="1.651" y1="-2.286" x2="2.286" y2="-2.921" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.286" y1="-2.921" x2="2.921" y2="-2.286" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<text x="3.175" y="-1.143" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="C1702-05">
+diameter 3.5 mm, vertical, grid 5.08 mm</description>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="0.762" y2="0" width="1.0668" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-0.889" y2="0" width="1.0668" layer="51"/>
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+<pad name="A" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.397" shape="octagon"/>
+<text x="-4.318" y="2.032" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-4.318" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
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+diameter 3.5 mm, horizontal, grid 15.24 mm</description>
+<wire x1="-4.572" y1="-1.778" x2="-4.572" y2="1.778" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<text x="-2.794" y="-1.397" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-3.81" y1="-1.778" x2="-3.302" y2="1.778" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="4.572" y1="-0.5334" x2="5.9436" y2="0.5334" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-5.9436" y1="-0.5334" x2="-4.572" y2="0.5334" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 4 mm, vertical, grid 10.16 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-3.175" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-0.381" y1="0" x2="1.016" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-1.397" y1="1.1938" x2="-1.397" y2="-1.1938" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-3.8608" y1="-0.4064" x2="-2.032" y2="0.4064" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 4.8 mm, vertical, grid 10.16 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-3.556" y2="0" width="1.3716" layer="51"/>
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+diameter 3.5 mm, vertical, grid 10.16 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-4.064" y2="0" width="0.6604" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.635" x2="-2.54" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.921" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.54" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="2.54" y1="0.508" x2="2.54" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.508" x2="-2.794" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.508" x2="-2.54" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.921" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.794" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.54" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-2.921" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.54" y2="0.381" layer="21"/>
+<package name="SOD61B">
+diameter 3.5 mm, vertical, grid 15.24 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="0" x2="-6.604" y2="0" width="0.6604" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-4.826" y1="-0.381" x2="-4.445" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.445" y1="0.635" x2="4.826" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="4.445" y1="-0.635" x2="4.826" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.445" y1="-0.635" x2="4.445" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-4.826" y1="0.381" x2="-4.699" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.445" y1="0.508" x2="-4.699" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.445" y1="0.508" x2="-4.445" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 3.5 mm, vertical, grid 17.78 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="5.588" y1="0.381" x2="5.588" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="4.55" y1="1" x2="3.4" y2="1.3" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.4" y1="1.3" x2="2.05" y2="1.55" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-7.8232" y1="-0.3302" x2="-5.969" y2="0.3302" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 3.5 mm, vertical, grid 15.24 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="0" x2="-6.604" y2="0" width="0.6604" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-5.207" y1="-0.381" x2="-4.826" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="4.826" y1="-0.508" x2="5.08" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.826" y1="-0.508" x2="4.826" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-4.826" y1="0.508" x2="-4.826" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-5.207" y1="-0.381" x2="-5.08" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.826" y1="-0.508" x2="-5.08" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="5.08" y1="-0.381" x2="4.826" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-4.826" y1="0.381" x2="-4.826" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<package name="SOD61E">
+diameter 3.5 mm, vertical, grid 20.32 mm</description>
+<wire x1="10.16" y1="0" x2="9.144" y2="0" width="0.6604" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-10.16" y1="0" x2="-9.144" y2="0" width="0.6604" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-6.731" y1="-0.381" x2="-6.35" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.731" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.508" x2="6.604" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.508" x2="6.35" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="6.35" y1="0.508" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-6.35" y1="0.508" x2="-6.604" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-6.35" y1="0.508" x2="-6.35" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-6.731" y1="-0.381" x2="-6.604" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-6.604" y1="-0.381" x2="-6.35" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-6.35" y1="-0.381" x2="-6.35" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-6.35" y1="0.381" x2="-6.35" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-9.0678" y1="-0.3302" x2="-6.731" y2="0.3302" layer="21"/>
+<package name="DO27-15">
+diameter 5 mm, horizontal, grid 15.24 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="0" y1="0.5842" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 2.3 mm, vertical, grid 10.16 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-4.064" y2="0" width="0.762" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="1.016" y1="-0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="1.524" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="0.635" x2="-2.159" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.635" x2="2.54" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.635" x2="2.159" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.508" x2="2.159" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="2.159" y1="0.508" x2="2.159" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="0.508" x2="-2.159" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.413" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="-0.508" x2="-2.413" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="-0.508" x2="-2.159" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="2.159" y1="0.381" x2="2.159" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.413" y1="-0.381" x2="2.159" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.381" x2="2.159" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="0.381" x2="-2.159" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-3.937" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.159" y2="0.381" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 3.3 mm, vertical, grid 10.16 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.381" x2="-2.54" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.159" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="2.159" y1="0.635" x2="2.54" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="0.381" x2="2.54" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.635" x2="2.54" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.635" x2="2.159" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="-0.381" x2="2.413" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.508" x2="2.413" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.508" x2="2.159" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="0.381" x2="2.413" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="0.508" x2="2.413" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="0.508" x2="2.159" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.381" x2="-2.413" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="0.508" x2="-2.413" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="0.508" x2="-2.159" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.413" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="-0.508" x2="-2.413" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="-0.508" x2="-2.159" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.413" y1="0.381" x2="2.159" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="0.381" x2="2.159" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.413" y1="-0.381" x2="2.159" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.381" x2="2.159" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.413" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.159" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.159" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.413" y1="0.381" x2="-2.159" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="0.381" x2="-2.159" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.651" x2="2.159" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="1.397" x2="-1.905" y2="1.651" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.651" x2="2.159" y2="1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="-1.397" x2="-1.905" y2="-1.651" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="-1.905" y1="-1.651" x2="1.905" y2="-1.651" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.635" x2="2.159" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.159" y1="0.635" x2="2.159" y2="1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.159" y1="0.635" x2="-2.159" y2="1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<pad name="A" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.1176" shape="long"/>
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+<text x="-2.032" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-3.937" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.159" y2="0.381" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="2.159" y1="-0.381" x2="3.937" y2="0.381" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-1.651" y1="-1.651" x2="-1.143" y2="1.651" layer="21"/>
+<package name="F126-10">
+diameter 3 mm, horizontal, grid 10.16 mm</description>
+<wire x1="-3.175" y1="-1.524" x2="3.175" y2="-1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.524" x2="-3.175" y2="1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.524" x2="3.175" y2="1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-3.175" y1="1.524" x2="-3.175" y2="-1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="0" x2="3.81" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-5.08" y1="0" x2="-3.81" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-0.635" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="1.016" y1="-0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="1.524" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="1.016" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<pad name="C" x="-5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/>
+<pad name="A" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/>
+<text x="-3.175" y="1.778" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-3.175" y="-3.048" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-2.54" y1="-1.524" x2="-1.778" y2="1.524" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="3.175" y1="-0.4064" x2="3.7338" y2="0.4064" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-3.7338" y1="-0.4064" x2="-3.175" y2="0.4064" layer="21"/>
