== Osmocom SS7 + SIGTRAN support === History / Background If you're upgrading from earlier releases of the Osmocom stack, this section will give you some background about the evolution. ==== The Past (before 2017) In the original implementation of the GSM BSC inside Osmocom (the OsmoBSC program, part of OpenBSC), no SS7 support was included. This is despite the fact that ETSI/3GPP mandated the use of SCCP over MTP over E1/T1 TDM lines for the A interface at that time. Instead of going down to the TDM based legacy physical layers, OsmoBSC implemented someting called an IPA multiplex, which apparently some people also refer to as SCCPlite. We have never seen any specifications for this interface, but implemented it from scratch using protocol traces. The IPA protocol stack is based on a minimal sub-set of SCCP (including connection oriented SCCP) wrapped into a 3-byte header to packetize a TCP stream. The IPA/SCCPlite based A interface existed at a time when the ETSI/3GPP specifications did not offer any IP based transport for the A interface. An official as added only in Release FIXME of the 3GPP specifications. The A interface BSSMAP protocol refers to voice circuits (E1/T1 timeslots) using circuit identity codes (CICs). As there are no physical timeslots on a TCP/IP based transport layer, the CICs get mapped to RTP streams for circuit-switched data using out-of-band signaling via MGCP, the IETF-standardized Media Gateway Control Protocol. ==== The present (2017) In 2017, sysmocom was tasked with implementing a 3GPP AoIP compliant A interface. This meant that lot of things had to change in the existing code: * removal of the existing hard-wired SCCPlite/IPA code from OsmoBSC * introduction of a formal SCCP User SAP at the lower boundary of BSSMAP * introduction of libosmo-sigtran, a comprehensive SS7 and SIGTRAN library which includes a SCCP implementation for connectionless and connection-oriented procedures, offering the SCCP User SAP towards BSSAP * introduction of an A interface in OsmoMSC (which so far offered Iu only) * port of the existing SUA-baesd IuCS and IuPS over to the SCCP User SAP of libosmo-sigtran. * Implementation of ETSI M3UA as preferred/primary transport layer for SCCP * Implementation of an IPA transport layer inside libosmo-sigtran, in order to keep backwards-compatibility. This work enables the Osmocom universe to become more compliant with modern Releases of 3GPP specifications, which enables interoperability with other MSCs or even BSCs. However, this comes at a price: Increased complexity in set-up and configuration. Using SS7 or SIGTRAN based transport of the A interface adds an entirely new domain that needs to be understood by system and network administrators setting up cellular networks based on Osmocom. One of the key advantages of the Osmocom architecture with OsmoNITB was exactly this simplification and reduction of complexity, enabling more people to set-up and operate cellular networks. So we have put some thought into how we can achieve compatibility with SS7/SIGTRAN and the 3GPP specifications, while at the same time enabling some degree of auto-configuration where a small network can be set up without too many configuration related to the signaling network. We have achieved this by "abusing" (or extending) the M3UA Routing Key Management slightly. === Osmocom extensions to SIGTRAN Osmocom has implemented some extensions to the SIGTRAN protocol suite. Those extensions will be documented below. ==== Osmocom M3UA Routing Key Management Extensions In classic M3UA, a peer identifies its remote peer based on IP address and port details. So once an ASP connects to an SG, the SG will check if there is any configuration that matches the source IP (and possibly source port) of that connection in order to understand which routing context is used - and subsequently which traffic is to be routed to this M3UA peer. This is quite inflexible, as it means that every BSC in a GSM network needs to be manually pre-configured at the SG/STP, and that configuration on the BSC and MSC must match to enable communication. M3UA specifies an optional Routing Key Management (RKM) sub-protocol. Using RKM, an ASP can dynamically tell the SG/STP, which traffic it wants to receive. However, the idea is still that the SG has some matching configuration. In OsmoSTP based on libosmo-sigtran, we decided to (optionally) enable fully dynamic registration. This means that any ASP can simply connect to the SG and request the dynamic creation of an ASP and AS with a corresponding routing key for a given point code. As long as the SG doesn't already have a route to this requested point code, The SG will simply trust any ASP and set a corresponding route. This is of course highly insecure and can only be used in trusted, internal networks. However, it is quite elegant in reducing the amount of configuration complexity. All that is needed, is that an unique point code is configured at each of the ASPs (application programs) that connect to the STP. To put things more concretely: Each BSC and MSC connecting to OsmoSTP simply needs to be configured to have a different point code, and to know to which IP/port of the STP to connect. There's no other configuration required for a small, autonomous, self-contained network. OsmoSTP will automatically install ASP, AS and route definitions on demand, and route messages between all connected entities. The same above of course also applies to HNB-GW and OsmoSGSN in the case of Iu interfaces. ==== IPA / SCCPlite backwards compatibility The fundamental problem with IPA/SCCPlite is that there's no MTP routing label surrounding the SCCP message. This is generally