#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright 2022 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH import argparse import os import traceback import lib import lib.config import lib.docker import lib.git import lib.metapkg import lib.osc import lib.srcpkg srcpkgs_built = {} # dict of pkgname: version srcpkgs_skipped = [] # list of pkgnames srcpkgs_failed_build = [] # list of pkgnames srcpkgs_failed_upload = [] # list of pkgnames srcpkgs_updated = [] # list of pkgnames def parse_packages(packages_arg): ret = [] if packages_arg: for package in packages_arg: ret += [lib.set_proper_package_name(package)] return ret # Default to all ret += lib.config.projects_osmocom ret += lib.config.projects_other return ret def build_srcpkg(feed, branch, package, conflict_version, fetch, is_meta_pkg): global srcpkgs_built global srcpkgs_failed_build version = None try: if is_meta_pkg: version = lib.metapkg.build(feed, conflict_version) else: version = lib.srcpkg.build(package, feed, branch, conflict_version, fetch) srcpkgs_built[package] = version except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exception(type(ex), ex, ex.__traceback__) print() print(f"{package}: build failed") srcpkgs_failed_build += [package] def is_up_to_date(obs_version, git_latest_version): if obs_version == git_latest_version: return True # e.g. open5gs has "v" infront of version in git tag if f"v{obs_version}" == git_latest_version: return True return False def build_srcpkg_if_needed(feed, branch, pkgs_remote, package, conflict_version, fetch, is_meta_pkg, skip_up_to_date): global srcpkgs_skipped if feed in ["master", "latest"]: """ Check if we can skip this package by comparing the OBS version with the git remote. """ if is_meta_pkg: latest_version = conflict_version if conflict_version else "1.0.0" else: if feed == "master": latest_version = lib.git.get_head_remote(package, branch) else: latest_version = lib.git.get_latest_tag_remote(package) if latest_version is None: print(f"{package}: skipping (no git tag found)") srcpkgs_skipped += [package] return if os.path.basename(package) not in pkgs_remote: print(f"{package}: building source package (not in OBS)") else: obs_version = lib.osc.get_package_version(package, feed) if is_up_to_date(obs_version, latest_version): if skip_up_to_date: print(f"{package}: skipping ({obs_version} is up-to-date)") srcpkgs_skipped += [package] return else: print(f"{package}: building source package" f" ({obs_version} is up-to-date, but" " --no-skip-up-to-date is set)") else: print(f"{package}: building source package (outdated:" f" {latest_version} <=> {obs_version} in OBS)") else: print(f"{package}: building source package (feed is {feed})") build_srcpkg(feed, branch, package, conflict_version, fetch, is_meta_pkg) def upload_srcpkg(feed, pkgs_remote, package, version): if os.path.basename(package) not in pkgs_remote: lib.osc.create_package(package) lib.osc.update_package(package, version) def build_srcpkgs(feed, branch, pkgs_remote, packages, conflict_version, fetch, meta, skip_up_to_date): print() print("### Building source packages ###") print() if meta: build_srcpkg_if_needed(feed, branch, pkgs_remote, f"osmocom-{feed}", conflict_version, fetch, True, skip_up_to_date) for package in packages: build_srcpkg_if_needed(feed, branch, pkgs_remote, package, conflict_version, fetch, False, skip_up_to_date) def upload_srcpkgs(feed, pkgs_remote): global srcpkgs_built global srcpkgs_failed_upload global srcpkgs_updated srcpkgs_failed_upload = [] srcpkgs_updated = [] if not srcpkgs_built: return print() print("### Uploading built packages ###") print() for package, version in srcpkgs_built.items(): try: upload_srcpkg(feed, pkgs_remote, package, version) srcpkgs_updated += [package] except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exception(type(ex), ex, ex.__traceback__) print() print(f"{package}: upload failed") srcpkgs_failed_upload += [package] def exit_with_summary(): global srcpkgs_updated global srcpkgs_skipped global srcpkgs_failed_build global srcpkgs_failed_upload print() print("### Summary ###") print() print(f"Updated: {len(srcpkgs_updated)}") print(f"Skipped: {len(srcpkgs_skipped)}") print(f"Failed (srcpkg build): {len(srcpkgs_failed_build)}") print(f"Failed (srcpkg upload): {len(srcpkgs_failed_upload)}") if not srcpkgs_failed_build and not srcpkgs_failed_upload: exit(0) print() print("List of failed packages:") for package in srcpkgs_failed_build: print(f"* {package} (srcpkg build)") for package in srcpkgs_failed_upload: print(f"* {package} (srcpkg upload)") exit(1) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate source packages and upload them to OBS.") lib.add_shared_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument("-A", "--apiurl", help="OBS API URL or .oscrc alias" " (e.g. https://obs.osmocom.org)") parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-skip-up-to-date", dest="skip_up_to_date", action="store_false", help="for latest feed, build and upload packages even" " if the version did not change") parser.add_argument("obs_project", help="OBS project, e.g. home:osmith:nightly") parser.add_argument("package", nargs="*", help="package name, e.g. libosmocore or open5gs," " default is all packages") args = parser.parse_args() feed = args.feed branch = args.git_branch packages = parse_packages(args.package) lib.set_args(args) if args.docker: lib.docker.run_in_docker_and_exit("update_obs_project.py", True) lib.osc.check_proj() lib.osc.check_oscrc() lib.osc.set_apiurl(args.apiurl) if not args.ignore_req: lib.check_required_programs() lib.remove_temp() pkgs_remote = lib.osc.get_remote_pkgs() build_srcpkgs(feed, branch, pkgs_remote, packages, args.conflict_version, args.git_fetch, args.meta, args.skip_up_to_date) upload_srcpkgs(feed, pkgs_remote) exit_with_summary() if __name__ == "__main__": main()