+<package name="DO220S">
+2-lead molded, vertical</description>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.143" x2="4.953" y2="-4.064" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.699" y1="-4.318" x2="4.953" y2="-4.064" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.699" y1="-4.318" x2="-4.699" y2="-4.318" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-4.953" y1="-4.064" x2="-5.08" y2="-1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<pad name="C" x="-2.54" y="-2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
+<pad name="A" x="2.54" y="-2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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+<text x="-4.572" y="-7.62" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-5.334" y1="-0.762" x2="5.334" y2="0" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-5.334" y1="-1.27" x2="-3.429" y2="-0.762" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-3.429" y1="-1.27" x2="-1.651" y2="-0.762" layer="51"/>
+<rectangle x1="3.429" y1="-1.27" x2="5.334" y2="-0.762" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="1.651" y1="-1.27" x2="3.429" y2="-0.762" layer="51"/>
+<rectangle x1="-1.651" y1="-1.27" x2="1.651" y2="-0.762" layer="21"/>
+<package name="TO220AC">
+2-lead molded, horizontal</description>
+<wire x1="-5.207" y1="-1.27" x2="5.207" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="5.207" y1="14.605" x2="-5.207" y2="14.605" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="5.207" y1="-1.27" x2="5.207" y2="11.176" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="5.207" y1="11.176" x2="4.318" y2="11.176" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.318" y1="11.176" x2="4.318" y2="12.7" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.318" y1="12.7" x2="5.207" y2="12.7" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="5.207" y1="12.7" x2="5.207" y2="14.605" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-5.207" y1="-1.27" x2="-5.207" y2="11.176" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-5.207" y1="11.176" x2="-4.318" y2="11.176" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.318" y1="11.176" x2="-4.318" y2="12.7" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.318" y1="12.7" x2="-5.207" y2="12.7" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-5.207" y1="12.7" x2="-5.207" y2="14.605" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.572" y1="-0.635" x2="4.572" y2="-0.635" width="0.0508" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.572" y1="7.62" x2="4.572" y2="-0.635" width="0.0508" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.572" y1="7.62" x2="-4.572" y2="7.62" width="0.0508" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.572" y1="-0.635" x2="-4.572" y2="7.62" width="0.0508" layer="21"/>
+<circle x="0" y="11.176" radius="1.8034" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<circle x="0" y="11.176" radius="2.921" width="0" layer="42"/>
+<circle x="0" y="11.176" radius="2.921" width="0" layer="43"/>
+<pad name="C" x="-2.54" y="-6.35" drill="1.1176" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
+<pad name="A" x="2.54" y="-6.35" drill="1.1176" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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+<text x="-3.937" y="2.54" size="1.778" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<text x="-4.445" y="7.874" size="0.9906" layer="21" ratio="10">A17,5mm</text>
+<rectangle x1="2.159" y1="-4.445" x2="2.921" y2="-3.81" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-2.921" y1="-4.445" x2="-2.159" y2="-3.81" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-3.175" y1="-3.81" x2="-1.905" y2="-1.27" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="1.905" y1="-3.81" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" layer="21"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-2.921" y1="-6.35" x2="-2.159" y2="-4.445" layer="51"/>
+<hole x="0" y="11.176" drill="3.302"/>
+<package name="TO220ACS">
+2-lead molded, vertical</description>
+<wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.143" x2="4.953" y2="-4.064" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.699" y1="-4.318" x2="4.953" y2="-4.064" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.699" y1="-4.318" x2="-4.699" y2="-4.318" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-4.953" y1="-4.064" x2="-5.08" y2="-1.143" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<pad name="C" x="-2.54" y="-2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
+<pad name="A" x="2.54" y="-2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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+<text x="-5.08" y="-7.62" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-5.334" y1="-0.762" x2="5.334" y2="0" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-5.334" y1="-1.27" x2="-3.429" y2="-0.762" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-3.429" y1="-1.27" x2="-1.651" y2="-0.762" layer="51"/>
+<rectangle x1="3.429" y1="-1.27" x2="5.334" y2="-0.762" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="1.651" y1="-1.27" x2="3.429" y2="-0.762" layer="51"/>
+<rectangle x1="-1.651" y1="-1.27" x2="1.651" y2="-0.762" layer="21"/>
+<package name="G4-12">
+diameter 7.62 mm, horizontal, grid 12.7 mm</description>
+<wire x1="3.556" y1="1.27" x2="3.556" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-180"/>
+<wire x1="-3.556" y1="-1.27" x2="-3.556" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-180"/>
+<wire x1="6.35" y1="0" x2="5.08" y2="0" width="1.27" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-6.35" y1="0" x2="-5.08" y2="0" width="1.27" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="3.937" y1="0.889" x2="4.318" y2="0.508" width="0.6096" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.318" y1="-0.508" x2="3.937" y2="-0.889" width="0.6096" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.318" y1="0.508" x2="-3.937" y2="0.889" width="0.6096" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.318" y1="-0.508" x2="-3.937" y2="-0.889" width="0.6096" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-3.556" y1="1.016" x2="-3.556" y2="-1.016" width="0.6096" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-3.175" y1="-1.524" x2="-2.921" y2="-2.032" width="0.6096" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.921" y1="2.032" x2="-3.175" y2="1.524" width="0.6096" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.762" y1="0" x2="-0.381" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.635" y1="0.508" x2="0.635" y2="-0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.635" y1="-0.508" x2="-0.381" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.381" y1="0" x2="1.016" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.381" y1="0" x2="0.635" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.381" y1="0.508" x2="-0.381" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<pad name="C" x="-6.35" y="0" drill="1.6002" shape="long"/>
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+<text x="-3.429" y="4.064" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-1.905" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="4.953" y2="0.635" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-4.953" y1="-0.635" x2="-3.81" y2="0.635" layer="21"/>
+<package name="SOD83-12">
+diameter 4.8 mm, vertical, grid 12.7 mm</description>
+<wire x1="6.35" y1="0" x2="4.826" y2="0" width="1.3716" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-6.35" y1="0" x2="-4.826" y2="0" width="1.3716" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-1.143" y1="0" x2="-0.508" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.508" y1="0.635" x2="0.508" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.508" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.508" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0" x2="1.016" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0" x2="0.508" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0" x2="-0.508" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.397" x2="3.81" y2="1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="1.397" x2="-2.667" y2="1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="3.81" y1="1.397" x2="2.667" y2="1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.397" x2="-2.667" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.667" y1="-1.397" x2="3.81" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.508" y1="0.635" x2="-0.508" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-2.6841" y1="-1.3841" x2="2.667" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="74.015899"/>
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+<pad name="A" x="6.35" y="0" drill="1.6002" shape="long"/>
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+<text x="-2.54" y="-3.937" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<rectangle x1="-3.175" y1="-1.397" x2="-2.667" y2="1.397" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="3.81" y1="-0.6604" x2="4.6228" y2="0.6604" layer="21"/>
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+<package name="SMB">
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+<wire x1="-2.2606" y1="-1.905" x2="2.2606" y2="-1.905" width="0.1016" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.2606" y1="-1.905" x2="-2.2606" y2="1.905" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="2.2606" y1="-1.905" x2="2.2606" y2="1.905" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-0.83" y1="0" x2="0.193" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0.193" y1="-1" x2="0.193" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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+<text x="-2.159" y="-3.429" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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+<rectangle x1="2.2606" y1="-1.0922" x2="2.794" y2="1.0922" layer="51"/>
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+<package name="P6-15">
+diameter 9 mm, horizontal, grid 15.24 mm</description>
+<wire x1="-4.699" y1="-4.572" x2="-4.699" y2="4.572" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.699" y1="4.572" x2="4.699" y2="-4.572" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.699" y1="4.572" x2="4.699" y2="4.572" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-1.143" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+diameter 5.2 mm, horizontal, grid 15.24 mm</description>
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+2-lead molded, horizontal</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;SOD110 Reflow soldering&lt;/b&gt; Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf</description>
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+<package name="SOD323-R">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;SOD323 Reflow soldering&lt;/b&gt; Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;SOD323 Wave soldering&lt;/b&gt; Philips SC01_Mounting_1996.pdf</description>
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+<package name="GF1">
+General Semiconductor</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Mini Melf Diode&lt;/b&gt;</description>
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+<package name="MELF-MLL41">
+Package DO-213AB = http://www.diotec.com/pdf/sm4001.pdf</description>
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+<package name="MICROMELF-R">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Micro Melf Diode Reflow soldering&lt;/b&gt; VISHAY mcl4148.pdf</description>
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+<wire x1="-0.65" y1="-0.55" x2="0.65" y2="-0.55" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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+<package name="MICROMELF-W">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Micro Melf Diode Wave soldering&lt;/b&gt; VISHAY mcl4148.pdf</description>
