diff options
56 files changed, 0 insertions, 3037 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/bsc-test/README b/contrib/bsc-test/README
deleted file mode 100644
index adb222e21..000000000
--- a/contrib/bsc-test/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Some crazy scripts call testing... and MSC link failure simulation
diff --git a/contrib/bsc-test/all_dial b/contrib/bsc-test/all_dial
deleted file mode 100644
index 96e5f00b3..000000000
--- a/contrib/bsc-test/all_dial
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-'' AT
-SAY "Dialing a number\n"
-'OK' ATD05660066;
diff --git a/contrib/bsc-test/dial.sh b/contrib/bsc-test/dial.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e5e19f63e..000000000
--- a/contrib/bsc-test/dial.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Evil dial script..
-while true;
- chat -v -f all_dial < /dev/ttyACM0 > /dev/ttyACM0
- sleep 5s
- chat -v -f hangup < /dev/ttyACM0 > /dev/ttyACM0
- sleep 2s
diff --git a/contrib/bsc-test/drop-oml.sh b/contrib/bsc-test/drop-oml.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 84eead7b7..000000000
--- a/contrib/bsc-test/drop-oml.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-sleep 3
-echo "enable"
-sleep 1
-echo "drop bts connection 0 oml"
-sleep 1
diff --git a/contrib/bsc-test/drop.sh b/contrib/bsc-test/drop.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c7b66ba72..000000000
--- a/contrib/bsc-test/drop.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-while true;
- echo "Going to drop the OML connection"
- ./drop-oml.sh | telnet 4242
- sleep 58m
diff --git a/contrib/bsc-test/hangup b/contrib/bsc-test/hangup
deleted file mode 100644
index cad6870fd..000000000
--- a/contrib/bsc-test/hangup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-'' ^Z
-SAY "Waiting for hangup confirm\n"
-'' ATH;
diff --git a/contrib/bsc-test/msc.sh b/contrib/bsc-test/msc.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index bec011d4c..000000000
--- a/contrib/bsc-test/msc.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-while true;
- echo "Kill the osmo-bsc"
- /usr/bin/kill -s SIGUSR2 `pidof osmo-bsc`
- sleep 58s
diff --git a/contrib/bt.py b/contrib/bt.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b111efc8..000000000
--- a/contrib/bt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-f = open("unbalanced")
-lines = []
-for line in f:
- lines.append(line)
-filenames = {}
-output = []
-for line in lines:
- if "[0x" in line:
- start = line.find("[")
- end = line.find("]")
- addr = line[start+1:end]
- try:
- file = filenames[addr]
- except KeyError:
- r = os.popen("addr2line -fs -e ./bsc_hack %s" % addr)
- all = r.read().replace("\n", ",")
- file = all
- filenames[addr] = file
- line = line.replace(addr, file)
- output.append(line)
-g = open("unbalanced.2", "w")
diff --git a/contrib/convert_to_enum.py b/contrib/convert_to_enum.py
deleted file mode 100755
index bcd6f2cee..000000000
--- a/contrib/convert_to_enum.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Convert ETSI documents to an enum
-import re, sys
-def convert(string):
- string = string.strip().replace(" ", "").rjust(8, "0")
- var = 0
- offset = 7
- for char in string:
- assert offset >= 0
- var = var | (int(char) << offset)
- offset = offset - 1
- return var
-def string(name):
- name = name.replace(" ", "_")
- name = name.replace('"', "")
- name = name.replace('/', '_')
- name = name.replace('(', '_')
- name = name.replace(')', '_')
- return "%s_%s" % (sys.argv[2], name.upper())
-file = open(sys.argv[1])
-for line in file:
- m = re.match(r"[ \t]*(?P<value>[01 ]+)[ ]+(?P<name>[a-zA-Z /0-9()]+)", line[:-1])
- if m:
- print "\t%s\t\t= %d," % (string(m.groupdict()["name"]), convert(m.groupdict()["value"]))
- else:
- print line[:-1]
diff --git a/contrib/ctrl2sse.py b/contrib/ctrl2sse.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b630ecfd..000000000
--- a/contrib/ctrl2sse.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-mod_license = '''
- * Copyright (C) 2016 sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-import sys, argparse, random, logging, tornado.ioloop, tornado.web, tornado.tcpclient, tornado.httpclient, eventsource, bsc_control
-from eventsource import listener, request
-N. B: this is not an example of building proper REST API or building secure web application.
-It's only purpose is to illustrate conversion of Osmocom's Control Interface to web-friendly API.
-Exposing this to Internet while connected to production network might lead to all sorts of mischief and mayhem
-from NSA' TAO breaking into your network to zombie apocalypse. Do NOT do that.
-token = None
-stream = None
-url = None
-Returns json according to following schema - see http://json-schema.org/documentation.html for details:
- "title": "Ctrl Schema",
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "variable": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "varlue": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- },
- "required": ["interface", "variable", "value"]
-Example validation from command-line:
-json validate --schema-file=schema.json --document-file=data.json
-The interface is represented as string because it might look different for IPv4 vs v6.
-def read_header(data):
- t_length = bsc_control.ipa_ctrl_header(data)
- if (t_length):
- stream.read_bytes(t_length - 1, callback = read_trap)
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, "protocol error: length missing in %s!" % data
-def read_trap(data):
- (t, z, v, p) = data.split()
- if (t != 'TRAP' or int(z) != 0):
- print >> sys.stderr, "protocol error: TRAP != %s or 0! = %d" % (t, int(z))
- else:
- yield tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient().fetch(tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url = "%s/%s/%s" % (url, "ping", token),
- method = 'POST',
- headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
- body = tornado.escape.json_encode({ 'variable' : v, 'value' : p })))
- stream.read_bytes(4, callback = read_header)
-def trap_setup(host, port, target_host, target_port, tk):
- global stream
- global url
- global token
- token = tk
- url = "http://%s:%s/sse" % (host, port)
- stream = yield tornado.tcpclient.TCPClient().connect(target_host, target_port)
- stream.read_bytes(4, callback = read_header)
-def get_v(s, v):
- return { 'variable' : v, 'value' : bsc_control.get_var(s, tornado.escape.native_str(v)) }
-class CtrlHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
- def initialize(self):
- self.skt = bsc_control.connect(self.settings['ctrl_host'], self.settings['ctrl_port'])
- def get(self, v):
- self.write(get_v(self.skt, v))
- def post(self):
- self.write(get_v(self.skt, self.get_argument("variable")))
-class SetCtrl(CtrlHandler):
- def get(self, var, val):
- bsc_control.set_var(self.skt, tornado.escape.native_str(var), tornado.escape.native_str(val))
- super(SetCtrl, self).get(tornado.escape.native_str(var))
- def post(self):
- bsc_control.set_var(self.skt, tornado.escape.native_str(self.get_argument("variable")), tornado.escape.native_str(self.get_argument("value")))
- super(SetCtrl, self).post()
-class Slash(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
- def get(self):
- self.write('<html><head><title>%s</title></head><body>Using Tornado framework v%s'
- '<form action="/get" method="POST">'
- '<input type="text" name="variable">'
- '<input type="submit" value="GET">'
- '</form>'
- '<form action="/set" method="POST">'
- '<input type="text" name="variable">'
- '<input type="text" name="value">'
- '<input type="submit" value="SET">'
- '</form>'
- '</body></html>' % ("Osmocom Control Interface Proxy", tornado.version))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Osmocom Control Interface proxy.')
- p.add_argument('-c', '--control-port', type = int, default = 4252, help = "Target Control Interface port")
- p.add_argument('-a', '--control-host', default = 'localhost', help = "Target Control Interface adress")
- p.add_argument('-b', '--host', default = 'localhost', help = "Adress to bind proxy's web interface")
- p.add_argument('-p', '--port', type = int, default = 6969, help = "Port to bind proxy's web interface")
- p.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help = "Activate debugging (default off)")
- p.add_argument('-t', '--token', default = 'osmocom', help = "Token to be used by SSE client in URL e. g. where 'osmocom' is default token value")
- p.add_argument('-k', '--keepalive', type = int, default = 5000, help = "Timeout betwwen keepalive messages, in milliseconds, defaults to 5000")
- args = p.parse_args()
- random.seed()
- tornado.netutil.Resolver.configure('tornado.netutil.ThreadedResolver') # Use non-blocking resolver
- logging.basicConfig()
- application = tornado.web.Application([
- (r"/", Slash),
- (r"/get", CtrlHandler),
- (r"/get/(.*)", CtrlHandler),
- (r"/set", SetCtrl),
- (r"/set/(.*)/(.*)", SetCtrl),
- (r"/sse/(.*)/(.*)", listener.EventSourceHandler, dict(event_class = listener.JSONIdEvent, keepalive = args.keepalive)),
- ], debug = args.debug, ctrl_host = args.control_host, ctrl_port = args.control_port)
- application.listen(address = args.host, port = args.port)
- trap_setup(args.host, args.port, application.settings['ctrl_host'], application.settings['ctrl_port'], args.token)
- tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
diff --git a/contrib/gprs/gb-proxy-unblock-bug.py b/contrib/gprs/gb-proxy-unblock-bug.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0cd4b871f..000000000
--- a/contrib/gprs/gb-proxy-unblock-bug.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-demonstrate a unblock bug on the GB Proxy..
