/* Quagga VTY implementation to manage identity of neighboring BSS cells for inter-BSC handover. */ /* (C) 2018 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH * * All Rights Reserved * * Author: Neels Hofmeyr * Author: Stefan Sperling * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NEIGHBOR_ADD_CMD "neighbor" #define NEIGHBOR_ADD_DOC "Add Handover target configuration\n" #define NEIGHBOR_DEL_CMD "no neighbor" #define NEIGHBOR_DEL_DOC NO_STR "Remove Handover target\n" #define NEIGHBOR_SHOW_CMD "show neighbor" #define NEIGHBOR_SHOW_DOC SHOW_STR "Show Handover targets\n" #define RAN_TYPE_PARAMS "(a|iu)" #define RAN_TYPE_DOC "Neighbor on GERAN-A\n" "Neighbor on UTRAN-Iu\n" #define RAN_PC_TOKEN "ran-pc" #define MSC_IPA_NAME_TOKEN "msc-ipa-name" #define HO_TARGET_PARAMS "("RAN_PC_TOKEN"|"MSC_IPA_NAME_TOKEN") RAN_PC_OR_MSC_IPA_NAME" #define HO_TARGET_DOC "SCCP point code of RAN peer\n" "GSUP IPA name of target MSC\n" "Point code or MSC IPA name value\n" #define LAC_PARAMS "lac <0-65535>" #define LAC_ARGC 1 #define LAC_DOC "Handover target cell by LAC\n" "LAC\n" #define LAC_CI_PARAMS "lac-ci <0-65535> <0-65535>" #define LAC_CI_ARGC 2 #define LAC_CI_DOC "Handover target cell by LAC and CI\n" "LAC\n" "CI\n" #define CGI_PARAMS "cgi <0-999> <0-999> <0-65535> <0-65535>" #define CGI_ARGC 4 #define CGI_DOC "Handover target cell by Cell-Global Identifier (MCC, MNC, LAC, CI)\n" "MCC\n" "MNC\n" "LAC\n" "CI\n" static struct gsm_network *gsmnet = NULL; static void write_neighbor_ident_cell(struct vty *vty, const struct neighbor_ident_entry *e, const struct gsm0808_cell_id *cid) { vty_out(vty, " " NEIGHBOR_ADD_CMD " "); switch (e->addr.ran_type) { case OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A: vty_out(vty, "a"); break; case OSMO_RAT_UTRAN_IU: vty_out(vty, "iu"); break; default: vty_out(vty, ""); break; } vty_out(vty, " "); switch (cid->id_discr) { case CELL_IDENT_LAC: vty_out(vty, "lac %u", cid->id.lac); break; case CELL_IDENT_LAC_AND_CI: vty_out(vty, "lac-ci %u %u", cid->id.lac_and_ci.lac, cid->id.lac_and_ci.ci); break; case CELL_IDENT_WHOLE_GLOBAL: vty_out(vty, "cgi %s %s %u %u", osmo_mcc_name(cid->id.global.lai.plmn.mcc), osmo_mnc_name(cid->id.global.lai.plmn.mnc, cid->id.global.lai.plmn.mnc_3_digits), cid->id.global.lai.lac, cid->id.global.cell_identity); break; default: vty_out(vty, ""); break; } vty_out(vty, " "); switch (e->addr.type) { case MSC_NEIGHBOR_TYPE_LOCAL_RAN_PEER: vty_out(vty, RAN_PC_TOKEN " %s", e->addr.local_ran_peer_pc_str); break; case MSC_NEIGHBOR_TYPE_REMOTE_MSC: vty_out(vty, MSC_IPA_NAME_TOKEN " %s", osmo_escape_str(e->addr.remote_msc_ipa_name.buf, e->addr.remote_msc_ipa_name.len)); break; default: vty_out(vty, ""); break; } vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE); } static void write_neighbor_ident_entry(struct vty *vty, const struct neighbor_ident_entry *e) { struct cell_id_list_entry *le; llist_for_each_entry(le, &e->cell_ids, entry) { write_neighbor_ident_cell(vty, e, &le->cell_id); } } static void write_neighbor_ident_entry_by_cell(struct vty *vty, const struct neighbor_ident_entry *e, const struct gsm0808_cell_id *cid) { struct cell_id_list_entry *le; llist_for_each_entry(le, &e->cell_ids, entry) { if (!gsm0808_cell_ids_match(&le->cell_id, cid, false)) continue; write_neighbor_ident_cell(vty, e, &le->cell_id); } } void neighbor_ident_vty_write(struct vty *vty) { const struct neighbor_ident_entry *e; llist_for_each_entry(e, &gsmnet->neighbor_ident_list, entry) { write_neighbor_ident_entry(vty, e); } } void neighbor_ident_vty_write_by_ran_type(struct vty *vty, enum osmo_rat_type ran_type) { const struct neighbor_ident_entry *e; llist_for_each_entry(e, &gsmnet->neighbor_ident_list, entry) { if (e->addr.ran_type != ran_type) continue; write_neighbor_ident_entry(vty, e); } } void neighbor_ident_vty_write_by_cell(struct vty *vty, enum osmo_rat_type ran_type, const struct gsm0808_cell_id *cid) { struct neighbor_ident_entry *e; llist_for_each_entry(e, &gsmnet->neighbor_ident_list, entry) { if (ran_type != OSMO_RAT_UNKNOWN && e->addr.ran_type != ran_type) continue; write_neighbor_ident_entry_by_cell(vty, e, cid); } } static struct gsm0808_cell_id *parse_lac(struct vty *vty, const char **argv) { static struct gsm0808_cell_id cell_id; cell_id = (struct gsm0808_cell_id){ .id_discr = CELL_IDENT_LAC, .id.lac = atoi(argv[0]), }; return &cell_id; } static struct gsm0808_cell_id *parse_lac_ci(struct vty *vty, const char **argv) { static struct gsm0808_cell_id cell_id; cell_id = (struct gsm0808_cell_id){ .id_discr = CELL_IDENT_LAC_AND_CI, .id.lac_and_ci = { .lac = atoi(argv[0]), .ci = atoi(argv[1]), }, }; return &cell_id; } static struct gsm0808_cell_id *parse_cgi(struct vty *vty, const char **argv) { static struct gsm0808_cell_id cell_id; cell_id = (struct gsm0808_cell_id){ .id_discr = CELL_IDENT_WHOLE_GLOBAL, }; struct osmo_cell_global_id *cgi = &cell_id.id.global; const char *mcc = argv[0]; const char *mnc = argv[1]; const char *lac = argv[2]; const char *ci = argv[3]; if (osmo_mcc_from_str(mcc, &cgi->lai.plmn.mcc)) { vty_out(vty, "%% Error decoding MCC: %s%s", mcc, VTY_NEWLINE); return NULL; } if (osmo_mnc_from_str(mnc, &cgi->lai.plmn.mnc, &cgi->lai.plmn.mnc_3_digits)) { vty_out(vty, "%% Error decoding MNC: %s%s", mnc, VTY_NEWLINE); return NULL; } cgi->lai.lac = atoi(lac); cgi->cell_identity = atoi(ci); return &cell_id; } static int add_neighbor(struct vty *vty, struct neighbor_ident_addr *addr, const struct gsm0808_cell_id *cell_id) { if (!neighbor_ident_add(&gsmnet->neighbor_ident_list, addr, cell_id)) { vty_out(vty, "%% Error: cannot add cell %s to neighbor %s%s", gsm0808_cell_id_name(cell_id), neighbor_ident_addr_name(addr), VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } static enum osmo_rat_type parse_ran_type(struct vty *vty, const char *ran_type_str) { if (!strcmp(ran_type_str, "a")) return OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; else if (!strcmp(ran_type_str, "iu")) return OSMO_RAT_UTRAN_IU; vty_out(vty, "%% Error: cannot parse RAN type argument %s%s", osmo_quote_str(ran_type_str, -1), VTY_NEWLINE); return OSMO_RAT_UNKNOWN; } static enum msc_neighbor_type parse_target_type(struct vty *vty, const char *target_type_str) { if (osmo_str_startswith(RAN_PC_TOKEN, target_type_str)) return MSC_NEIGHBOR_TYPE_LOCAL_RAN_PEER; if (osmo_str_startswith(MSC_IPA_NAME_TOKEN, target_type_str)) return MSC_NEIGHBOR_TYPE_REMOTE_MSC; vty_out(vty, "%% Unknown Handover target type: %s%s\n", osmo_quote_str(target_type_str, -1), VTY_NEWLINE); return MSC_NEIGHBOR_TYPE_NONE; } static int parse_ho_target_addr(struct vty *vty, struct neighbor_ident_addr *nia, enum osmo_rat_type ran_type, const char **argv) { const char *target_type_str = argv[0]; const char *arg_str = argv[1]; int rc; *nia = (struct neighbor_ident_addr){ .type = parse_target_type(vty, target_type_str), .ran_type = ran_type, }; if (nia->ran_type == OSMO_RAT_UNKNOWN) return -1; switch (nia->type) { case MSC_NEIGHBOR_TYPE_LOCAL_RAN_PEER: rc = osmo_strlcpy(nia->local_ran_peer_pc_str, arg_str, sizeof(nia->local_ran_peer_pc_str)); if (rc < 1 || rc >= sizeof(nia->local_ran_peer_pc_str)) { vty_out(vty, "%% Invalid RAN peer point-code string: %s%s", osmo_quote_str(arg_str, -1), VTY_NEWLINE); return -1; } return 0; case MSC_NEIGHBOR_TYPE_REMOTE_MSC: if (msc_ipa_name_from_str(&nia->remote_msc_ipa_name, arg_str)) { vty_out(vty, "%% Invalid MSC IPA name: %s%s", osmo_quote_str(arg_str, -1), VTY_NEWLINE); return -1; } return 0; default: return -1; } } #define DEFUN_CELL(id_name, ID_NAME) \ \ DEFUN(cfg_neighbor_add_##id_name, cfg_neighbor_add_##id_name##_cmd, \ NEIGHBOR_ADD_CMD " "RAN_TYPE_PARAMS " " ID_NAME##_PARAMS " " HO_TARGET_PARAMS, \ NEIGHBOR_ADD_DOC RAN_TYPE_DOC ID_NAME##_DOC HO_TARGET_DOC) \ { \ struct neighbor_ident_addr addr; \ if (parse_ho_target_addr(vty, &addr, \ parse_ran_type(vty, argv[0]), \ argv + 1 + ID_NAME##_ARGC)) \ return CMD_WARNING; \ return add_neighbor(vty, &addr, parse_##id_name(vty, argv + 1)); \ } \ \ DEFUN(show_neighbor_ran_##id_name, show_neighbor_ran_##id_name##_cmd, \ NEIGHBOR_SHOW_CMD " " RAN_TYPE_PARAMS " " ID_NAME##_PARAMS, \ NEIGHBOR_SHOW_DOC RAN_TYPE_DOC ID_NAME##_DOC RAN_TYPE_DOC) \ { \ neighbor_ident_vty_write_by_cell(vty, \ parse_ran_type(vty, argv[0]), \ parse_##id_name(vty, argv + 1)); \ return CMD_SUCCESS; \ } \ \ DEFUN(show_neighbor_##id_name, show_neighbor_##id_name##_cmd, \ NEIGHBOR_SHOW_CMD " "ID_NAME##_PARAMS, \ NEIGHBOR_SHOW_DOC ID_NAME##_DOC) \ { \ neighbor_ident_vty_write_by_cell(vty, OSMO_RAT_UNKNOWN, parse_##id_name(vty, argv)); \ return CMD_SUCCESS; \ } DEFUN_CELL(lac, LAC) DEFUN_CELL(lac_ci, LAC_CI) DEFUN_CELL(cgi, CGI) static int del_by_addr(struct vty *vty, const struct neighbor_ident_addr *addr) { const struct neighbor_ident_entry *e = neighbor_ident_find_by_addr(&gsmnet->neighbor_ident_list, addr); if (!e) { vty_out(vty, "%% Cannot remove, no such neighbor: %s%s", neighbor_ident_addr_name(addr), VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } neighbor_ident_del(e); vty_out(vty, "%% Removed neighbor %s%s", neighbor_ident_addr_name(addr), VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_del_neighbor, cfg_del_neighbor_cmd, NEIGHBOR_DEL_CMD " " RAN_TYPE_PARAMS " "HO_TARGET_PARAMS, NEIGHBOR_DEL_DOC RAN_TYPE_DOC HO_TARGET_DOC) { struct neighbor_ident_addr addr; if (parse_ho_target_addr(vty, &addr, parse_ran_type(vty, argv[0]), argv + 1)) return CMD_WARNING; return del_by_addr(vty, &addr); } DEFUN(show_neighbor_all, show_neighbor_all_cmd, NEIGHBOR_SHOW_CMD, NEIGHBOR_SHOW_DOC) { neighbor_ident_vty_write(vty); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(show_neighbor_ran, show_neighbor_ran_cmd, NEIGHBOR_SHOW_CMD " " RAN_TYPE_PARAMS, NEIGHBOR_SHOW_DOC RAN_TYPE_DOC) { neighbor_ident_vty_write_by_ran_type(vty, parse_ran_type(vty, argv[0])); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(show_neighbor, show_neighbor_cmd, NEIGHBOR_SHOW_CMD " "RAN_TYPE_PARAMS " " HO_TARGET_PARAMS, NEIGHBOR_SHOW_DOC RAN_TYPE_DOC HO_TARGET_DOC) { const struct neighbor_ident_entry *e; struct neighbor_ident_addr addr; if (parse_ho_target_addr(vty, &addr, parse_ran_type(vty, argv[0]), argv + 1)) return CMD_WARNING; e = neighbor_ident_find_by_addr(&gsmnet->neighbor_ident_list, &addr); if (e) write_neighbor_ident_entry(vty, e); else vty_out(vty, "%% No such neighbor target%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_SUCCESS; } void neighbor_ident_vty_init(struct gsm_network *net) { gsmnet = net; install_element(MSC_NODE, &cfg_neighbor_add_lac_cmd); install_element(MSC_NODE, &cfg_neighbor_add_lac_ci_cmd); install_element(MSC_NODE, &cfg_neighbor_add_cgi_cmd); install_element(MSC_NODE, &cfg_del_neighbor_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_all_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_ran_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_ran_lac_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_ran_lac_ci_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_ran_cgi_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_lac_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_lac_ci_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_neighbor_cgi_cmd); }