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+<package name="SC79_INFINEON">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Diode Package&lt;/b&gt; Reflow soldering&lt;p&gt;
+INFINEON, www.infineon.com/cmc_upload/0/000/010/257/eh_db_5b.pdf</description>
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+<package name="SCD80_INFINEON">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Diode Package&lt;/b&gt; Reflow soldering&lt;p&gt;
+INFINEON, www.infineon.com/cmc_upload/0/000/010/257/eh_db_5b.pdf</description>
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+<package name="DO-214AC">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;SURFACE MOUNT GENERAL RECTIFIER&lt;/b&gt; JEDEC DO-214AC molded platic body&lt;p&gt;
+Method 2026&lt;br&gt;
+Source: http://www.kingtronics.com/SMD_M7/M7_SMD_4007.pdf</description>
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+Source: http://www.diodes.com/datasheets/ds23001.pdf</description>
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+<library name="led-dialight">
+<package name="T-1">
+<description>Kingbright T-1 (3mm) Bi-Level Circuit Board Indicator WP934MD/2GD</description>
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+<technology name=""/>
+<library name="resistor">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Based on the previous libraries:
+All SMD packages are defined according to the IPC specifications and CECC&lt;p&gt;
+&lt;author&gt;Created by librarian@cadsoft.de&lt;/author&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+for Electrolyt Capacitors see also :&lt;p&gt;
+www.bccomponents.com &lt;p&gt;
+for trimmer refence see : &lt;u&gt;www.electrospec-inc.com/cross_references/trimpotcrossref.asp&lt;/u&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+&lt;map name="nav_main"&gt;
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+&lt;b&gt;&lt;font color="#0000FF" size="4"&gt;TRIM-POT CROSS REFERENCE&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
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+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;RECTANGULAR MULTI-TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;BOURNS&lt;/FONT&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/FONT&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;MURATA&lt;/FONT&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/FONT&gt;
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+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;SPECTROL&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;B&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL color="#FF0000"&gt;MILSPEC&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/B&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;&lt;TD&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN=CENTER&gt;&lt;FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=3 &gt;
+ 3005P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3006P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3006W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3006Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3009P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3009W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3009Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3057J&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3057L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3057P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3057Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3059J&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3059L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3059P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3059Y&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 89P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 89W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 89X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 89PH&lt;BR&gt;
+ 76P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 89XH&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78SLT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78L&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 56P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ T8S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 56P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 78P&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ T18/784&lt;BR&gt;
+ 783&lt;BR&gt;
+ 781&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2199&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1697/1897&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1680/1880&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2187&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8035EKP/CT20/RJ-20P&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-20X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1211L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKQ&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKR&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1211P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKJ&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKL&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKQ&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8012EKR&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2101P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2101W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2101Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2102L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2102S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 2102Y&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMCOG&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 43P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 43W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 43Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 40L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 40P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 40Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 70Y-T602&lt;BR&gt;
+ 70L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 70P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 70Y&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR12&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR12&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SQUARE MULTI-TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BOURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MURATA&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SPECTROL&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MILSPEC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ 3250L&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3250P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3250W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3250X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3252P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3252W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3252X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3260P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3260W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3260X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3262P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3262W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3262X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3266P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3266W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3266X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3290H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3290P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3290W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3292P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3292W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3292X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3296Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3299Z&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66X&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66X&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64X&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66X&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66P&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66W&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 66X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ 68P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 68W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 68X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67Y&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67Z&amp;nbsp;ALT&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 5050&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5091&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5080&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5087&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ T63YB&lt;BR&gt;
+ T63XB&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5887&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5891&lt;BR&gt;
+ 5880&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93YA&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93XA&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93YB&lt;BR&gt;
+ T93XB&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
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+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKP&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKW&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKM&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKP&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKB&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8026EKM&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1309X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1309P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1309W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8024EKP&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8024EKW&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8024EKN&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-9P/CT9P&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-9W&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-9X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3103Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105P/3106P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105W/3106W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105X/3106X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105Y/3106Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3105Z/3105Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3102Z&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMCBG&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMCCG&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 55-1-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 55-4-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 55-3-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 55-2-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 50-2-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 50-4-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 50-3-X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ 64Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ RT/RTR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR22&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR26&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RT/RTR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR24&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=8&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SINGLE TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BOURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MURATA&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SPECTROL&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MILSPEC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ 3323P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3323S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3323W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3329H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3329P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3329W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3339H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3339P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3339W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352E&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352K&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352T&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352V&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3352W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362M&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362R&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362U&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3362X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386C&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386F&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386K&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386M&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3386X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 25P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25RX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 82P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 82M&lt;BR&gt;