-bts_ns_reset = "\x02\x00\x81\x01\x01\x82\x1f\xe7\x04\x82\x1f\xe7"
-ns_reset_ack = "\x03\x01\x82\x1f\xe7\x04\x82\x1f\xe7"
-bts_ns_unblock = "\x06"
-ns_unblock_ack = "\x07"
-bts_bvc_reset_0 = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x22\x04\x82\x00\x00\x07\x81\x03\x3b\x81\x02"
-ns_bvc_reset_0_ack = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x23\x04\x82\x00\x00"
-bts_bvc_reset_8167 = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x22\x04\x82\x1f\xe7\x07\x81\x08\x08\x88\x72\xf4\x80\x10\x1c\x00\x9c\x40"
-import socket
-socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-socket.bind(("", 0))
-import sys
-port = int(sys.argv[1])
-print "Sending data to port: %d" % port
-def send_and_receive(packet):
- socket.sendto(packet, ("", port))
- try:
- data, addr = socket.recvfrom(4096)
- except socket.error, e:
- print "ERROR", e
- import sys
- sys.exit(0)
- return data
-#send stuff once
-to_send = [
- (bts_ns_reset, ns_reset_ack, "reset ack"),
- (bts_ns_unblock, ns_unblock_ack, "unblock ack"),
- (bts_bvc_reset_0, ns_bvc_reset_0_ack, "BVCI=0 reset ack"),
-for (out, inp, type) in to_send:
- res = send_and_receive(out)
- if res != inp:
- print "Failed to get the %s" % type
- sys.exit(-1)
-import time
-res = send_and_receive(bts_bvc_reset_8167)
-print "Sent all messages... check wireshark for the last response"
diff --git a/contrib/gprs/gprs-bssgp-histogram.lua b/contrib/gprs/gprs-bssgp-histogram.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ab5df7f..000000000
--- a/contrib/gprs/gprs-bssgp-histogram.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--- Simple LUA script to print the size of BSSGP messages over their type...
- local ip_bucket = {}
- local pdu_types = {}
- pdu_types[ 6] = "PAGING"
- pdu_types[11] = "SUSPEND"
- pdu_types[12] = "SUSPEND-ACK"
- pdu_types[32] = "BVC-BLOCK"
- pdu_types[33] = "BVC-BLOCK-ACK"
- pdu_types[34] = "BVC-RESET"
- pdu_types[35] = "BVC-RESET-ACK"
- pdu_types[36] = "UNBLOCK"
- pdu_types[37] = "UNBLOCK-ACK"
- pdu_types[38] = "FLOW-CONTROL-BVC"
- pdu_types[39] = "FLOW-CONTROL-BVC-ACK"
- pdu_types[40] = "FLOW-CONTROL-MS"
- pdu_types[41] = "FLOW-CONTROL-MS-ACK"
- pdu_types[44] = "LLC-DISCARDED"
- local function init_listener()
- -- handle the port as NS over IP
- local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
- local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns")
- udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis)
- -- bssgp filters
- local bssgp_pdu_get = Field.new("bssgp.pdu_type")
- local udp_length_get = Field.new("udp.length")
- local tap = Listener.new("ip", "udp.port == 23000")
- function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
- local pdu = bssgp_pdu_get()
- local len = udp_length_get()
- -- only handle bssgp, but we also want the IP frame
- if not pdu then
- return
- end
- pdu = tostring(pdu)
- if tonumber(pdu) == 0 or tonumber(pdu) == 1 then
- return
- end
- local ip_src = tostring(ip.ip_src)
- local bssgp_histo = ip_bucket[ip_src]
- if not bssgp_histo then
- bssgp_histo = {}
- ip_bucket[ip_src] = bssgp_histo
- end
- local key = pdu
- local bucket = bssgp_histo[key]
- if not bucket then
- bucket = {}
- bssgp_histo[key] = bucket
- end
- table.insert(bucket, tostring(len))
- print("IP: " .. ip_src .. " PDU: " .. pdu_types[tonumber(pdu)] .. " Length: " .. tostring(len))
- end
- function tap.draw()
- -- well... this will not be called...
--- for ip,bssgp_histo in pairs(dumpers) do
--- print("IP " .. ip)
--- end
- end
- function tap.reset()
- -- well... this will not be called...
- end
- end
- init_listener()
diff --git a/contrib/gprs/gprs-buffer-count.lua b/contrib/gprs/gprs-buffer-count.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ca8864ad1..000000000
--- a/contrib/gprs/gprs-buffer-count.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
--- I count the buffer space needed for LLC PDUs in the worse case and print it
- local function init_listener()
- -- handle the port as NS over IP
- local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
- local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns")
- udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis)
- -- bssgp filters
- local bssgp_pdu_get = Field.new("bssgp.pdu_type")
- local bssgp_delay_get = Field.new("bssgp.delay_val")
- local llcgprs_get = Field.new("llcgprs")
- local pdus = nil
- print("START...")
- local tap = Listener.new("ip", "udp.port == 23000 && bssgp.pdu_type == 0")
- function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
- local pdu = bssgp_pdu_get()
- local len = llcgprs_get().len
- local delay = bssgp_delay_get()
- -- only handle bssgp, but we also want the IP frame
- if not pdu then
- return
- end
- if tonumber(tostring(delay)) == 65535 then
- pdus = { next = pdus,
- len = len,
- expires = -1 }
- else
- local off = tonumber(tostring(delay)) / 100.0
- pdus = { next = pdus,
- len = len,
- expires = pinfo.rel_ts + off }
- end
- local now_time = tonumber(tostring(pinfo.rel_ts))
- local now_size = 0
- local l = pdus
- local prev = nil
- local count = 0
- while l do
- if now_time < l.expires or l.expires == -1 then
- now_size = now_size + l.len
- prev = l
- l = l.next
- count = count + 1
- else
- -- delete things
- if prev == nil then
- pdus = nil
- l = nil
- else
- prev.next = l.next
- l = l.next
- end
- end
- end
--- print("TOTAL: " .. now_time .. " PDU_SIZE: " .. now_size)
- print(now_time .. " " .. now_size / 1024.0 .. " " .. count)
--- print("NOW: " .. tostring(pinfo.rel_ts) .. " Delay: " .. tostring(delay) .. " Length: " .. tostring(len))
- end
- function tap.draw()
- -- well... this will not be called...
--- for ip,bssgp_histo in pairs(dumpers) do
--- print("IP " .. ip)
--- end
- print("END")
- end
- function tap.reset()
- -- well... this will not be called...
- end
- end
- init_listener()
diff --git a/contrib/gprs/gprs-split-trace-by-tlli.lua b/contrib/gprs/gprs-split-trace-by-tlli.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 018c377c5..000000000
--- a/contrib/gprs/gprs-split-trace-by-tlli.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
--- Create a file named by_ip/''ip_addess''.cap with all ip traffic of each ip host. (works for tshark only)
--- Dump files are created for both source and destination hosts
- local dir = "by_tlli"
- local dumpers = {}
- local function init_listener()
- local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
- local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns")
- udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis)
- local field_tlli = Field.new("bssgp.tlli")
- local tap = Listener.new("ip", "udp.port == 23000")
- -- we will be called once for every IP Header.
- -- If there's more than one IP header in a given packet we'll dump the packet once per every header
- function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
- local tlli = field_tlli()
- if not tlli then
- return
- end
- local tlli_str = tostring(tlli)
- tlli_dmp = dumpers[tlli_str]
- if not tlli_dmp then
- local tlli_hex = string.format("0x%x", tonumber(tlli_str))
- print("Creating dump for TLLI " .. tlli_hex)
- tlli_dmp = Dumper.new_for_current(dir .. "/" .. tlli_hex .. ".pcap")
- dumpers[tlli_str] = tlli_dmp
- end
- tlli_dmp:dump_current()
- tlli_dmp:flush()
- end
- function tap.draw()
- for tlli,dumper in pairs(dumpers) do
- dumper:flush()
- end
- end
- function tap.reset()
- for tlli,dumper in pairs(dumpers) do
- dumper:close()
- end
- dumpers = {}
- end
- end
- init_listener()
diff --git a/contrib/gprs/gprs-verify-nu.lua b/contrib/gprs/gprs-verify-nu.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e44fdd16f..000000000
--- a/contrib/gprs/gprs-verify-nu.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
--- This script verifies that the N(U) is increasing...
- local nu_state_src = {}
- local function init_listener()
- -- handle the port as NS over IP
- local udp_port_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
- local gprs_ns_dis = Dissector.get("gprs_ns")
- udp_port_table:add(23000,gprs_ns_dis)
- -- we want to look here...
- local llc_sapi_get = Field.new("llcgprs.sapib")
- local llc_nu_get = Field.new("llcgprs.nu")
- local bssgp_tlli_get = Field.new("bssgp.tlli")
- local tap = Listener.new("ip", "udp.port == 23000")
- function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
- local llc_sapi = llc_sapi_get()
- local llc_nu = llc_nu_get()
- local bssgp_tlli = bssgp_tlli_get()
- if not llc_sapi or not llc_nu or not bssgp_tlli then
- return
- end
- local ip_src = tostring(ip.ip_src)
- local bssgp_tlli = tostring(bssgp_tlli)
- local llc_nu = tostring(llc_nu)
- local llc_sapi = tostring(llc_sapi)
- local src_key = ip_src .. "-" .. bssgp_tlli .. "-" .. llc_sapi
- local last_nu = nu_state_src[src_key]
- if not last_nu then
- -- print("Establishing mapping for " .. src_key)
- nu_state_src[src_key] = llc_nu
- return
- end
- local function tohex(number)
- return string.format("0x%x", tonumber(number))
- end
- nu_state_src[src_key] = llc_nu
- if tonumber(last_nu) + 1 ~= tonumber(llc_nu) then
- print("JUMP in N(U) on TLLI " .. tohex(bssgp_tlli) .. " and SAPI: " .. llc_sapi .. " src: " .. ip_src)
- print("\t last: " .. last_nu .. " now: " .. llc_nu)
- end
- end
- function tap.draw()
- end
- function tap.reset()
- end
- end
- init_listener()
diff --git a/contrib/hlr-remove-old.sql b/contrib/hlr-remove-old.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 626a331e1..000000000
--- a/contrib/hlr-remove-old.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
--- Remove old data from the database
-DELETE FROM Subscriber
- WHERE id != 1 AND datetime('now', '-10 days') > updated AND authorized != 1;
-DELETE FROM Equipment
- WHERE datetime('now', '-10 days') > updated;
-DELETE FROM EquipmentWatch
- WHERE datetime('now', '-10 days') > updated;
- WHERE datetime('now', '-10 days') > created;
- WHERE datetime('now', '-10 days') > updated;
- WHERE datetime('now', '-10 days') > created;
- WHERE datetime('now', '-10 days') > timestamp;
-DELETE FROM RateCounters
- WHERE datetime('now', '-10 days') > timestamp;
diff --git a/contrib/hlrsync/hlrsync.py b/contrib/hlrsync/hlrsync.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e4a495555..000000000
--- a/contrib/hlrsync/hlrsync.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3
-import sys
-hlr = sqlite3.connect(sys.argv[1])
-web = sqlite3.connect(sys.argv[2])
-# switch to autocommit
-hlr.isolation_level = None
-web.isolation_level = None
-hlr.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
-web.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
-with hlr:
- hlr_subscrs = hlr.execute("""
- SELECT * FROM Subscriber
- """).fetchall()
- hlr_tokens = hlr.execute("""
- SELECT * FROM AuthToken
- """).fetchall()
-with web:
- web_tokens = web.execute("""
- SELECT * FROM reg_tokens
- """).fetchall()
- web_sms = web.execute("""
- SELECT * FROM sms_queue
- """).fetchall()
-# index by subscr id
-hlr_subscrs_by_id = {}
-hlr_subscrs_by_ext = {}
-hlr_tokens_by_subscr_id = {}
-for x in hlr_subscrs:
- hlr_subscrs_by_id[x['id']] = x
- hlr_subscrs_by_ext[x['extension']] = x
-del hlr_subscrs
-for x in hlr_tokens:
- hlr_tokens_by_subscr_id[x['subscriber_id']] = x
-del hlr_tokens
-web_tokens_by_subscr_id = {}
-for x in web_tokens:
- web_tokens_by_subscr_id[x['subscriber_id']] = x
-del web_tokens
-# remove leftover web_tokens and correct inconsistent fields
-with web:
- for x in web_tokens_by_subscr_id.values():
- subscr = hlr_subscrs_by_id.get(x['subscriber_id'], None)
- if subscr is None:
- web.execute("""
- DELETE FROM reg_tokens WHERE subscriber_id = ?
