== OsmoBTS Interfaces OsmoBTS offers a set of interfaces to interact with external entities: * A-bis/IP interface to talk to the BSC * bts_model specific PHY interface * VTY interface * Osmocom control interface * GSMTAP interface * PCU interface === OsmoBTS Abis/IP Interface OsmoBTS implements the GSM A-bis interface as described in the relevant 3GPP specifications: * A-bis RSL according to 3GPP TS 08.58 * A-bis OML according to 3GPP TS 12.21 As the 3GPP specifies A-bis only over E1 interfaces and not over IP, significant enhancements and modifications to the 3GPP specifications are employed. Nevertheless, the implementation tries to stay as close as possible to the 3GPP specifications. Please see the _OsmoBTS Abis Protocol Specification_ <> for more information on this subject. === bts_model specific PHY interface This interface is specific to the bts_model that OsmoBTS was compiled for. It can take any form as required by the respective hardware. Please see the PHY documentation of your respective BTS hardware for more details. === OsmoBTS VTY Interface See <> for further information. === OsmoBTS Control Interface The general structure of the Omsocom control interface is described in <>. The number of control interface commands/attributes is currently quite limited and largely depends on the bts_model used. ==== trx.N.thermal-attenuation The idea of this parameter is to attenuate the system output power as part of thermal management. In some cases the PA might be passing a critical level, so an external control process can use this attribute to reduce the system output power. Please note that all values in the context of transmit power calculation are integers in milli-dB (1/10000 bel), so the below example is setting the attenuation at 3 dB: ---- bsc_control.py -d localhost -p 4238 -s trx.0.thermal-attenuation 3000 Got message: SET_REPLY 1 trx.0.thermal-attenuation 3000 ---- ---- bsc_control.py -d localhost -p 4238 -g trx.0.thermal-attenuation Got message: GET_REPLY 1 trx.0.thermal-attenuation 3000 ---- === OsmoBTS GSMTAP Interface GSMTAP is a standard created by Osmocom to UDP-encapsulate GSM protocol messages normally communicated over non-IP interfaces for the primary purpose of protocol analysis in the wireshark dissector. The initial purpose was to encapsulate GSM Um frames including some meta-data like ARFCN and GSM frame number into something that can be parsed and dispatched within the wireshark dissector. This interface has since been extended to many other GSM/GPRS/UMTS interfaces and protocols, and even to TETRA and GMR. In OsmoBTS, it is possible to export both uplink and downlink Um messages via GSMTAP. There is a set of VTY configuration options to specify for which logical channels of the Um interface GSMTAP messages shall be emitted, and to which destination IP address they shall be sent. Using GSMTAP it is possible to place a virtual tap at the air interface between BTS and MS, without going through the trouble of setting up an actual radio receiver at the same frequencies. Also, GSMTAP export is performed before the Um air-interface encryption (A5) is performed, so all frames are always in plain text. Please refer to <> for more information on how to configure and use this interface. === OsmoBTS PCU Socket Interface In order to assist the provisioning of GPRS services over the same radio interface as circuit-switched GSM, OsmoBTS exposes a Unix domain socket based interface towards OsmoPCU. OsmoPCU is the Osmocom implementation of the GPRS Packet Control Unit (PCU), which is co-located with the BTS in the Osmocom implementation. Contrary to that, many classic E1-based implementations of the GSM RAN co-locate the PCU with the BSC. However, the GSM specifications keep the location up to the implementor. The GPRS network architecture is shown in <>. [[fig-gprs-pcubts]] .GPRS network architecture [graphviz] ---- digraph G { rankdir=LR; MS0 [label="MS"]; MS1 [label="MS"]; BTS; BSC; MSC; PCU; SGSN; GGSN; MS0->BTS [label="Um"]; MS1->BTS [label="Um"]; BTS->BSC [label="Abis"]; BSC->MSC [label="A"]; BTS->PCU [label="pcu_sock"]; PCU->SGSN [label="Gb"]; SGSN->GGSN [label="GTP"]; } ---- The PCU socket interface serves the following purposes: * to pass PCU relevant configuration from BTS to PCU * to forward paging requests from BTS to PCU * to forward RACH Requests from BTS to PCU Depending on your bts_model, the PCU may also be passing actual PH-DATA.request / PH-DATA.indication / PH-RTS.indication primitives for the PDCH. This is considered sub-optimal, and some BTS models offer a direct interface by which the PCU can exchange those primitives directly with the PHY. The default PCU socket interface name is `/tmp/pcu_sock`, but this can be overridden by the @pcu-socket@ VTY command in the BTS configuration VTY node.