+ 82PA&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91E&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91T&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91A&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91V&lt;BR&gt;
+ 91W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25V&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25P&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25U&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25RX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 25X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72XW&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72XL&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72PM&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72RX&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72PX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72RXW&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72RXL&lt;BR&gt;
+ 72X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ T7YB&lt;BR&gt;
+ T7YA&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ TXD&lt;BR&gt;
+ TYA&lt;BR&gt;
+ TYP&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ TYD&lt;BR&gt;
+ TX&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 150SX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 100SX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 102T&lt;BR&gt;
+ 101S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 190T&lt;BR&gt;
+ 150TX&lt;BR&gt;
+ 101&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 101SX&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ ET6P&lt;BR&gt;
+ ET6S&lt;BR&gt;
+ ET6X&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-6W/8014EMW&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-6P/8014EMP&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ-6X/8014EMX&lt;BR&gt;
+ TM7W&lt;BR&gt;
+ TM7P&lt;BR&gt;
+ TM7X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8017SMS&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8017SMB&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8017SMA&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6W&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6H&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6P&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6R&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6V&lt;BR&gt;
+ CT-6X&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKV&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKX&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKP&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKZ&lt;BR&gt;
+ 8038EKW&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3321H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3321P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3321N&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1102H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1102P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 1102T&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVA0911V304A&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVA0911H413A&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVG0707V100A&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVA0607V(H)306A&lt;BR&gt;
+ RVA1214H213A&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104C&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104F&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104H&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104M&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3104W&lt;BR&gt;
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+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ EVMQ0G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMQIG&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMQ3G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMS0G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMQ0G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMG0G&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMK4GA00B&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM30GA00B&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMK0GA00B&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM38GA00B&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMB6&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVLQ0&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMMSG&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMMBG&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMMAG&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMMCS&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMM1&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMM0&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVMM3&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 62-3-1&lt;BR&gt;
+ 62-1-2&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67R&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67P&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 67X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63V&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63S&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63M&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63H&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63P&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 63X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR50&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR50&lt;BR&gt;
+ RJ/RJR50&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;
+ &lt;FONT color="#0000FF" SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SMD TRIM-POT CROSS REFERENCE&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;P&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;MULTI-TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BOURNS&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;TOCOS&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;AUX/KYOCERA&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ 3224G&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3224J&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3224W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3269P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3269W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3269X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 44G&lt;BR&gt;
+ 44J&lt;BR&gt;
+ 44W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 84P&lt;BR&gt;
+ 84W&lt;BR&gt;
+ 84X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST63Z&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST63Y&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST5P&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST5W&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST5X&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;&amp;nbsp;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD COLSPAN=7&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=4 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;SINGLE TURN&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BOURNS&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;BI&amp;nbsp;TECH&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;DALE-VISHAY&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PHILIPS/MEPCO&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;PANASONIC&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;TOCOS&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;TD&gt;
+ &lt;FONT SIZE=3 FACE=ARIAL&gt;&lt;B&gt;AUX/KYOCERA&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
+ &lt;TR&gt;
+ 3314G&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3314J&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3364A/B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3364C/D&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3364W/X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3313G&lt;BR&gt;
+ 3313J&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ 23B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 23A&lt;BR&gt;
+ 21X&lt;BR&gt;
+ 21W&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ 22B&lt;BR&gt;
+ 22A&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ ST5YL/ST53YL&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST5YJ/5T53YJ&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-23A&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-22B&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-22&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ ST-4B&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-4A&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-3B&lt;BR&gt;
+ ST-3A&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM-6YS&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM-1E&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM-1G&lt;BR&gt;
+ EVM-1D&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ G4B&lt;BR&gt;
+ G4A&lt;BR&gt;
+ TR04-3S1&lt;BR&gt;
+ TRG04-2S1&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ DVR-43A&lt;BR&gt;
+ CVR-42C&lt;BR&gt;
+ CVR-42A/C&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;
+ -&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;
+ &lt;/TD&gt;
+ &lt;/TR&gt;
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+wave soldering</description>
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+wave soldering</description>
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+wave soldering</description>
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+Source: http://download.siliconexpert.com/pdfs/2005/02/24/Semi_Ap/2/VSH/Resistor/dcrcwfre.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;RESISTOR&lt;/b&gt; wave soldering&lt;p&gt;
+Source: http://download.siliconexpert.com/pdfs/2005/02/24/Semi_Ap/2/VSH/Resistor/dcrcwfre.pdf</description>
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+MELF 0.12 W</description>
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+MELF 0.10 W</description>
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+MELF 0.25 W</description>
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+MELF 0.12 W</description>
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+MELF 0.25 W</description>
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+type 0204, grid 5 mm</description>
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+type 0204, grid 2.5 mm</description>
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+type 0207, grid 10 mm</description>
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+type 0207, grid 12 mm</description>
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+type 0207, grid 15mm</description>
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+type 0207, grid 2.5 mm</description>
