path: root/scripts/obs/sync_obs_projects.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/obs/sync_obs_projects.py')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/obs/sync_obs_projects.py b/scripts/obs/sync_obs_projects.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc4635a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/obs/sync_obs_projects.py
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Copyright 2023 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH <info@sysmocom.de>
+import argparse
+import glob
+import hashlib
+import html
+import os
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import sys
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+import lib
+import lib.docker
+import lib.osc
+temp_source_prjconf = f"{lib.config.path_temp}/sync_source_prjconf"
+temp_source_meta = f"{lib.config.path_temp}/sync_source_meta"
+temp_dest_old_meta = f"{lib.config.path_temp}/sync_dest_old_meta"
+temp_dest_old_prjconf = f"{lib.config.path_temp}/sync_dest_old_prjconf"
+temp_dest_new_meta = f"{lib.config.path_temp}/sync_dest_new_meta"
+temp_dest_new_prjconf = f"{lib.config.path_temp}/sync_dest_new_prjconf"
+def parse_args():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sync OBS projects (prjconf,"
+ " meta) from another instance (OS#6165)")
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--docker",
+ help="run in docker to avoid installing required pkgs",
+ action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-skip-up-to-date",
+ dest="skip_up_to_date", action="store_false",
+ help="always assume projects are outdated")
+ parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
+ help="always print shell commands and their output,"
+ " instead of only printing them on error")
+ parser.add_argument("projects",
+ help="source OBS project, e.g. Debian:12",
+ nargs="+")
+ advanced = parser.add_argument_group("advanced options")
+ advanced.add_argument("-A", "--apiurl", help="source OBS API URL"
+ " (default: https://api.opensuse.org)",
+ default="https://api.opensuse.org")
+ advanced.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", default="openSUSE.org-mirror",
+ help="destination OBS prefix"
+ " (default: openSUSE.org-mirror)")
+ advanced.add_argument("-t", "--to-apiurl", help="destination OBS API URL"
+ " (default: https://obs.osmocom.org)",
+ default="https://obs.osmocom.org")
+ advanced.add_argument("-w", "--weburl", default="https://build.opensuse.org",
+ help="source OBS web URL (default:"
+ " https://build.opensuse.org)")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ lib.set_args(args)
+ lib.osc.check_oscrc()
+ if args.docker:
+ lib.docker.run_in_docker_and_exit("sync_obs_projects.py", add_oscrc=True)
+def check_required_programs():
+ required_programs = [
+ "colordiff",
+ "xmllint",
+ ]
+ ok = True
+ for program in required_programs:
+ if not shutil.which(program):
+ print(f"ERROR: missing program: {program}")
+ ok = False
+ if not ok:
+ print("Either install them or use the -d argument to run in docker")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def generate_prjconf_header(project):
+ """ This header gets prepended to the prjconf, before it gets written to
+ the destination OBS. This script uses it to determine whether the
+ project needs to be updated next time it runs. """
+ with open(temp_source_prjconf, "rb") as h:
+ source_prjconf = h.read()
+ with open(temp_source_meta, "rb") as h:
+ source_meta = h.read()
+ ret = "### This project gets synced from:\n"
+ ret += f"### {lib.args.weburl}/project/show/{project}\n"
+ ret += "### \n"
+ ret += "### Do not modify manually. See OS#6165.\n"
+ ret += "### \n"
+ ret += f"### Sync information:\n"
+ ret += f"### - source meta: {hashlib.md5(source_meta).hexdigest()}\n"
+ ret += f"### - source prjconf: {hashlib.md5(source_prjconf).hexdigest()}\n"
+ ret += "\n"
+ return ret
+def is_up_to_date(header, projects, project):
+ project_new = f"{lib.args.prefix}:{project}"
+ if project_new not in projects:
+ print(f"{project_new}: is outdated (not in destination OBS)")
+ return False
+ lib.osc.get_prjconf(temp_dest_old_prjconf)
+ with open(temp_dest_old_prjconf, "r") as h:
+ dest_prjconf = h.read()
+ if dest_prjconf.startswith(header):
+ if not lib.args.skip_up_to_date:
+ print(f"{project_new}: is up-to-date, but -n is set")
+ return False
+ print(f"{project_new}: is up-to-date")
+ return True
+ print(f"{project_new}: is outdated")
+ return False
+def get_relevant_arches(project):
+ if project.startswith("AlmaLinux:"):
+ return ["x86_64"]
+ if project.startswith("Raspbian:"):
+ return ["armv7l"]
+ return ["aarch64",
+ "armv7l",
+ "i586",
+ "x86_64"]
+def rewrite_meta(project):
+ project_new = f"{lib.args.prefix}:{project}"
+ print(f"{project}: rewriting meta for {project_new}")
+ tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(temp_source_meta)
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ arches = get_relevant_arches(project)
+ # Update <project name="...">
+ assert root.get("name") == project
+ root.set("name", project_new)
+ for description in root.findall("description"):
+ href = f"{lib.args.weburl}/project/show/{project}"
+ description.text = ("This project gets synced from:"
+ f" <a href='{html.escape(href)}'>{project}</a>\n"
+ "Do not modify manually. See OS#6165.\n")
+ for repository in root.findall(".repository"):
+ repo_name = repository.get("name")
+ print(f" adjusting repository: {repo_name}")
+ for path in repository.findall(".path"):
+ # Update <path project="...">
+ path_project_old = path.get("project")
+ path_project_new = f"{lib.args.prefix}:{path_project_old}"
+ path.set("project", path_project_new)
+ # Remove unneeded paths
+ for path_check in lib.config.sync_remove_paths:
+ if path_project_old == path_check:
+ print(f" removing path: {path_project_old}")
+ repository.remove(path)
+ break
+ # Remove arches we don't build for
+ for arch in repository.findall(".arch"):
+ if arch.text not in arches:
+ print(f" removing arch: {arch.text}")
+ repository.remove(arch)
+ for download in repository.findall(".download"):
+ if download.get("arch") not in arches:
+ repository.remove(download)
+ # Debian: meta configs on build.opensuse.org reference PGP keys with an
+ # experimental feature that is not yet in the stable version of OBS
+ # (e.g. <pubkey>debian-archive-12</pubkey>):
+ # https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/pull/14528
+ # Also we don't have such a pubkeydir set up on our OBS server. Assume
+ # ftp.de.debian.org is a trusted mirror, switch to HTTPS and skip the
+ # PGP verification by removing the pubkey blocks.
