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diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index fdafc0d..3552541 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ pkgconfig_DATA = osmo-gsm-manuals.pc
BUILT_SOURCES = $(top_srcdir)/.version
EXTRA_DIST = git-version-gen .version check-depends.sh $(share_files)
SUBDIRS = tests \
- OsmoGSMTester \
OsmoMGCP \
OsmoNAT \
OsmoNITB \
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index 4301ab9..0000000
--- a/OsmoGSMTester/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-OSMO_GSM_MANUALS_DIR = $(top_srcdir)
-EXTRA_DIST = osmo-gsm-tester-manual.adoc \
- osmo-gsm-tester-manual-docinfo.xml \
- chapters
-ASCIIDOC = osmo-gsm-tester-manual.adoc
-ASCIIDOC_DEPS = $(srcdir)/chapters/*.adoc
-include $(OSMO_GSM_MANUALS_DIR)/build/Makefile.asciidoc.inc
-include $(OSMO_GSM_MANUALS_DIR)/build/Makefile.common.inc
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index 7e250e0..0000000
--- a/OsmoGSMTester/chapters/config.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-== Configuration
-=== Config Paths
-The osmo-gsm-tester looks for configuration files in various standard
-directories in this order:
-- '$HOME/.config/osmo-gsm-tester/'
-- '/usr/local/etc/osmo-gsm-tester/'
-- '/etc/osmo-gsm-tester/'
-The config location can also be set by an environment variable
-'$OSMO_GSM_TESTER_CONF', which then overrides the above locations.
-The osmo-gsm-tester expects to find the following configuration files in a
-configuration directory:
-- 'paths.conf'
-- 'resources.conf'
-- 'default-suites.conf' (optional)
-- 'defaults.conf' (optional)
-These are described in detail in the following sections.
-=== Format: YAML, and its Drawbacks
-The general configuration format used is YAML. The stock python YAML parser
-does have several drawbacks: too many complex possibilities and alternative
-ways of formatting a configuration, but at the time of writing seems to be the
-only widely used configuration format that offers a simple and human readable
-formatting as well as nested structuring. It is recommended to use only the
-exact YAML subset seen in this manual in case the osmo-gsm-tester should move
-to a less bloated parser in the future.
-Careful: if a configuration item consists of digits and starts with a zero, you
-need to quote it, or it may be interpreted as an octal notation integer! Please
-avoid using the octal notation on purpose, it is not provided intentionally.
-=== 'paths.conf'
-The 'paths.conf' file defines where to store the global state (of reserved
-resources) and where to find suite and scenario definitions.
-Any relative paths found in a 'paths.conf' file are interpreted as relative to
-the directory of that 'paths.conf' file.
-state_dir: '/var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state'
-suites_dir: '/usr/local/src/osmo-gsm-tester/suites'
-scenarios_dir: './scenarios'
-==== 'state_dir'
-It contains global or system-wide state for osmo-gsm-tester. In a typical state
-dir you can find the following files:
- Contains last used msisdn number, which is automatically increased every
- time osmo-gsm-tester needs to assign a new subscriber in a test.
- Lock file used to implement a mutual exclusion zone around the
- 'reserved_resources.state' file.
- File containing a set of reserved resources by any number of
- osmo-gsm-tester instances. Each osmo-gsm-tester instance is responsible
- to clear its resources from the list once it is done using them and are
- no longer reserved.
-If you would like to set up several separate configurations (not typical), note
-that the 'state_dir' is used to reserve resources, which only works when all
-configurations that share resources also use the same 'state_dir'.
-This way, several concurrent users of osmo-gsm-tester (ie. several
-osmo-gsm-tester processes running in parallel) can run without interfering with
-each other (e.g. using same ARFCN, same IP or same ofono modem path).
-==== 'suites_dir'
-Suites contain a set of tests which are designed to be run together to test a
-set of features given a specific set of resources. As a result, resources are
-allocated per suite and not per test.
-Tests for a given suite are located in the form of '.py' python scripts in the
-same directory where the 'suite.conf' lays.
-==== 'scenarios_dir'
-This dir contains scenario configuration files.
-Scenarios define constraints to serve the resource requests of a 'suite.conf',
-to select specific resources from the general resource pool specified in 'resources.conf'.
-All 'times' attributes are expanded before matching. For example, if a 'suite.conf'
-requests two BTS, we may enforce that both BTS should be of type 'osmo-bts-sysmo' in
-these ways:
- bts:
- - type: osmo-bts-sysmo
- - type: osmo-bts-sysmo
-or alternatively,
- bts:
- - times: 2
- type: osmo-bts-sysmo
-If only one resource is specified in the scenario, then the resource allocator
-assumes the restriction is to be applied to the first resource and that remaining
-resources have no restrictions to be taken into consideration.
-To apply restrictions only on the second resource, the first element can be left
-emtpy, like:
- bts:
- - {}
- - type: osmo-bts-sysmo
-On the 'osmo_gsm_tester.py' command line and the 'default_suites.conf', any number of
-such scenario configurations can be combined in the form:
-=== 'resources.conf'
-The 'resources.conf' file defines which hardware is connected to the main unit,
-as well as which limited configuration items (like IP addresses or ARFCNs)
-should be used.
-These resources are allocated dynamically and are not configured explicitly:
-- MSISDN: phone numbers are dealt out to test scripts in sequence on request.
-A 'resources.conf' is structured as a list of items for each resource type,
-where each item has one or more settings -- for an example, see
-These kinds of resource are known:
- List of IP addresses to run osmo-nitb instances on. The main unit
- typically has a limited number of such IP addresses configured, which
- the connected BTS models can see on their network.
- 'addr':::
- IPv4 address of the local interface.
- List of available BTS hardware.
- 'label':::
- human readable label for your own reference
- 'type':::
- which way to launch this BTS, one of
- - 'osmo-bts-sysmo'
- - 'osmo-bts-trx'
- - 'osmo-bts-octphy'
- - 'ipa-nanobts'
- 'ipa_unit_id':::
- ip.access unit id to be used by the BTS, written into BTS and BSC config.
- 'addr':::
- Remote IP address of the BTS for BTS like sysmoBTS, and local IP address
- to bind to for locally run BTS such as osmo-bts-trx.