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+type 0207, grid 5 mm</description>
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+type 0207, grid 7.5 mm</description>
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+type 0309, grid 10mm</description>
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+<wire x1="3.302" y1="-1.397" x2="-3.302" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+type 0309, grid 12.5 mm</description>
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+type 0309, grid 2.5 mm</description>
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+type 0411, grid 12.5 mm</description>
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+type 0411, grid 15 mm</description>
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+type 0411, grid 3.81 mm</description>
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+type 0414, grid 15 mm</description>
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+type 0414, grid 5 mm</description>
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+type 0617, grid 17.5 mm</description>
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+type 0617, grid 22.5 mm</description>
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+type 0617, grid 5 mm</description>
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+type 0922, grid 22.5 mm</description>
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+type 0613, grid 5 mm</description>
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+type 0613, grid 15 mm</description>
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+type 0817, grid 22.5 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-8.128" y1="-3.81" x2="-7.239" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-6.985" y1="-3.556" x2="-7.239" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.985" y1="3.556" x2="7.239" y2="3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.985" y1="3.556" x2="-6.985" y2="3.556" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="6.985" y1="-3.556" x2="-6.985" y2="-3.556" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="8.128" y1="-3.81" x2="7.239" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="8.128" y1="3.81" x2="8.509" y2="3.429" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
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+<text x="-6.223" y="-0.5842" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<text x="6.604" y="-2.2606" size="1.27" layer="51" ratio="10" rot="R90">0817</text>
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+<rectangle x1="-10.3124" y1="-0.4064" x2="-8.509" y2="0.4064" layer="21"/>
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+type 0817, grid 6.35 mm</description>
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+<text x="-1.016" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<text x="-6.858" y="2.032" size="1.016" layer="21" ratio="12">0817</text>
+<rectangle x1="-3.81" y1="-0.4064" x2="0" y2="0.4064" layer="21"/>
+<package name="V234/12">
+type V234, grid 12.5 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="4.699" y1="1.778" x2="4.953" y2="1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
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+<wire x1="-4.953" y1="-1.524" x2="-4.699" y2="-1.778" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="-4.699" y1="1.778" x2="4.699" y2="1.778" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.953" y1="1.524" x2="-4.953" y2="-1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.699" y1="-1.778" x2="-4.699" y2="-1.778" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.953" y1="1.524" x2="4.953" y2="-1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.35" y1="0" x2="5.461" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-6.35" y1="0" x2="-5.461" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
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+<pad name="2" x="6.35" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/>
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+<rectangle x1="-5.4102" y1="-0.4064" x2="-4.953" y2="0.4064" layer="21"/>
+<package name="V235/17">
+type V235, grid 17.78 mm</description>
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+<wire x1="-7.112" y1="2.54" x2="-7.112" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.731" y1="-2.921" x2="-6.731" y2="-2.921" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="7.112" y1="2.54" x2="7.112" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="-7.874" y1="0" x2="-8.89" y2="0" width="1.016" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-7.112" y1="-2.54" x2="-6.731" y2="-2.921" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="6.731" y1="2.921" x2="7.112" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="6.731" y1="-2.921" x2="7.112" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="-7.112" y1="2.54" x2="-6.731" y2="2.921" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
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+<rectangle x1="7.112" y1="-0.508" x2="7.747" y2="0.508" layer="21"/>
+<rectangle x1="-7.747" y1="-0.508" x2="-7.112" y2="0.508" layer="21"/>
+<package name="V526-0">
+type V526-0, grid 2.5 mm</description>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="1.016" x2="-2.286" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="2.286" y1="1.27" x2="2.54" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="2.286" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="-1.016" x2="-2.286" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="2.286" y1="1.27" x2="-2.286" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.016" x2="2.54" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.286" y1="-1.27" x2="2.286" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-2.54" y1="1.016" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<pad name="2" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="octagon"/>
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+<text x="-2.413" y="-2.794" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="MINI_MELF-0102R">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;CECC Size RC2211&lt;/b&gt; Reflow Soldering&lt;p&gt;
+source Beyschlag</description>
+<wire x1="-1" y1="-0.5" x2="1" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1" y1="-0.5" x2="1" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="-1" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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+<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="MINI_MELF-0102W">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;CECC Size RC2211&lt;/b&gt; Wave Soldering&lt;p&gt;
+source Beyschlag</description>
+<wire x1="-1" y1="-0.5" x2="1" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-1" y1="0.5" x2="-1" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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+<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="MINI_MELF-0204R">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;CECC Size RC3715&lt;/b&gt; Reflow Soldering&lt;p&gt;
+source Beyschlag</description>
+<wire x1="-1.7" y1="-0.6" x2="1.7" y2="-0.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="-0.938" y1="-0.6" x2="0.938" y2="-0.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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+<smd name="2" x="1.5" y="0" dx="0.8" dy="1.6" layer="1"/>
+<text x="-1.27" y="0.9525" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="MINI_MELF-0204W">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;CECC Size RC3715&lt;/b&gt; Wave Soldering&lt;p&gt;
+source Beyschlag</description>
+<wire x1="-1.7" y1="-0.6" x2="1.7" y2="-0.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1.7" y1="-0.6" x2="1.7" y2="0.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1.7" y1="0.6" x2="-1.7" y2="0.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-1.7" y1="0.6" x2="-1.7" y2="-0.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="0.684" y1="0.6" x2="-0.684" y2="0.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-0.684" y1="-0.6" x2="0.684" y2="-0.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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+<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="MINI_MELF-0207R">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;CECC Size RC6123&lt;/b&gt; Reflow Soldering&lt;p&gt;
+source Beyschlag</description>
+<wire x1="-2.8" y1="-1" x2="2.8" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="2.8" y1="-1" x2="2.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="2.8" y1="1" x2="-2.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-2.8" y1="1" x2="-2.8" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1.2125" y1="1" x2="-1.2125" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-1.2125" y1="-1" x2="1.2125" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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+<smd name="2" x="2.25" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="2.5" layer="1"/>
+<text x="-2.2225" y="1.5875" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
+<text x="-2.2225" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="MINI_MELF-0207W">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;CECC Size RC6123&lt;/b&gt; Wave Soldering&lt;p&gt;
+source Beyschlag</description>
+<wire x1="-2.8" y1="-1" x2="2.8" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="2.8" y1="-1" x2="2.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="2.8" y1="1" x2="-2.8" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-2.8" y1="1" x2="-2.8" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="1.149" y1="1" x2="-1.149" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-1.149" y1="-1" x2="1.149" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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+<smd name="2" x="2.6" y="0" dx="2.4" dy="2.5" layer="1"/>
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+<text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<package name="0922V">
+type 0922, grid 7.5 mm</description>
+<wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="1.397" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
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+<text x="-0.508" y="-2.9972" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<text x="-6.858" y="2.54" size="1.016" layer="21" ratio="12">0922</text>
+<rectangle x1="-3.81" y1="-0.4064" x2="1.3208" y2="0.4064" layer="21"/>
+<package name="RDH/15">
+type RDH, grid 15 mm</description>
+<wire x1="-7.62" y1="0" x2="-6.858" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-6.096" y1="3.048" x2="-5.207" y2="3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.953" y1="2.794" x2="-5.207" y2="3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-6.096" y1="-3.048" x2="-5.207" y2="-3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-4.953" y1="-2.794" x2="-5.207" y2="-3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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+<wire x1="4.953" y1="2.794" x2="-4.953" y2="2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.953" y1="-2.794" x2="5.207" y2="-3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="4.953" y1="-2.794" x2="-4.953" y2="-2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.096" y1="3.048" x2="5.207" y2="3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.096" y1="-3.048" x2="5.207" y2="-3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-6.477" y1="-2.667" x2="-6.477" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="-6.477" y1="1.016" x2="-6.477" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="-6.477" y1="1.016" x2="-6.477" y2="2.667" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.477" y1="-2.667" x2="6.477" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.477" y1="1.016" x2="6.477" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
+<wire x1="6.477" y1="1.016" x2="6.477" y2="2.667" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