+ if project.startswith("Debian:"):
+ for download in repository.findall(".download"):
+ url = download.get("url")
+ print(f" changing url to https: {url}")
+ assert url.startswith("http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian"), \
+ f"unexpected mirror URL"
+ download.set("url", url.replace("http://", "https://"))
+ for pubkey in download.findall("pubkey"):
+ download.remove(pubkey)
+ # Remove original maintainers
+ for person in root.findall(".person"):
+ root.remove(person)
+ # Add new maintainers
+ for userid in lib.config.sync_set_maintainers:
+ print(f" set maintainer: {userid}")
+ person = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element("person")
+ person.set("userid", userid)
+ person.set("role", "maintainer")
+ # Insert into same position: after title and description
+ root.insert(2, person)
+ tree.write(temp_dest_new_meta)
+def rewrite_prjconf(project, header):
+ project_new = f"{lib.args.prefix}:{project}"
+ print(f"{project}: rewriting prjconf for {project_new}")
+ prjconf = ""
+ with open(temp_source_prjconf, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ # Remove unneeded dependencies
+ if line == "VMInstall: kernel-obs-build":
+ print(f" commenting out: {line}")
+ line = f"# (commented out by sync) {line}"
+ prjconf += f"{line}\n"
+ # Extend the AlmaLinux prjconf to also set CentOS variables, as some of
+ # our prjconfigs and spec files rely on them
+ if project == "AlmaLinux:8":
+ print(f" appending CentOS 8 variables")
+ prjconf += "\n"
+ prjconf += "# CentOS 8 compat added by sync script\n"
+ prjconf += "%define centos_version 800\n"
+ prjconf += "%define centos_ver 8\n"
+ prjconf += "%define centos 8\n"
+ prjconf += "Macros:\n"
+ prjconf += "%centos_version 800\n"
+ prjconf += "%centos_ver 8\n"
+ prjconf += "%centos 8\n"
+ prjconf += ":Macros\n"
+ with open(temp_dest_new_prjconf, "w") as f:
+ f.write(header)
+ f.write(prjconf)
+def show_diff(projects, project):
+ project_new = f"{lib.args.prefix}:{project}"
+ if project_new not in projects:
+ return
+ # Show prjconf diff (old prjconf was retrieved in is_up_to_date())
+ diff = lib.run_cmd(["colordiff",
+ "-c3",
+ temp_dest_old_prjconf,
+ temp_dest_new_prjconf],
+ check=False)
+ if diff.returncode:
+ print(f"{project_new}: prjconf changes:")
+ print(diff.output, end="")
+ else:
+ print(f"{project_new}: prjconf is unchanged")
+ # Show meta diff
+ lib.osc.get_meta(temp_dest_old_meta)
+ for file in [temp_dest_old_meta, temp_dest_new_meta]:
+ lib.run_cmd(f"xmllint --format {shlex.quote(file)} > {shlex.quote(file)}.pretty",
+ shell=True)
+ diff = lib.run_cmd(["colordiff",
+ "-c3",
+ f"{temp_dest_old_meta}.pretty",
+ f"{temp_dest_new_meta}.pretty"],
+ check=False)
+ if diff.returncode:
+ print(f"{project_new}: meta changes:")
+ print(diff.output, end="")
+ else:
+ print(f"{project_new}: meta is unchanged")
+def main():
+ parse_args()
+ check_required_programs()
+ os.makedirs(lib.config.path_temp, exist_ok=True)
+ # Get destination OBS projects
+ lib.osc.set_apiurl(lib.args.to_apiurl, None)
+ dest_projects = lib.osc.get_projects()
+ for project in lib.args.projects:
+ # Talk to source OBS
+ lib.osc.set_apiurl(lib.args.apiurl, project)
+ # Get source prjconf, meta
+ lib.osc.get_prjconf(temp_source_prjconf)
+ lib.osc.get_meta(temp_source_meta)
+ # Talk to dest OBS
+ project_new = f"{lib.args.prefix}:{project}"
+ lib.osc.set_apiurl(lib.args.to_apiurl, project_new)
+ # Check if dest is up-to-date
+ header = generate_prjconf_header(project)
+ if is_up_to_date(header, dest_projects, project):
+ continue
+ # Rewrite configs and show diff
+ rewrite_prjconf(project, header)
+ rewrite_meta(project)
+ show_diff(dest_projects, project)
+ # Update dest prjconf & meta
+ commit_msg = f"sync with {lib.args.weburl}/project/show/{project}"
+ lib.osc.update_meta(temp_dest_new_meta, commit_msg)
+ lib.osc.update_prjconf(temp_dest_new_prjconf, commit_msg)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()