problematic in the context of connection-oriented SCCP, as there is no addressing information inside the SCCP messages after the connection has been established. Instead, the messages are routed based on the MTP label, containing point codes established during connection set-up time. This means that even if the SCCP messages did contain Called/Calling Party Addresses with point codes or global titles, it would only help us for routing connectionless SCCP. The A interface, however, is connection-oriented. So in order to integrate IPA/SCCPlite with a new full-blown SS7/SIGTRAN stack, there are the following options: . implement SCCP connection coupling. This is something like a proxy for connection-oriented SCCP, and is what is used in SS7 to route beyond a given MTP netwokr (e.g. at gateways between different MTP networks) . consider all SCCP messages to be destined for the local point code of the receiver. This then means that the SG functionality must be included inside the MSC, and the MSC be bound to the SSN on the local point code. . hard-code some DPC when receiving a message from an IPA connection. It could be any remote PC and we'd simply route the message towards that point code. But then we also have the return direction: . We could "assign" a unique SPC to each connected IPA client (BSC), and then announce that PC towards the SS7 side. Return packets would then end up at our IPA-server-bearing STP, which forwards them to the respective IPA connection and thus BSC. On the transmit side, we'd simply strip the MTP routing label and send the raw SCCP message over IPA. . If the IPA server / SGW resides within the MSC, one could also have some kind of handle/reference to the specific TCP connection through which the BSC connected. All responses for a given peer would then have to be routed back to the same connection. This is quite ugly as it completely breaks the concepts of the SCCP User SAP, where a user has no information (nor to worry about ) any "physical" signaling links. === Minimal Osmocom SIGTRAN configurations for small networks If you're not an SS7 expert, and all you want is to run your own small self-contained cellular network, this section explains what you need to do. In general, you can consider OsmoSTP as something like an IP router. On the application layer (in our case the BSSAP/BSSMAP or RANAP protocols between Radio Access Network and Core Network), it is completely invisible/transparent. The BSC connects via SCCP to the MSC. It doesn't know that there's an STP in between, and that this STP is performing some routing function. Compares this to your web browser not knowing about IP routers, it just establishes an http connection to a web server. This is also why most GSM nework architecture diagrams will not explicitly show an STP. It is not part of the cellular network. Rather, one or many STPs are part of the underlying SS7 signaling transport network, on top of which the cellular network elements are built. ==== A minimal 2G configuration to get started You will be running the following programs: * OsmoBSC as the base-station controller between your BTS (possibly running OsmoBTS) and the MSC * OsmoMSC as the mobile switching center providing SMS and telephony service to your subscribers * OsmoSTP as the signal transfer point, routing messages between one or more BSCs and the MSC [[fig-sigtran-simple-2g]] .Simple signaling network for 2G (GSM) [graphviz] ---- include::sigtran-simple-2g.dot[] ---- You can use the OsmoSTP fully dynamic registration feature, so the BSCs and the MSC will simply register with their point codes to the STP, and the STP will create most configuration on the fly. All you need to make sure is: * to assign one unique point code to each BSC and MSC * to point all BSCs and the MSC to connect to the IP+Port of the STP * to configure the point code of the MSC in the BSCs ==== A minimaal 3G configuration to get started You will be running the following programs: * OsmoHNBGW as the homeNodeB Gateway between your femtocells / small cells and the MSC+SGSN * OsmoMSC as the mobile switching center providing SMS and telephony service to your subscribers * OsmoSGSN as the Serving GPRS Support Node, providing packet data (internet) services to your subscribers * OsmoSTP as the signal transfer point, routing messages between one or more HNBGWs and the MSC and SGSN [[fig-sigtran-simple-3g]] .Simple signaling network for 3G (UMTS) [graphviz] ---- include::sigtran-simple-3g.dot[] ---- You can use the OsmoSTP fully dynamic registration feature, so the HNBGWs, the SMC and the SGSNwill simply register with their point codes to the STP, and the STP will create most configuration on the fly. All you need to make sure is: * to assign one unique point code to each HNBGW, MSC and SGSN * to point all HNBGWs and the MSC and SGSN to connect to the IP+Port of STP * to configure the point code of the MSC in the HNBGWs * to configure the point code of the SGSN in the HNBGWs === Osmocom SS7 Instances The entire SS7 stack can be operated multiple times within one application/program by means of so-called SS7 Instances. There can be any number of SS7 Instances, and each instance has its own set of XUA Servers, ASPs, ASs, Routes, etc. Each SS7 Instance can have different point code formats / lengths. .Major Attributes of an Osmocom SS7 Instance [options="header",cols="25%,35%,40%"] |==== |Name|VTY Command|Description |ID|(config)# cs7 instance ID|The numeric identifier of this instance |Name|(config-cs7)# name NAME|A human-readable name for this instance |Description|(cnfig-cs7)# description DESC| More verbose description |Primary PC|(config-cs7)# point-code PC|Primary local point