- 'band':::
- GSM band that this BTS shoud use (*TODO*: allow multiple bands). One of:
- - 'GSM-1800'
- - 'GSM-1900'
- - (*TODO*: more bands)
- 'trx_list':::
- Specific TRX configurations for this BTS. There should be as many of
- these as the BTS has TRXes. (*TODO*: a way to define >1 TRX without
- special configuration for them.)
- 'hw_addr'::::
- Hardware (MAC) address of the TRX in the form of '11:22:33:44:55:66',
- only used for osmo-bts-octphy. (*TODO*: and nanobts??)
- 'net_device'::::
- Local network device to reach the TRX's 'hw_addr' at, only used for
- osmo-bts-octphy. Example: 'eth0'.
- 'nominal_power'::::
- Nominal power to be used by the TRX.
- 'max_power_red'::::
- Max power reduction to apply to the nominal power of the TRX.
- List of ARFCNs to use for running BTSes, which defines the actual RF
- frequency bands used.
- 'arfcn':::
- ARFCN number, see e.g.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_radio-frequency_channel_number
- (note that the resource type 'arfcn' contains an item trait also named
- 'arfcn').
- 'band':::
- GSM band name to use this ARFCN for, same as for 'bts:band' above.
- List of modems reachable via ofono and information on the inserted SIM
- card. (Note: the MSISDN is allocated dynamically in test scripts).
- 'label':::
- Human readable label for your own reference, which also appears in logs.
- 'path':::
- Ofono's path for this modem, like '/modemkind_99'.
- 'imsi':::
- IMSI of the inserted SIM card, like '"123456789012345"'.
- 'ki':::
- 16 byte authentication/encryption KI of the inserted SIM card, in
- hexadecimal notation (32 characters) like +
- '"00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"'.
- 'auth_algo':::
- Authentication algorithm to be used with the SIM card. One of:
- - 'none'
- - 'xor'
- - 'comp128v1'
- 'ciphers':::
- List of ciphers that this modem supports, used to match
- requirements in suites or scenarios. Any combination of:
- - 'a5_0'
- - 'a5_1'
- - 'a5_2'
- - 'a5_3'
- - 'a5_4'
- - 'a5_5'
- - 'a5_6'
- - 'a5_7'
- 'features':::
- List of features that this modem supports, used to match requirements in
- suites or scenarios. Any combination of:
- - 'sms'
- - 'gprs'
- - 'voice'
- - 'ussd'
-Side note: at first sight it might make sense to the reader to rather structure
-e.g. the 'ip_address' or 'arfcn' configuration as +
-'"arfcn: GSM-1800: [512, 514, ...]"', +
-but the more verbose format is chosen to stay consistent with the general
-structure of resource configurations, which the resource allocation algorithm
-uses to resolve required resources according to their traits. These
-configurations look cumbersome because they exhibit only one trait / a trait
-that is repeated numerous times. No special notation for these cases is
-available (yet).
-=== 'default-suites.conf' (optional)
-The 'default-suites.conf' file contains a list of 'suite:scenario+scenario+...'
-combination strings as defined by the 'osmo-gsm-tester.py -s' commandline
-option. If invoking the 'osmo-gsm-tester.py' without any suite definitions, the
-'-s' arguments are taken from this file instead. Each of these suite + scenario
-combinations is run in sequence.
-A suite name must match the name of a directory in the 'suites_dir' as defined
-by 'paths.conf'.
-A scenario name must match the name of a configuration file in the
-'scenarios_dir' as defined by 'paths.conf' (optionally without the '.conf'
-For 'paths.conf', see <<paths_conf>>.
-Example of a 'default-suites.conf' file:
-- sms:sysmo
-- voice:sysmo+tch_f
-- voice:sysmo+tch_h
-- voice:sysmo+dyn_ts
-- sms:trx
-- voice:trx+tch_f
-- voice:trx+tch_h
-- voice:trx+dyn_ts
-=== 'defaults.conf' (optional)
-Each binary run by osmo-gsm-tester, e.g. 'osmo-nitb' or 'osmo-bts-sysmo',
-typically has a configuration file template that is populated with values for a
-trial run.
-Some of these values are provided by the 'resources.conf' from the allocated
-resource(s), but not all values can be populated this way: some osmo-nitb
-configuration values like the network name, encryption algorithm or timeslot
-channel combinations are in fact not resources (only the nitb's interface
-address is). These additional settings may be provided by the scenario
-configurations, but in case the provided scenarios leave some values unset,
-they are taken from this 'defaults.conf'. (A 'scenario.conf' or a
-'resources.conf' providing a similar setting always has precedence over the
-values given in a 'defaults.conf').
-Example of a 'defaults.conf':
- net:
- mcc: 901
- mnc: 70
- short_name: osmo-gsm-tester-nitb
- long_name: osmo-gsm-tester-nitb
- auth_policy: closed
- encryption: a5_0
- net:
- mcc: 901
- mnc: 70
- short_name: osmo-gsm-tester-msc
- long_name: osmo-gsm-tester-msc
- auth_policy: closed
- encryption: a5_0
- authentication: optional
- net:
- mcc: 901
- mnc: 70
- short_name: osmo-gsm-tester-msc
- long_name: osmo-gsm-tester-msc
- auth_policy: closed
- encryption: a5_0
- authentication: optional
- location_area_code: 23
- base_station_id_code: 63
- stream_id: 255
- osmobsc_bts_type: sysmobts
- trx_list:
- - nominal_power: 23
- max_power_red: 0
- arfcn: 868
- timeslot_list:
- - phys_chan_config: CCCH+SDCCH4
- - phys_chan_config: SDCCH8
- - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
- - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
- - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
- - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
- - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
- - phys_chan_config: TCH/F_TCH/H_PDCH
diff --git a/OsmoGSMTester/chapters/debugging.adoc b/OsmoGSMTester/chapters/debugging.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index bea1e5c..0000000
--- a/OsmoGSMTester/chapters/debugging.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-== Debugging
-*TODO*: describe how to invoke 'ipdb3' and step into a suite's test script
diff --git a/OsmoGSMTester/chapters/install.adoc b/OsmoGSMTester/chapters/install.adoc
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-== Installation on Main Unit
-The main unit is a general purpose computer that orchestrates the tests. It
-runs the core network components, controls the modems and so on. This can be
-anything from a dedicated production rack unit to your laptop at home.
