#pragma once #include #include struct vty; /* handover_cfg is an opaque struct to manage several levels of configuration. There is an overall handover * config on 'network' level and a per-'bts' specific handover config. If the 'bts' level sets no values, * the defaults from 'network' level are used implicitly, and changes take effect immediately. */ struct handover_cfg; struct handover_cfg *ho_cfg_init(void *ctx, struct handover_cfg *higher_level_cfg); #define HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER1 "Handover options for handover decision algorithm 1\n" #define HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 "Handover options for handover decision algorithm 2\n" #define HO_CFG_STR_WIN "Measurement averaging settings\n" #define HO_CFG_STR_WIN_RXLEV HO_CFG_STR_WIN "Received-Level averaging\n" #define HO_CFG_STR_WIN_RXQUAL HO_CFG_STR_WIN "Received-Quality averaging\n" #define HO_CFG_STR_POWER_BUDGET "Neighbor cell power triggering\n" "Neighbor cell power triggering\n" #define HO_CFG_STR_AVG_COUNT "Number of values to average over\n" #define HO_CFG_STR_2 " (HO algo 2 only)\n" #define HO_CFG_STR_MIN "Minimum Level/Quality thresholds before triggering HO" HO_CFG_STR_2 #define HO_CFG_STR_AFS_BIAS "Configure bias to prefer AFS (AMR on TCH/F) over other codecs" HO_CFG_STR_2 #define HO_CFG_STR_MIN_TCH "Minimum free TCH timeslots before cell is considered congested" HO_CFG_STR_2 #define HO_CFG_STR_PENALTY_TIME "Set penalty times to wait between repeated handovers" HO_CFG_STR_2 #define as_is(x) (x) static inline bool a2bool(const char *arg) { return (bool)(atoi(arg)); } static inline int bool2i(bool arg) { return arg? 1 : 0; } static inline bool a2tdma(const char *arg) { if (!strcmp(arg, "full")) return true; return false; } static inline const char *tdma2a(bool val) { return val? "full" : "subset"; } /* The HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER macro gets redefined, depending on whether to define struct members, * function declarations or definitions... It is of the format * HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(TYPE, NAME, DEFAULT_VAL, * VTY_CMD, VTY_CMD_ARG, VTY_ARG_EVAL, * VTY_WRITE_FMT, VTY_WRITE_CONV, * VTY_DOC) * Then using HO_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS can save a lot of code dup in defining API declaration, API * definitions, VTY commands and VTY write code. Of course this doesn't prevent us from adding manual * members as well, in case future additions don't fit in this scheme. * * TYPE: a type name like int. * NAME: a variable name suitable for a struct member. * DEFAULT_VAL: default value, as passed to the VTY, e.g. '0' or 'foo', without quotes. * VTY_CMD: a command string for VTY without any arguments. * VTY_CMD_ARG: VTY value range like '<0-23>' or 'foo|bar', will become '(VTY_CMD_ARG|default)'. * VTY_ARG_EVAL: function name for parsing the VTY arg[0], e.g. 'atoi'. * VTY_WRITE_FMT: printf-like string format for vty_out(). * VTY_WRITE_CONV: function name to convert struct value to VTY_WRITE_FMT, e.g. 'as_is'. * VTY_DOC: VTY documentation strings to match VTY_CMD and VTY_CMD_ARGs. */ #define HO_GENERAL_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(bool, ho_active, 0, \ "handover", "0|1", a2bool, "%d", bool2i, \ "Handover general config\n" \ "Disable in-call handover\n" \ "Enable in-call handover\n" \ "Enable/disable handover: ") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, algorithm, 1, \ "handover algorithm", "1|2", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ "Handover general config\n" \ "Choose algorithm for handover decision\n" \ "Algorithm 1: trigger handover based on comparing current cell and neighbor RxLev and RxQual," \ " only.\n" \ "Algorithm 2: trigger handover on RxLev/RxQual, and also to balance the load across several" \ " cells. Consider available codecs. Prevent repeated handover by penalty timers.\n") \ #define HODEC1_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec1_rxlev_avg_win, 10, \ "handover window rxlev averaging", "<1-10>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER1 \ HO_CFG_STR_WIN_RXLEV \ "How many RxLev measurements are used for averaging\n" \ "RxLev averaging: " HO_CFG_STR_AVG_COUNT) \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec1_rxqual_avg_win, 1, \ "handover window rxqual averaging", "<1-10>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER1 \ HO_CFG_STR_WIN_RXQUAL \ "How many RxQual measurements are used for averaging\n" \ "RxQual averaging: " HO_CFG_STR_AVG_COUNT) \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec1_rxlev_neigh_avg_win, 10, \ "handover window rxlev neighbor averaging", "<1-10>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER1 \ HO_CFG_STR_WIN_RXLEV \ "How many Neighbor RxLev measurements are used for averaging\n" \ "How many Neighbor RxLev measurements are used for averaging\n" \ "Neighbor RxLev averaging: " HO_CFG_STR_AVG_COUNT) \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec1_pwr_interval, 6, \ "handover power budget interval", "<1-99>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER1 \ HO_CFG_STR_POWER_BUDGET \ "How often to check for a better cell (SACCH frames)\n" \ "Check for stronger neighbor every N number of SACCH frames\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec1_pwr_hysteresis, 3, \ "handover power budget hysteresis", "<0-999>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER1 \ HO_CFG_STR_POWER_BUDGET \ "How many dBm stronger must a neighbor be to become a HO candidate\n" \ "Neighbor's strength difference in dBm\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec1_max_distance, 9999, \ "handover maximum distance" , "<0-9999>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER1 \ "Maximum Timing-Advance value (i.e. MS distance) before triggering HO\n" \ "Maximum Timing-Advance value (i.e. MS distance) before triggering HO\n" \ "Maximum Timing-Advance value (i.e. MS distance) before triggering HO\n") \ #define HODEC2_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec2_rxlev_avg_win, 10, \ "handover2 window rxlev averaging", "<1-10>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_WIN_RXLEV \ "How many RxLev measurements are used for averaging\n" \ "RxLev averaging: " HO_CFG_STR_AVG_COUNT) \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec2_rxqual_avg_win, 1, \ "handover2 window rxqual averaging", "<1-10>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_WIN_RXQUAL \ "How many RxQual measurements are used for averaging\n" \ "RxQual averaging: " HO_CFG_STR_AVG_COUNT) \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec2_rxlev_neigh_avg_win, 10, \ "handover2 window rxlev neighbor averaging", "<1-10>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_WIN_RXLEV \ "How many Neighbor RxLev measurements are used for averaging\n" \ "How many Neighbor RxLev measurements are used for averaging\n" \ "Neighbor RxLev averaging: " HO_CFG_STR_AVG_COUNT) \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec2_pwr_interval, 6, \ "handover2 power budget interval", "<1-99>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_POWER_BUDGET \ "How often to check for a better cell (SACCH frames)\n" \ "Check for stronger neighbor every N number of SACCH frames\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec2_pwr_hysteresis, 3, \ "handover2 power budget hysteresis", "<0-999>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_POWER_BUDGET \ "How many dBm stronger must a neighbor be to become a HO candidate\n" \ "Neighbor's strength difference in dBm\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(unsigned int, hodec2_max_distance, 9999, \ "handover2 maximum distance" , "<0-9999>", atoi, "%u", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ "Maximum Timing-Advance value (i.e. MS distance) before triggering HO\n" \ "Maximum Timing-Advance value (i.e. MS distance) before triggering HO\n" \ "Maximum Timing-Advance value (i.e. MS distance) before triggering HO\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(bool, hodec2_as_active, 0, \ "handover2 assignment", "0|1", a2bool, "%d", bool2i, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ "Enable or disable in-call channel re-assignment" HO_CFG_STR_2 \ "Disable in-call assignment\n" \ "Enable in-call assignment\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(bool, hodec2_full_tdma, subset, \ "handover2 tdma-measurement", "full|subset", a2tdma, "%s", tdma2a, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ "Define measurement set of TDMA frames" HO_CFG_STR_2 \ "Full set of 102/104 TDMA frames\n" \ "Sub set of 4 TDMA frames (SACCH)\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_min_rxlev, -100, \ "handover2 min rxlev", "<-110--50>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_MIN \ "How weak may RxLev of an MS become before triggering HO\n" \ "minimum RxLev (dBm)\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_min_rxqual, 5, \ "handover2 min rxqual", "<0-7>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_MIN \ "How bad may RxQual of an MS become before triggering HO\n" \ "minimum RxQual (dBm)\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_afs_bias_rxlev, 0, \ "handover2 afs-bias rxlev", "<0-20>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_AFS_BIAS \ "RxLev improvement bias for AFS over other codecs\n" \ "Virtual RxLev improvement (dBm)\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_afs_bias_rxqual, 0, \ "handover2 afs-bias rxqual", "<0-7>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_AFS_BIAS \ "RxQual improvement bias for AFS over other codecs\n" \ "Virtual RxQual improvement (dBm)\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_tchf_min_slots, 0, \ "handover2 min-free-slots tch/f", "<0-9999>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_MIN_TCH \ "Minimum free TCH/F timeslots before cell is considered congested\n" \ "Number of TCH/F slots\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_tchh_min_slots, 0, \ "handover2 min-free-slots tch/h", "<0-9999>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_MIN_TCH \ "Minimum free TCH/H timeslots before cell is considered congested\n" \ "Number of TCH/H slots\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_ho_max, 9999, \ "handover2 max-handovers", "<1-9999>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ "Maximum number of concurrent handovers allowed per cell" HO_CFG_STR_2 \ "Number\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_penalty_max_dist, 300, \ "handover2 penalty-time max-distance", "<0-99999>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_PENALTY_TIME \ "Time to suspend handovers after leaving this cell due to exceeding max distance\n" \ "Seconds\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_penalty_failed_ho, 60, \ "handover2 penalty-time failed-ho", "<0-99999>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_PENALTY_TIME \ "Time to suspend handovers after handover failure to this cell\n" \ "Seconds\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_penalty_failed_as, 60, \ "handover2 penalty-time failed-assignment", "<0-99999>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ HO_CFG_STR_PENALTY_TIME \ "Time to suspend handovers after assignment failure in this cell\n" \ "Seconds\n") \ \ HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(int, hodec2_retries, 0, \ "handover2 retries", "<0-9>", atoi, "%d", as_is, \ HO_CFG_STR_HANDOVER2 \ "Immediately retry on handover/assignment failure" HO_CFG_STR_2 \ "Number of retries\n") \ #define HO_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS \ HO_GENERAL_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS \ HODEC1_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS \ HODEC2_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS \ /* Declare public API for handover cfg parameters... */ #define HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER(TYPE, NAME, DEFAULT_VAL, VTY1, VTY2, VTY3, VTY4, VTY5, VTY6) \ TYPE ho_get_##NAME(struct handover_cfg *ho); \ void ho_set_##NAME(struct handover_cfg *ho, TYPE val); \ bool ho_isset_##NAME(struct handover_cfg *ho); \ void ho_clear_##NAME(struct handover_cfg *ho); \ bool ho_isset_on_parent_##NAME(struct handover_cfg *ho); HO_CFG_ALL_MEMBERS #undef HO_CFG_ONE_MEMBER