+<wire x1="6.858" y1="0" x2="7.62" y2="0" width="0.8128" layer="51"/>
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+<wire x1="6.096" y1="3.048" x2="6.477" y2="2.667" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
+<wire x1="-6.477" y1="-2.667" x2="-6.096" y2="-3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
+<wire x1="6.096" y1="-3.048" x2="6.477" y2="-2.667" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
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+<pad name="2" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/>
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+<text x="-4.318" y="-0.5842" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<text x="4.572" y="-1.7272" size="1.27" layer="51" ratio="10" rot="R90">RDH</text>
+<rectangle x1="-6.7564" y1="-0.4064" x2="-6.4516" y2="0.4064" layer="51"/>
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+<package name="MINI_MELF-0102AX">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Mini MELF 0102 Axial&lt;/b&gt;</description>
+<circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.6" width="0" layer="51"/>
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+<text x="-1.27" y="-2.2225" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
+<hole x="0" y="0" drill="1.3"/>
+<package name="R0201">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;RESISTOR&lt;/b&gt; chip&lt;p&gt;
+Source: http://www.vishay.com/docs/20008/dcrcw.pdf</description>
+<smd name="1" x="-0.255" y="0" dx="0.28" dy="0.43" layer="1"/>
+<smd name="2" x="0.255" y="0" dx="0.28" dy="0.43" layer="1"/>
+<text x="-0.635" y="0.635" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
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+<package name="VTA52">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Bulk Metal® Foil Technology&lt;/b&gt;, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements&lt;p&gt;
+MIL SIZE RBR52&lt;br&gt;
+Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Bulk Metal® Foil Technology&lt;/b&gt;, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements&lt;p&gt;
+MIL SIZE RBR53&lt;br&gt;
+Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Bulk Metal® Foil Technology&lt;/b&gt;, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements&lt;p&gt;
+MIL SIZE RBR54&lt;br&gt;
+Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Bulk Metal® Foil Technology&lt;/b&gt;, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements&lt;p&gt;
+MIL SIZE RBR55&lt;br&gt;
+Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Bulk Metal® Foil Technology&lt;/b&gt;, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements&lt;p&gt;
+MIL SIZE RBR56&lt;br&gt;
+Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Bulk Metal® Foil Technology&lt;/b&gt;, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements&lt;p&gt;
+MIL SIZE RNC55&lt;br&gt;
+Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Bulk Metal® Foil Technology&lt;/b&gt;, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors, Meets or Exceeds MIL-R-39005 Requirements&lt;p&gt;
+MIL SIZE RNC60&lt;br&gt;
+Source: VISHAY .. vta56.pdf</description>
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+<package name="R4527">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Package 4527&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Source: http://www.vishay.com/docs/31059/wsrhigh.pdf</description>
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+<package name="WSC0001">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description>
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+<package name="WSC01/2">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description>
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+<package name="WSC2515">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description>
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+<description>&lt;b&gt;Wirewound Resistors, Precision Power&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Source: VISHAY wscwsn.pdf</description>
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+<package name="R1218">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;CRCW1218 Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
+Source: http://www.vishay.com .. dcrcw.pdf</description>
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+<package name="1812X7R">
+<description>&lt;b&gt;Chip Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors&lt;/b&gt; Medium Voltage High Capacitance for General Use&lt;p&gt;
+Source: http://www.murata.com .. GRM43DR72E224KW01.pdf</description>
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+Source: http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/392/products_18-2245.pdf</description>
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+<part name="P+3" library="supply1" deviceset="VCC" device=""/>
+<part name="LED1" library="led-dialight" deviceset="WP934MD" device=""/>
+<part name="GND5" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
+<part name="GND6" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
+<part name="R1" library="resistor" deviceset="R-EU_" device="0207/7"/>
+<part name="R2" library="resistor" deviceset="R-EU_" device="0207/7"/>
+<part name="P+4" library="supply1" deviceset="VCC" device=""/>
+<text x="185.42" y="73.66" size="1.778" layer="97">Ideas:
+- DC power filter on input
+- RF choke on output
+<wire x1="0" y1="114.3" x2="58.42" y2="114.3" width="0.1524" layer="97" style="longdash"/>
+<wire x1="58.42" y1="114.3" x2="58.42" y2="180.34" width="0.1524" layer="97" style="longdash"/>
+<wire x1="58.42" y1="114.3" x2="58.42" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="97" style="longdash"/>
+<wire x1="129.54" y1="180.34" x2="129.54" y2="106.68" width="0.1524" layer="97" style="longdash"/>
+<wire x1="129.54" y1="106.68" x2="129.54" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="97" style="longdash"/>
+<wire x1="129.54" y1="106.68" x2="264.16" y2="106.68" width="0.1524" layer="97" style="longdash"/>
+<text x="5.08" y="175.26" size="2.54" layer="97">DC Input</text>
+<text x="5.08" y="106.68" size="2.54" layer="97">LEDs</text>
+<text x="63.5" y="175.26" size="2.54" layer="97">DC Output (front)</text>
+<text x="134.62" y="175.26" size="2.54" layer="97">DC Output (back)</text>
+<instance part="FRAME1" gate="G$1" x="0" y="0"/>
+<instance part="FRAME1" gate="G$2" x="162.56" y="0"/>
+<instance part="O1" gate="G$1" x="104.14" y="162.56"/>
+<instance part="O2" gate="G$1" x="104.14" y="149.86"/>
+<instance part="O3" gate="G$1" x="104.14" y="137.16"/>
+<instance part="O4" gate="G$1" x="104.14" y="124.46"/>
+<instance part="O5" gate="G$1" x="104.14" y="111.76"/>
+<instance part="O6" gate="G$1" x="104.14" y="99.06"/>
+<instance part="O7" gate="G$1" x="104.14" y="86.36"/>
+<instance part="O8" gate="G$1" x="104.14" y="73.66"/>
+<instance part="F1" gate="G$1" x="86.36" y="162.56"/>
+<instance part="F2" gate="G$1" x="86.36" y="149.86"/>
+<instance part="F3" gate="G$1" x="86.36" y="137.16"/>
+<instance part="F4" gate="G$1" x="86.36" y="124.46"/>
+<instance part="F5" gate="G$1" x="86.36" y="111.76"/>
+<instance part="F6" gate="G$1" x="86.36" y="99.06"/>
+<instance part="F7" gate="G$1" x="86.36" y="86.36"/>
+<instance part="F8" gate="G$1" x="86.36" y="73.66"/>
+<instance part="GND1" gate="1" x="96.52" y="63.5"/>
+<instance part="P+1" gate="VCC" x="78.74" y="167.64"/>
+<instance part="I1" gate="G$1" x="20.32" y="149.86" rot="MR0"/>
+<instance part="I2" gate="G$1" x="25.4" y="137.16"/>
+<instance part="GND2" gate="1" x="27.94" y="121.92" rot="MR0"/>
+<instance part="P+2" gate="VCC" x="30.48" y="167.64" rot="MR0"/>
+<instance part="F12" gate="G$1" x="30.48" y="157.48" rot="MR90"/>
+<instance part="D1" gate="G$1" x="35.56" y="129.54" rot="MR90"/>
+<instance part="GND3" gate="1" x="35.56" y="121.92" rot="MR0"/>
+<instance part="O9" gate="G$1" x="231.14" y="157.48"/>
+<instance part="O10" gate="G$1" x="231.14" y="144.78"/>
+<instance part="O11" gate="G$1" x="231.14" y="132.08"/>
+<instance part="F9" gate="G$1" x="215.9" y="157.48"/>
+<instance part="F10" gate="G$1" x="215.9" y="144.78"/>
+<instance part="F11" gate="G$1" x="215.9" y="132.08"/>
+<instance part="GND4" gate="1" x="223.52" y="119.38"/>
+<instance part="P+3" gate="VCC" x="208.28" y="165.1"/>
+<instance part="LED1" gate="G$1" x="22.86" y="78.74"/>
+<instance part="GND5" gate="1" x="25.4" y="66.04"/>
+<instance part="GND6" gate="1" x="20.32" y="66.04"/>
+<instance part="R1" gate="G$1" x="20.32" y="91.44" rot="R90"/>
+<instance part="R2" gate="G$1" x="25.4" y="91.44" rot="R90"/>
+<instance part="P+4" gate="VCC" x="25.4" y="101.6"/>
+<net name="N$1" class="0">
+<pinref part="O1" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F1" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="162.56" x2="91.44" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="O2" class="0">
+<pinref part="O2" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F2" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="149.86" x2="91.44" y2="149.86" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$3" class="0">
+<pinref part="O3" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F3" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="137.16" x2="91.44" y2="137.16" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$4" class="0">
+<pinref part="O4" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F4" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="124.46" x2="91.44" y2="124.46" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$5" class="0">
+<pinref part="O5" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F5" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="111.76" x2="91.44" y2="111.76" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$6" class="0">
+<pinref part="O6" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F6" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="99.06" x2="91.44" y2="99.06" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$7" class="0">
+<pinref part="O7" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F7" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="86.36" x2="91.44" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$8" class="0">
+<pinref part="O8" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F8" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="73.66" x2="91.44" y2="73.66" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="GND" class="0">
+<pinref part="O1" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="160.02" x2="96.52" y2="160.02" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="96.52" y1="160.02" x2="96.52" y2="147.32" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O8" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="96.52" y1="147.32" x2="96.52" y2="134.62" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="96.52" y1="134.62" x2="96.52" y2="121.92" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="96.52" y1="121.92" x2="96.52" y2="109.22" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="96.52" y1="109.22" x2="96.52" y2="96.52" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="96.52" y1="96.52" x2="96.52" y2="83.82" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="96.52" y1="83.82" x2="96.52" y2="71.12" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="96.52" y1="71.12" x2="96.52" y2="66.04" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="71.12" x2="96.52" y2="71.12" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O7" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="83.82" x2="96.52" y2="83.82" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O6" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="96.52" x2="96.52" y2="96.52" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O5" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="109.22" x2="96.52" y2="109.22" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O4" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="121.92" x2="96.52" y2="121.92" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O3" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="134.62" x2="96.52" y2="134.62" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O2" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="99.06" y1="147.32" x2="96.52" y2="147.32" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<junction x="96.52" y="147.32"/>