- """, (x['subscriber_id'],))
- del web_tokens_by_subscr_id[x['subscriber_id']]
- continue
- if str(x['imsi']) != str(subscr['imsi']) or \
- x['extension'] != subscr['extension'] or \
- x['tmsi'] != subscr['tmsi'] or \
- x['lac'] != subscr['lac']:
- web.execute("""
- UPDATE reg_tokens
- SET imsi = ?, extension = ?, tmsi = ?, lac = ?
- WHERE subscriber_id = ?
- """, (str(subscr['imsi']), subscr['extension'],
- subscr['tmsi'], subscr['lac'], x['subscriber_id']))
-# add missing web_tokens
-with web:
- for x in hlr_tokens_by_subscr_id.values():
- subscr = hlr_subscrs_by_id.get(x['subscriber_id'], None)
- if subscr is None:
- hlr.execute("""
- DELETE FROM AuthToken WHERE subscriber_id = ?
- """, (x['subscriber_id'],))
- del hlr_tokens_by_subscr_id[x['subscriber_id']]
- continue
- webtoken = web_tokens_by_subscr_id.get(x['subscriber_id'], None)
- if webtoken is None:
- web.execute("""
- INSERT INTO reg_tokens
- (subscriber_id, extension, reg_completed, name, email, lac, imsi, token, tmsi)
- (?, ?, 0, ?, '', ?, ?, ?, ?)
- """, (x['subscriber_id'], subscr['extension'], subscr['name'],
- subscr['lac'], str(subscr['imsi']), x['token'], subscr['tmsi']))
-# authorize subscribers
-with hlr:
- for x in web_tokens_by_subscr_id.values():
- subscr = hlr_subscrs_by_id.get(x['subscriber_id'], None)
- if x['reg_completed'] and not subscr['authorized']:
- hlr.execute("""
- UPDATE Subscriber
- SET authorized = 1
- WHERE id = ?
- """, (x['subscriber_id'],))
-# Sync SMS from web to hlr
-with hlr:
- for sms in web_sms:
- subscr = hlr_subscrs_by_ext.get(sms['receiver_ext'])
- if subscr is None:
- print '%s not found' % sms['receiver_ext']
- continue
- hlr.execute("""
- (created, sender_id, receiver_id, reply_path_req, status_rep_req, protocol_id, data_coding_scheme, ud_hdr_ind, text)
- (?, 1, ?, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ?)
- """, (sms['created'], subscr['id'], sms['text']))
-with web:
- for sms in web_sms:
- web.execute("""
- DELETE FROM sms_queue WHERE id = ?
- """, (sms['id'],))
diff --git a/contrib/mgcp_server.py b/contrib/mgcp_server.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 05c489db5..000000000
--- a/contrib/mgcp_server.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Simple server for mgcp... send audit, receive response..
-import socket, time
-rsip_resp = """200 321321332\r\n"""
-audit_packet = """AUEP %d 13@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\n"""
-crcx_packet = """CRCX %d 14@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 4a84ad5d25f\r\nL: p:20, a:GSM-EFR, nt:IN\r\nM: recvonly\r\n"""
-dlcx_packet = """DLCX %d 14@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 4a84ad5d25f\r\nI: %d\r\n"""
-mdcx_packet = """MDCX %d 14@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 4a84ad5d25f\r\nI: %d\r\nL: p:20, a:GSM-EFR, nt:IN\r\nM: recvonly\r\n\r\nv=0\r\no=- 258696477 0 IN IP4\r\ns=-\r\nc=IN IP4\r\nt=0 0\r\nm=audio 6666 RTP/AVP 127\r\na=rtpmap:127 GSM-EFR/8000/1\r\na=ptime:20\r\na=recvonly\r\nm=image 4402 udptl t38\r\na=T38FaxVersion:0\r\na=T38MaxBitRate:14400\r\n"""
-def hexdump(src, length=8):
- """Recipe is from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/142812/"""
- result = []
- digits = 4 if isinstance(src, unicode) else 2
- for i in xrange(0, len(src), length):
- s = src[i:i+length]
- hexa = b' '.join(["%0*X" % (digits, ord(x)) for x in s])
- text = b''.join([x if 0x20 <= ord(x) < 0x7F else b'.' for x in s])
- result.append( b"%04X %-*s %s" % (i, length*(digits + 1), hexa, text) )
- return b'\n'.join(result)
-server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-server_socket.bind(("", MGCP_CALLAGENT_PORT))
-last_ci = 1
-def send_and_receive(packet):
- global last_ci
- server_socket.sendto(packet, ("", MGCP_GATEWAY_PORT))
- try:
- data, addr = server_socket.recvfrom(4096)
- # attempt to store the CI of the response
- list = data.split("\n")
- for item in list:
- if item.startswith("I: "):
- last_ci = int(item[3:])
- print hexdump(data), addr
- except socket.error, e:
- print e
- pass
-def generate_tid():
- import random
- return random.randint(0, 65123)
-while True:
- send_and_receive(audit_packet % generate_tid())
- send_and_receive(crcx_packet % generate_tid() )
- send_and_receive(mdcx_packet % (generate_tid(), last_ci))
- send_and_receive(dlcx_packet % (generate_tid(), last_ci))
- time.sleep(3)
diff --git a/contrib/nat/test_regexp.c b/contrib/nat/test_regexp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 808a703ca..000000000
--- a/contrib/nat/test_regexp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* make test_regexp */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- regex_t reg;
- regmatch_t matches[2];
- if (argc != 4) {
- printf("Invoke with: test_regexp REGEXP REPLACE NR\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (regcomp(&reg, argv[1], REG_EXTENDED) != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Regexp '%s' is not valid.\n", argv[1]);
- return -1;
- }
- if (regexec(&reg, argv[3], 2, matches, 0) == 0 && matches[1].rm_eo != -1)
- printf("New Number: %s%s\n", argv[2], &argv[3][matches[1].rm_so]);
- else
- printf("No match.\n");
- regfree(&reg);
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/nat/ussd_example.py b/contrib/nat/ussd_example.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f7a58d3f..000000000
--- a/contrib/nat/ussd_example.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
-AGPLv3+ 2016 Copyright Holger Hans Peter Freyther
-Example of how to connect to the USSD side-channel and how to respond
-with a fixed message.
-import socket
-import struct
-ussdSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-ussdSocket.connect(('', 5001))
-def send_dt1(dstref, data):
- dlen = struct.pack('B', len(data)).encode('hex')
- hex = '06' + dstref.encode('hex') + '00' + '01' + dlen + data.encode('hex')
- pdata = hex.decode('hex')
- out = struct.pack('>HB', len(pdata), 0xfd) + pdata
- ussdSocket.send(out)
-def send_rel(srcref, dstref):
- hex = '04' + dstref.encode('hex') + srcref.encode('hex') + '000100'
- pdata = hex.decode('hex')
- out = struct.pack('>HB', len(pdata), 0xfd) + pdata
- ussdSocket.send(out)
-def recv_one():
- plen = ussdSocket.recv(3)
- (plen,ptype) = struct.unpack(">HB", plen)
- data = ussdSocket.recv(plen)
- return ptype, data
-# Assume this is the ID request
-data = ussdSocket.recv(4)
-ussdSocket.send("\x00\x08\xfe\x05\x00" + "\x05\x01" + "ussd")
-# ^len ^len of tag ... and ignore
-# Expect a fake message. see struct ipac_msgt_sccp_state
-ptype, data = recv_one()
-print("%d %s" % (ptype, data.encode('hex')))
-(srcref, dstref, transid, invokeid) = struct.unpack("<3s3sBB", data[1:9])
-print("New transID %d invoke %d" % (transid, invokeid))
-# Expect a the invocation.. todo.. extract invoke id
-ptype, data = recv_one()
-print("%d %s" % (ptype, data.encode('hex')))
-# Reply with BSSAP + GSM 04.08 + MAP portion
-# 00 == invoke id 0f == DCS
-res = "01002a9b2a0802e1901c22a220020100301b02013b301604010f041155e7d2f9bc3a41412894991c06a9c9a713"
-send_dt1(dstref, res.decode('hex'))
-clear = "000420040109"
-send_dt1(dstref, clear.decode('hex'))
-# should be the clear complete
-send_rel(srcref, dstref)
-# Give it some time to handle connection shutdown properly
-print("Gracefully sleeping")
-import time
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/gen_rtp_header.erl b/contrib/rtp/gen_rtp_header.erl
deleted file mode 100755
index 47839c1ca..000000000
--- a/contrib/rtp/gen_rtp_header.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-%%! -smp disable
-% -mode(compile).
