#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H //#include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct context_s context_t; #define NTA_OUTGOING_MAGIC_T context_t #define SU_ROOT_MAGIC_T context_t #define NUA_MAGIC_T context_t typedef struct operation operation_t; #define NUA_HMAGIC_T operation_t #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef uint32_t sup_tcap_tid_t; typedef struct isup_connection isup_connection_t; struct isup_connection { context_t *ctx; su_socket_t isup_conn_socket; su_wait_t isup_conn_event; int isup_register_idx; /* osmocom data */ struct msgb *pending_msg; }; typedef enum ss_type { TYPE_USSD, TYPE_SS_OTHER } ss_type_t; struct ussd_session { isup_connection_t *conn; sup_tcap_tid_t ref; int ms_originated; char extention[32]; ss_type_t type; uint8_t ss_code; struct ss_request rigester_msg; }; struct context_s { su_home_t home[1]; su_root_t *root; su_socket_t isup_acc_socket; su_wait_t isup_acc_event; nua_t *nua; url_t *to_url; url_t *self_url; su_timer_t *timer; su_duration_t max_ussd_ses_duration; /* iconv data */ iconv_t* utf8_to_ucs2; iconv_t* ucs2_to_utf8; iconv_t* utf8_to_latin1; iconv_t* latin1_to_utf8; /* Array of isup connections */ struct isup_connection isup[1]; /* list of active operations */ struct llist_head operation_list; unsigned operation_count; unsigned operations_max; }; /* Example of operation handle context information structure */ struct operation { struct llist_head list; nua_handle_t *handle; /* operation handle */ context_t *ctx; su_time_t tm_initiated; /* protocol specific sessions */ struct ussd_session ussd; }; static int ussd_send_data(operation_t *op, int last, const char* lang, unsigned lang_len, const char* msg, unsigned msg_len); static int ussd_send_data_ss(isup_connection_t *conn, uint8_t message_type, const uint8_t *component, uint8_t component_len, uint32_t ref); static int ussd_send_reject(isup_connection_t *conn, uint32_t ref, uint8_t invoke_id); static const char* get_unknown_header(sip_t const *sip, const char *header) { sip_header_t *h = (sip_header_t *)sip->sip_unknown; for (; h; h = (sip_header_t *)h->sh_succ) { if (strcasecmp(h->sh_unknown->un_name, header) == 0) { return h->sh_unknown->un_value; } } return NULL; } int sup_server_send(isup_connection_t *conn, struct msgb *msg) { ssize_t sz; if (!conn) { msgb_free(msg); return -ENOTCONN; } ipa_prepend_header_ext(msg, IPAC_PROTO_EXT_GSUP); ipa_msg_push_header(msg, IPAC_PROTO_OSMO); LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Sending wire, will send: %s\n", msgb_hexdump(msg)); // FIXME ugly hack!!! // TODO place message in send queue !!!! sz = send(conn->isup_conn_socket, msg->data, msg->len, 0); msgb_free(msg); return ((unsigned)sz == msg->len) ? 0 : -1; } static int ussd_parse_xml(const char *xml, unsigned xml_len, const char **lang, unsigned *lang_len, const char **msg, unsigned *msg_len) { /* Example of parsing XML en Test */ // tag char* ussd_data_stag = strstr(xml, ""); if (ussd_data_stag == NULL) return 0; char* ussd_data_etag = strstr(ussd_data_stag, ""); if (ussd_data_etag == NULL) return 0; // tag char* ussd_lang_stag = strstr(ussd_data_stag, ""); if (ussd_lang_stag == NULL) return 0; char* ussd_lang_etag = strstr(ussd_lang_stag, ""); if (ussd_lang_etag == NULL) return 0; // tag char* ussd_ussd_stag = strstr(ussd_data_stag, ""); if (ussd_ussd_stag == NULL) return 0; char* ussd_ussd_etag = strstr(ussd_ussd_stag, ""); if (ussd_ussd_etag == NULL) return 0; if (ussd_ussd_etag - xml > xml_len || ussd_lang_etag - xml > xml_len) return 0; *lang = ussd_lang_stag + strlen(""); *lang_len = ussd_lang_etag - *lang; *msg = ussd_ussd_stag + strlen(""); *msg_len = ussd_ussd_etag - *msg; return 1; } // Operation APIs static operation_t* operation_find_by_tid(context_t* ctx, sup_tcap_tid_t ref) { operation_t* op; llist_for_each_entry(op, &ctx->operation_list, list) { if (op->ussd.ref == ref) return op; } return NULL; } static operation_t* operation_alloc(context_t* ctx) { operation_t* op; if (ctx->operation_count >= ctx->operations_max) { fprintf(stderr, "!!! maximum number of active session is reached: %d\n", ctx->operation_count); return NULL; } /* create operation context information */ op = su_zalloc(ctx->home, (sizeof *op)); if (!op) { return NULL; } op->ctx = ctx; op->tm_initiated = su_now(); INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&op->list); llist_add_tail(&op->list, &ctx->operation_list); ctx->operation_count++; return op; } static void operation_destroy(operation_t* op) { /* release operation handle */ nua_handle_destroy(op->handle); op->handle = NULL; llist_del(&op->list); op->ctx->operation_count--; if (op->ussd.type == TYPE_USSD) { fprintf(stderr, "--- operation %*.s from %s destroyed (sessions: %d)\n", op->ussd.rigester_msg.ussd_text_len, op->ussd.rigester_msg.ussd_text, op->ussd.extention, op->ctx->operation_count); } else { fprintf(stderr, "--- operation 0x%02x from %s destroyed (sessions: %d)\n", op->ussd.ss_code, op->ussd.extention, op->ctx->operation_count); } /* release operation context information */ su_free(op->ctx->home, op); } void proxy_r_invite(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { fprintf(stderr, "*** Got reply %d for INVITE\n", status); if (status == 200) { nua_ack(nh, TAG_END()); } else if (hmagic->ussd.type == TYPE_USSD) { printf("response to USSD INVITE: %03d %s\n", status, phrase); ussd_send_reject(hmagic->ussd.conn, hmagic->ussd.ref, hmagic->ussd.rigester_msg.invoke_id); operation_destroy(hmagic); } else { printf("response to SS INVITE: %03d %s\n", status, phrase); ussd_send_data_ss(hmagic->ussd.conn, GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE, NULL, 0, hmagic->ussd.ref); operation_destroy(hmagic); } } void proxy_i_bye(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { const char* ri; int rc; // printf("*** call released:\n%s\n", sip->sip_payload->pl_data); ri = get_unknown_header(sip, "Recv-Info"); if (ri && (strcasecmp(ri, "g.3gpp.ussd") == 0)) { /* Parse XML */ const char *language; const char *msg; unsigned language_len; unsigned msg_len; if (ussd_parse_xml(sip->sip_payload->pl_data, sip->sip_payload->pl_len, &language, &language_len, &msg, &msg_len)) { printf("=== USSD (%.*s): %.*s\n", language_len, language, msg_len, msg); /* Send reply back to SUP */ // TODO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rc = ussd_send_data(hmagic, 1, language, language_len, msg, msg_len); if (rc == 0) { // Normal shutdown operation_destroy(hmagic); return; } fprintf(stderr, "*** unable to send to SUP\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** unable to parse XML\n"); } } fprintf(stderr, "*** response BYE with %d satus is malformed, drop session\n", status); ussd_send_reject(hmagic->ussd.conn, hmagic->ussd.ref, hmagic->ussd.rigester_msg.invoke_id); operation_destroy(hmagic); } static uint8_t get_nibble(uint8_t a) { if (a >= '0' && a <= '9') return a-'0'; else if (a >= 'A' && a <= 'F') return a-'A' + 10; else if (a >= 'a' && a <= 'f') return a-'a' + 10; fprintf(stderr, "*** Incorrect nibble deteced: %02x\n", a); return 0xff; } void proxy_i_bye_ss(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { const char* pl_txt = sip->sip_payload->pl_data; unsigned pl_txt_len = sip->sip_payload->pl_len; uint8_t buffer[256]; uint8_t buflen = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < pl_txt_len && buflen < sizeof(buffer) - 1; ) { uint8_t hi_nibble = pl_txt[i++]; if (hi_nibble == 0xff || i == pl_txt_len) break; uint8_t lo_nibble = pl_txt[i++]; if (lo_nibble == 0xff) break; buffer[buflen++] = (get_nibble(hi_nibble) << 4) | get_nibble(lo_nibble); } fprintf(stderr, "got bye_ss %d `%.*s` -> %d bytes\n", pl_txt_len, pl_txt_len, pl_txt, buflen); if (buflen > 1) { /* ASN.1 length can be 1 or 2 bytes ( >2 isn't possible anyway here ) */ unsigned len = (buffer[1] < 0x80) ? buffer[1] : ( (buflen > 2) ? buffer[2] : 0xff); unsigned len_len = (buffer[1] < 0x80) ? 1 : buffer[1] - 0x80; if (len + 1 + len_len != buflen) { fprintf(stderr, "*** parsed %d len, but should be %d (%s)", buflen, len_len + 1 + len, pl_txt); } } ussd_send_data_ss(hmagic->ussd.conn, GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE, buffer, buflen, hmagic->ussd.ref); operation_destroy(hmagic); } void proxy_r_bye(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { fprintf(stderr, "*** Got reply %d for BUY\n", status); operation_destroy(hmagic); } void proxy_i_error(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { #if 0 if (!hmagic) { return; } fprintf(stderr, "*** error in session with %d satus\n", status); ussd_send_reject(hmagic->ussd.conn, hmagic->ussd.rigester_msg.invoke_id, hmagic->ussd.rigester_msg.opcode); operation_destroy(hmagic); #endif } void proxy_info(int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[], int response) { const char* ri; int rc; // Normal ACK is recieved if (response == 1 && status == 200) return; ri = get_unknown_header(sip, "Recv-Info"); if (ri && (strcasecmp(ri, "g.3gpp.ussd") == 0)) { /* Parse XML */ const char *language; const char *msg; unsigned language_len; unsigned msg_len; if (ussd_parse_xml(sip->sip_payload->pl_data, sip->sip_payload->pl_len, &language, &language_len, &msg, &msg_len)) { printf("%s USSD (%.