path: root/fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_toplevel.vhd
diff options
authorChristian Daniel <>2012-05-17 22:18:26 +0200
committerChristian Daniel <>2012-05-17 22:18:26 +0200
commitc62f5734b7742952a2dbc754be35db35aee54c26 (patch)
treea8c886ee4eca9c243cce30726bf68b5ed31d0ae4 /fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_toplevel.vhd
parent0f007d876a9d5fc40715aafa7ec284294eff6b70 (diff)
added fpga source and project files for hardware v2
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_toplevel.vhd')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_toplevel.vhd b/fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_toplevel.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b9010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/hw-v2/src/usbrx/toplevel/usbrx_toplevel.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+-- Filename : usbrx_toplevel.vhd
+-- Project : OsmoSDR FPGA Firmware
+-- Purpose : Toplevel component
+-- Copyright (C) 2012 maintech GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Str. 15, 97204 Hoechberg, Germany --
+-- written by Matthias Kleffel --
+-- --
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --
+-- the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or --
+-- --
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
+-- GNU General Public License V3 for more details. --
+-- --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --
+-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.all;
+ use work.mt_toolbox.all;
+ use work.usbrx.all;
+entity usbrx_toplevel is
+ port (
+ -- common
+ clk_in_pclk : in std_logic;
+ -- special control
+ dings : in std_logic;
+ dingsrst : in std_logic;
+ -- ADC interface
+ adc_cs : out std_logic;
+ adc_sck : out std_logic;
+ adc_sd1 : in std_logic;
+ adc_sd2 : in std_logic;
+ -- control SPI
+ ctl_int : out std_logic;
+ ctl_cs : in std_logic;
+ ctl_sck : in std_logic;
+ ctl_mosi : in std_logic;
+ ctl_miso : out std_logic;
+ -- data SPIs
+ rx_clk : out std_logic;
+ rx_syn : out std_logic;
+ rx_dat : out std_logic;
+ -- data SPIs
+ tx_clk : in std_logic;
+ tx_syn : in std_logic;
+ tx_dat : in std_logic;
+ -- gain PWMs
+ gain0 : out std_logic;
+ gain1 : out std_logic;
+ -- GPS
+ gps_1pps : in std_logic;
+ gps_10k : in std_logic;
+ -- gpios
+ gpio : inout std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
+ -- virtual GNDs/VCCs
+ vgnd : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+ vcc33 : inout std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+ vcc12 : inout std_logic_vector(4 downto 0)
+ );
+end usbrx_toplevel;
+architecture rtl of usbrx_toplevel is
+ -- clocks
+ signal clk_30 : std_logic;
+ signal clk_80 : std_logic;
+ signal rst_30 : std_logic;
+ signal rst_80 : std_logic;
+ -- config
+ signal cfg_pwm : usbrx_pwm_config_t;
+ signal cfg_adc : usbrx_adc_config_t;
+ signal cfg_ssc : usbrx_ssc_config_t;
+ signal cfg_fil : usbrx_fil_config_t;
+ signal cfg_off : usbrx_off_config_t;
+ -- ADC <-> offset
+ signal adc_off_clk : std_logic;
+ signal adc_off_i : unsigned(13 downto 0);
+ signal adc_off_q : unsigned(13 downto 0);
+ -- offset <-> filter
+ signal off_fil_clk : std_logic;
+ signal off_fil_i : signed(15 downto 0);
+ signal off_fil_q : signed(15 downto 0);
+ -- filter <-> output
+ signal fil_out_clk : std_logic;
+ signal fil_out_i : signed(15 downto 0);
+ signal fil_out_q : signed(15 downto 0);
+ -- blinken lights
+ signal blcnt1 : unsigned(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
+ signal blcnt2 : unsigned(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
+ signal blcnt3 : unsigned(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