--define(VERSION, "0.1").
- {
- version = 2,
- padding = 0,
- marker = 0,
- payload_type = 0,
- seqno = 0,
- timestamp = 0,
- ssrc = 0,
- csrcs = [],
- extension = <<>>,
- payload = <<>>,
- realtime
- }).
-main(Args) ->
- DefaultOpts = [{format, state},
- {ssrc, 16#11223344},
- {rate, 8000},
- {pt, 98}],
- {PosArgs, Opts} = getopts_checked(Args, DefaultOpts),
- log(debug, fun (Dev) ->
- io:format(Dev, "Initial options:~n", []),
- dump_opts(Dev, Opts),
- io:format(Dev, "~s: ~p~n", ["Args", PosArgs])
- end, [], Opts),
- main(PosArgs, Opts).
-main([First | RemArgs], Opts) ->
- try
- F = list_to_integer(First),
- Format = proplists:get_value(format, Opts, state),
- PayloadData = proplists:get_value(payload, Opts, undef),
- InFile = proplists:get_value(file, Opts, undef),
- Payload = case {PayloadData, InFile} of
- {undef, undef} ->
- % use default value
- #rtp_packet{}#rtp_packet.payload;
- {P, undef} -> P;
- {_, File} ->
- log(info, "Loading file '~s'~n", [File], Opts),
- {ok, InDev} = file:open(File, [read]),
- DS = [ Pl#rtp_packet.payload || {_T, Pl} <- read_packets(InDev, Opts)],
- file:close(InDev),
- log(debug, "File '~s' closed, ~w packets read.~n", [File, length(DS)], Opts),
- DS
- end,
- Dev = standard_io,
- write_packet_pre(Dev, Format),
- do_groups(Dev, Payload, F, RemArgs, Opts),
- write_packet_post(Dev, Format),
- 0
- catch
- _:_ ->
- log(debug, "~p~n", [hd(erlang:get_stacktrace())], Opts),
- usage(),
- halt(1)
- end
- ;
-main(_, _Opts) ->
- usage(),
- halt(1).
-%%% group (count + offset) handling %%%
-do_groups(_Dev, _Pl, _F, [], _Opts) ->
- ok;
-do_groups(Dev, Pl, F, [L], Opts) ->
- do_groups(Dev, Pl, F, [L, 0], Opts);
-do_groups(Dev, Pl, First, [L, O | Args], Opts) ->
- Ssrc = proplists:get_value(ssrc, Opts, #rtp_packet.ssrc),
- PT = proplists:get_value(pt, Opts, #rtp_packet.payload_type),
- Len = list_to_num(L),
- Offs = list_to_num(O),
- log(info, "Starting group: Ssrc=~.16B, PT=~B, First=~B, Len=~B, Offs=~B~n",
- [Ssrc, PT, First, Len, Offs], Opts),
- Pkg = #rtp_packet{ssrc = Ssrc, payload_type = PT},
- Pl2 = write_packets(Dev, Pl, Pkg, First, Len, Offs, Opts),
- {Args2, Opts2} = getopts_checked(Args, Opts),
- log(debug, fun (Io) ->
- io:format(Io, "Changed options:~n", []),
- dump_opts(Io, Opts2 -- Opts)
- end, [], Opts),
- do_groups(Dev, Pl2, First+Len, Args2, Opts2).
-%%% error handling helpers %%%
-getopts_checked(Args, Opts) ->
- try
- getopts(Args, Opts)
- catch
- C:R ->
- log(error, "~s~n",
- [explain_error(C, R, erlang:get_stacktrace(), Opts)], Opts),
- usage(),
- halt(1)
- end.
-explain_error(error, badarg, [{erlang,list_to_integer,[S,B]} | _ ], _Opts) ->
- io_lib:format("Invalid number '~s' (base ~B)", [S, B]);
-explain_error(error, badarg, [{erlang,list_to_integer,[S]} | _ ], _Opts) ->
- io_lib:format("Invalid decimal number '~s'", [S]);
-explain_error(C, R, [Hd | _ ], _Opts) ->
- io_lib:format("~p, ~p:~p", [Hd, C, R]);
-explain_error(_, _, [], _Opts) ->
- "".
-%%% usage and options %%%
-myname() ->
- filename:basename(escript:script_name()).
-usage(Text) ->
- io:format(standard_error, "~s: ~s~n", [myname(), Text]),
- usage().
-usage() ->
- io:format(standard_error,
- "Usage: ~s [Options] Start Count1 Offs1 [[Options] Count2 Offs2 ...]~n",
- [myname()]).
-show_version() ->
- io:format(standard_io,
- "~s ~s~n", [myname(), ?VERSION]).
-show_help() ->
- io:format(standard_io,
- "Usage: ~s [Options] Start Count1 Offs1 [[Options] Count2 Offs2 ...]~n~n" ++
- "Options:~n" ++
- " -h, --help this text~n" ++
- " --version show version info~n" ++
- " -i, --file=FILE reads payload from file (state format by default)~n" ++
- " -f, --frame-size=N read payload as binary frames of size N instead~n" ++
- " -p, --payload=HEX set constant payload~n" ++
- " --verbose=N set verbosity~n" ++
- " -v increase verbosity~n" ++
- " --format=state use state format for output (default)~n" ++
- " -C, --format=c use simple C lines for output~n" ++
- " --format=carray use a C array for output~n" ++
- " -s, --ssrc=SSRC set the SSRC~n" ++
- " -t, --type=N set the payload type~n" ++
- " -r, --rate=N set the RTP rate [8000]~n" ++
- " -D, --duration=N set the packet duration in RTP time units [160]~n" ++
- " -d, --delay=FLOAT add offset to playout timestamp~n" ++
- "~n" ++
- "Arguments:~n" ++
- " Start initial packet (sequence) number~n" ++
- " Count number of packets~n" ++
- " Offs timestamp offset (in RTP units)~n" ++
- "", [myname()]).
-getopts([ "--file=" ++ File | R], Opts) ->
- getopts(R, [{file, File} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-i" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_arg("--file", T, R, Opts);
-getopts([ "--frame-size=" ++ N | R], Opts) ->
- Size = list_to_integer(N),
- getopts(R, [{frame_size, Size}, {in_format, bin} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-f" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_arg("--frame-size", T, R, Opts);
-getopts([ "--duration=" ++ N | R], Opts) ->
- Duration = list_to_integer(N),
- getopts(R, [{duration, Duration} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-D" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_arg("--duration", T, R, Opts);
-getopts([ "--rate=" ++ N | R], Opts) ->
- Rate = list_to_integer(N),
- getopts(R, [{rate, Rate} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-r" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_arg("--rate", T, R, Opts);
-getopts([ "--version" | _], _Opts) ->
- show_version(),
- halt(0);
-getopts([ "--help" | _], _Opts) ->
- show_help(),
- halt(0);
-getopts([ "-h" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_no_arg("--help", T, R, Opts);
-getopts([ "--verbose=" ++ V | R], Opts) ->
- Verbose = list_to_integer(V),
- getopts(R, [{verbose, Verbose} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-v" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- Verbose = proplists:get_value(verbose, Opts, 0),
- getopts_short_no_arg(T, R, [ {verbose, Verbose+1} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "--format=state" | R], Opts) ->
- getopts(R, [{format, state} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "--format=c" | R], Opts) ->
- getopts(R, [{format, c} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-C" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_no_arg("--format=c", T, R, Opts);
-getopts([ "--format=carray" | R], Opts) ->
- getopts(R, [{format, carray} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "--payload=" ++ Hex | R], Opts) ->
- getopts(R, [{payload, hex_to_bin(Hex)} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "--ssrc=" ++ Num | R], Opts) ->
- getopts(R, [{ssrc, list_to_num(Num)} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-s" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_arg("--ssrc", T, R, Opts);
-getopts([ "--type=" ++ Num | R], Opts) ->
- getopts(R, [{pt, list_to_num(Num)} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-t" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_arg("--type", T, R, Opts);
-getopts([ "--delay=" ++ Num | R], Opts) ->
- getopts(R, [{delay, list_to_float(Num)} | Opts]);
-getopts([ "-d" ++ T | R], Opts) ->
- getopts_alias_arg("--delay", T, R, Opts);
-% parsing helpers
-getopts([ "--" | R], Opts) ->
- {R, normalize_opts(Opts)};
-getopts([ O = "--" ++ _ | _], _Opts) ->
- usage("Invalid option: " ++ O),
- halt(1);
-getopts([ [ $-, C | _] | _], _Opts) when C < $0; C > $9 ->
- usage("Invalid option: -" ++ [C]),
- halt(1);
-getopts(R, Opts) ->
- {R, normalize_opts(Opts)}.
-getopts_short_no_arg([], R, Opts) -> getopts(R, Opts);
-getopts_short_no_arg(T, R, Opts) -> getopts([ "-" ++ T | R], Opts).
-getopts_alias_no_arg(A, [], R, Opts) -> getopts([A | R], Opts);
-getopts_alias_no_arg(A, T, R, Opts) -> getopts([A, "-" ++ T | R], Opts).
-getopts_alias_arg(A, [], [T | R], Opts) -> getopts([A ++ "=" ++ T | R], Opts);
-getopts_alias_arg(A, T, R, Opts) -> getopts([A ++ "=" ++ T | R], Opts).
-normalize_opts(Opts) ->
- [ proplists:lookup(E, Opts) || E <- proplists:get_keys(Opts) ].
-%%% conversions %%%
-bin_to_hex(Bin) -> [hd(integer_to_list(N,16)) || <<N:4>> <= Bin].
-hex_to_bin(Hex) -> << <<(list_to_integer([Nib],16)):4>> || Nib <- Hex>>.
-list_to_num("-" ++ Str) -> -list_to_num(Str);
-list_to_num("0x" ++ Str) -> list_to_integer(Str, 16);
-list_to_num("0b" ++ Str) -> list_to_integer(Str, 2);
-list_to_num(Str = [ $0 | _ ]) -> list_to_integer(Str, 8);
-list_to_num(Str) -> list_to_integer(Str, 10).