*s): %.*s\n", (response) ? ">>>" : "<<<", language_len, language, msg_len, msg); if (hmagic == 0) { printf("*** unknown session, ignoring"); // FIXME this function works only with a dialog! nua_respond(nh, 481, "INFO with no session", TAG_END()); return; } /* Send reply back to SUP */ // TODO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rc = ussd_send_data(hmagic, 0, language, language_len, msg, msg_len); if (rc == 0) return; fprintf(stderr, "*** unable to send to SUP in INFO\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** unable to parse XML in INFO\n"); } } fprintf(stderr, "*** %s INFO with %d satus is malformed, drop session\n", response ? "response" : "request", status); ussd_send_reject(hmagic->ussd.conn, hmagic->ussd.ref, hmagic->ussd.rigester_msg.invoke_id); operation_destroy(hmagic); } int ussd_create_xml_latin1(context_t* ctx, char *content, size_t max_len, const char* inbuf_latin1, int buf_len) { const char *language = "en"; char tmpbuf_utf8[2*MAX_LEN_USSD_STRING]; unsigned tmpbuf_utf8_len; char* inbuf = (char*)inbuf_latin1; size_t inleft = buf_len; char* outbuf = tmpbuf_utf8; size_t outleft = sizeof(tmpbuf_utf8); size_t s; s = iconv(ctx->latin1_to_utf8, &inbuf, &inleft, &outbuf, &outleft); if (s == (size_t)-1) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to encode latin1 into utf8\n"); return 0; } tmpbuf_utf8_len = outbuf - tmpbuf_utf8; int content_len = snprintf(content, max_len, "\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%.*s\n" "", language, tmpbuf_utf8_len, tmpbuf_utf8); if (content_len > max_len) { content[max_len - 1] = 0; return 0; } return 1; } static int decode_to_latin1(char* outbuf, unsigned size, const uint8_t* msg, unsigned msg_len, uint8_t lang) { if (lang == 0x0f) { return gsm_7bit_decode_n_ussd(outbuf, size, msg, msg_len); } else { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Unknown language: 0x%02x\n", lang); return 0; } } /* URL_RESERVED_CHARS in sofia is not strict enough as in RFC3986 */ #define RFC3986_RESERVED_CHARS "!*'();:@&=+$,/?#[]" int ss_session_open_mo(operation_t *op, isup_connection_t *conn, const uint8_t* component, uint8_t component_len, uint32_t ref, const char* extention) { char buffer[512+1]; int i; context_t* ctx = op->ctx; sip_to_t *to = NULL; sip_to_t *from = NULL; url_t to_url, from_url; char* to_url_str; char* from_url_str; op->ussd.ref = ref; op->ussd.conn = conn; op->ussd.ms_originated = 1; op->ussd.type = TYPE_SS_OTHER; strncpy(op->ussd.extention, extention, sizeof(op->ussd.extention)); for (i = 0; i < component_len; ++i) { uint8_t nibble_h = component[i] >> 4; uint8_t nibble_l = component[i] & 0xf; buffer[2*i ] = (nibble_h < 10) ? '0' + nibble_h : 'a' + nibble_h - 10; buffer[2*i + 1] = (nibble_l < 10) ? '0' + nibble_l : 'a' + nibble_l - 10; } buffer[2*i] = 0; /* Destination address */ to_url = *ctx->to_url; to_url.url_user = "mapss"; to_url_str = url_as_string(ctx->home, &to_url); if (to_url_str == NULL) { goto failed_create_handle; } to = sip_to_create(ctx->home, (url_string_t *)to_url_str); su_free(ctx->home, to_url_str); if (!to) { goto failed_create_handle; } /* Source address */ from_url = *ctx->self_url; from_url.url_user = extention; from_url_str = url_as_string(ctx->home, &from_url); if (from_url_str == NULL) { goto failed_create_handle; } from = sip_from_create(ctx->home, (url_string_t *)from_url_str); su_free(ctx->home, from_url_str); if (!to) { goto failed_create_handle; } /* create operation handle */ op->handle = nua_handle(ctx->nua, op, SIPTAG_TO(to), SIPTAG_FROM(from), NUTAG_M_USERNAME(extention), TAG_END()); su_free(ctx->home, from); su_free(ctx->home, to); from = NULL; to = NULL; if (op->handle == NULL) { goto failed_create_handle; } nua_invite(op->handle, SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/map-ss-binary"), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(buffer), TAG_END()); return 