/* hnb-gw specific code for HNBAP */ /* (C) 2015 by Harald Welte * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "asn1helpers.h" #include #include "hnbgw.h" #include "hnbap_common.h" #include "hnbap_ies_defs.h" #define IU_MSG_NUM_IES 32 #define IU_MSG_NUM_EXT_IES 32 static int hnbgw_hnbap_tx(struct hnb_context *ctx, struct msgb *msg) { if (!msg) return -EINVAL; msgb_sctp_ppid(msg) = IUH_PPI_HNBAP; osmo_stream_srv_send(ctx->conn, msg); return 0; } static int hnbgw_tx_hnb_register_acc(struct hnb_context *ctx) { HNBRegisterAccept_t accept_out; struct msgb *msg; int rc; /* Single required response IE: RNC-ID */ HNBRegisterAcceptIEs_t accept = { .rnc_id = ctx->gw->config.rnc_id }; /* encode the Information Elements */ memset(&accept_out, 0, sizeof(accept_out)); rc = hnbap_encode_hnbregisteraccepties(&accept_out, &accept); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } /* generate a successfull outcome PDU */ msg = hnbap_generate_successful_outcome(ProcedureCode_id_HNBRegister, Criticality_reject, &asn_DEF_HNBRegisterAccept, &accept_out); ASN_STRUCT_FREE_CONTENTS_ONLY(asn_DEF_HNBRegisterAccept, &accept_out); return hnbgw_hnbap_tx(ctx, msg); } static int hnbgw_tx_ue_register_acc(struct ue_context *ue) { UERegisterAccept_t accept_out; UERegisterAcceptIEs_t accept; struct msgb *msg; uint8_t encoded_imsi[10]; uint32_t ctx_id; size_t encoded_imsi_len; int rc; encoded_imsi_len = ranap_imsi_encode(encoded_imsi, sizeof(encoded_imsi), ue->imsi); memset(&accept, 0, sizeof(accept)); accept.uE_Identity.present = UE_Identity_PR_iMSI; OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&accept.uE_Identity.choice.iMSI, (const char *)encoded_imsi, encoded_imsi_len); asn1_u24_to_bitstring(&accept.context_ID, &ctx_id, ue->context_id); memset(&accept_out, 0, sizeof(accept_out)); rc = hnbap_encode_ueregisteraccepties(&accept_out, &accept); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } msg = hnbap_generate_successful_outcome(ProcedureCode_id_UERegister, Criticality_reject, &asn_DEF_UERegisterAccept, &accept_out); ASN_STRUCT_FREE_CONTENTS_ONLY(asn_DEF_OCTET_STRING, &accept.uE_Identity.choice.iMSI); ASN_STRUCT_FREE_CONTENTS_ONLY(asn_DEF_UERegisterAccept, &accept_out); return hnbgw_hnbap_tx(ue->hnb, msg); } static int hnbgw_rx_hnb_deregister(struct hnb_context *ctx, ANY_t *in) { HNBDe_RegisterIEs_t ies; int rc; rc = hnbap_decode_hnbde_registeries(&ies, in); if (rc < 0) return rc; DEBUGP(DHNBAP, "HNB-DE-REGISTER cause=%ld\n", ies.cause); hnbap_free_hnbde_registeries(&ies); hnb_context_release(ctx); return 0; } static int hnbgw_rx_hnb_register_req(struct hnb_context *ctx, ANY_t *in) { HNBRegisterRequestIEs_t ies; int rc; rc = hnbap_decode_hnbregisterrequesties(&ies, in); if (rc < 0) return rc; /* copy all identity parameters from the message to ctx */ asn1_strncpy(ctx->identity_info, &ies.hnB_Identity.hNB_Identity_Info, sizeof(ctx->identity_info)); ctx->id.lac = asn1str_to_u16(&ies.lac); ctx->id.sac = asn1str_to_u16(&ies.sac); ctx->id.rac = asn1str_to_u8(&ies.rac); ctx->id.cid = asn1bitstr_to_u28(&ies.cellIdentity); //ctx->id.mcc FIXME //ctx->id.mnc FIXME DEBUGP(DHNBAP, "HNB-REGISTER-REQ from %s\n", ctx->identity_info); /* Send HNBRegisterAccept */ rc = hnbgw_tx_hnb_register_acc(ctx); hnbap_free_hnbregisterrequesties(&ies); return rc; } static int hnbgw_rx_ue_register_req(struct hnb_context *ctx, ANY_t *in) { UERegisterRequestIEs_t ies; struct ue_context *ue; char imsi[16]; int rc; rc = hnbap_decode_ueregisterrequesties(&ies, in); if (rc < 0) return rc; switch (ies.uE_Identity.present) { case UE_Identity_PR_iMSI: ranap_bcd_decode(imsi, sizeof(imsi), ies.uE_Identity.choice.iMSI.buf, ies.uE_Identity.choice.iMSI.size); break; case UE_Identity_PR_iMSIDS41: ranap_bcd_decode(imsi, sizeof(imsi), ies.uE_Identity.choice.iMSIDS41.buf, ies.uE_Identity.choice.iMSIDS41.size); break; case UE_Identity_PR_iMSIESN: ranap_bcd_decode(imsi, sizeof(imsi), ies.uE_Identity.choice.iMSIESN.iMSIDS41.buf, ies.uE_Identity.choice.iMSIESN.iMSIDS41.size); break; default: LOGP(DHNBAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "UE-REGISTER-REQ without IMSI\n"); /* TODO: this is probably a TMSI registration. Store TMSIs * and look them up to accept UE Registration. */ return -1; } DEBUGP(DHNBAP, "UE-REGISTER-REQ ID_type=%d imsi=%s cause=%ld\n", ies.uE_Identity.present, imsi, ies.registration_Cause); ue = ue_context_by_imsi(ctx->gw, imsi); if (!ue) ue = ue_context_alloc(ctx, imsi); hnbap_free_ueregisterrequesties(&ies); /* Send UERegisterAccept */ return hnbgw_tx_ue_register_acc(ue); } static int hnbgw_rx_ue_deregister(struct hnb_context *ctx, ANY_t *in) { UEDe_RegisterIEs_t ies; struct ue_context *ue; int rc; uint32_t ctxid; rc = hnbap_decode_uede_registeries(&ies, in); if (rc < 0) return rc; ctxid = asn1bitstr_to_u24(&ies.context_ID); DEBUGP(DHNBAP, "UE-DE-REGISTER context=%ld cause=%s\n", ctxid, hnbap_cause_str(&ies.cause)); ue = ue_context_by_id(ctx->gw, ctxid); if (ue) ue_context_free(ue); hnbap_free_uede_registeries(&ies); return 0; } static int hnbgw_rx_err_ind(struct hnb_context *hnb, ANY_t *in) { ErrorIndicationIEs_t ies; int rc; rc = hnbap_decode_errorindicationies(&ies, in); if (rc < 0) return rc; LOGP(DHNBAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "HNBAP ERROR.ind, cause: %s\n", hnbap_cause_str(&ies.cause)); hnbap_free_errorindicationies(&ies); return 0; } static int hnbgw_rx_initiating_msg(struct hnb_context *hnb, InitiatingMessage_t *imsg) { int rc; switch (imsg->procedureCode) { case ProcedureCode_id_HNBRegister: /* 8.2 */ rc = hnbgw_rx_hnb_register_req(hnb, &imsg->value); break; case ProcedureCode_id_HNBDe_Register: /* 8.3 */ rc = hnbgw_rx_hnb_deregister(hnb, &imsg->value); break; case ProcedureCode_id_UERegister: /* 8.4 */ rc = hnbgw_rx_ue_register_req(hnb, &imsg->value); break; case ProcedureCode_id_UEDe_Register: /* 8.5 */ rc = hnbgw_rx_ue_deregister(hnb, &imsg->value); break; case ProcedureCode_id_ErrorIndication: /* 8.6 */ rc = hnbgw_rx_err_ind(hnb, &imsg->value); break; case ProcedureCode_id_TNLUpdate: /* 8.9 */ case ProcedureCode_id_HNBConfigTransfer: /* 8.10 */ case ProcedureCode_id_RelocationComplete: /* 8.11 */ case ProcedureCode_id_U_RNTIQuery: /* 8.12 */ case ProcedureCode_id_privateMessage: LOGP(DHNBAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unimplemented HNBAP Procedure %ld\n", imsg->procedureCode); break; default: LOGP(DHNBAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unknown HNBAP Procedure %ld\n", imsg->procedureCode); break; } } static int hnbgw_rx_successful_outcome_msg(struct hnb_context *hnb, SuccessfulOutcome_t *msg) { } static int hnbgw_rx_unsuccessful_outcome_msg(struct hnb_context *hnb, UnsuccessfulOutcome_t *msg) { } static int _hnbgw_hnbap_rx(struct hnb_context *hnb, HNBAP_PDU_t *pdu) { int rc = 0; /* it's a bit odd that we can't dispatch on procedure code, but * that's not possible */ switch (pdu->present) { case HNBAP_PDU_PR_initiatingMessage: rc = hnbgw_rx_initiating_msg(hnb, &pdu->choice.initiatingMessage); break; case HNBAP_PDU_PR_successfulOutcome: rc = hnbgw_rx_successful_outcome_msg(hnb, &pdu->choice.successfulOutcome); break; case HNBAP_PDU_PR_unsuccessfulOutcome: rc = hnbgw_rx_unsuccessful_outcome_msg(hnb, &pdu->choice.unsuccessfulOutcome); break; default: LOGP(DHNBAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unknown HNBAP Presence %u\n", pdu->present); rc = -1; } return rc; } int hnbgw_hnbap_rx(struct hnb_context *hnb, struct msgb *msg) { HNBAP_PDU_t _pdu, *pdu = &_pdu; asn_dec_rval_t dec_ret; int rc; /* decode and handle to _hnbgw_hnbap_rx() */ memset(pdu, 0, sizeof(*pdu)); dec_ret = aper_decode(NULL, &asn_DEF_HNBAP_PDU, (void **) &pdu, msg->data, msgb_length(msg), 0, 0); if (dec_ret.code != RC_OK) { LOGP(DHNBAP, LOGL_ERROR, "Error in ASN.1 decode\n"); return rc; } rc = _hnbgw_hnbap_rx(hnb, pdu); ASN_STRUCT_FREE_CONTENTS_ONLY(asn_DEF_HNBAP_PDU, pdu); return rc; } int hnbgw_hnbap_init(void) { }