-%%% dumping data %%%
-dump_opts(Dev, Opts) ->
- dump_opts2(Dev, Opts, proplists:get_keys(Opts)).
-dump_opts2(Dev, Opts, [OptName | R]) ->
- io:format(Dev, " ~-10s: ~p~n",
- [OptName, proplists:get_value(OptName, Opts)]),
- dump_opts2(Dev, Opts, R);
-dump_opts2(_Dev, _Opts, []) -> ok.
-%%% logging %%%
-log(L, Fmt, Args, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
- log(L, Fmt, Args, proplists:get_value(verbose, Opts, 0), Opts).
-log(debug, Fmt, Args, V, Opts) when V > 2 -> log2("DEBUG", Fmt, Args, Opts);
-log(info, Fmt, Args, V, Opts) when V > 1 -> log2("INFO", Fmt, Args, Opts);
-log(notice, Fmt, Args, V, Opts) when V > 0 -> log2("NOTICE", Fmt, Args, Opts);
-log(warn, Fmt, Args, _V, Opts) -> log2("WARNING", Fmt, Args, Opts);
-log(error, Fmt, Args, _V, Opts) -> log2("ERROR", Fmt, Args, Opts);
-log(Lvl, Fmt, Args, V, Opts) when V >= Lvl -> log2("", Fmt, Args, Opts);
-log(_, _, _, _i, _) -> ok.
-log2(Type, Fmt, Args, _Opts) when is_list(Fmt) ->
- io:format(standard_error, "~s: " ++ Fmt, [Type | Args]);
-log2("", Fmt, Args, _Opts) when is_list(Fmt) ->
- io:format(standard_error, Fmt, Args);
-log2(_Type, Fun, _Args, _Opts) when is_function(Fun, 1) ->
- Fun(standard_error).
-%%% RTP packets %%%
-make_rtp_packet(P = #rtp_packet{version = 2}) ->
- << (P#rtp_packet.version):2,
- 0:1, % P
- 0:1, % X
- 0:4, % CC
- (P#rtp_packet.marker):1,
- (P#rtp_packet.payload_type):7,
- (P#rtp_packet.seqno):16,
- (P#rtp_packet.timestamp):32,
- (P#rtp_packet.ssrc):32,
- (P#rtp_packet.payload)/bytes
- >>.
- << 2:2, % Version 2
- 0:1, % P (not supported yet)
- 0:1, % X (not supported yet)
- 0:4, % CC (not supported yet)
- M:1,
- PT:7,
- SeqNo: 16,
- TS:32,
- Ssrc:32,
- Payload/bytes >>) ->
- #rtp_packet{
- version = 0,
- marker = M,
- payload_type = PT,
- seqno = SeqNo,
- timestamp = TS,
- ssrc = Ssrc,
- payload = Payload}.
-%%% payload generation %%%
-next_payload(F) when is_function(F) ->
- {F(), F};
-next_payload({F, D}) when is_function(F) ->
- {P, D2} = F(D),
- {P, {F, D2}};
-next_payload([P | R]) ->
- {P, R};
-next_payload([]) ->
- undef;
-next_payload(Bin = <<_/bytes>>) ->
- {Bin, Bin}.
-%%% real writing work %%%
-write_packets(_Dev, DS, _P, _F, 0, _O, _Opts) ->
- DS;
-write_packets(Dev, DataSource, P = #rtp_packet{}, F, L, O, Opts) ->
- Format = proplists:get_value(format, Opts, state),
- Ptime = proplists:get_value(duration, Opts, 160),
- Delay = proplists:get_value(delay, Opts, 0),
- Rate = proplists:get_value(rate, Opts, 8000),
- case next_payload(DataSource) of
- {Payload, DataSource2} ->
- write_packet(Dev, Ptime * F / Rate + Delay,
- P#rtp_packet{seqno = F, timestamp = F*Ptime+O,
- payload = Payload},
- Format),
- write_packets(Dev, DataSource2, P, F+1, L-1, O, Opts);
- Other -> Other
- end.
-write_packet(Dev, Time, P = #rtp_packet{}, Format) ->
- Bin = make_rtp_packet(P),
- write_packet_line(Dev, Time, P, Bin, Format).
-write_packet_pre(Dev, carray) ->
- io:format(Dev,
- "struct {float t; int len; char *data;} packets[] = {~n", []);
-write_packet_pre(_Dev, _) -> ok.
-write_packet_post(Dev, carray) ->
- io:format(Dev, "};~n", []);
-write_packet_post(_Dev, _) -> ok.
-write_packet_line(Dev, Time, _P, Bin, state) ->
- io:format(Dev, "~f ~s~n", [Time, bin_to_hex(Bin)]);
-write_packet_line(Dev, Time, #rtp_packet{seqno = N, timestamp = TS}, Bin, c) ->
- ByteList = [ [ $0, $x | integer_to_list(Byte, 16) ] || <<Byte:8>> <= Bin ],
- ByteStr = string:join(ByteList, ", "),
- io:format(Dev, "/* time=~f, SeqNo=~B, TS=~B */ {~s}~n", [Time, N, TS, ByteStr]);
-write_packet_line(Dev, Time, #rtp_packet{seqno = N, timestamp = TS}, Bin, carray) ->
- io:format(Dev, " /* RTP: SeqNo=~B, TS=~B */~n", [N, TS]),
- io:format(Dev, " {~f, ~B, \"", [Time, size(Bin)]),
- [ io:format(Dev, "\\x~2.16.0B", [Byte]) || <<Byte:8>> <= Bin ],
- io:format(Dev, "\"},~n", []).
-%%% real reading work %%%
-read_packets(Dev, Opts) ->
- Format = proplists:get_value(in_format, Opts, state),
- read_packets(Dev, Opts, Format).
-read_packets(Dev, Opts, Format) ->
- case read_packet(Dev, Opts, Format) of
- eof -> [];
- Tuple -> [Tuple | read_packets(Dev, Opts, Format)]
- end.
-read_packet(Dev, Opts, bin) ->
- Size = proplists:get_value(frame_size, Opts),
- case file:read(Dev, Size) of
- {ok, Data} -> {0, #rtp_packet{payload = iolist_to_binary(Data)}};
- eof -> eof
- end;
-read_packet(Dev, _Opts, Format) ->
- case read_packet_line(Dev, Format) of
- {Time, Bin} -> {Time, parse_rtp_packet(Bin)};
- eof -> eof
- end.
-read_packet_line(Dev, state) ->
- case io:fread(Dev, "", "~f ~s") of
- {ok, [Time, Hex]} -> {Time, hex_to_bin(Hex)};
- eof -> eof
- end.
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay.st b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay.st
deleted file mode 100644
index e26d07388..000000000
--- a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay.st
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Simple UDP replay from the state files
-PackageLoader fileInPackage: #Sockets.
-FileStream fileIn: 'rtp_replay_shared.st'.
-Eval [
- | replay file host dport |
- file := Smalltalk arguments at: 1 ifAbsent: [ 'rtpstream.state' ].
- host := Smalltalk arguments at: 2 ifAbsent: [ '' ].
- dport := (Smalltalk arguments at: 3 ifAbsent: [ '4000' ]) asInteger.
- sport := (Smalltalk arguments at: 4 ifAbsent: [ '0' ]) asInteger.
- replay := RTPReplay on: file fromPort: sport.
- Transcript nextPutAll: 'Going to stream now'; nl.
- replay streamAudio: host port: dport.
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b68c0f5e..000000000
--- a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Simple UDP replay from the state files
-PackageLoader fileInPackage: #Sockets.
-Object subclass: SDPUtils [
- "Look into using PetitParser."
- SDPUtils class >> findPort: aSDP [
- aSDP linesDo: [:line |
- (line startsWith: 'm=audio ') ifTrue: [
- | stream |
- stream := line readStream
- skip: 'm=audio ' size;
- yourself.
- ^ Number readFrom: stream.
- ]
- ].
- ^ self error: 'Not found'.
- ]
- SDPUtils class >> findHost: aSDP [
- aSDP linesDo: [:line |
- (line startsWith: 'c=IN IP4 ') ifTrue: [
- | stream |
- ^ stream := line readStream
- skip: 'c=IN IP4 ' size;
- upToEnd.
- ]
- ].
- ^ self error: 'Not found'.
- ]
-Object subclass: RTPReplay [
- | filename socket |
- RTPReplay class >> on: aFile [
- ^ self new
- initialize;
- file: aFile; yourself
- ]
- RTPReplay class >> on: aFile fromPort: aPort [
- ^ self new
- initialize: aPort;
- file: aFile; yourself
- ]
- initialize [
- self initialize: 0.
- ]
- initialize: aPort [
- socket := Sockets.DatagramSocket local: '' port: aPort.
- ]
- file: aFile [
- filename := aFile
- ]
- localPort [
- ^ socket port
- ]
- streamAudio: aHost port: aPort [
- | file last_time last_image udp_send dest |
- last_time := nil.
- last_image := nil.
- file := FileStream open: filename mode: #read.
- "Send the payload"
- dest := Sockets.SocketAddress byName: aHost.
- udp_send := [:payload | | datagram |
- datagram := Sockets.Datagram data: payload contents address: dest port: aPort.
- socket nextPut: datagram
- ].
- [file atEnd] whileFalse: [
- | lineStream time data now_image |
- lineStream := file nextLine readStream.
- "Read the time, skip the blank, parse the data"
- time := Number readFrom: lineStream.
- lineStream skip: 1.
- data := WriteStream on: (ByteArray new: 30).
- [lineStream atEnd] whileFalse: [
- | hex |
- hex := lineStream next: 2.
- data nextPut: (Number readFrom: hex readStream radix: 16).
- ].
- last_time isNil
- ifTrue: [
- "First time, send it right now"
- last_time := time.
- last_image := Time millisecondClockValue.
- udp_send value: data.
- ]
- ifFalse: [
- | wait_image new_image_time |
- "How long to wait?"
- wait_image := last_image + ((time - last_time) * 1000).