0; failed_create_handle: if (from != NULL) su_free(ctx->home, from); if (to != NULL) su_free(ctx->home, to); return -1; } int ussd_session_open_mo(operation_t *op, isup_connection_t *conn, struct ss_request* ss, uint32_t ref, const char* extention) { char content[1024]; char decoded[MAX_LEN_USSD_STRING + 1]; char escaped_to[512]; context_t* ctx = op->ctx; sip_to_t *to = NULL; sip_to_t *from = NULL; url_t to_url, from_url; char* to_url_str; char* from_url_str; int decoded_len; op->ussd.ref = ref; op->ussd.conn = conn; op->ussd.ms_originated = 1; op->ussd.type = TYPE_USSD; op->ussd.rigester_msg = *ss; strncpy(op->ussd.extention, extention, sizeof(op->ussd.extention)); decoded_len = decode_to_latin1(decoded, MAX_LEN_USSD_STRING, op->ussd.rigester_msg.ussd_text, op->ussd.rigester_msg.ussd_text_len, op->ussd.rigester_msg.ussd_text_language); if (decoded_len <= 0) { goto failed_to_parse_xml; } decoded[decoded_len] = 0; if (!ussd_create_xml_latin1(ctx, content, sizeof(content), decoded, decoded_len)) { goto failed_to_parse_xml; } /* Destination address */ url_escape(escaped_to, decoded, RFC3986_RESERVED_CHARS); to_url = *ctx->to_url; to_url.url_user = escaped_to; to_url_str = url_as_string(ctx->home, &to_url); if (to_url_str == NULL) { goto failed_create_handle; } to = sip_to_create(ctx->home, (url_string_t *)to_url_str); su_free(ctx->home, to_url_str); if (!to) { goto failed_create_handle; } /* Source address */ from_url = *ctx->self_url; from_url.url_user = extention; from_url_str = url_as_string(ctx->home, &from_url); if (from_url_str == NULL) { goto failed_create_handle; } from = sip_from_create(ctx->home, (url_string_t *)from_url_str); su_free(ctx->home, from_url_str); if (!to) { goto failed_create_handle; } /* create operation handle */ op->handle = nua_handle(ctx->nua, op, SIPTAG_TO(to), SIPTAG_FROM(from), NUTAG_M_USERNAME(extention), TAG_END()); su_free(ctx->home, from); su_free(ctx->home, to); from = NULL; to = NULL; if (op->handle == NULL) { goto failed_create_handle; } nua_invite(op->handle, SIPTAG_UNKNOWN_STR("Recv-Info: g.3gpp.ussd"), SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/vnd.3gpp.ussd+xml"), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(content), TAG_END()); return 0; failed_create_handle: if (from != NULL) su_free(ctx->home, from); if (to != NULL) su_free(ctx->home, to); failed_to_parse_xml: fprintf(stderr, "*** open_ussd_session failed!\n"); return -1; } int ussd_session_facility(operation_t *op, struct ss_request* ss, const char* extention) { char content[1024]; char decoded[MAX_LEN_USSD_STRING + 1]; int decoded_len; decoded_len = decode_to_latin1(decoded, MAX_LEN_USSD_STRING, ss->ussd_text, ss->ussd_text_len, ss->ussd_text_language); if (decoded_len <= 0) { return -1; } decoded[decoded_len] = 0; if (!ussd_create_xml_latin1(op->ctx, content, sizeof(content), decoded, decoded_len)) { return -1; } nua_info(op->handle, /* other tags as needed ... */ SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/vnd.3gpp.ussd+xml"), SIPTAG_UNKNOWN_STR("Recv-Info: g.3gpp.ussd"), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(content), TAG_END()); return 0; } void context_callback(nua_event_t event, int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, nua_magic_t *magic, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_hmagic_t *hmagic, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { fprintf(stderr, "$$$ got event %d: status: %d (%s) : %p\n", event, status, phrase, hmagic); switch (event) { case nua_i_error: proxy_i_error(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags); break; case nua_i_info: if (hmagic->ussd.type == TYPE_USSD) proxy_info(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags, 0); break; case nua_r_info: if (hmagic->ussd.type == TYPE_USSD) proxy_info(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags, 1); break; case nua_i_bye: if (hmagic->ussd.type == TYPE_USSD) proxy_i_bye(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags); else proxy_i_bye_ss(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags); break; case nua_i_invite: //app_i_invite(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags); break; case nua_r_invite: proxy_r_invite(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags); break; case nua_r_bye: proxy_r_bye(status, phrase, nua, magic, nh, hmagic, sip, tags); break; default: /* unknown event -> print out error message */ if (status > 100) { printf("unknown event %d: %03d %s\n", event, status, phrase); } else { printf("unknown event %d\n", event); } tl_print(stdout, "", tags); break; } } static int rx_sup_uss_message(isup_connection_t *sup_conn, const uint8_t* data, size_t len) { char extention[32] = {0}; struct ss_header ss; struct ss_request ssreq; uint32_t ref; operation_t* op; int rc; context_t *ctx = sup_conn->ctx; memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss)); if (rx_uss_message_parse(data, len, &ss, &ref, extention, sizeof(extention))) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Can't parse uss message\n"); goto err_bad_packet; } memset(&ssreq, 0, sizeof(ssreq)); rc = gsm0480_parse_ss_facility(data + ss.component_offset, ss.component_length, &ssreq); if (!rc) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Can't parse facility message\n"); goto err_bad_component; } LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Got ref=%d mtype=0x%02x invoke_id=0x%02x opcode=0x%02x ss_code=0x%02x component_type=0x%02x text=%s\n", ref, ss.message_type, ssreq.invoke_id, ssreq.opcode, ssreq.ss_code, ssreq.component_type, ssreq.ussd_text); switch (ss.message_type) { case GSM0480_MTYPE_REGISTER: if (ssreq.component_type != GSM0480_CTYPE_INVOKE) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Non-INVOKE component type in REGISTER: 0x%02x\n", ssreq.component_type); goto err_send_reject; } if (ssreq.opcode == GSM0480_OP_CODE_PROCESS_USS_DATA || ssreq.opcode == GSM0480_OP_CODE_USS_NOTIFY || ssreq.opcode == GSM0480_OP_CODE_USS_REQUEST) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Don't know hot to handle this SS opcode: 0x%02x\n", ssreq.opcode); goto err_send_reject; } /* Create new session */ op = operation_alloc(ctx); if (op == NULL) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to allocate new session\n"); goto err_send_reject; } if (ssreq.opcode == GSM0480_OP_CODE_PROCESS_USS_REQ) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "New session %.*s from %s, active: %d\n", ssreq.ussd_text_len, ssreq.ussd_text, extention, ctx->operation_count); op->ussd.ss_code = 0; rc = ussd_session_open_mo(op, sup_conn, &ssreq, ref, extention); if (rc < 0) { operation_destroy(op); goto err_send_reject; } } else { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "New session SS 0x%02x from %s, active: %d\n", ssreq.opcode, extention, ctx->operation_count); op->ussd.ss_code = ssreq.ss_code; op->ussd.rigester_msg = ssreq; rc = ss_session_open_mo(op, sup_conn, data + ss.component_offset, ss.component_length, ref, extention); if (rc < 0) { operation_destroy(op); goto err_send_reject; } } break; case GSM0480_MTYPE_FACILITY: //Only MS-originated Menu session is supported, so we ignore INVOKE here if (ssreq.component_type != GSM0480_CTYPE_RETURN_RESULT && ssreq.component_type != GSM0480_CTYPE_RETURN_ERROR && ssreq.component_type != GSM0480_CTYPE_REJECT) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Non-{RESULT/RETURN_ERROR/REJECT} component type in FACILITY: 0x%02x\n", ssreq.component_type); goto err_send_reject; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO handle RETURN_ERROR/REJECT if (ssreq.component_type != GSM0480_CTYPE_RETURN_RESULT) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Component type in FACILITY: 0x%02x is not implemented yet\n", ssreq.component_type); goto err_send_reject; } if (ssreq.opcode != GSM0480_OP_CODE_USS_REQUEST) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Don't know hot to handle this SS opcode: 0x%02x\n", ssreq.opcode); goto err_send_reject; } op = operation_find_by_tid(ctx, ref); if (op == NULL) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "No active session with tid=%d were found\n", ssreq.invoke_id); goto err_send_reject; } // TODO check result!! MO/MT error handling rc = ussd_session_facility(op, &ssreq, extention); if (rc < 0) { operation_destroy(op); goto err_send_reject; } break; case GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE: op = operation_find_by_tid(ctx, ref); if (op == NULL) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "No active session with tid=%d were found for RELEASE_COMPLETE\n", ssreq.invoke_id); return 0; } nua_bye(op->handle, TAG_END()); break; default: LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Unknown