-This manual will assume that tests are run from a jenkins build slave, by a user
-named 'jenkins' that belong to group 'osmo-gsm-tester'. The user configuration
-for manual test runs and/or a different user name is identical, simply replace
-the user name or group.
-=== Osmo-gsm-tester Dependencies
-On a Debian/Ubuntu based system, these commands install the packages needed to
-run the osmo-gsm-tester.py code, i.e. install these on your main unit:
-apt-get install \
- dbus \
- tcpdump \
- sqlite3 \
- python3 \
- python3-yaml \
- python3-mako \
- python3-gi \
- ofono \
- patchelf \
- sudo \
- libcap2-bin \
- python3-pip
-pip3 install pydbus
-pip3 install git+git://github.com/podshumok/python-smpplib.git
-IMPORTANT: ofono may need to be installed from source to contain the most
-recent fixes needed to operate your modems. This depends on the modem hardware
-used and the tests run. Please see <<hardware_modems>>.
-To run osmo-bts-trx with a USRP attached, you may need to install a UHD driver.
-Please refer to http://osmocom.org/projects/osmotrx/wiki/OsmoTRX#UHD for
-details; the following is an example for the B200 family USRP devices:
-apt-get install libuhd-dev uhd-host
-==== Osmocom Build Dependencies
-Each of the jenkins builds requires individual dependencies. This is generally
-the same as for building the software outside of osmo-gsm-tester and will not
-be detailed here. For the Osmocom projects, refer to
-http://osmocom.org/projects/cellular-infrastructure/wiki/Build_from_Source . Be
-aware of specific requirements for BTS hardware: for example, the
-osmo-bts-sysmo build needs the sysmoBTS SDK installed on the build slave, which
-should match the installed sysmoBTS firmware.
-=== Jenkins Build and Run Slave
-==== Create 'jenkins' User on Main Unit
-On the main unit, create a jenkins user:
-useradd -m jenkins
-==== Install Java on Main Unit
-To be able to launch the Jenkins build slave, a Java RE must be available on
-the main unit. For example:
-apt-get install default-jdk
-==== Allow SSH Access from Jenkins Master
-Create an SSH keypair to be used for login on the osmo-gsm-tester. This may be
-entered on the jenkins web UI; alternatively, use the jenkins server's shell:
-Login on the main jenkins server shell and create an SSH keypair, for example:
-# su jenkins
-$ mkdir -p /usr/local/jenkins/keys
-$ ssh-keygen
-Generating public/private rsa key pair.
-Enter file in which to save the key (/home/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa): /usr/local/jenkins/keys/osmo-gsm-tester-rnd
-Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <enter a passphrase>
-Enter same passphrase again: <enter a passphrase>
-Your identification has been saved in /usr/local/jenkins/keys/osmo-gsm-tester-rnd
-Your public key has been saved in /usr/local/jenkins/keys/osmo-gsm-tester-rnd.pub.
-The key fingerprint is:
-Copy the public key to the main unit, e.g. copy-paste:
-cat /usr/local/jenkins/keys/osmo-gsm-tester-rnd.pub
-# copy this public key
-On the main unit:
-mkdir ~jenkins/.ssh
-cat > ~jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys
-# paste above public key and hit Ctrl-D
-chown -R jenkins: ~jenkins/.ssh
-Make sure that the user running the jenkins master accepts the main unit's host
-identification. There must be an actual RSA host key available in the
-known_hosts file for the jenkins master to be able to log in. Simply calling
-ssh and accepting the host key as usual is not enough. Jenkins may continue to
-say "Host key verification failed".
-To place an RSA host key in the jenkins' known_hosts file, you may do:
-On the Jenkins master:
-ssh-keyscan -H $main_unit_ip >> ~jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts
-chown jenkins: ~jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts
-Verify that the jenkins user on the Jenkins master has SSH access to the main
-su jenkins
-ssh -i /usr/local/jenkins/keys/osmo-gsm-tester-rnd jenkins@$main_unit_ip
-==== Add Jenkins Slave
-In the jenkins web UI, add a new build slave for the osmo-gsm-tester:
-* 'Manage Jenkins'
-** 'Manage Nodes'
-*** 'New Node'
-**** Enter a node name, e.g. "osmo-gsm-tester-1" +
- (the "-1" is just some identification in case you'd like to add another
- setup later).
-**** 'Permanent Agent'
-Configure the node as:
-* '# of executors': 1
-* 'Remote root directory': "/home/jenkins"
-* 'Labels': "osmo-gsm-tester" +
- (This is a general label common to all osmo-gsm-tester build slaves you may set up in the future.)
-* 'Usage': 'Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node'
-* 'Launch method': 'Launch slave agents via SSH'
-** 'Host': your main unit's IP address
-** 'Credentials': choose 'Add' / 'Jenkins'
-*** 'Domain': 'Global credentials (unrestricted)'
-*** 'Kind': 'SSH Username with private key'
-*** 'Scope': 'Global'
-*** 'Username': "jenkins" +
- (as created on the main unit above)
-*** 'Private Key': 'From a file on Jenkins master'
-**** 'File': "/usr/local/jenkins/keys/osmo-gsm-tester-rnd"
-*** 'Passphrase': enter same passphrase as above
-*** 'ID': "osmo-gsm-tester-1"
-*** 'Name': "jenkins for SSH to osmo-gsm-tester-1"
-The build slave should be able to start now.
-==== Add Build Jobs
-There are various jenkins-build-* scripts in osmo-gsm-tester/contrib/, which
-can be called as jenkins build jobs to build and bundle binaries as artifacts,
-to be run on the osmo-gsm-tester main unit and/or BTS hardware.
-Be aware of the dependencies, as hinted at in <<jenkins_deps>>.
-While the various binaries could technically be built on the osmo-gsm-tester
-main unit, it is recommended to use a separate build slave, to take load off
-of the main unit.
-On your jenkins master, set up build jobs to call these scripts -- typically
-one build job per script. Look in contrib/ and create one build job for each of
-the BTS types you would like to test, as well as one for the 'build-osmo-nitb'.