- [ wait_image > Time millisecondClockValue ]
- whileTrue: [Processor yield].
- udp_send value: data.
- last_time := time.
- last_image := wait_image.
- ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_sip.st b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_sip.st
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f844df1d..000000000
--- a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_sip.st
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Create a SIP connection and then stream...
- fileInPackage: #OsmoSIP.
-"Load for the replay code"
-FileStream fileIn: 'rtp_replay_shared.st'.
-Osmo.SIPCall subclass: StreamCall [
- | sem stream |
- createCall: aSDP [
- | sdp |
- stream := RTPReplay on: 'rtp_ssrc6976010.240.240.1_to_10.240.240.50.state'.
- sdp := aSDP % {stream localPort}.
- ^ super createCall: sdp.
- ]
- sem: aSemaphore [
- sem := aSemaphore
- ]
- sessionNew [
- | host port |
- Transcript nextPutAll: 'The call has started'; nl.
- Transcript nextPutAll: sdp_result; nl.
- host := SDPUtils findHost: sdp_result.
- port := SDPUtils findPort: sdp_result.
- [
- stream streamAudio: host port: port.
- Transcript nextPutAll: 'Streaming has finished.'; nl.
- ] fork.
- ]
- sessionFailed [
- sem signal
- ]
- sessionEnd [
- sem signal
- ]
-Eval [
- | transport agent call sem sdp_fr sdp_amr |
- sdp_fr := (WriteStream on: String new)
- nextPutAll: 'v=0'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 'o=twinkle 1739517580 1043400482 IN IP4'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 's=-'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 'c=IN IP4'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 't=0 0'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 'm=audio %1 RTP/AVP 0 101'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 'a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 'a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 'a=fmtp:101 0-15'; cr; nl;
- nextPutAll: 'a=ptime:20'; cr; nl;
- contents.
- sem := Semaphore new.
- transport := Osmo.SIPUdpTransport
- startOn: '' port: 5066.
- agent := Osmo.SIPUserAgent createOn: transport.
- transport start.
- call := (StreamCall
- fromUser: 'sip:1000@sip.zecke.osmocom.org'
- host: ''
- port: 5060
- to: 'sip:123456@'
- on: agent)
- sem: sem; yourself.
- call createCall: sdp_fr.
- "Wait for the stream to have ended"
- sem wait.
- (Delay forSeconds: 4) wait.
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/timestamp_rtp.lua b/contrib/rtp/timestamp_rtp.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c18a06bed..000000000
--- a/contrib/rtp/timestamp_rtp.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-print("Ni hao")
- local tap = Listener.new("ip", "rtp")
- local rtp_ssrc = Field.new("rtp.ssrc")
- local frame_time = Field.new("frame.time_relative")
- local rtp = Field.new("rtp")
- function tap.packet(pinfo, tvb, ip)
- local ip_src, ip_dst = tostring(ip.ip_src), tostring(ip.ip_dst)
- local rtp_data = rtp()
- local filename = "rtp_ssrc" .. rtp_ssrc() "_src_" .. ip_src .. "_to_" .. ip_dst .. ".state"
- local f = io.open(filename, "a")
- f:write(tostring(frame_time()) .. " ")
- f:write(tostring(rtp_data.value))
- f:write("\n")
- f:close()
- end
- function tap.draw()
- print("DRAW")
- end
- function tap.reset()
- print("RESET")
- end
diff --git a/contrib/sms/fill-hlr.st b/contrib/sms/fill-hlr.st
deleted file mode 100644
index da0643ecf..000000000
--- a/contrib/sms/fill-hlr.st
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-"I create output for some simple SQL statements for the HLR db"
-Eval [
-"Create tables if they don't exist"
-Transcript show: 'CREATE TABLE SMS (
- sender_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
- receiver_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
- deliver_attempts INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
- valid_until TIMESTAMP,
- reply_path_req INTEGER NOT NULL,
- status_rep_req INTEGER NOT NULL,
- protocol_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
- data_coding_scheme INTEGER NOT NULL,
- ud_hdr_ind INTEGER NOT NULL,
- dest_addr TEXT,
- user_data BLOB,
- header BLOB,
- text TEXT);'; nl;
- show: 'CREATE TABLE Subscriber (
- name TEXT,
- extension TEXT UNIQUE,
-"Create some dummy subscribers"
-num_sub := 1000.
-num_sms := 30.
-lac := 1.
-Transcript show: 'BEGIN;'; nl.
-1 to: num_sub do: [:each |
- Transcript show: 'INSERT INTO Subscriber
- (imsi, created, updated, authorized, lac, extension)
- (%1, datetime(''now''), datetime(''now''), 1, %2, %3);' %
- {(274090000000000 + each). lac. each}; nl.
-1 to: num_sms do: [:sms |
- 1 to: num_sub do: [:sub |
- Transcript show: 'INSERT INTO SMS
- (created, sender_id, receiver_id, valid_until,
- reply_path_req, status_rep_req, protocol_id,
- data_coding_scheme, ud_hdr_ind, dest_addr,
- text) VALUES
- (datetime(''now''), 1, %1, ''2222-2-2'',
- 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, ''123456'',
- ''abc'');' % {sub}; nl.
- ]
-Transcript show: 'COMMIT;'; nl.
diff --git a/contrib/sms/hlr-query.st b/contrib/sms/hlr-query.st
deleted file mode 100644
index bd3f97a4a..000000000
--- a/contrib/sms/hlr-query.st
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"Query for one SMS"
-Eval [
-1 to: 100 do: [:each |
- Transcript show: 'SELECT SMS.* FROM SMS
- JOIN Subscriber ON SMS.receiver_id = Subscriber.id
- WHERE SMS.id >= 1 AND SMS.sent IS NULL AND Subscriber.lac > 0
- ORDER BY SMS.id LIMIT 1;'; nl.
diff --git a/contrib/sms/sqlite-probe.tap.d b/contrib/sms/sqlite-probe.tap.d
deleted file mode 100644
index e75cdfcfa..000000000
--- a/contrib/sms/sqlite-probe.tap.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-probe process("/usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0.8.6").function("sqlite3_get_table")
- a = user_string($zSql);
- printf("sqlite3_get_table called '%s'\n", a);
diff --git a/contrib/systemd/osmo-bsc-mgcp.service b/contrib/systemd/osmo-bsc-mgcp.service
deleted file mode 100644
index c040e6078..000000000
--- a/contrib/systemd/osmo-bsc-mgcp.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Description=OpenBSC MGCP
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/osmo-bsc_mgcp -s -c /etc/osmocom/osmo-bsc-mgcp.cfg
diff --git a/contrib/systemd/osmo-gbproxy.service b/contrib/systemd/osmo-gbproxy.service
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b7829db..000000000
--- a/contrib/systemd/osmo-gbproxy.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Description=Osmocom Gb proxy
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/osmo-gbproxy -c /etc/osmocom/osmo-gbproxy.cfg
diff --git a/contrib/systemd/osmo-msc.service b/contrib/systemd/osmo-msc.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cebb1468..000000000
--- a/contrib/systemd/osmo-msc.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Description=Osmocom Mobile Switching Center (MSC)
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/osmo-msc -c /etc/osmocom/osmo-msc.cfg
diff --git a/contrib/systemd/osmo-nitb.service b/contrib/systemd/osmo-nitb.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 377497ee5..000000000
--- a/contrib/systemd/osmo-nitb.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Description=OpenBSC Network In the Box (NITB)
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/osmo-nitb -s -C -c /etc/osmocom/osmo-nitb.cfg -l /var/lib/osmocom/hlr.sqlite3
diff --git a/contrib/systemd/osmo-sgsn.service b/contrib/systemd/osmo-sgsn.service
deleted file mode 100644
index bf6a8e098..000000000
--- a/contrib/systemd/osmo-sgsn.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Description=OpenBSC SGSN
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/osmo-sgsn -c /etc/osmocom/osmo-sgsn.cfg
diff --git a/contrib/testconv/Makefile b/contrib/testconv/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index bb856f750..000000000
--- a/contrib/testconv/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-OBJS = testconv_main.o
-CC = gcc
-CFLAGS = -O0 -ggdb -Wall
-CPPFLAGS = -I../.. -I../../include $(shell pkg-config --cflags libosmocore) $(shell pkg-config --cflags libbcg729)
-LIBS = ../../src/libmgcp/libmgcp.a ../../src/libcommon/libcommon.a $(shell pkg-config --libs libosmocore) $(shell pkg-config --libs libbcg729) -lgsm -lrt
-testconv: $(OBJS)
- $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-testconv_main.o: testconv_main.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
diff --git a/contrib/testconv/testconv_main.c b/contrib/testconv/testconv_main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c95c5542..000000000
--- a/contrib/testconv/testconv_main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/application.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/mgcp.h>
-#include <openbsc/mgcp_internal.h>
-#include "bscconfig.h"
-#error "Requires MGCP transcoding enabled (see --enable-mgcp-transcoding)"
-#include "openbsc/mgcp_transcode.h"
-static int audio_name_to_type(const char *name)
- if (!strcasecmp(name, "gsm"))
- return 3;
-#ifdef HAVE_BCG729
- else if (!strcasecmp(name, "g729"))
- return 18;
- else if (!strcasecmp(name, "pcma"))
- return 8;
- else if (!strcasecmp(name, "l16"))
- return 11;
- return -1;
-int mgcp_get_trans_frame_size(void *state_, int nsamples, int dst);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- char buf[4096] = {0x80, 0};
- int cc, rc;
- struct mgcp_rtp_end *dst_end;
- struct mgcp_rtp_end *src_end;
- struct mgcp_trunk_config tcfg = {{0}};
- struct mgcp_endpoint endp = {0};
- struct mgcp_process_rtp_state *state;
- int in_size;
- int in_samples = 160;
- int out_samples = 0;
- uint32_t ts = 0;
- uint16_t seq = 0;
- osmo_init_logging(&log_info);
- tcfg.endpoints = &endp;
- tcfg.number_endpoints = 1;
- endp.tcfg = &tcfg;
- mgcp_initialize_endp(&endp);
- dst_end = &endp.bts_end;
- src_end = &endp.net_end;
- if (argc <= 2)
- errx(1, "Usage: {gsm|g729|pcma|l16} {gsm|g729|pcma|l16} [SPP]");