message type 0x%02x\n", ss.message_type); goto err_send_reject; } return 0; err_send_reject: ussd_send_reject(sup_conn, ref, ssreq.invoke_id); return -1; err_bad_component: return ussd_send_data_ss(sup_conn, GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE, NULL, 0, ref); return -1; err_bad_packet: // Disconnect ? return -1; } int ussd_send_reject(isup_connection_t *conn, uint32_t ref, uint8_t invoke_id) { uint8_t buffer[2+3+3]; buffer[0] = GSM0480_CTYPE_REJECT; buffer[1] = 3+3; buffer[2] = GSM0480_COMPIDTAG_INVOKE_ID; buffer[3] = 1; buffer[4] = invoke_id; buffer[5] = GSM_0480_PROBLEM_CODE_TAG_GENERAL; buffer[6] = 1; buffer[7] = GSM_0480_GEN_PROB_CODE_UNRECOGNISED; return ussd_send_data_ss(conn, GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE, buffer, sizeof(buffer), ref); } int ussd_send_data_ss(isup_connection_t *conn, uint8_t message_type, const uint8_t* component, uint8_t component_len, uint32_t ref) { struct msgb *outmsg = msgb_alloc_headroom(4000, 64, __func__); struct ss_header hdr; hdr.transaction_id = 0; hdr.message_type = message_type; hdr.component_length = component_len; hdr.component_offset = 0; subscr_uss_message(outmsg, &hdr, NULL, ref, component); LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Sending USS, will send: %s\n", msgb_hexdump(outmsg)); return sup_server_send(conn, outmsg); } int ussd_send_data(operation_t *op, int last, const char* lang, unsigned lang_len, const char* msg, unsigned msg_len) { struct msgb *buf; struct ss_request ss; int rc; uint8_t message_type; memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss)); // TODO handle language if (msg == NULL) { message_type = GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE; ss.component_type = GSM0480_CTYPE_REJECT; ss.opcode = op->ussd.rigester_msg.opcode; } else if (last) { message_type = GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE; ss.component_type = GSM0480_CTYPE_RETURN_RESULT; ss.opcode = op->ussd.rigester_msg.opcode; } else { message_type = GSM0480_MTYPE_FACILITY; ss.component_type = (op->ussd.ms_originated) ? GSM0480_CTYPE_INVOKE : GSM0480_CTYPE_RETURN_RESULT; ss.opcode = GSM0480_OP_CODE_USS_REQUEST; } ss.invoke_id = op->ussd.rigester_msg.invoke_id; if (msg) { char tmpbuf[MAX_LEN_USSD_STRING + 1]; char* inbuf = (char*)msg; size_t inleft = msg_len; char* outbuf = (char*)tmpbuf; size_t outleft = sizeof(tmpbuf); size_t s; // First of all try latin1 s = iconv(op->ctx->utf8_to_latin1, &inbuf, &inleft, &outbuf, &outleft); if (s == (size_t)-1) { outbuf = (char*)ss.ussd_text; outleft = MAX_ASN1_LEN_USSD_STRING; s = iconv(op->ctx->utf8_to_ucs2, &inbuf, &inleft, &outbuf, &outleft); if (s == (size_t)-1) { perror("can't convert string from utf8"); } // UCS-2 encoding ss.ussd_text_language = 0x48; ss.ussd_text_len = (uint8_t*)outbuf - ss.ussd_text; } else { int outlen; size_t len = (msg_len > MAX_LEN_USSD_STRING) ? MAX_LEN_USSD_STRING : msg_len; memcpy(tmpbuf, msg, len); tmpbuf[len] = 0; gsm_7bit_encode_n_ussd(ss.ussd_text, MAX_ASN1_LEN_USSD_STRING, tmpbuf, &outlen); ss.ussd_text_len = outlen; ss.ussd_text_language = 0x0f; } } else { ss.ussd_text_len = 0; ss.ussd_text_language = 0x0f; ss.ussd_text[0] = 0; } buf = gsm0480_compose_ussd_component(&ss); if (!buf) { return -1; } rc = ussd_send_data_ss(op->ussd.conn, message_type, buf->data, msgb_length(buf), op->ussd.ref); msgb_free(buf); return rc; } static void timer_function(su_root_magic_t *magic, su_timer_t *t, su_timer_arg_t *arg) { context_t *cli = (context_t*)arg; su_time_t n = su_now(); operation_t *op, *tmp; llist_for_each_entry_safe(op, tmp, &cli->operation_list, list) { su_duration_t lasts = su_duration(n, op->tm_initiated); if (lasts > cli->max_ussd_ses_duration) { if (op->ussd.type == TYPE_USSD) { fprintf(stderr, "!!! session %.