ARG DEBIAN_VERSION=stretch FROM debian:${DEBIAN_VERSION} # Make "$DEBIAN_VERSION" available after FROM # ARG DEBIAN_VERSION # Install apt dependencies (keep in alphabetic order) RUN \ dpkg --add-architecture i386 && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get upgrade -y && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ asciidoc \ asciidoc-dblatex \ autoconf \ autoconf-archive \ automake \ bc \ bison \ bzip2 \ cmake \ coccinelle \ cppcheck \ dahdi-source \ dblatex \ dbus \ debhelper \ devscripts \ dh-autoreconf \ dh-systemd \ docbook5-xml \ doxygen \ flex \ g++ \ gawk \ gcc \ gcc-arm-none-eabi \ git \ git-buildpackage \ graphviz \ htop \ lcov \ libaio-dev \ libasound2-dev \ libboost-all-dev \ libc-ares-dev \ libcsv-dev \ libdbd-sqlite3 \ libdbi-dev \ libffi-dev \ libfftw3-dev \ libgmp-dev \ libgnutls28-dev \ libgps-dev \ libgsm1-dev \ liblua5.3-dev \ libmnl-dev \ libncurses5-dev \ libnewlib-arm-none-eabi \ liboping-dev \ libortp-dev \ libpcap-dev \ libpcsclite-dev \ libreadline-dev \ libsctp-dev \ libsigsegv-dev \ libsnmp-dev \ libsofia-sip-ua-glib-dev \ libsqlite3-dev \ libssl-dev \ libtalloc-dev \ libtool \ libusb-1.0-0-dev \ libusb-dev \ libxml2-utils \ libzmq3-dev \ locales \ lua-socket \ make \ mscgen \ ofono \ openssh-client \ osc \ patchelf \ pkg-config \ python \ python3 \ python3-gi \ python3-mako \ python3-nwdiag \ python3-pip \ python3-pyflakes \ python3-setuptools \ python3-usb \ python3-yaml \ python-minimal \ python-pip \ python-pychart \ python-setuptools \ rsync \ sdcc \ sqlite3 \ stow \ sudo \ systemd \ tcpdump \ texinfo \ unzip \ wget \ xsltproc # Install pip dependencies (keep in alphabetic order) RUN pip3 install \ git+ \ git+ \ pydbus \ pysispm # match the outside user RUN useradd --uid=1000 build #RUN echo "build ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/build RUN mkdir /build RUN chown build:build /build # Install osmo-python-tests ADD /tmp/commit RUN git clone git:// && cd osmo-python-tests && ./contrib/ # Set a UTF-8 locale RUN sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen && \ dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales && \ update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 # osmo-remsim needs libulfius (which indirectly depends on systemd, installed above) ARG LIBULFIUS_VER="2.6.4" ARG LIBULFIUS_PATH="${LIBULFIUS_VER}" ADD ${LIBULFIUS_PATH}/libulfius-dev_${LIBULFIUS_VER}_debian_${DEBIAN_VERSION}_x86_64.deb /tmp/ulfius/libulfius-dev.deb ADD ${LIBULFIUS_PATH}/ulfius-dev-full_${LIBULFIUS_VER}_debian_${DEBIAN_VERSION}_x86_64.tar.gz /tmp/ulfius/all.tar.gz RUN cd /tmp/ulfius && \ tar -xvf all.tar.gz && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y /tmp/ulfius/*.deb && \ cd ~ && \ rm -r /tmp/ulfius # osmo-python-tests' contrib/ writes to /usr/local as user RUN chown -R build:build /usr/local