code |Network Indicator|(config-cs7)# network-indicator|Network Indicator used in MTP3 Routing Label |Point Code Format|(config-cs7)# point-code format|Point Code Format (Default: 3.8.3) |Point Code Delimiter|(config-cs7)# point-code delimiter|Point Code Delimiter: . or - |==== === Osmocom SS7 xUA Server A *xUA Server* is a server that binds + listens to a given SCTP (SIGTRAN) or TCP (IPA) port and accepts connections from remote peers (ASPs). There can be any number of xUA Servers within one SS7 Instance, as long as they all run on a different combination of IP address and port. .Major Attributes of an Osmocom SS7 xUA Server [options="header",cols="25%,75%"] |==== |Name|Description |Local IP|Local Port Number to which the server shall bind/listen |Local Port|Local IP Address to which the server shall bind/listen |Protocol|Protocol (M3UA, SUA, IPA) to be operated by this server |Accept Dynamic ASPs|Should we accept connections from ASPs that are not explicitly pre-configured with their source IP and port? |==== === Osmocom SS7 Users A SS7 User is part of a program that binds to a given MTP-Layer Service Indicator (SI). The Osmocom SS7 stack offers an API to register SS7 Users, as well as the VTY command ``show cs7 instance <0-15> users'' to list the currently registered users. === Osmocom SS7 Links TBD. === Osmocom SS7 Linksets TBD. === Osmocom SS7 Application Servers This corresponds 1:1 to the SIGTRAN concept of an Application Server, i.e. a given external Application that interfaces the SS7 network via a SS7 protocol variant such as M3UA. In the context of Osmocom, for each program connecting to a STP (like a BSC or MSC), you will have one Application Server definition. An AS has the following properties: .Major Attributes of an Osmocom SS7 Application Server [options="header",cols="25%,75%"] |==== |Name|Description |Name|A human-readable name for this instance |Description|More verbose description (for human user only) |Protocol|Protocol (M3UA, SUA, IPA) to be operated by this server |Routing Key|Routing Key (mostly Point Code) routed to this AS |Traffic Mode|Theoretically Bradcast, Load-Balance. Currently only Ovverride |Recovery Timeout|Duration of the AS T(r) recovery timer. During this time, outgoing messages are queued. If the AS is ACTIVE before timer expiration, the queue is drained. At expriation, the queue is flushed. |State|Application Server State (Down, Inactive, Active, Pending) |ASPs|Which ASPs are permitted to transfer traffic for this AS |==== === Osmocom SS7 Application Server Processes An Application Server Process corresponds to a given SCTP (or TCP) connection. From the STP/SG (Server) point-of-view, those are incoming connections from Application Servers such as the BSCs. From the ASP (Client) Point of view, it has one ``osmo_ss7_asp'' object for each outbound SIGTARN connection. An ASP has the following properties: .Major Attributes of an Osmocom SS7 Application Server Process [options="header",cols="25%,75%"] |==== |Name|Description |Name|A human-readable name for this instance |Description|More verbose description (for human user only) |Protocol|Protocol (M3UA, SUA, IPA) to be operated by this server |Role|Server (SG) or Client (ASP)? |Local Port|Port Number of the local end of the connection |Local IP|IP Address of the local end of the connection |Remote Port|Port Number of the remote end of the connection |Remote IP|IP Address of the remote end of the connection |State|ASP State (Down, Inactive, Active) |==== === Osmocom SS7 Routes An Osmocom SS7 Route routes traffic with a matching destination point code and point code mask (similar to IP Address + Netmask) towards a specified SS7 Linkset or Application Server. The Linkset or Application Servers are identified by their name. .Major Attributes of an Osmocom SS7 Application Server Process [options="header",cols="25%,75%"] |==== |Name|Description |Point Code|Destination Point Code for this route |Mask|Destination Mask for this route (like an IP netmask) |Linkset/AS Name|Destination Linkset or AS, identified by name |==== === Osmocom SCCP Instances An Osmocom SS7 Instance can be bound to an Osmocom SS7 Instance. It will register/bind for the ITU-standard Service Indicator (SI). === Osmocom SCCP User An Program (like a BSC) will _bind_ itself to a given well-known sub-system number (SSN) in order to receive SCCP messages destined for this SSN. There is an API to bind a program to a SSN, which implicitly generates an SCCP User object. The ``show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp users'' command can be used on the VTY to obtain a list of currently bound SCCP users, as well as their corresponding SSNs. === Osmocom SCCP Connection This is how Osmocom represents each individual connection of connection-oriented SCCP. To illustrate the practical applicaiton: For the common use case of the A or Iu interfaces, this means that every dedicated radio channel that is currently active to any UE/MS has one SCCP connection to the MSC and/or SGSN. The ``show cs7 instance <0-15> sccp connections'' command can be used on the VTY to obtain a list of currently active SCCP connections, as well as their source/destination and current state. === Osmocom SCCP User SAP The Osmocom SCCP User SAP (Service Access Point) is the programming interface between the SCCP Provider (libosmo-sigtran) and the SCCP User. It follows primitives as laid out in <>, encapsulated in ``osmo_prim'' structures. === Osmocom MTP User SAP The Osmocom MTP User SAP (Service Access Point) is the programming interface between the MTP Provider and the MTP User (e.g. SCCP). It follows primitives as laid out in <>, encapsulated in ``osmo_prim'' structures.