path: root/contrib/nat/ussd_example.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/nat/ussd_example.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/nat/ussd_example.py b/contrib/nat/ussd_example.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f7a58d3f..000000000
--- a/contrib/nat/ussd_example.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
-AGPLv3+ 2016 Copyright Holger Hans Peter Freyther
-Example of how to connect to the USSD side-channel and how to respond
-with a fixed message.
-import socket
-import struct
-ussdSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-ussdSocket.connect(('', 5001))
-def send_dt1(dstref, data):
- dlen = struct.pack('B', len(data)).encode('hex')
- hex = '06' + dstref.encode('hex') + '00' + '01' + dlen + data.encode('hex')
- pdata = hex.decode('hex')
- out = struct.pack('>HB', len(pdata), 0xfd) + pdata
- ussdSocket.send(out)
-def send_rel(srcref, dstref):
- hex = '04' + dstref.encode('hex') + srcref.encode('hex') + '000100'
- pdata = hex.decode('hex')
- out = struct.pack('>HB', len(pdata), 0xfd) + pdata
- ussdSocket.send(out)
-def recv_one():
- plen = ussdSocket.recv(3)
- (plen,ptype) = struct.unpack(">HB", plen)
- data = ussdSocket.recv(plen)
- return ptype, data
-# Assume this is the ID request
-data = ussdSocket.recv(4)
-ussdSocket.send("\x00\x08\xfe\x05\x00" + "\x05\x01" + "ussd")
-# ^len ^len of tag ... and ignore
-# Expect a fake message. see struct ipac_msgt_sccp_state
-ptype, data = recv_one()
-print("%d %s" % (ptype, data.encode('hex')))
-(srcref, dstref, transid, invokeid) = struct.unpack("<3s3sBB", data[1:9])
-print("New transID %d invoke %d" % (transid, invokeid))
-# Expect a the invocation.. todo.. extract invoke id
-ptype, data = recv_one()
-print("%d %s" % (ptype, data.encode('hex')))
-# Reply with BSSAP + GSM 04.08 + MAP portion
-# 00 == invoke id 0f == DCS
-res = "01002a9b2a0802e1901c22a220020100301b02013b301604010f041155e7d2f9bc3a41412894991c06a9c9a713"
-send_dt1(dstref, res.decode('hex'))
-clear = "000420040109"
-send_dt1(dstref, clear.decode('hex'))
-# should be the clear complete
-send_rel(srcref, dstref)
-# Give it some time to handle connection shutdown properly
-print("Gracefully sleeping")
-import time