+<junction x="96.52" y="134.62"/>
+<junction x="96.52" y="121.92"/>
+<junction x="96.52" y="109.22"/>
+<junction x="96.52" y="96.52"/>
+<junction x="96.52" y="83.82"/>
+<junction x="96.52" y="71.12"/>
+<pinref part="GND1" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
+<pinref part="I1" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="25.4" y1="147.32" x2="27.94" y2="147.32" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="27.94" y1="147.32" x2="27.94" y2="132.08" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="I2" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="27.94" y1="132.08" x2="27.94" y2="124.46" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="25.4" y1="132.08" x2="27.94" y2="132.08" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<junction x="27.94" y="132.08"/>
+<pinref part="GND2" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
+<pinref part="D1" gate="G$1" pin="A"/>
+<pinref part="GND3" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
+<wire x1="35.56" y1="127" x2="35.56" y2="124.46" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O9" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="226.06" y1="154.94" x2="223.52" y2="154.94" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="223.52" y1="154.94" x2="223.52" y2="142.24" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O11" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="223.52" y1="142.24" x2="223.52" y2="129.54" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="223.52" y1="129.54" x2="223.52" y2="121.92" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="226.06" y1="129.54" x2="223.52" y2="129.54" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="O10" gate="G$1" pin="P$2"/>
+<wire x1="226.06" y1="142.24" x2="223.52" y2="142.24" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<junction x="223.52" y="142.24"/>
+<junction x="223.52" y="129.54"/>
+<pinref part="GND4" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
+<pinref part="LED1" gate="G$1" pin="CB"/>
+<wire x1="25.4" y1="73.66" x2="25.4" y2="68.58" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="GND5" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
+<pinref part="LED1" gate="G$1" pin="CT"/>
+<wire x1="20.32" y1="73.66" x2="20.32" y2="68.58" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="GND6" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
+<net name="VCC" class="0">
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="165.1" x2="78.74" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F8" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="162.56" x2="78.74" y2="149.86" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="149.86" x2="78.74" y2="137.16" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="137.16" x2="78.74" y2="124.46" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="124.46" x2="78.74" y2="111.76" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="111.76" x2="78.74" y2="99.06" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="99.06" x2="78.74" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="86.36" x2="78.74" y2="73.66" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="78.74" y1="73.66" x2="81.28" y2="73.66" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F7" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="81.28" y1="86.36" x2="78.74" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F6" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="81.28" y1="99.06" x2="78.74" y2="99.06" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F5" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="81.28" y1="111.76" x2="78.74" y2="111.76" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F4" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="81.28" y1="124.46" x2="78.74" y2="124.46" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F3" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="81.28" y1="137.16" x2="78.74" y2="137.16" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F2" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="81.28" y1="149.86" x2="78.74" y2="149.86" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F1" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="81.28" y1="162.56" x2="78.74" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<junction x="78.74" y="162.56"/>
+<junction x="78.74" y="149.86"/>
+<junction x="78.74" y="137.16"/>
+<junction x="78.74" y="124.46"/>
+<junction x="78.74" y="111.76"/>
+<junction x="78.74" y="99.06"/>
+<junction x="78.74" y="86.36"/>
+<pinref part="P+1" gate="VCC" pin="VCC"/>
+<pinref part="F12" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<pinref part="P+2" gate="VCC" pin="VCC"/>
+<pinref part="F11" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="210.82" y1="132.08" x2="208.28" y2="132.08" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="208.28" y1="132.08" x2="208.28" y2="144.78" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F9" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="208.28" y1="144.78" x2="208.28" y2="157.48" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="208.28" y1="157.48" x2="208.28" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="210.82" y1="157.48" x2="208.28" y2="157.48" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F10" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="210.82" y1="144.78" x2="208.28" y2="144.78" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<junction x="208.28" y="157.48"/>
+<junction x="208.28" y="144.78"/>
+<pinref part="P+3" gate="VCC" pin="VCC"/>
+<pinref part="R2" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<pinref part="P+4" gate="VCC" pin="VCC"/>
+<wire x1="25.4" y1="99.06" x2="25.4" y2="96.52" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="VIN" class="0">
+<pinref part="I2" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="25.4" y1="137.16" x2="30.48" y2="137.16" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="30.48" y1="137.16" x2="30.48" y2="149.86" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="I1" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<wire x1="25.4" y1="149.86" x2="30.48" y2="149.86" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<pinref part="F12" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<junction x="30.48" y="149.86"/>
+<pinref part="D1" gate="G$1" pin="C"/>
+<wire x1="30.48" y1="137.16" x2="35.56" y2="137.16" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<wire x1="35.56" y1="137.16" x2="35.56" y2="132.08" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<junction x="30.48" y="137.16"/>
+<label x="35.56" y="137.16" size="1.27" layer="95" rot="MR90" xref="yes"/>
+<pinref part="R1" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
+<wire x1="20.32" y1="96.52" x2="20.32" y2="99.06" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<label x="20.32" y="99.06" size="1.27" layer="95" rot="R180" xref="yes"/>
+<net name="N$11" class="0">
+<pinref part="O9" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F9" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="226.06" y1="157.48" x2="220.98" y2="157.48" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$12" class="0">
+<pinref part="O10" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F10" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="226.06" y1="144.78" x2="220.98" y2="144.78" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$13" class="0">
+<pinref part="O11" gate="G$1" pin="P$1"/>
+<pinref part="F11" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="226.06" y1="132.08" x2="220.98" y2="132.08" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$10" class="1">
+<pinref part="LED1" gate="G$1" pin="AT"/>
+<pinref part="R1" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="20.32" y1="86.36" x2="20.32" y2="81.28" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<net name="N$14" class="1">
+<pinref part="LED1" gate="G$1" pin="AB"/>
+<pinref part="R2" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
+<wire x1="25.4" y1="86.36" x2="25.4" y2="81.28" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
+<note version="6.3" minversion="6.2.2" severity="warning">
+Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line,
+which will not be processed correctly with this version.
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/README.txt b/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dc99af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+* 7 openings
+* 128.4 x 20 mm outline
+* 522 mm path length
+* 2mm material
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/bgt-pwr-dist-tfp4.dxf b/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/bgt-pwr-dist-tfp4.dxf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272a673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/bgt-pwr-dist-tfp4.dxf
@@ -0,0 +1,3310 @@
+dxfrw 0.6.3
+ 0
+ 2
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
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+ 20
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
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+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 3
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+ 7
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 44
+ 9
+ 70
+ 3
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ -2
+ 9
+ 70
+ -2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 6
+ 9
+ 6
+ 9
+ 6
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 4
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 50
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 34
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 8
+ 9
+ 5
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+ 70
+ 6
+ 9
+ 70
+ 6
+ 9
+ 70
+ 6
+ 9
+ 70
+ 6
+ 9
+ 70
+ 6
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 2
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+ 0
+ 9
+ 10
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+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
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+ 9
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+ 20
+ 30
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+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 3
+ 9
+ 70
+ 70
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 64
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+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
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+ 0
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+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 3020
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ -1
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 4
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 127
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 257
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 257
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 7
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 62
+ 1
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 11
+ 21
+ 12
+ 22
+ 13
+ 23
+ 14
+ 24
+ 15
+ 25
+ 16
+ 26
+ 36
+ 17
+ 27
+ 37
+ 40
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 44
+ 50
+ 51
+ 71
+ 0
+ 72
+ 100
+ 73
+ 1
+ 74
+ 3
+ 75
+ 0
+ 76
+ 1
+ 77
+ 0
+ 78
+ 0
+ 0
+ 65
+ 1
+ 79
+ 0
+ 60
+ 7
+ 61
+ 5
+ 1
+ 63
+ 250
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 4
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 0
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 0
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Solid line
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 0
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dot (.15x) .....................................
