[[cs7_config]] == Configure SCCP/M3UA All CNI programs using SCCP/M3UA act as M3UA ASP role and SCTP client, expecting to connect to a Signalling Gateway (STP/SG) implementing the M3UA SG role as SCTP server. The STP/SG then routes M3UA messages between its ASPs, typically by point-codes. For an introduction about SCCP/M3UA/SS7/SIGTRAN technology, please see the chapter _Signaling Networks: SS7 and SIGTRAN_ in the OsmoSTP user manual. In an all-Osmocom CNI, the typical simple/minimal usage is: - OsmoSTP acts as the STP/SG (server role) and routes between the ASP, - All other Osmocom CNI programs act as SCTP client and provide ASP implementations. For example, in an all-Osmocom minimal setup, - OsmoMSC contacts an OsmoSTP and subscribes its point-code 0.23.1; - then OsmoBSC also contacts the same OsmoSTP, subscribes with its own point-code 1.23.3. - Using these established links, OsmoBSC initiates an A-interface link by directing a BSSAP RESET message to the MSC's point-code 0.23.1, - and the RESET ACK response from the MSC is routed back to the BSC's point-code 1.23.3. The details of SCCP/M3UA are configured in the 'cs7' section of the VTY configuration. Osmocom programs automatically configure missing SCCP/M3UA configuration, by assuming sane defaults for small/minimal all-Osmocom installations, which may not be what you want in larger networks integrating with non-Osmocom core network elements. If no explicit `routing-key` is set, it may be determined at runtime by negotiation with OsmoSTP -- see OsmoSTP manual chapter "Osmocom M3UA Routing Key Management Extensions", regarding config option `accept-asp-connections dynamic-permitted`. The complete active configuration of an Osmocom program can be obtained by the VTY command `show cs7 config` (the usual `show running-config` omits automatically configured items). Here is an example of OsmoMSC's default configuration: ---- OsmoMSC> show cs7 config cs7 instance 0 point-code 0.23.1 asp asp-clnt-OsmoMSC-A-Iu 2905 0 m3ua remote-ip sctp-role client as as-clnt-OsmoMSC-A-Iu m3ua asp asp-clnt-OsmoMSC-A-Iu routing-key 2 0.23.1 ---- At the time of writing, SCCP/M3UA links involving Osmocom program are: - A-interface: OsmoBSC to OsmoMSC - IuCS-interface: OsmoHNBGW to OsmoMSC - IuPS-interface: OsmoHNBGW to OsmoSGSN - Lb-interface: OsmoSMLC to OsmoBSC On the SCTP/IP level, those connections are actually all established from the respective program (BSC, MSC, HNBGW, SGSN, SMLC) to OsmoSTP. Hence, if you look at the traffic in a protocol analyzer like wireshark, at IP level, you will see each of those programs establishing an SCTP association from a random local IP to the well-known SCTP port for M3UA (2905) at the OsmoSTP. Those star-connections for M3UA/SCTP then are the transport network for higher level protocols like SCCP. OsmoSTP then acts as central router for SCCP-level message exchange between all the connected programs. === Connect to STP Instance By default, an STP instance is assumed to listen on the default M3UA port (2905) on the local host ( Establishing an SCCP/M3UA link towards a remote STP instance can be configured as: ---- cs7 instance 0 asp my-asp 2905 0 m3ua # IP address of the remote STP: remote-ip # optional: local bind to a specific IP local-ip ---- Be aware that such an `asp` needs to be linked to an `as`, see <>. === Local Point-Code Each CNI program on an SCCP/M3UA link typically has a local point-code, configurable by: ---- cs7 instance 0 point-code 7.65.4 ---- If an explicit routing context is configured, this point-code is repeated in the `routing-key` configuration: ---- cs7 instance 0 point-code 0.23.1 as my-as m3ua routing-key 2 0.23.1 ---- See also <>. === Remote Point-Code Programs establishing communication across SCCP links need a remote SCCP address, typically by point-code, to contact. For example, - OsmoBSC needs to know the MSC's point-code, to be able to establish the A-interface. - OsmoHNBGW needs to know the MSC's point-code, to be able to establish the IuCS-interface. - OsmoHNBGW needs to know the SGSN's point-code, to be able to establish the IuPS-interface. To maintain remote SCCP addresses, each `cs7` instance maintains an SCCP address book: ---- cs7 instance 0 sccp-address remote-pc-example point-code 1.23.1 ---- This address book entry on its own has no effect. It is typically referenced by specific configuration items depending on the individual programs. Examples: - An OsmoBSC configures the MSC's remote SCCP address: ---- cs7 instance 0 sccp-address my-remote-msc point-code 1.23.1 msc 0 msc-addr my-remote-msc ---- - An HNBGW configures both the remote MSC's and SGSN's SCCP addresses: ---- cs7 instance 0 sccp-address my-msc point-code 0.23.1 sccp-address my-sgsn point-code 0.23.2 hnbgw iucs remote-addr my-msc iups remote-addr my-sgsn ---- Besides a point-code, an SCCP address can have several routing indicators: - PC: routing by point-code is the default for Osmocom. - GT: routing by Global Title is configurable by `routing-indicator GT`. - IP: routing by IP address is configurable by `routing-indicator