# This file holds all gerrit lint verifications https://jenkins.osmocom.org/jenkins/view/Jenkins-Gerrit/. # One can simply add a gerrit job by adding project's repository to repos list. - project: name: gerrit-lint # following default values can be overridden by each repo disabled: false gerrit_url: 'ssh://jenkins@gerrit.osmocom.org:29418' repos_url: '{gerrit_url}/{repos}' gerrit_project: '{repos}' # in alphabetical order repos: - asn1c - cellmgr-ng - docker-playground - libasn1c - libgtpnl - libosmo-abis - libosmo-gprs - libosmo-netif - libosmo-pfcp - libosmo-sccp - libosmocore - libsmpp34 - libtelnet - libusrp - openbsc - openggsn - osmo-bsc - osmo-bsc-nat - osmo-bts - osmo-hnodeb - osmo-hnbgw - osmo-upf - osmo-ci - osmo_dia2gsup: repos_url: '{gerrit_url}/erlang/{repos}' gerrit_project: 'erlang/{repos}' - osmo-e1-hardware - osmo-ggsn - osmo-gsm-manuals - osmo_gsup: repos_url: '{gerrit_url}/erlang/{repos}' gerrit_project: 'erlang/{repos}' - osmo-hlr - osmo-iuh - osmo-mgw - osmo-msc - osmo-pcap - osmo-pcu - osmo-python-tests: repos_url: '{gerrit_url}/python/{repos}' gerrit_project: 'python/{repos}' - osmo-sgsn - osmo_ss7: repos_url: '{gerrit_url}/erlang/{repos}' gerrit_project: 'erlang/{repos}' - osmo-sip-connector - osmo-trx - osmocom-bb - osmo-tetra - osmo-sysmon - osmo-remsim - simtrace2 - osmo-asf4-dfu - osmo-ccid-firmware - osmo-e1d - osmo-cbc - osmo-e1-recorder - gapk - osmo-uecups - osmo-el2tpd - osmo-smlc - osmo-gbproxy - pysim - osmo-ttcn3-hacks: repos_url: 'https://gerrit.osmocom.org/{repos}' jobs: - 'gerrit-{repos}-lint' - job-template: name: 'gerrit-{repos}-lint' project-type: freestyle node: osmocom-gerrit-debian9 disabled: '{obj:disabled}' retry-count: 3 # scm checkout properties: - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 120 artifact-days-to-keep: -1 artifact-num-to-keep: -1 description: | Run linting on patches submitted to gerrit for {repos}

Related issue: OS#5087 parameters: - string: name: BRANCH_CI description: | osmo-ci.git branch default: 'master' scm: - git: basedir: 'code-from-gerrit' url: '{obj:repos_url}' credentials-id: d5eda5e9-b59d-44ba-88d2-43473cb6e42d branches: - $GERRIT_BRANCH refspec: $GERRIT_REFSPEC name: choosing-strategy: gerrit wipe-workspace: false skip-tag: true submodule: recursive: false - git: basedir: 'osmo-ci' url: '{gerrit_url}/osmo-ci' credentials-id: d5eda5e9-b59d-44ba-88d2-43473cb6e42d branches: - '$BRANCH_CI' wipe-workspace: true triggers: - gerrit: trigger-on: - patchset-created-event: exclude-drafts: true exclude-no-code-change: true projects: - project-compare-type: 'PLAIN' project-pattern: '{obj:gerrit_project}' branches: - branch-compare-type: 'ANT' branch-pattern: '**' skip-vote: successful: false failed: false unstable: false notbuilt: false silent: false escape-quotes: false no-name-and-email: false trigger-for-unreviewed-patches: true server-name: gerrit.osmocom.org builders: - shell: 'cd code-from-gerrit && ../osmo-ci/lint/lint_diff.sh HEAD~1' wrappers: - ansicolor: colormap: xterm - ssh-agent-credentials: users: - d5eda5e9-b59d-44ba-88d2-43473cb6e42d # vim: expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2