/* * ubx-parse.c * * Implementation of parsing code converting UBX messages to GPS assist * data * * * Copyright (C) 2009 Sylvain Munaut * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "gps.h" #include "ubx.h" #include "ubx-parse.h" /* Helpers */ static int float_to_fixedpoint(float f, int sf) { if (sf < 0) { while (sf++ < 0) f *= 2.0f; } else { while (sf-- > 0) f *= 0.5f; } return (int)f; } static inline int double_to_fixedpoint(double d, int sf) { if (sf < 0) { while (sf++ < 0) d *= 2.0; } else { while (sf-- > 0) d *= 0.5; } return (int)d; } /* UBX message parsing to fill gps assist data */ static void _ubx_msg_parse_nav_posllh(struct ubx_hdr *hdr, void *pl, int pl_len, void *ud) { struct ubx_nav_posllh *nav_posllh = pl; struct gps_assist_data *gps = ud; //printf("[.] NAV_POSLLH\n"); // FIXME: Extract info for "Reference Position" } static void _ubx_msg_parse_aid_ini(struct ubx_hdr *hdr, void *pl, int pl_len, void *ud) { struct ubx_aid_ini *aid_ini = pl; struct gps_assist_data *gps = ud; //printf("[.] AID_INI\n"); // FIXME: Extract info for "Reference Time" } static void _ubx_msg_parse_aid_hui(struct ubx_hdr *hdr, void *pl, int pl_len, void *ud) { struct ubx_aid_hui *aid_hui = pl; struct gps_assist_data *gps = ud; //printf("[.] AID_HUI\n"); if (aid_hui->flags & 0x2) { /* UTC parameters valid */ struct gps_utc_model *utc = &gps->utc; gps->fields |= GPS_FIELD_UTC; utc->a0 = double_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->utc_a0, -30); utc->a1 = double_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->utc_a1, -50); utc->delta_t_ls = aid_hui->utc_ls; utc->t_ot = aid_hui->utc_tot >> 12; utc->wn_t = aid_hui->utc_wnt; utc->wn_lsf = aid_hui->utc_wnf; utc->dn = aid_hui->utc_dn; utc->delta_t_lsf = aid_hui->utc_lsf; } if (aid_hui->flags & 0x04) { /* Klobuchar parameters valid */ struct gps_ionosphere_model *iono = &gps->ionosphere; gps->fields |= GPS_FIELD_IONOSPHERE; iono->alpha_0 = float_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->klob_a0, -30); iono->alpha_1 = float_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->klob_a1, -27); iono->alpha_2 = float_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->klob_a2, -24); iono->alpha_3 = float_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->klob_a3, -24); iono->beta_0 = float_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->klob_b0, 11); iono->beta_1 = float_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->klob_b1, 14); iono->beta_2 = float_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->klob_b2, 16); iono->beta_3 = float_to_fixedpoint(aid_hui->klob_b3, 16); } } static void _ubx_msg_parse_aid_alm(struct ubx_hdr *hdr, void *pl, int pl_len, void *ud) { struct ubx_aid_alm *aid_alm = pl; struct gps_assist_data *gps = ud; //printf("[.] AID_ALM %d - %d\n", aid_alm->sv_id, aid_alm->gps_week); if (aid_alm->gps_week) { gps->fields |= GPS_FIELD_ALMANAC; gps->almanac.wna = aid_alm->gps_week & 0xff; gps_unpack_sf45_almanac(aid_alm->alm_words, &gps->almanac.svs[gps->almanac.n_sv++]); } } static void _ubx_msg_parse_aid_eph(struct ubx_hdr *hdr, void *pl, int pl_len, void *ud) { struct ubx_aid_eph *aid_eph = pl; struct gps_assist_data *gps = ud; //printf("[.] AID_EPH %d - %s\n", aid_eph->sv_id, aid_eph->present ? "present" : "not present"); if (aid_eph->present) { int i = gps->ephemeris.n_sv++; gps->fields |= GPS_FIELD_EPHEMERIS; gps->ephemeris.svs[i].sv_id = aid_eph->sv_id; gps_unpack_sf123(aid_eph->eph_words, &gps->ephemeris.svs[i]); } } /* Dispatch table */ struct ubx_dispatch_entry ubx_parse_dt[] = { UBX_DISPATCH(NAV, POSLLH, _ubx_msg_parse_nav_posllh), UBX_DISPATCH(AID, INI, _ubx_msg_parse_aid_ini), UBX_DISPATCH(AID, HUI, _ubx_msg_parse_aid_hui), UBX_DISPATCH(AID, ALM, _ubx_msg_parse_aid_alm), UBX_DISPATCH(AID, EPH, _ubx_msg_parse_aid_eph), };