-These are generic steps to configure a jenkins build
-job for each of these build scripts, by example of the
-jenkins-build-osmo-nitb.sh script; all that differs to the other scripts is the
-"osmo-nitb" part:
-* 'Project name': "osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-nitb" +
- (Replace 'osmo-nitb' according to which build script this is for)
-* 'Discard old builds' +
- Configure this to taste, for example:
-** 'Max # of build to keep': "20"
-* 'Restrict where this project can be run': Choose a build slave label that
- matches the main unit's architecture and distribution, typically a Debian
- system, e.g.: "linux_amd64_debian8"
-* 'Source Code Management':
-** 'Git'
-*** 'Repository URL': "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-gsm-tester"
-*** 'Branch Specifier': "*/master"
-*** 'Additional Behaviors'
-**** 'Check out to a sub-directory': "osmo-gsm-tester"
-* 'Build Triggers' +
- The decision on when to build is complex. Here are some examples:
-** Once per day: +
- 'Build periodically': "H H * * *"
-** For the Osmocom project, the purpose is to verify our software changes.
- Hence we would like to test every time our code has changed:
-*** We could add various git repositories to watch, and enable 'Poll SCM'.
-*** On jenkins.osmocom.org, we have various jobs that build the master branches
- of their respective git repositories when a new change was merged. Here, we
- can thus trigger e.g. an osmo-nitb build for osmo-gsm-tester everytime the
- master build has run: +
- 'Build after other projects are built': "OpenBSC"
-*** Note that most of the Osmocom projects also need to be re-tested when their
- dependencies like libosmo* have changed. Triggering on all those changes
- typically causes more jenkins runs than necessary: for example, it rebuilds
- once per each dependency that has rebuilt due to one libosmocore change.
- There is so far no trivial way known to avoid this. It is indeed safest to
- rebuild more often.
-* 'Build'
-** 'Execute Shell'
-set -e -x
-(Replace 'osmo-nitb' according to which build script this is for)
-* 'Post-build Actions'
-** 'Archive the artifacts': "*.tgz, *.md5" +
- (This step is important to be able to use the built binaries in the run job
- below.)
-TIP: When you've created one build job, it is convenient to create further
-build jobs by copying the first and, e.g., simply replacing all "osmo-nitb"
-with "osmo-bts-trx".
-==== Add Run Job
-This is the jenkins job that runs the tests on the GSM hardware:
-* It sources the artifacts from jenkins' build jobs.
-* It runs on the osmo-gsm-tester main unit.
-Here is the configuration for the run job:
-* 'Project name': "osmo-gsm-tester_run"
-* 'Discard old builds' +
- Configure this to taste, for example:
-** 'Max # of build to keep': "20"
-* 'Restrict where this project can be run': "osmo-gsm-tester" +
- (to match the 'Label' configured in <<install_add_jenkins_slave>>).
-* 'Source Code Management':
-** 'Git'
-*** 'Repository URL': "git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-gsm-tester"
-*** 'Branch Specifier': "*/master"
-*** 'Additional Behaviors'
-**** 'Check out to a sub-directory': "osmo-gsm-tester"
-**** 'Clean before checkout'
-* 'Build Triggers' +
- The decision on when to build is complex. For this run job, it is suggested
- to rebuild:
-** after each of above build jobs that produced new artifacts: +
- 'Build after other projects are built': "osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-nitb,
- osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-bts-sysmo, osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-bts-trx" +
- (Add each build job name you configured above)
-** as well as once per day: +
- 'Build periodically': "H H * * *"
-** and, in addition, whenever the osmo-gsm-tester scripts have been modified: +
- 'Poll SCM': "H/5 * * * *" +
- (i.e. look every five minutes whether the upstream git has changed)
-* 'Build'
-** Copy artifacts from each build job you have set up:
-*** 'Copy artifacts from another project'
-**** 'Project name': "osmo-gsm-tester_build-osmo-nitb"
-**** 'Which build': 'Latest successful build'
-**** enable 'Stable build only'
-**** 'Artifacts to copy': "*.tgz, *.md5"
-*** Add a separate similar 'Copy artifacts...' section for each build job you
- have set up.
-** 'Execute Shell'
-set -e -x
-# debug: provoke a failure
-#export OSMO_GSM_TESTER_OPTS="-s debug -t fail"
-PATH="$PWD/osmo-gsm-tester/src:$PATH" \
- ./osmo-gsm-tester/contrib/jenkins-run.sh
-*** The 'jenkins-run.sh' script assumes to find the 'osmo-gsm-tester.py' in the
- '$PATH'. To use the most recent osmo-gsm-tester code here, we direct
- '$PATH' to the actual workspace checkout. This could also run from a sytem
- wide install, in which case you could omit the explicit PATH to
- "$PWD/osmo-gsm-tester/src".
-*** This assumes that there are configuration files for osmo-gsm-tester placed
- on the system (see <<config_paths>>).
-*** If you'd like to check the behavior of test failures, you can uncomment the
- line below "# debug" to produce a build failure on every run. Note that
- this test typically produces a quite empty run result, since it launches no
- NITB nor BTS.
-* 'Post-build Actions'
-** 'Archive the artifacts'
-*** 'Files to archive': "*-run.tgz, *-bin.tgz" +
- This stores the complete test report with config files, logs, stdout/stderr
- output, pcaps as well as the binaries used for the test run in artifacts.
- This allows analysis of older builds, instead of only the most recent build
- (which cleans up the jenkins workspace every time). The 'trial-N-run.tgz'
- and 'trial-N-bin.tgz' archives are produced by the 'jenkins-run.sh' script,
- both for successful and failing runs.
-=== Install osmo-gsm-tester on Main Unit
-This assumes you have already created the jenkins user (see <<configure_jenkins_slave>>).
-==== User Permissions
-On the main unit, create a group for all users that should be allowed to use
-the osmo-gsm-tester, and add users (here 'jenkins') to this group.