*s from %s lasted %ld ms, more than thresold %ld ms, destroying\n", op->ussd.rigester_msg.ussd_text_len, op->ussd.rigester_msg.ussd_text, op->ussd.extention, lasts, cli->max_ussd_ses_duration); ussd_send_reject(op->ussd.conn, op->ussd.ref, op->ussd.rigester_msg.invoke_id); } else { fprintf(stderr, "!!! session 0x%02x from %s lasted %ld ms, more than thresold %ld ms, destroying\n", op->ussd.ss_code, op->ussd.extention, lasts, cli->max_ussd_ses_duration); ussd_send_data_ss(op->ussd.conn, GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE, NULL, 0, op->ussd.ref); } operation_destroy(op); } } } static int isup_handle_connection(context_t *cli, su_wait_t *w, void *p) { int rc; isup_connection_t *conn = (isup_connection_t*)p; int events = su_wait_events(w, conn->isup_conn_socket); printf("*** connection; event=0x%x\n", events); if (events & (SU_WAIT_ERR | SU_WAIT_HUP)) { printf("*** connection destroyed\n"); goto err; } else if (events & SU_WAIT_IN) { /* Incoming data */ struct ipaccess_head *iph; struct msgb *msg = NULL; int ret = ipa_msg_recv_buffered(conn->isup_conn_socket, &msg, &conn->pending_msg); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == -EAGAIN) return 0; if (ret == 0) LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_INFO, "The control connection was closed\n"); else LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to parse ip access message: %d\n", ret); goto err; } iph = (struct ipaccess_head *) msg->data; switch (iph->proto) { case IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS: if (msg->l2h[0] == IPAC_MSGT_PING) { printf("*** got PING\n"); msg->l2h[0] = IPAC_MSGT_PONG; send(conn->isup_conn_socket, msg->data, ntohs(iph->len) + sizeof(struct ipaccess_head), 0); msgb_free(msg); conn->pending_msg = NULL; return 0; } LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Unknown IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS msg 0x%x\n", msg->l2h[0]); goto err; case IPAC_PROTO_OSMO: // TODO callback if (msg->l2h[1] == GPRS_GSUP_MSGT_USSD_MAP) { LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Receive USS: %s\n", msgb_hexdump(msg)); rc = rx_sup_uss_message(conn, &msg->l2h[1], msgb_l2len(msg) - 1); if (rc < 0) { /* TODO raise reject !!!!!!! */ /* release complete */ } msgb_free(msg); conn->pending_msg = NULL; return 0; } /* TODO: handle gprs_gsup_decode() for other types */ LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Unknown IPAC_PROTO_OSMO GPRS_GSUP_MSGT_* 0x%x\n", msg->l2h[1]); msgb_free(msg); conn->pending_msg = NULL; goto err; default: LOGP(DLCTRL, LOGL_ERROR, "Protocol mismatch. We got 0x%x\n", iph->proto); goto err; } } return 0; err: close(conn->isup_conn_socket); conn->isup_conn_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; su_wait_destroy(w); msgb_free(conn->pending_msg); conn->pending_msg = NULL; //su_root_deregister(cli, cli->isup_register_idx); return 0; } static int isup_handle_accept(context_t *cli, su_wait_t *w, void *p) { su_sockaddr_t aaddr; su_socket_t connection; socklen_t len = sizeof(aaddr); int rc; connection = accept(cli->isup_acc_socket, &aaddr.su_sa, &len); if (connection == INVALID_SOCKET) { perror("can't accept isup socket"); return 0; } printf("*** accepted from %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(aaddr.su_sin.sin_addr), ntohs(aaddr.su_sin.sin_port)); /* TODO manage isup connection list, but just now use the single connection */ isup_connection_t *conn = cli->isup; if (conn->isup_conn_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { fprintf(stderr, "--- Can't accept, there's another connection\n"); su_close(connection); return 0; } conn->ctx = cli; conn->isup_conn_socket = connection; conn->pending_msg = NULL; su_wait_init(&conn->isup_conn_event); rc = su_wait_create(&conn->isup_conn_event, conn->isup_conn_socket, SU_WAIT_IN | /*SU_WAIT_OUT | */ SU_WAIT_HUP | SU_WAIT_ERR); conn->isup_register_idx = su_root_register(cli->root, &conn->isup_conn_event, isup_handle_connection, conn, 0); return 0; } #define DIPA_USSD_PROXY 0 struct log_info_cat ipa_proxy_test_cat[] = { [DIPA_USSD_PROXY] = { .name = "DIPA_USSD_PROXY", .description = "USSD_PROXY", .color = "\033[1;35m", .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG, }, }; const struct log_info ipa_proxy_test_log_info = { .filter_fn = NULL, .cat = ipa_proxy_test_cat, .num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(ipa_proxy_test_cat), }; static void Usage(char* progname) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n" "%s [options]\n" "Options\n" " -p TCP port to listen incoming SUP connection\n" " (default: 8184)\n" " -t Destination SIP URL (default: sip:\n" " -u User agent SIP URL (default: sip:\n" " -x Proxy SIP URL (default: )\n" " -T Force using TCP instead trying UDP\n" " -D Maximum period of open USSD session (default: 90)\n" " -o Maximum number of concurrent USSD sessions\n" " (default: 200)\n" " -l <0-9> sip sofia loglevel, 0 - none; 9 - max\n" , progname); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { su_home_t *home; context_t context[1] = {{{SU_HOME_INIT(context)}}}; su_sockaddr_t listen_addr; int rc; int sup_port = 8184; const char* to_str = "sip:"; const char* url_str = "sip:"; const char* proxy_str = NULL; int force_tcp = 0; int max_ussd_ses_secs = 90; int max_op_limit = 200; int sip_loglevel = 1; int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "x:p:t:u:D:To:l:L7?")