- if ((src_end->codec.payload_type = audio_name_to_type(argv[1])) == -1)
- errx(1, "invalid input format '%s'", argv[1]);
- if ((dst_end->codec.payload_type = audio_name_to_type(argv[2])) == -1)
- errx(1, "invalid output format '%s'", argv[2]);
- if (argc > 3)
- out_samples = atoi(argv[3]);
- if (out_samples) {
- dst_end->codec.frame_duration_den = dst_end->codec.rate;
- dst_end->codec.frame_duration_num = out_samples;
- dst_end->frames_per_packet = 1;
- }
- rc = mgcp_transcoding_setup(&endp, dst_end, src_end);
- if (rc < 0)
- errx(1, "setup failed: %s", strerror(-rc));
- state = dst_end->rtp_process_data;
- OSMO_ASSERT(state != NULL);
- in_size = mgcp_transcoding_get_frame_size(state, in_samples, 0);
- OSMO_ASSERT(sizeof(buf) >= in_size + 12);
- buf[1] = src_end->codec.payload_type;
- *(uint16_t*)(buf+2) = htons(1);
- *(uint32_t*)(buf+4) = htonl(0);
- *(uint32_t*)(buf+8) = htonl(0xaabbccdd);
- while ((cc = read(0, buf + 12, in_size))) {
- int cont;
- int len;
- if (cc != in_size)
- err(1, "read");
- *(uint16_t*)(buf+2) = htonl(seq);
- *(uint32_t*)(buf+4) = htonl(ts);
- seq += 1;
- ts += in_samples;
- cc += 12; /* include RTP header */
- len = cc;
- do {
- cont = mgcp_transcoding_process_rtp(&endp, dst_end,
- buf, &len, sizeof(buf));
- if (cont == -EAGAIN) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Got EAGAIN\n");
- break;
- }
- if (cont < 0)
- errx(1, "processing failed: %s", strerror(-cont));
- len -= 12; /* ignore RTP header */
- if (write(1, buf + 12, len) != len)
- err(1, "write");
- len = cont;
- } while (len > 0);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/doc/call-routing.txt b/doc/call-routing.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3402f9e33..000000000
--- a/doc/call-routing.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Call routing in OpenBSC
-Flow of events:
- # MO call initiated by MS, CHANNEL RQD, IMMEDIATE ASSIGN
- # MS sends CC SETUP message, we assume already on TCH/H FACCH
- # OpenBSC does a subscriber lookup based on the target extension
- * If a subscriber is found:
- # send CALL PROCEEDING message to MO
- # page the MT subscriber and ask itI to ask for TCH/H
- # once paging completes, we have the TCH/H for the MT end
- # send SETUP to MT
- # receive CALL CONFIRMED from MT
- # set-up the TRAU mux mapping between the E1 subslots for both TCH/H
- # receive ALERTING from MT, route ALERTING to MO
- # receive CONNECT from MT, confirm to MT with CONNECT_ACK
- # send a CONNECT message to MO, receive CONNECT_ACK from MO
- * If subscriber is not found:
- # send RELEASE COMPLETE with apropriate cause to MO (1: unalloacated 3: no route)
-Thoughts about RR/MM:
-* we allocate RR/MM entities on demand, when we need them
diff --git a/doc/channel_release.txt b/doc/channel_release.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c9cdfebca..000000000
--- a/doc/channel_release.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-GSM 04.08 7.1.7 / 9.1.7 RR CHANNEL RELESE
-RSL 08.58 3.4 / ? RLL Link Release Request
-RSL 08.58 4.6 / 8.4.5 DEACTivate SACCH
- * Deactivate SACCH according to Channel Release Proc 04.08
- * to be sent after RR CHANNEL RELEASE is sent to MS
-RSL 08.58 4.7 / 8.4.14 RF CHANnel RELease
- * tells the BTS to release a radio channel
- * "when an activated radio channel is no longer needed"
- * BTS responds with RF CHANnel RELease ACKnowledge
-GSM 04.08 3.4.13: RR connection release procedure
-* network sends RR CHANNEL RELEASE to MS on the DCCH
- * start T3109
- * deactivate SACCH
-* MS disconnects main signalling link (by sending DISC)
- * all other data links are disconnected by local end link release
-* network receives DISC (BTS sends RLL REL IND to BSC)
- * stop T3109
- * start T3111
-* when T3111 times out, the network can reuse the channls
-* if T3109 times out, the network deactivates the channels
- and can reuse them
- * this probably means simply RF CHANnel RELease
-== Implementation in OpenBSC ==
-There are two possible reasons a gsm_subscriber_connection
-will be released. One is a network failure, the other is
-the completion of an operation/transaction.
-=== Failure ===
-The BSC API will call the gsm_04_08.c:gsm0408_clear_request callback
-and the MSC part will release all transactions, operations and such
-and the channels will be released as error case.
-=== Success ===
-Every time an 'operation' or 'transaction' is finished msc_release_connection
-will be called and it will determine if the gsm_subscriber_connection can
-be released.
-In case it can be released bsc_api.c:gsm0808_clear will be called
-which will release all lchan's associated with the connection. For the
-primary channel a SACH Deactivate will be send with the release
- * Release a channel used for handover
- * Release the primary lchan with normal release, SACH deactivate
-chan_alloc.c:lchan_release(chan, sacch_deactivate, reason)
- * Start the release procedure. It is working in steps with callbacks
- coming from the abis_rsl.c code.
- * Release all SAPI's > 0 as local end (The BTS should send a
- REL_CONF a message)
- * Send SACH Deactivate on SAPI=0 if required.
- * Start T3109 (stop it when the main signalling link is disconnected)
- or when the channel released. On timeout start the error handling.
- * abis_rsl.c schedules the RSL_MT_RF_CHAN_REL once all SAPI's are
- released and after T3111 has timed out or there is an error.
-RX of RELease INDication:
- * Calls internal rsl_handle_release which might release the RF.
-RX of RELease CONFirmation:
- * Calls internal rsl_handle_release which might release the RF.
- * call lchan_free()
-=== Integration with SMS ===
-* RX of CP_ERROR or unimplemented MT
- * trigger trans_free() which will msc_release_connection()
-* CP TC1* expired while waiting for CP-ACK
- * trigger trans_free() which will msc_release_connection()
- * trigger trans_free() which will msc_release_connection()
- * trigger trans_free() which will msc_release_connection()
- * trigger trans_free() which will msc_release_connection()
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-bsc_mgcp/mgcp.cfg b/doc/examples/osmo-bsc_mgcp/mgcp.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c43f1feb..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-bsc_mgcp/mgcp.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-! MGCP configuration hand edited
-! !
-password foo
-line vty
- no login
- !local ip
- !bts ip
- !bind ip
- bind port 2427
- rtp base 4000
- rtp force-ptime 20
- sdp audio payload number 98
- sdp audio payload name AMR/8000
- number endpoints 31
- no rtcp-omit
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg b/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 15fd74a2b..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-! OsmoGbProxy (UNKNOWN) configuration saved from vty
-log stderr
- logging filter all 1
- logging color 1
- logging timestamp 0
- logging level all debug
- logging level gprs debug
- logging level ns info
- logging level bssgp debug
- logging level lglobal notice
- logging level llapd notice
- logging level linp notice
- logging level lmux notice
- logging level lmi notice
- logging level lmib notice
- logging level lsms notice
-line vty
- no login
- nse 666 nsvci 666
- nse 666 remote-role sgsn
-! nse 666 encapsulation framerelay-gre
-! nse 666 remote-ip
-! nse 666 fr-dlci 666
- timer tns-block 3
- timer tns-block-retries 3
- timer tns-reset 3
- timer tns-reset-retries 3
- timer tns-test 30
- timer tns-alive 3
- timer tns-alive-retries 10
- encapsulation udp local-port 23000
-! encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled 1
- sgsn nsei 666
- core-mobile-country-code 666
- core-mobile-network-code 6
- core-access-point-name none match-imsi ^666066|^66607
- tlli-list max-length 200
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg b/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c3917a3e..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom Gb Proxy ( configuration saved from vty
-line vty
- no login
- sgsn nsei 101
- nse 101 nsvci 101
- nse 101 remote-role sgsn
- nse 101 encapsulation udp
- nse 101 remote-ip
- nse 101 remote-port 7777
- timer tns-block 3
- timer tns-block-retries 3
- timer tns-reset 3
- timer tns-reset-retries 3
- timer tns-test 30
- timer tns-alive 3
- timer tns-alive-retries 10
- encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled 0
- encapsulation framerelay-gre local-ip
- encapsulation udp local-port 23000
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/gtphub-example.txt b/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/gtphub-example.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c65f925f..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/gtphub-example.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Here is a simple setup to test GTPHub operations. The IP addresses picked will
-work well only on a system that creates local addresses ( on the
-fly (like linux) -- you may pick of course different IP addresses.
-Overview of the example setup:
- sgsnemu gtphub ggsn
- <--> <-->
-Prerequisites: openggsn.
-Have a local directory where you store config files and from which you launch
-the GSNs and the hub (they will store restart counter files in that dir).
-In it, have these config files:
- # GGSN local address
- listen
- # End User Addresses are picked from this range
- net
- pcodns1
- logfile /tmp/foo
- gtphub
- bind-to-sgsns
- bind-to-ggsns
- ggsn-proxy
- end
-You may omit the ggsn-proxy if GRX ares is working, or if you add the GRX
-address and GGSN IP address to /etc/hosts something like:
- internet.mnc070.mcc901.gprs
-Once the config files are in place, start the programs, in separate terminals.
-GGSN and SGSN need to be started with root priviliges to be able to create tun
-interfaces. GTPHub may run as unprivileged user.
-The LD_LIBRARY_PATH below may be needed if OpenGGSN installed to /usr/local.