-groupadd osmo-gsm-tester
-gpasswd -a jenkins osmo-gsm-tester
-NOTE: you may also need to add users to the 'usrp' group, see
-A user added to a group needs to re-login for the group permissions to take
-This group needs the following permissions:
-===== Paths
-Assuming that you are using the example config, prepare a system wide state
-location in '/var/tmp':
-mkdir -p /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state
-chown -R :osmo-gsm-tester /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester
-chmod -R g+rwxs /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester
-setfacl -d -m group:osmo-gsm-tester:rwx /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/state
-IMPORTANT: the state directory needs to be shared between all users potentially
-running the osmo-gsm-tester to resolve resource allocations. Above 'setfacl'
-command sets the access control to keep all created files group writable.
-With the jenkins build as described here, the trials will live in the build
-slave's workspace. Other modes of operation (a daemon scheduling concurrent
-runs, *TODO*) may use a system wide directory to manage trials to run:
-mkdir -p /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester/trials
-chown -R :osmo-gsm-tester /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester
-chmod -R g+rwxs /var/tmp/osmo-gsm-tester
-===== Allow DBus Access to ofono
-Put a DBus configuration file in place that allows the 'osmo-gsm-tester' group
-to access the org.ofono DBus path:
-cat > /etc/dbus-1/system.d/osmo-gsm-tester.conf <<END
-<!-- Additional rules for the osmo-gsm-tester to access org.ofono from user
- land -->
-<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
- "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/busconfig.dtd">
- <policy group="osmo-gsm-tester">
- <allow send_destination="org.ofono"/>
- </policy>
-(No restart of dbus nor ofono necessary.)
-===== Capture Packets
-In order to allow collecting pcap traces of the network communication for later
-reference, allow the osmo-gsm-tester group to capture packets using the 'tcpdump'
-chgrp osmo-gsm-tester /usr/sbin/tcpdump
-chmod 750 /usr/sbin/tcpdump
-setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/sbin/tcpdump
-Put 'tcpdump' in the '$PATH' -- assuming that 'tcpdump' is available for root:
-ln -s `which tcpdump` /usr/local/bin/tcpdump
-TIP: Why a symlink in '/usr/local/bin'? On Debian, 'tcpdump' lives in
-'/usr/sbin', which is not part of the '$PATH' for non-root users. To avoid
-hardcoding non-portable paths in the osmo-gsm-tester source, 'tcpdump' must be
-available in the '$PATH'. There are various trivial ways to modify '$PATH' for
-login shells, but the jenkins build slave typically runs in a *non-login*
-shell; modifying non-login shell enviroments is not trivially possible without
-also interfering with files installed from debian packages. Probably the
-easiest way to allow all users and all shells to find the 'tcpdump' binary is
-to actually place a symbolic link in a directory that is already part of the
-non-login shell's '$PATH'. Above example places such in '/usr/local/bin'.
-Verify that a non-login shell can find 'tcpdump':
-su jenkins -c 'which tcpdump'
-# should print: "/usr/local/bin/tcpdump"
-WARNING: When logged in via SSH on your main unit, running 'tcpdump' to capture
-packets may result in a feedback loop: SSH activity to send tcpdump's output to
-your terminal is in turn is picked up in the tcpdump trace, and so forth. When
-testing 'tcpdump' access, make sure to have proper filter expressions in place.
-===== Allow Core Files
-In case a binary run for the test crashes, a core file of the crash should be
-written. This requires a limit rule. Create a file with the required rule:
-sudo -s
-echo "@osmo-gsm-tester - core unlimited" > /etc/security/limits.d/osmo-gsm-tester_allow-core.conf
-Re-login the user to make these changes take effect.
-Set the *kernel.core_pattern* sysctl to *core* (usually the default). For each
-binary run by osmo-gsm-tester, a core file will then appear in the same dir that
-contains stdout and stderr for that process (because this dir is set as CWD).
-sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=core
-===== Allow Realtime Priority
-Certain binaries should be run with real-time priority, like 'osmo-bts-trx'.
-Add this permission on the main unit:
-sudo -s
-echo "@osmo-gsm-tester - rtprio 99" > /etc/security/limits.d/osmo-gsm-tester_allow-rtprio.conf
-Re-login the user to make these changes take effect.
-===== UHD
-Grant permission to use the UHD driver to run USRP devices for osmo-bts-trx, by
-adding the jenkins user to the 'usrp' group:
-gpasswd -a jenkins usrp
-===== Allow CAP_NET_RAW capability
-Certain binaries require 'CAP_NET_RAW' to be set, like 'osmo-bts-octphy' as it
-uses a 'AF_PACKET' socket.
-To be able to set the following capability without being root, osmo-gsm-tester
-uses sudo to gain permissions to set the capability.
-This is the script that osmo-gsm-tester expects on the main unit:
-echo /usr/local/bin/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh <<EOF
-/sbin/setcap cap_net_raw+ep $1
-chmod +x /usr/local/bin/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh
-Now, again on the main unit, we need to provide sudo access to this script for
-echo "%osmo-gsm-tester ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh" > /etc/sudoers.d/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw
-chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw
-The script file name 'osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh' is important, as
-osmo-gsm-tester expects to find a script with this name in '$PATH' at run time.
-==== Log Rotation
-To avoid clogging up /var/log, it makes sense to choose a sane maximum log size:
-echo maxsize 10M > /etc/logrotate.d/maxsize
-==== Install Scripts
-IMPORTANT: When using the jenkins build slave as configured above, *there is no
-need to install the osmo-gsm-tester sources on the main unit*. The jenkins job
-will do so implicitly by checking out the latest osmo-gsm-tester sources in the
-workspace for every run. If you're using only the jenkins build slave, you may
-skip this section.
-If you prefer to use a fixed installation of the osmo-gsm-tester sources
-instead of the jenkins workspace, you can:
-. From the run job configured above, remove the line that says
-PATH="$PWD/osmo-gsm-tester/src:$PATH" \
-so that this uses a system wide installation instead.
-. Install the sources e.g. in '/usr/local/src' as indicated below.
