#!/bin/sh -e # Remove nightly archives older than one month (OS#4862) echo "Redirecting all output to: /home/pkgmirror/rm-old-nightly-archives.log" exec >"/home/pkgmirror/rm-old-nightly-archives.log" 2>&1 DRY=0 # Get removal date in seconds since epoch and display it DATE_RM_SEC=$(expr $(date +%s) - 3600 \* 24 \* 32) DATE_RM_STR=$(date -d "@$DATE_RM_SEC" +"%Y-%m-%d") echo "Removing nightly archives from $DATE_RM_STR and older (DRY=$DRY)" cd /downloads/obs-mirror for i in */nightly; do # "Last modified" isn't set to the date of the dir name for some # archives, so parse the date from the dir name instead DATE_DIR="$(basename "$(dirname "$i")")" # e.g. "20210604-002301" DATE_DIR_SEC="$(date -d "$(echo "$DATE_DIR" | cut -d "-" -f 1)" +%s)" if [ -z "$DATE_DIR_SEC" ]; then echo "ERROR: $i: failed to parse date from dir name" continue fi if [ "$DATE_DIR_SEC" -lt "$DATE_RM_SEC" ]; then DATE_DIR_STR="$(date -d "@$DATE_DIR_SEC" +"%Y-%m-%d")" echo "Removing $i ($DATE_DIR_STR)..." if [ "$DRY" = 0 ]; then rm -r "$i" fi fi done echo "Done"