IP`. In OsmoSTP, only routing by point-code is currently implemented. [[point_code_format]] === Point-Code Format Point-codes can be represented in various formats. For details, see OsmoSTP manual, chapter "Point Codes". By default, Osmocom uses a point-code representation of 3.8.3, i.e. first digit of 3 bit, second digit of 8 bit, and third digit of 3 bit. ---- cs7 instance 0 point-code format 3 8 3 point-code 0.23.1 ---- Often, point-codes are also represented as a single decimal number: ---- cs7 instance 0 point-code format 24 point-code 185 ---- It is also possible to use a dash as delimiter. ---- cs7 instance 0 point-code delimiter dash point-code 0-23-1 ---- [[as_and_asp]] === AS and ASP Each CNI program needs at least one Application Server `as` and one Application Server Process `asp` configured on its `cs7` to be able to communicate on SCCP/M3UA. An `asp` needs to be part of at least one `as`. For details, see the OsmoSTP manual, chapters "Application Server" and "Application Server Process". In Osmocom's `cs7`, any amount of `as` and `asp` can be configured by name, and an `as` references the `asp` entries belonging to it by their names. In a simple/minimal Osmocom setup, an Osmocom CNI program would have exactly one `as` with one `asp`. For example: ---- cs7 instance 0 asp my-asp 2905 0 m3ua # where to reach the STP: remote-ip sctp-role client as my-as m3ua asp my-asp ---- In Osmocom CNI programs, it is possible to omit the `as` and/or `asp` entries, which the program will then attempt to configure automatically. When configuring both `as` and `asp` manually, make sure to link them by name. For example, the following configuration will *fail*, because `as` and `asp` are not linked: ---- cs7 instance 0 asp my-asp 2905 0 m3ua remote-ip as my-as m3ua routing-key 2 0.23.1 ---- To *fix* above config, link the `asp` to an `as` by adding `asp my-asp`: ---- cs7 instance 0 asp my-asp 2905 0 m3ua remote-ip as my-as m3ua asp my-asp routing-key 2 0.23.1 ---- === Subsystem Number (SSN) Osmocom CNI programs typically route SCCP/M3UA messages by PC+SSN: each ASP, having a given SCCP address, receives messages for one or more specific subsystems, identified by a Subsystem Number (SSN). For example, the A-interface between BSC and MSC uses SSN = BSSAP (254). In Osmocom programs, SSNs do not need to be configured; they implicitly, naturally relate to the interfaces that a program implements. For example, OsmoBSC takes the configured remote MSC's SCCP address and adds the SSN = BSSAP to it in order to contact the MSC's A-interface. To receive A-interface messages from the MSC, OsmoBSC subscribes a local user for this SSN on the ASP. === Routing Context / Routing Key In SCCP/M3UA, messages can be routed by various Routing Indicators (PC+SSN, PC, GT, ...). Osmocom CNI programs typically use PC+SSN as Routing Indicator. On the SG (for example OsmoSTP), each ASP's distinct Routing Indicator needs to be indexed by a distinct Routing Context (a simple index number scoped per SG), to forward M3UA to the correct peer. The Osmocom SG implementation employs Routing Key Management (RKM, see OsmoSTP manual) to automatically determine a distinct Routing Context index for each connected ASP. Routing Contexts can also be configured manually -- some non-Osmocom SG implementations require this. Each Routing Context is associated with a Routing Indicator and address; this association is called a Routing Key. For example, to configure an OsmoBSC with a local point-code of 1.23.3 to receive M3UA with Routing Context of 2 and RI=PC: ---- cs7 instance 0 point-code 1.23.3 as my-as m3ua routing-key 2 1.23.3 ---- Osmocom programs so far implement Routing Keys by Destination Point Code (DPC), plus optional Subsystem Number (SSN) and/or Service Indicator (SI): ---- routing-key RCONTEXT DPC routing-key RCONTEXT DPC si (aal2|bicc|b-isup|h248|isup|sat-isup|sccp|tup) routing-key RCONTEXT DPC ssn SSN routing-key RCONTEXT DPC si (aal2|bicc|b-isup|h248|isup|sat-isup|sccp|tup) ssn SSN ---- ==== M3UA without Routing Context IE / Routing Context '0' As per the M3UA specification, the use of the routing context IE is optional as long as there is only one AS within an ASP. As soon as there are multiple different AS within one ASP, the routing context IE is mandatory, as it is the only clue to differentiate which of the ASs a given message belongs to. In the Osmocom M3UA implementation, it is generally assumed that a routing context IE is always used, for the sake of clarity. However, the routing context ID of '0' has the special meaning of _do not encode a routing context IE on transmit_. So if you configure an application like OsmoBSC to use routing context 0, then no routing context IE will be included in outbound M3UA messages. This special interpretation of '0' within the Osmocom M3UA implementation however means that we can not represent M3UA with a routing context IE that actually contains '0' as a numeric identifier. So you only have the following options: * Using M3UA with routing context (1..N) * Using M3UA without routing context (0)