-On the main unit, to install the latest in '/usr/local/src':
-apt-get install git
-mkdir -p /usr/local/src
-cd /usr/local/src
-git clone git://git.osmocom.org/osmo-gsm-tester
-To allow all users to run 'osmo-gsm-tester.py', from login as well as non-login
-shells, the easiest solution is to place a symlink in '/usr/local/bin':
-ln -s /usr/local/src/osmo-gsm-tester/src/osmo-gsm-tester.py /usr/local/bin/
-(See also the tip in <<install_capture_packets>> for a more detailed
-The example configuration provided in the source is suitable for running as-is,
-*if* your hardware setup matches (you could technically use that directly by a
-symlink e.g. from '/usr/local/etc/osmo-gsm-tester' to the 'example' dir). If in
-doubt, rather copy the example, point 'paths.conf' at the 'suites' dir, and
-adjust your own configuration as needed. For example:
-cd /etc
-cp -R /usr/local/src/osmo-gsm-tester/example osmo-gsm-tester
-sed -i 's#\.\./suites#/usr/local/src/osmo-gsm-tester/suites#' osmo-gsm-tester/paths.conf
-NOTE: The configuration will be looked up in various places, see
-== Hardware Choice and Configuration
-=== SysmoBTS
-To use the SysmoBTS in the osmo-gsm-tester, the following systemd services must
-be disabled:
-systemctl mask osmo-nitb osmo-bts-sysmo osmo-pcu sysmobts-mgr
-This stops the stock setup keeping the BTS in operation and hence allows the
-osmo-gsm-tester to install and launch its own versions of the SysmoBTS
-==== IP Address
-To ensure that the SysmoBTS is always reachable at a fixed known IP address,
-configure the eth0 to use a static IP address:
-Adjust '/etc/network/interfaces' and replace the line
-iface eth0 inet dhcp
-iface eth0 inet static
- address
- netmask
- gateway
-You may set the name server in '/etc/resolve.conf' (most likely to the IP of
-the gateway), but this is not really needed by the osmo-gsm-tester.
-==== Allow Core Files
-In case a binary run for the test crashes, a core file of the crash should be
-written. This requires a limits rule. Append a line to /etc/limits like:
-ssh root@
-echo "* C16384" >> /etc/limits
-==== Reboot
-Reboot the BTS and make sure that the IP address for eth0 is now indeed
-, and that no osmo* programs are running.
-ip a
-ps w | grep osmo
-==== SSH Access
-Make sure that the jenkins user on the main unit is able to login on the
-sysmoBTS, possibly erasing outdated host keys after a new rootfs was loaded:
-On the main unit, for example do:
-su - jenkins
-ssh root@
-Fix any problems until you get a login on the sysmoBTS.
-=== Modems
-TODO: describe modem choices and how to run ofono
-=== osmo-bts-trx
-TODO: describe B200 family
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-== Introduction with Examples
-The osmo-gsm-tester is software to run automated tests of real GSM hardware,
-foremost to verify that ongoing Osmocom software development continues to work
-with various BTS models, while being flexibly configurable and extendable.
-A 'main unit' (general purpose computer) is connected via ethernet and/or USB to
-any number of BTS models and to any number of GSM modems via USB. The modems
-and BTS instances' RF transceivers are typically wired directly to each other
-via RF distribution chambers to bypass the air medium and avoid disturbing real
-production cellular networks. Furthermore, the setup may include adjustable RF
-attenuators to model various distances between modems and base stations.
-The osmo-gsm-tester software runs on the main unit to orchestrate the various
-GSM hardware and run predefined test scripts. It typically receives binary
-packages from a jenkins build service. It then automatically configures and
-launches an Osmocom core network on the main unit and sets up and runs BTS
-models as well as modems to form a complete ad-hoc GSM network. On this setup,
-predefined test suites, combined with various scenario definitions, are run to
-verify stability of the system.
-The osmo-gsm-tester is implemented in Python (version 3). It uses the ofono
-daemon to control the modems connected via USB. BTS software is either run
-directly on the main unit (e.g. for osmo-bts-trx, osmo-bts-octphy), run via SSH
-(e.g. for a sysmoBTS) or assumed to run on a connected BTS model (e.g. for
-ip.access nanoBTS).
-.Typical osmo-gsm-tester setup
-digraph G {
- rankdir=LR;
- jenkins
- subgraph cluster_gsm_hardware {
- label = "GSM Hardware";
- style=dotted
- modem0 [shape=box label="Modems..."]
- modem1 [shape=box label="Modems..."]
- osmo_bts_sysmo [label="sysmocom sysmoBTS\nrunning osmo-bts-sysmo" shape=box]
- B200 [label="Ettus B200" shape=box]
- sysmoCell5K [label="sysmocom sysmoCell5000" shape=box]
- octphy [label="Octasic octphy BTS" shape=box]
- nanoBTS [label="ip.access nanoBTS" shape=box]
- rf_distribution [label="RF distribution"]
- {modem0 modem1 osmo_bts_sysmo B200 octphy nanoBTS sysmoCell5K}->rf_distribution [dir=both arrowhead="curve" arrowtail="curve"]
- }
- subgraph cluster_main_unit {
- label = "Main Unit"
- osmo_gsm_tester [label="Osmo-GSM-Tester\ntest suites\n& scenarios"]
- subgraph {
- rank=same
- ofono [label="ofono daemon"]
- osmo_trx [label="osmo-trx"]
- osmo_bts_trx [label="osmo-bts-trx"]
- osmo_bts_octphy [label="osmo-bts-octphy"]
- OsmoNITB [label="BSC + Core Network\n(Osmo{NITB,MSC,BSC,HLR,...})"]
- }
- }
- jenkins->osmo_gsm_tester [label="trial\n(binaries)"]
