path: root/fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_clkgen.vhd
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_clkgen.vhd')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_clkgen.vhd b/fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_clkgen.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382cd78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_clkgen.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+-- Filename : usbrx_clkgen.vhd
+-- Project : OsmoSDR FPGA Firmware
+-- Purpose : Clock Management
+-- Copyright (C) 2012 maintech GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Str. 15, 97204 Hoechberg, Germany --
+-- written by Matthias Kleffel --
+-- --
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --
+-- the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or --
+-- --
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
+-- GNU General Public License V3 for more details. --
+-- --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --
+-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library xp2;
+ use xp2.all;
+ use xp2.components.all;
+library work;
+ use work.all;
+ use work.mt_toolbox.all;
+entity usbrx_clkgen is
+ port(
+ -- clock input
+ clk_30_pclk : in std_logic; -- 30MHz
+ ext_rst : in std_logic; -- external reset
+ -- system clock
+ clk_30 : out std_logic; -- 30MHz clock
+ clk_80 : out std_logic; -- 80MHz clock
+ rst_30 : out std_logic; -- 30MHz reset
+ rst_80 : out std_logic; -- 80MHz reset
+ -- debug
+ dbg_ext : out std_logic;
+ dbg_rst : out std_logic;
+ dbg_lock : out std_logic
+ );
+end usbrx_clkgen;
+architecture rtl of usbrx_clkgen is
+ -- reset generation
+ signal rst_pll : std_logic; -- reset signal for PLLs
+ signal pll_locked : std_logic; -- PLLs locked
+ signal reset_i : std_logic; -- reset-signal
+ -- system clock management
+ signal clk_80_pll : std_logic;
+ -- enusure that signal-names are kept (important for timing contraints)
+ attribute syn_keep of clk_80_pll : signal is true;
+ -- component declaration
+ component EPLLD1
+ generic (CLKOK_BYPASS : in String; CLKOS_BYPASS : in String;
+ CLKOP_BYPASS : in String; DUTY : in Integer;
+ PHASEADJ : in String; PHASE_CNTL : in String;
+ CLKOK_DIV : in Integer; CLKFB_DIV : in Integer;
+ CLKOP_DIV : in Integer; CLKI_DIV : in Integer;
+ FIN : in String);
+ port (CLKI: in std_logic; CLKFB: in std_logic; RST: in std_logic;
+ RSTK: in std_logic; DPAMODE: in std_logic; DRPAI3: in std_logic;
+ DRPAI2: in std_logic; DRPAI1: in std_logic; DRPAI0: in std_logic;
+ DFPAI3: in std_logic; DFPAI2: in std_logic; DFPAI1: in std_logic;
+ DFPAI0: in std_logic; PWD: in std_logic; CLKOP: out std_logic;
+ CLKOS: out std_logic; CLKOK: out std_logic; LOCK: out std_logic;
+ CLKINTFB: out std_logic);
+ end component;
+ --
+ -- reset generation
+ --
+ -- generate asynchronous reset-signal
+ rg: entity mt_reset_gen
+ port map (
+ clk => clk_30_pclk,
+ ext_rst => ext_rst,
+ pll_locked => pll_locked,
+ reset_pll => rst_pll,
+ reset_sys => reset_i,
+ -- debug
+ dbg_ext => dbg_ext,
+ dbg_rst => dbg_rst,
+ dbg_lock => dbg_lock
+ );
+ -- sync reset to clock-domains
+ rs30: entity mt_reset_sync
+ port map (
+ clk => clk_30_pclk,
+ rst_in => reset_i,
+ rst_out => rst_30
+ );
+ rs80: entity mt_reset_sync
+ port map (
+ clk => clk_80_pll,
+ rst_in => reset_i,
+ rst_out => rst_80
+ );
+ --
+ -- system clock
+ --
+ -- PLL for system-clock
+ pll : EPLLD1
+ generic map (
+ FIN => "30.0",
+ DUTY => 8,
+ PHASEADJ => "0.0",
+ CLKOK_DIV => 2,
+ CLKOP_DIV => 8,
+ CLKFB_DIV => 8,
+ CLKI_DIV => 3
+ )
+ port map (
+ CLKI => clk_30_pclk,
+ CLKFB => clk_80_pll,
+ RST => rst_pll,
+ RSTK => '0',
+ DPAMODE => '0',
+ DRPAI3 => '0',
+ DRPAI2 => '0',
+ DRPAI1 => '0',
+ DRPAI0 => '0',
+ DFPAI3 => '0',
+ DFPAI2 => '0',
+ DFPAI1 => '0',
+ DFPAI0 => '0',
+ PWD => '0',
+ CLKOP => clk_80_pll,
+ CLKOS => open,
+ CLKOK => open,
+ LOCK => pll_locked,
+ CLKINTFB=> open
+ );
+ -- output clocks
+ clk_30 <= clk_30_pclk;
+ clk_80 <= clk_80_pll;
+end rtl;