#include #include #include #include #include #include "../../src/osmo-bts-virtual/virtual_um.h" static char *tx_mcast_group = ""; static int tx_mcast_port = 6666; static char *rx_mcast_group = ""; static int rx_mcast_port = 6667; void virt_um_rx_cb(struct virt_um_inst *vui, struct msgb *msg) { struct msgb *outmsg = msgb_alloc(VIRT_UM_MSGB_SIZE, "Virtual UM Rx"); char *data_loc, strbuf[VIRT_UM_MSGB_SIZE], addrbuf[32]; int rc, port; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &vui->mcast_sock->rx_sock->mcast_group->imr_multiaddr, addrbuf, 32); printf("Received MSG from BTS(%s): \"%s\"\n", addrbuf, msgb_data(msg)); sprintf(strbuf, "ACK: (%s)", msgb_data(msg)); data_loc = (char *)msgb_put(outmsg, strlen(strbuf)+1); memcpy(data_loc, strbuf, strlen(strbuf)+1); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &vui->mcast_sock->tx_sock->sock_conf->sin_addr, addrbuf, 32); port = vui->mcast_sock->tx_sock->sock_conf->sin_port; rc = virt_um_write_msg(vui, outmsg); if (rc < 0) { perror("Error sending ACK"); } else if (rc == 0) { printf("Nothing sent: \"%s\"\n", msgb_data(outmsg)); } else { printf("Sent ACK to BTS(%s:%d): \"%s\"\n", addrbuf, port, msgb_data(outmsg)); } } // main prog for a client program continuously receiving data from a multicast socket and responding to them answers on another int main(void) { int i = 0; struct virt_um_inst *vui = virt_um_init(NULL, tx_mcast_group, tx_mcast_port, rx_mcast_group, rx_mcast_port, virt_um_rx_cb); if (!vui) { perror("Error initializing vui."); } while (++i < 1000) { printf("Waiting for MSG NR. %d\n", i); osmo_select_main(0); // fallback -> will the communication work without the fd callback? // { // char rx_buf[256], tx_buf[256]; // while(mcast_bidir_sock_rx(vui->mcast_sock, rx_buf, sizeof(rx_buf)) < 0) { // perror("Error receiving message from server."); // } // printf("Received MSG from server: \"%s\"\n", rx_buf); // // strcpy(tx_buf,"ACK: \""); // strcat(tx_buf, rx_buf); // strcat(tx_buf, "\""); // if (mcast_bidir_sock_tx(vui->mcast_sock, tx_buf, sizeof(tx_buf)) < 0) { // perror("Error transmitting message to server."); // } // printf("Sent ACK to server: \"%s\"\n", tx_buf); // } } virt_um_destroy(vui); return 0; }