- osmo_gsm_tester->jenkins [label="results"]
- ofono->{modem0 modem1} [label="USB"]
- osmo_gsm_tester->{OsmoNITB osmo_bts_trx osmo_bts_octphy}
- osmo_gsm_tester->osmo_bts_sysmo [taillabel="SSH"]
- osmo_gsm_tester->ofono [taillabel="DBus"]
- osmo_trx->B200 [label="USB"]
- osmo_bts_trx->{osmo_trx sysmoCell5K} [dir=both label="UDP"]
- osmo_bts_octphy->octphy [label="raw eth"]
- {osmo_bts_sysmo nanoBTS}->OsmoNITB [label="IP"]
- {B200 octphy}->OsmoNITB [label="eth" style=invis]
- {osmo_bts_trx osmo_bts_octphy}->OsmoNITB
-.Example of how to select resources and configurations: scenarios may pick specific resources (here BTS and ARFCN), remaining requirements are picked as available (here two modems and a NITB interface)
-digraph G {
- rankdir=TB;
- suite_scenarios [label="Suite+Scenarios selection\nsms:sysmo+band1800"]
- subgraph {
- rank=same;
- suite
- scenarios
- }
- subgraph cluster_scenarios {
- label = "Scenarios";
- u_sysmoBTS [label="Scenario: sysmo\nbts: type: osmo-bts-sysmo"]
- u_trx [label="Scenario: trx\nbts: type: osmo-bts-trx"]
- u_arfcn [label="Scenario: band1800\narfcn: band: GSM-1800"]
- }
- subgraph cluster_suite {
- label = "Suite: sms";
- requires [label="Requirements (suite.conf):\nmodem: times: 2\nbts\nip_address\narfcn"]
- subgraph cluster_tests {
- label = "Test Scripts (py)";
- mo_mt_sms
- etc
- }
- }
- subgraph cluster_resources {
- label = "Resources";
- rankdir=TB;
- nitb_addr1 [label="NITB interface addr\n10.42.42.1"]
- nitb_addr2 [label="NITB interface addr\n10.42.42.2"]
- Modem0
- Modem1
- Modem2
- sysmoBTS [label="osmo-bts-sysmo"]
- osmo_bts_trx [label="osmo-bts-trx"]
- arfcn1 [label="arfcn: 512\nband: GSM-1800"]
- arfcn2 [label="arfcn: 540\nband: GSM-1900"]
- arfcn1->arfcn2 [style=invis]
- nitb_addr1->nitb_addr2 [style=invis]
- Modem0 -> Modem1 -> Modem2 [style=invis]
- sysmoBTS -> osmo_bts_trx [style=invis]
- }
- suite_scenarios -> {suite scenarios}
- scenarios -> { u_arfcn u_sysmoBTS }
- suite -> requires
- requires -> Modem0
- requires -> Modem1
- requires -> sysmoBTS
- requires -> arfcn1
- requires -> nitb_addr1
- { u_sysmoBTS u_arfcn } -> requires [label="influences\nresource\nselection"]
-.Example of a "trial" containing binaries built by a jenkins
-digraph G {
- subgraph cluster_trial {
- label = "Trial (binaries)"
- sysmo [label="osmo-bts-sysmo.build-23.tgz\n(osmo-bts-sysmo\n+ deps\ncompiled for sysmoBTS)"]
- trx [label="osmo-bts.build-5.tgz\n(osmo-bts-octphy + osmo-bts-trx\n+ deps\ncompiled for main unit)"]
- nitb [label="osmo-nitb.build-42.tgz\n(osmo-nitb\n+ deps\ncompiled for main unit)"]
- checksums [label="checksums.md5"]
- checksums -> {sysmo trx nitb}
- }
-=== Typical Test Script
-A typical single test script (part of a suite) may look like this:
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from osmo_gsm_tester.testenv import *
-hlr = suite.hlr()
-bts = suite.bts()
-mgcpgw = suite.mgcpgw(bts_ip=bts.remote_addr())
-msc = suite.msc(hlr, mgcpgw)
-bsc = suite.bsc(msc)
-stp = suite.stp()
-ms_mo = suite.modem()
-ms_mt = suite.modem()
-print('waiting for modems to attach...')
-wait(ms_mo.is_connected, msc.mcc_mnc())
-wait(ms_mt.is_connected, msc.mcc_mnc())
-wait(msc.subscriber_attached, ms_mo, ms_mt)
-sms = ms_mo.sms_send(ms_mt)
-wait(ms_mt.sms_was_received, sms)
-=== Resource Resolution
-- A global configuration 'resources.conf' defines which hardware is connected to the
- osmo-gsm-tester main unit.
-- Each suite contains a number of test scripts. The amount of resources a test
- may use is defined by the test suite's 'suite.conf'.
-- Which specific modems, BTS models, NITB IP addresses etc. are made available
- to a test run is typically determined by 'suite.conf' and a combination of scenario
- configurations -- or picked automatically if not.
-=== Typical 'resources.conf'
-A global configuration of hardware may look like below; for details, see
-- addr:
-- addr:
-- addr:
-- addr:
-- addr:
-- label: sysmoBTS 1002
- type: osmo-bts-sysmo
- ipa_unit_id: 1
- addr:
- band: GSM-1800
- ciphers:
- - a5_0
- - a5_1
- - a5_3
-- label: Ettus B200
- type: osmo-bts-trx
- ipa_unit_id: 6
- addr:
- band: GSM-1800
- launch_trx: true
- ciphers:
- - a5_0
- - a5_1
-- label: sysmoCell 5000
- type: osmo-bts-trx
- ipa_unit_id: 7
- addr:
- band: GSM-1800
- trx_remote_ip:
- ciphers:
- - a5_0
- - a5_1
-- label: OCTBTS 3500
- type: osmo-bts-octphy
- ipa_unit_id: 8
- addr:
- band: GSM-1800
- trx_list:
- - hw_addr: 00:0c:90:2e:80:1e
- net_device: eth1
- - hw_addr: 00:0c:90:2e:87:52
- net_device: eth1
- - arfcn: 512
- band: GSM-1800
- - arfcn: 514
- band: GSM-1800
- - arfcn: 516
- band: GSM-1800
- - arfcn: 546
- band: GSM-1900
- - arfcn: 548
- band: GSM-1900
-- label: sierra_1
- path: '/sierra_1'
- imsi: '901700000009031'
- ki: '80A37E6FDEA931EAC92FFA5F671EFEAD'
- auth_algo: 'xor'
- ciphers:
- - a5_0
- - a5_1
- features:
- - 'sms'
- - 'voice'
-- label: gobi_0
- path: '/gobi_0'
- imsi: '901700000009030'
- ki: 'BB70807226393CDBAC8DD3439FF54252'
- auth_algo: 'xor'
- ciphers:
- - a5_0
- - a5_1
- features:
- - 'sms'
-=== Typical 'suites/*/suite.conf'
-The configuration that reserves a number of resources for a test suite may look
-like this:
- ip_address:
- - times: 1
- bts:
- - times: 1
- modem:
- - times: 2
- features:
- - sms
-It may also request e.g. specific BTS models, but this is typically left to
-scenario configurations.
