#!/usr/bin/env python """ Start the process and dump the documentation to the doc dir """ import socket, subprocess, time,os env = os.environ env['L1FWD_BTS_HOST'] = '' bts_proc = subprocess.Popen(["./src/osmo-bts-sysmo/sysmobts-remote", "-c", "./doc/examples/sysmo/osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg"], env = env, stdin=None, stdout=None) time.sleep(1) try: sck = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sck.setblocking(1) sck.connect(("localhost", 4241)) sck.recv(4096) # Now send the command sck.send("show online-help\r") xml = "" while True: data = sck.recv(4096) xml = "%s%s" % (xml, data) if data.endswith('\r\nOsmoBTS> '): break # Now write everything until the end to the file out = open('doc/vty_reference.xml', 'w') out.write(xml[18:-11]) out.close() finally: # Clean-up bts_proc.kill() bts_proc.wait()