+ signal blink1 : std_logic := '0';
+ signal blink2 : std_logic := '0';
+ signal blink3 : std_logic := '0';
+ -- enusure that signal-names are kept (important for timing contraints)
+ attribute syn_keep of clk_in_pclk : signal is true;
+ -- debug
+ signal dbg_ext : std_logic;
+ signal dbg_rst : std_logic;
+ signal dbg_lock : std_logic;
+ -- house-keeping
+ cg: entity usbrx_clkgen
+ port map (
+ -- clock input
+ clk_30_pclk => clk_in_pclk,
+ ext_rst => dingsrst,
+ -- system clock
+ clk_30 => clk_30,
+ clk_80 => clk_80,
+ rst_30 => rst_30,
+ rst_80 => rst_80,
+ -- debug
+ dbg_ext => dbg_ext,
+ dbg_rst => dbg_rst,
+ dbg_lock => dbg_lock
+ );
+ -- register bank
+ rb: entity usbrx_regbank
+ port map (
+ -- common
+ clk => clk_80,
+ reset => rst_80,
+ -- config
+ cfg_pwm => cfg_pwm,
+ cfg_adc => cfg_adc,
+ cfg_ssc => cfg_ssc,
+ cfg_fil => cfg_fil,
+ cfg_off => cfg_off,
+ -- status (TODO HACK)
+ adc_i => adc_off_i,
+ adc_q => adc_off_q,
+ -- SPI interface
+ spi_ncs => ctl_cs,
+ spi_sclk => ctl_sck,
+ spi_mosi => ctl_mosi,
+ spi_miso => ctl_miso
+ );
+ -- gain PWMs
+ pwm: entity usbrx_pwm
+ port map (
+ -- common
+ clk => clk_80,
+ reset => rst_80,
+ -- config
+ config => cfg_pwm,
+ -- PWM output
+ pwm0 => gain0,
+ pwm1 => gain1
+ );
+ -- A/D interface
+ adc: entity usbrx_ad7357
+ port map (
+ -- common
+ clk => clk_80,
+ reset => rst_80,
+ -- config
+ config => cfg_adc,
+ -- ADC interface
+ adc_cs => adc_cs,
+ adc_sck => adc_sck,
+ adc_sd1 => adc_sd1,
+ adc_sd2 => adc_sd2,
+ -- output
+ out_clk => adc_off_clk,
+ out_i => adc_off_i,
+ out_q => adc_off_q
+ );
+ -- offset stage
+ off: entity usbrx_offset
+ port map (
+ -- common
+ clk => clk_80,
+ reset => rst_80,
+ -- config
+ config => cfg_off,
+ -- input
+ in_clk => adc_off_clk,
+ in_i => adc_off_i,
+ in_q => adc_off_q,
+ -- output
+ out_clk => off_fil_clk,
+ out_i => off_fil_i,
+ out_q => off_fil_q
+ );
+ -- decimation filter
+ fil: entity usbrx_decimate
+ port map (
+ -- common
+ clk => clk_80,
+ reset => rst_80,
+ -- config
+ config => cfg_fil,
+ -- input
+ in_clk => off_fil_clk,
+ in_i => off_fil_i,
+ in_q => off_fil_q,
+ -- output
+ out_clk => fil_out_clk,
+ out_i => fil_out_i,
+ out_q => fil_out_q
+ );
+ -- SSC output
+ ssc: entity usbrx_ssc
+ port map (
+ -- common
+ clk => clk_80,
+ reset => rst_80,
+ -- config
+ config => cfg_ssc,
+ -- output
+ in_clk => fil_out_clk,
+ in_i => fil_out_i,
+ in_q => fil_out_q,
+ -- SSC interface
+ ssc_clk => rx_clk,
+ ssc_syn => rx_syn,
+ ssc_dat => rx_dat
+ );
+ -- TODO
+ ctl_int <= '1';
+-- tx_clk <= '0';
+ -- blinken lights
+ process(clk_in_pclk)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk_in_pclk) then
+ if blcnt1=0 then
+ blcnt1 <= to_unsigned(30000000/2-1, 32);
+ blink1 <= not blink1;
+ else
+ blcnt1 <= blcnt1-1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ process(clk_30)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk_30) then
+ if rst_30='1' then
+ blcnt2 <= (others=>'0');
+ blink2 <= '0';
+ elsif blcnt2=0 then
+ blcnt2 <= to_unsigned(30000000/2-1, 32);
+ blink2 <= not blink2;
+ else
+ blcnt2 <= blcnt2-1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ process(clk_80)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk_80) then
+ if rst_80='1' then
+ blcnt3 <= (others=>'0');
+ blink3 <= '0';
+ elsif blcnt3=0 then
+ blcnt3 <= to_unsigned(80000000/2-1, 32);
+ blink3 <= not blink3;
+ else
+ blcnt3 <= blcnt3-1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+ gpio <= "00" & clk_80 & clk_30 & dbg_ext & dbg_rst & dbg_lock & blink3 & blink2 & blink1;
+ -- virtual GNDs/VCCs
+ vgnd <= (others=>'0');
+ vcc12 <= (others=>'Z');
+ vcc33 <= (others=>'1');
+end rtl;