-=== Typical 'scenarios/*.conf'
-For a suite as above run as-is, any available resources are picked. This may be
-combined with any number of scenario definitions to constrain which specific
-resources should be used, e.g.:
- bts:
- - type: osmo-bts-sysmo
-Which 'ip_address' or 'modem' is used in particular doesn't really matter, so
-it can be left up to the osmo-gsm-tester to pick these automatically.
-Any number of such scenario configurations can be combined in the form
-'<suite_name>:<scenario>+<scenario>+...', e.g. 'my_suite:sysmo+tch_f+amr'.
-=== Typical Invocations
-Each invocation of osmo-gsm-tester deploys a set of pre-compiled binaries for
-the Osmocom core network as well as for the Osmocom based BTS models. To create
-such a set of binaries, see <<trials>>.
-Examples for launching test trials:
-- Run the default suites (see <<default_suites>>) on a given set of binaries:
-osmo-gsm-tester.py path/to/my-trial
-- Run an explicit choice of 'suite:scenario' combinations:
-osmo-gsm-tester.py path/to/my-trial -s sms:sysmo -s sms:trx -s sms:nanobts
-- Run one 'suite:scenario' combination, setting log level to 'debug' and
- enabling logging of full python tracebacks, and also only run just the
- 'mo_mt_sms.py' test from the suite, e.g. to investigate a test failure:
-osmo-gsm-tester.py path/to/my-trial -s sms:sysmo -l dbg -T -t mo_mt
-A test script may also be run step-by-step in a python debugger, see
-=== Resource Reservation for Concurrent Trials
-While a test suite runs, the used resources are noted in a global state
-directory in a reserved-resources file. This way, any number of trials may be
-run consecutively without resource conflicts. Any test trial will only use
-resources that are currently not reserved by any other test suite. The
-reservation state is human readable.
-The global state directory is protected by a file lock to allow access by
-separate processes.
-Also, the binaries from a trial are never installed system-wide, but are run
-with a specific 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' pointing at the trial's 'inst', so that
-several trials can run consecutively without conflicting binary versions. For
-some specific binaries which require extra permissions (such as osmo-bts-octphy
-requiring 'CAP_NET_RAW'), 'patchelf' program is used to modify the binary
-'RPATH' field instead because the OS dynamic linker skips 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' for
-binaries with special permissions.
-Once a test suite run is complete, all its reserved resources are torn down (if
-the test scripts have not done so already), and the reservations are released
-If required resources are unavailable, the test trial fails. For consecutive
-test trials, a test run needs to either wait for resources to become available,
-or test suites need to be scheduled to make sense. (*<- TODO*)
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-== Test API
-*TODO* (in the meantime, look at src/osmo_gsm_tester/test.py, as well as
-suite.py, which calls the test's setup() function to get an idea)
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-== Trial: Binaries to be Tested
-A trial is a set of pre-built binaries to be tested. They are typically built
-by jenkins using the build scripts found in osmo-gsm-tester's source in the
-'contrib/' dir, see <<install_add_jenkins_slave>>.
-A trial comes in the form of a directory containing a number of '*.tgz' tar
-archives as well as a 'checksums.md5' file to verify the tar archives'
-When the osmo-gsm-tester is invoked to run on such a trial directory, it will
-create a sub directory named 'inst' and unpack the tar archives into it.
-For each test run on this trial, a new subdirectory in the trial dir is
-created, named in the form of 'run.<timestamp>'. A symbolic link 'last-run'
-will point at the most recently created run dir. This run dir will accumulate:
-* the rendered configuration files used to run the binaries
-* stdout and stderr outputs of the binaries
-* pcap files for processes doing relevant network communication
-* a test log
-* jenkins parsable XML (Junit) reports
-The script in 'contrib/jenkins-run.sh' takes care of related tasks such as
-* creating the dir structure,
-* generating md5 sums for the various tar.gz containing software builds to be tested,
-* cleaning up after the build,
-* saving extra logs such as journalctl output from ofonod,
-* generating a final .tar.gz file with all the logs and reports.
diff --git a/OsmoGSMTester/osmo-gsm-tester-manual-docinfo.xml b/OsmoGSMTester/osmo-gsm-tester-manual-docinfo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 923b8ad..0000000
--- a/OsmoGSMTester/osmo-gsm-tester-manual-docinfo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- <revision>
- <revnumber>1</revnumber>
- <date>April 13, 2017</date>
- <authorinitials>NH</authorinitials>
- <revremark>
- Initial version.
- </revremark>
- </revision>
- <author>
- <firstname>Neels</firstname>
- <surname>Hofmeyr</surname>
- <email>nhofmeyr@sysmocom.de</email>
- <authorinitials>NH</authorinitials>
- <affiliation>
- <shortaffil>sysmocom</shortaffil>
- <orgname>sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH</orgname>
- <jobtitle>Senior Developer</jobtitle>
- </affiliation>
- </author>
- <year>2017</year>
- <holder>sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH</holder>
- <para>
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
- document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
- Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
- Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being just 'Foreword',
- 'Acknowledgements' and 'Preface', with no Front-Cover Texts,
- and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in
- the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
- </para>
- <para>
- The Asciidoc source code of this manual can be found at
- <ulink url="http://git.osmocom.org/osmo-gsm-manuals/">
- http://git.osmocom.org/osmo-gsm-manuals/
- </ulink>
- </para>
diff --git a/OsmoGSMTester/osmo-gsm-tester-manual.adoc b/OsmoGSMTester/osmo-gsm-tester-manual.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f0edf7..0000000
--- a/OsmoGSMTester/osmo-gsm-tester-manual.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Osmo-GSM-Tester Manual
-Neels Hofmeyr <nhofmeyr@sysmocom.de>
-== WARNING: Work in Progress
-*NOTE: The osmo-gsm-tester is still in pre-alpha stage: some parts are still
-incomplete, and details will still change and move around.*
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index a6f29a0..5d94e54 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ AC_OUTPUT(
- OsmoGSMTester/Makefile