diff options
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/jobs/osmocom-api.yml b/jobs/osmocom-api.yml
index 238340c..294ccaa 100644
--- a/jobs/osmocom-api.yml
+++ b/jobs/osmocom-api.yml
@@ -35,59 +35,12 @@
wipe-workspace: true
- shell: |
- # Repositories for which doxygen documentation will be generated and
- # uploaded, also dependencies which need to be built
- repos_api="
- libosmocore
- libosmo-abis
- libosmo-dsp
- libosmo-netif
- libosmo-sccp
- osmo-gmr"
- # Source common.sh from osmo-ci.git for osmo_git_clone_url()
- . scripts/common.sh
- # Put git repos and install data in a subdir, so it isn't in the root
- # of the cloned osmo-ci.git repository
- mkdir _osmocom_api
- cd _osmocom_api
- # Prepare pkgconfig path
- export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PWD/install/lib/pkgconfig
- mkdir -p "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
- # Prepare known_hosts
- cat > known_hosts <<EOF
- [ftp.osmocom.org]:48 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDgQ9HntlpWNmh953a2Gc8NysKE4orOatVT1wQkyzhARnfYUerRuwyNr1GqMyBKdSI9amYVBXJIOUFcpV81niA7zQRUs66bpIMkE9/rHxBd81SkorEPOIS84W4vm3SZtuNqa+fADcqe88Hcb0ZdTzjKILuwi19gzrQyME2knHY71EOETe9Yow5RD2hTIpB5ecNxI0LUKDq+Ii8HfBvndPBIr0BWYDugckQ3Bocf+yn/tn2/GZieFEyFpBGF/MnLbAAfUKIdeyFRX7ufaiWWz5yKAfEhtziqdAGZaXNaLG6gkpy3EixOAy6ZXuTAk3b3Y0FUmDjhOHllbPmTOcKMry9
- [ftp.osmocom.org]:48 ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBPdWn1kEousXuKsZ+qJEZTt/NSeASxCrUfNDW3LWtH+d8Ust7ZuKp/vuyG+5pe5pwpPOgFu7TjN+0lVjYJVXH54=
- [ftp.osmocom.org]:48 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIK8iivY70EiR5NiGChV39gRLjNpC8lvu1ZdHtdMw2zuX
- # Clone and build the repositories
- for i in $repos_api; do
- git clone "$(osmo_git_clone_url "$i")"
- cd "$i"
- autoreconf -fi
- ./configure \
- --prefix=$PWD/../install \
- --with-systemdsystemunitdir=no
- make $PARALLEL_MAKE install
- cd ..
- done
- # Upload all docs
- for i in $repos_api; do
- if ! [ -d "$i"/doc ]; then
- # e.g. libosmo-abis is built as dependency for others but doesn't
- # have its own doxygen documentation as of writing
- continue
- fi
- rsync \
- -avz \
- --delete \
- -e "ssh -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=known_hosts' -p 48" \
- ./"$i"/doc/ \
- api@ftp.osmocom.org:web-files/latest/"$i"/
- done
+ docker run \
+ --rm=true \
+ -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent \
+ -u build \
+ -v "$PWD:/build" \
+ -v $(readlink -f $SSH_AUTH_SOCK):/ssh-agent \
+ -w /build \
+ "$USER/debian-bookworm-build" \
+ scripts/osmocom-api-doxygen.sh
diff --git a/scripts/osmocom-api-doxygen.sh b/scripts/osmocom-api-doxygen.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..765b7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/osmocom-api-doxygen.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+# Repositories for which doxygen documentation will be generated and
+# uploaded, also dependencies which need to be built
+ libosmocore
+ libosmo-abis
+ libosmo-dsp
+ libosmo-netif
+ libosmo-sccp
+ osmo-gmr
+# Source common.sh from osmo-ci.git for osmo_git_clone_url()
+. scripts/common.sh
+# Put git repos and install data in a subdir, so it isn't in the root
+# of the cloned osmo-ci.git repository
+mkdir _osmocom_api
+cd _osmocom_api
+# Prepare pkgconfig path
+export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PWD/install/lib/pkgconfig
+mkdir -p "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
+# Clone and build the repositories
+for i in $repos_api; do
+ git clone "$(osmo_git_clone_url "$i")"
+ cd "$i"
+ autoreconf -fi
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=$PWD/../install \
+ --with-systemdsystemunitdir=no
+ make $PARALLEL_MAKE install
+ cd ..
+# Upload all docs
+for i in $repos_api; do
+ if ! [ -d "$i"/doc ]; then
+ # e.g. libosmo-abis is built as dependency for others but doesn't
+ # have its own doxygen documentation as of writing
+ continue
+ fi
+ rsync \
+ -avz \
+ --delete \
+ -e "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/build/contrib/known_hosts -p 48" \
+ ./"$i"/doc/ \
+ api@ftp.osmocom.org:web-files/latest/"$i"/