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dot (.5x) .....................................
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dot (2x) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dashed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dashed (.15x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dashed (.5x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dashed (2x) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dash dot __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dash dot (.15x) _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dash dot (.5x) _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dash dot (2x) ____ . ____ . ____ . ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Divide ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Divide (.15x) __..__..__..__..__..__..__..__.._
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Divide (.5x) __..__..__..__..__..__..__..__.._
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Divide (2x) ________ . . ________ . . _
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Border __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ .
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Border (.15x) __.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Border (.5x) __.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Border (2x) ____ ____ . ____ ____ . ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Center ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Center (.15x) ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Center (.5x) ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Center (2x) ________ __ ________ __ _____
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 62
+ 7
+ 6
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 1
+ 62
+ 7
+ 6
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 62
+ 2
+ 6
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 3
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 40
+ 41
+ 50
+ 71
+ 0
+ 42
+ 3
+ 4
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 1
+ 71
+ 1
+ 0
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 40
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 44
+ 45
+ 46
+ 47
+ 48
+ 49
+ 71
+ 0
+ 72
+ 0
+ 73
+ 0
+ 74
+ 1
+ 75
+ 0
+ 76
+ 0
+ 77
+ 0
+ 78
+ 8
+ 79
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 2
+ 2
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 44
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ -2
+ -2
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 2
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 3
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 3
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 3
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 11
+ 21
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 11
+ 21
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 50
+ 51
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 50
+ 51
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 3
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 90
+ 4
+ 70
+ 1
+ 43
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 2
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 50
+ 70
+ 1
+ 71
+ 1
+ 44
+ 45
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 2
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 50
+ 70
+ 1
+ 71
+ 1
+ 44
+ 45
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 11
+ 21
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 90
+ 8
+ 70
+ 1
+ 43
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 42
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 42
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 42
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 42
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 90
+ 4
+ 70
+ 1
+ 43
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 2
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 50
+ 70
+ 1
+ 71
+ 1
+ 44
+ 45
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 5
+ 1
+ 3
+ 0
+ 5
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/output/bgt-pwr-dist-tfp4-mirrored.dxf b/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/output/bgt-pwr-dist-tfp4-mirrored.dxf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b156efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bgt-pwr-dist/cad/output/bgt-pwr-dist-tfp4-mirrored.dxf
@@ -0,0 +1,3204 @@
+dxfrw 0.6.3
+ 0
+ 2
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 9
+ 10
+ 20
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 7
+ 9
+ 8
+ 9
+ 6
+ 9
+ 62
+ 256
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 8
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 3
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 1
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 8
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 3
+ 9
+ 7
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 44
+ 9
+ 70
+ 3
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ -2
+ 9
+ 70
+ -2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 6
+ 9
+ 6
+ 9
+ 6
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 70
+ 4
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 40
+ 9
+ 70
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 2
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
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+ 1
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+ 34
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+ 2
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+ 8
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+ 3020
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+ 1
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+ 127
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 1
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+ 0
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 257
+ 9
+ 0
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+ 0
+ 9
+ 70
+ 257
+ 9
+ 1
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+ 1
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+ 40
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+ 9
+ 1
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+ 1
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+ 1
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+ 1
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 1
+ 9
+ 62
+ 1
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ 40
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 11
+ 21
+ 12
+ 22
+ 13
+ 23
+ 14
+ 24
+ 15
+ 25
+ 16
+ 26
+ 36
+ 17
+ 27
+ 37
+ 40
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 44
+ 50
+ 51
+ 71
+ 0
+ 72
+ 100
+ 73
+ 1
+ 74
+ 3
+ 75
+ 0
+ 76
+ 1
+ 77
+ 0
+ 78
+ 0
+ 0
+ 65
+ 1
+ 79
+ 0
+ 60
+ 7
+ 61
+ 5
+ 1
+ 63
+ 250
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 4
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 0
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 0
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Solid line
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 0
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dot (.15x) .....................................
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dot (.5x) .....................................
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dot (2x) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dashed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dashed (.15x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dashed (.5x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dashed (2x) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 2
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dash dot __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dash dot (.15x) _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dash dot (.5x) _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Dash dot (2x) ____ . ____ . ____ . ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Divide ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Divide (.15x) __..__..__..__..__..__..__..__.._
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Divide (.5x) __..__..__..__..__..__..__..__.._
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Divide (2x) ________ . . ________ . . _
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Border __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ .
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Border (.15x) __.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Border (.5x) __.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Border (2x) ____ ____ . ____ ____ . ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 6
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Center ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Center (.15x) ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Center (.5x) ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 3
+Center (2x) ________ __ ________ __ _____
+ 72
+ 65
+ 73
+ 4
+ 40
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 49
+ 74
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 62
+ 7
+ 6
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 3
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 40
+ 41
+ 50
+ 71
+ 0
+ 42
+ 3
+ 4
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 1
+ 71
+ 1
+ 0
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 40
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 44
+ 45
+ 46
+ 47
+ 48
+ 49
+ 71
+ 0
+ 72
+ 0
+ 73
+ 0
+ 74
+ 1
+ 75
+ 0
+ 76
+ 0
+ 77
+ 0
+ 78
+ 8
+ 79
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 2
+ 2
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 44
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ -2
+ -2
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 5
+ 70
+ 2
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 5
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 3
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 3
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 3
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 11
+ 21
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 11
+ 21
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 50
+ 51
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 50
+ 51
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 2
+ 70
+ 0
+ 10
+ 20
+ 3
+ 1
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 2
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 50
+ 70
+ 1
+ 71
+ 1
+ 44
+ 45
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 2
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 50
+ 70
+ 1
+ 71
+ 1
+ 44
+ 45
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 90
+ 8
+ 70
+ 1
+ 43
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 42
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 42
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 42
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 42
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 10
+ 20
+ 40
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 90
+ 4
+ 70
+ 1
+ 43
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 10
+ 20
+ 0
+ 5
+ 8
+ 6
+ 62
+ 256
+ -1
+ 2
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 50
+ 70
+ 1
+ 71
+ 1
+ 44
+ 45
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 0
+ 5
+ 1
+ 3
+ 0
+ 5
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDLX-1923772.pdf b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDLX-1923772.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..525af36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDLX-1923772.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDLX_P-1923790.pdf b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDLX_P-1923790.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28d2f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDLX_P-1923790.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDX_0202.pdf b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDX_0202.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1962e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/KLDX_0202.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/components/Littelfuse_PTC_16R_Datasheet.pdf.pdf b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/Littelfuse_PTC_16R_Datasheet.pdf.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc509a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/Littelfuse_PTC_16R_Datasheet.pdf.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bgt-pwr-dist/components/_S_eBwgMo_mC.pdf b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/_S_eBwgMo_mC.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..357fb27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bgt-pwr-dist/components/_S_eBwgMo_mC.pdf
Binary files differ