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'x': proxy_str = optarg; break; case 'p': sup_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': to_str = optarg; break; case 'u': url_str = optarg; break; case 'T': force_tcp = 1; break; case 'D': max_ussd_ses_secs = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': max_op_limit = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': sip_loglevel = atoi(optarg); break; case 'L': fprintf(stderr, " -L is now obsolete, ignored\n"); break; case '7': fprintf(stderr, " -7 is now obsolete, ignored\n"); break; case '?': default: Usage(argv[0]); return 2; } } osmo_init_logging(&ipa_proxy_test_log_info); su_init(); su_home_init(home = context->home); context->root = su_root_create(context); su_log_set_level(NULL, sip_loglevel); /* Disable threading */ su_root_threading(context->root, 0); if (!context->root) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize sip-sofia context\n"); return 1; } context->utf8_to_latin1=iconv_open("iso8859-1", "utf-8"); context->latin1_to_utf8=iconv_open("utf-8", "iso8859-1"); context->utf8_to_ucs2=iconv_open("utf-16be", "utf-8"); context->ucs2_to_utf8=iconv_open("utf-8", "utf-16be"); if (context->utf8_to_ucs2 == NULL || context->ucs2_to_utf8 == NULL || context->utf8_to_latin1 == NULL || context->latin1_to_utf8 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize iconv\n"); return 1; } context->isup_acc_socket = su_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (context->isup_acc_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { perror("unable to create socket\n"); return 1; } su_setblocking(context->isup_acc_socket, 0); su_setreuseaddr(context->isup_acc_socket, 1); context->isup->isup_conn_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; memset(&listen_addr, 0, sizeof(listen_addr)); listen_addr.su_sin.sin_family = AF_INET; listen_addr.su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; listen_addr.su_sin.sin_port = htons(sup_port); rc = bind(context->isup_acc_socket, &listen_addr.su_sa, sizeof(listen_addr.su_sin)); if (rc < 0) { perror("cannot bind socket\n"); return 2; } rc = listen(context->isup_acc_socket, 1); if (rc < 0) { perror("cannot bind socket\n"); return 2; } su_wait_init(&context->isup_acc_event); su_wait_create(&context->isup_acc_event, context->isup_acc_socket, SU_WAIT_ACCEPT); su_root_register(context->root, &context->isup_acc_event, isup_handle_accept, NULL, 0); context->to_url = url_make(home, to_str); context->self_url = url_make(home, url_str); if (context->to_url == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse destination URL\n"); return 1; } if (context->self_url == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse our (source) URL\n"); return 1; } context->nua = nua_create(context->root, context_callback, context, NUTAG_URL(url_str), NUTAG_ENABLEINVITE(1), NUTAG_AUTOALERT(1), NUTAG_SESSION_TIMER(0), NUTAG_AUTOANSWER(0), NUTAG_MEDIA_ENABLE(0), NUTAG_ALLOW("INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO"), TAG_NULL()); if (context->nua == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize sip-sofia nua\n"); return 1; } if (proxy_str) { nua_set_params(context->nua, NUTAG_PROXY(proxy_str), TAG_NULL()); } if (force_tcp) { nua_set_params(context->nua, NTATAG_UDP_MTU(10), TAG_NULL()); } INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&context->operation_list); context->operation_count = 0; context->operations_max = max_op_limit; su_timer_t* tm = su_timer_create(su_root_task(context->root), 2000); if (tm == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize sip-sofia timer\n"); return 1; } rc = su_timer_run(tm, timer_function, context); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to start sip-sofia timer\n"); return 1; } context->timer = tm; context->max_ussd_ses_duration = max_ussd_ses_secs * 1000l; su_root_run(context->root); nua_destroy(context->nua); return 0; }