-1. GGSN:
- sudo -s
- cd <your-test-dir>
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib /usr/local/bin/ggsn -f -c ./ggsn.conf
-2. GTPHub:
- cd <your-test-dir>
- path/to/openbsc/openbsc/src/gprs/osmo-gtphub -c gtphub.conf #-e 1 #for DEBUG level
-3. SGSN tests:
- sudo -s
- cd <your-test-dir>
- /usr/local/bin/sgsnemu --createif -l -r --imsi 420001214365100 --contexts=3
-Add more SGSNs using different IMSIs and local ports (if the same IMSI is used,
-the GGSN will reuse TEIs and tunnels will be discarded automatically):
- /usr/local/bin/sgsnemu --createif -l -r --imsi 420001214365300 --contexts=3
-This shows the basic setup of GTPHub. Testing internet traffic via sgsnemu
-still needs some effort to announce a mobile subscriber or the like (I have
-used a real BTS, osmo-sgsn and a testing SIM in a web phone, instead).
-The core capability of GTPHub is to manage more than two GSNs, e.g. an SGSN
-contacting various GGSNs over the single GTPHub link. You would configure the
-SGSN to use one fixed GGSN (sending to gtphub) and gtphub will resolve the
-GGSNs once it has received the messages. So the SGSN may be behind NAT (add
-"sgsn-use-sender" to gtphub.conf) and communicate to various GGSNs over a
-single link to gtphub.
-I hope this helps to get you going.
-Any suggestions/patches are welcome!
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub-1iface.cfg b/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub-1iface.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 3913d2c3c..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub-1iface.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom gtphub configuration
-! This file is used for VTY tests, referenced by openbsc/osmoappdesc.py
-! For the test, try to use most config commands.
-line vty
- no login
- ! Local addresses to listen on and send from, both on one interface.
- ! The side towards SGSN uses nonstandard ports.
- bind-to-sgsns ctrl 12123 user 12153
- ! The GGSN side with standard ports.
- bind-to-ggsns
- ! Proxy: unconditionally direct all traffic to...
- sgsn-proxy
- ! Proxy with nonstandard ports or separate IPs:
- ggsn-proxy ctrl 2123 user 2152
- ! Add a name server for GGSN resolution
- grx-dns-add
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub.cfg b/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc415047..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-gtphub/osmo-gtphub.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom gtphub configuration
-line vty
- no login
- ! Local addresses to listen on and send from, each on standard ports
- ! 2123 and 2152. Setting these addresses is mandatory.
- bind-to-sgsns
- bind-to-ggsns
- ! Local nonstandard ports or separate IPs:
- !bind-to-sgsns ctrl 2342 user 4223
- ! Proxy: unconditionally direct all traffic to...
- !ggsn-proxy
- !sgsn-proxy
- ! Proxy with nonstandard ports or separate IPs:
- !ggsn-proxy ctrl 2123 user 2152
- ! Add a name server for GGSN resolution
- !grx-dns-add
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-msc/osmo-msc.cfg b/doc/examples/osmo-msc/osmo-msc.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1d19258..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-msc/osmo-msc.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-! OsmoMSC configuration saved from vty
-line vty
- no login
- network country code 1
- mobile network code 1
- short name OsmoMSC
- long name OsmoMSC
- auth policy closed
- location updating reject cause 13
- encryption a5 0
- rrlp mode none
- mm info 1
- mgcpgw remote-ip
- assign-tmsi
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn-accept-all.cfg b/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn-accept-all.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e6434263..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn-accept-all.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom SGSN configuration
-line vty
- no login
- gtp local-ip
- ggsn 0 remote-ip
- ggsn 0 gtp-version 1
- auth-policy accept-all
- timer tns-block 3
- timer tns-block-retries 3
- timer tns-reset 3
- timer tns-reset-retries 3
- timer tns-test 30
- timer tns-alive 3
- timer tns-alive-retries 10
- encapsulation udp local-ip
- encapsulation udp local-port 23000
- encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled 0
diff --git a/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg b/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 06f035f1b..000000000
--- a/doc/examples/osmo-sgsn/osmo-sgsn.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-! Osmocom SGSN configuration
-line vty
- no login
- gtp local-ip
- ggsn 0 remote-ip
- ggsn 0 gtp-version 1
- auth-policy remote
- gsup remote-ip
- gsup remote-port 4222
- timer tns-block 3
- timer tns-block-retries 3
- timer tns-reset 3
- timer tns-reset-retries 3
- timer tns-test 30
- timer tns-alive 3
- timer tns-alive-retries 10
- encapsulation udp local-ip
- encapsulation udp local-port 23000
- encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled 0
diff --git a/doc/gsm-hopping.txt b/doc/gsm-hopping.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c964963c0..000000000
--- a/doc/gsm-hopping.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-according to GSM 05.02:
-general parameters from CCCH:
-* CA cell allocation of ARFCN's (System Information / BCCH)
-* FN: TDMA frame number (t1,t2,t3') in SCH
-specific parameters from channel assignment:
-* MA: mobile allocation, defines set of ARFCN's, up to 64
-* MAIO: index
-* HSN: hopping sequence generator number (0..64)
-hopping sequence generation (6.2.3):
-uint8_t rntable[114] = {
- 48, 98, 63, 1, 36, 95, 78, 102, 94, 73,
- 0, 64, 25, 81, 76, 59, 124, 23, 104, 100,
- 101, 47, 118, 85, 18, 56, 96, 86, 54, 2,
- 80, 34, 127, 13, 6, 89, 57, 103, 12, 74,
- 55, 111, 75, 38, 109, 71, 112, 29, 11, 88,
- 87, 19, 3, 68, 110, 26, 33, 31, 8, 45,
- 82, 58, 40, 107, 32, 5, 106, 92, 62, 67,
- 77, 108, 122, 37, 60, 66, 121, 42, 51, 126,
- 117, 114, 4, 90, 43, 52, 53, 113, 120, 72,
- 16, 49, 7, 79, 119, 61, 22, 84, 9, 97,
- 125, 99, 17, 123
-/* mai=0 represents lowest ARFCN in the MA */
-uint8_t hopping_mai(uint8_t hsn, uint32_t fn, uint8_t maio,
- uint8_t t1, uint8_t t2, uint8_t t3_)
- uint8_t mai;
- if (hsn == 0) /* cyclic hopping */
- mai = (fn + maio) % n;
- else {
- uint32_t m, m_, t_, s;
- m = t2 + rntable[(hsn xor (t1 % 64)) + t3];
- m_ = m % (2^NBIN);
- t_ = t3 % (2^NBIN);
- if (m_ < n then)
- s = m_;
- else
- s = (m_ + t_) % n;
- mai = (s + maio) % n;
- }
- return mai;
diff --git a/doc/ipa-sccp.txt b/doc/ipa-sccp.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6719e98..000000000
--- a/doc/ipa-sccp.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-IPA SCCP message flow in the BSC
-February, 2013 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
-1. SCCP inside the IPA header
-2. Supported SCCP message types
-3. Receiving SCCP messages
-4. Sending SCCP messages
-1. SCCP inside the IPA header
-Many Soft-MSCs implement something that is called SCCP/lite. This means
-that SCCP messages are transported inside a small multiplexing protocol
-over TCP/IP. This is an alternative to a full SIGTRAN implementation.
-The multiplexing protocol is the same as used with the sysmoBTS and the
-ip.access nanoBTS. It is a three byte header with two bytes for the length
-in network byte order and one byte for the type. The type to be used for
-SCCP is 0xFD.
- struct ipa_header {
- uint16_t length_in_network_order;
- uint8_t type;
- } __attribute__((packed));
-2. Supported SCCP message types
-To implement GSM 08.08 only a subset of SCCP messages need to be implemented.
-For transporting paging and reset messages SCCP UDT messages are used. For
-the connections with a Mobile Station (MS) a SCCP connection is opened. This
-and SCCP IT messages are supported.
-3. Receiving SCCP UDT messages
-This is an illustration of the flow of messages. The IPA multiplexing protocol
-is used for various protocols. This means there is a central place where the
-multiplexing stream terminates. The stream is terminated in the osmo_bsc_msc.c
-file and the ipaccess_a_fd_cb method. For SCCP messages the SCCP dispatching
-sccp_system_incoming method is called. This function is implemented in the
-libosmo-sccp library.
-To receive UDT messages osmo_bsc_sccp.c:osmo_bsc_sccp_init is using the
-sccp_set_read function to register a callback for UDT messages. The callback
-is msc_sccp_read and it is calling bsc_handle_udt that is implemented in the
-osmo_bsc_bssap.c. This function will handle the GSM 08.08 BSSAP messages.
-Currently only the reset acknowledge and the paging messages are handled.
-The BSC currently does not accept incoming SCCP messages and is only opening
-SCCP connections to the MSC. When opening a connection the callbacks for state
-changes (connection confirmed, released, release complete) are set and a routine
-for handling incoming data. This registration is done in the osmo_bsc_sccp.c
-file and the bsc_create_new_connection method. The name of the callback is
-msc_outgoing_sccp_data and this will call bsc_handle_dt1 that is implemented
-in the osmo_bsc_bssap.c file. This will forward the messages to the right
-Mobile Station (MS).
-4. Sending SCCP messages
-There are three parts to sending that will be explained below. The first part
-is to send an entire SCCP frame (which includes the GSM 08.08 data) to the
-MSC. This is done by first registering the low level sending. sccp_system_init
-is called with the function that is responsible for sending a message. The
-msc_sccp_write_ipa will call the msc_queue_write function with the data and
-the right MSC connection. Below the msc_queue_write the IPA header will be
-prepended to the msg and then send to the MSC.
-The BSC supports multiple different A-link connections, the decision to pick
-the right MSC is done in this method. It is either done via the SCCP connection
-or the ctx pointer.
-When the BSC is starting a BSS RESET message will be sent to the MSC. The reset
-is created in osmo_bsc_msc.c:initialize_if_needed and sccp_write is called with
-the GSM 08.08 data and the connection to use. The libosmo-sccp library will
-embed it into a SCCP UDT message and call the msc_sccp_write_ipa method.
-When a new SCCP connection is to be created the bsc_create_new_connection
-in the osmo_bsc_sccp.c file. The sccp_connection_socket method will create
-the context for a SCCP connection. The state and data callback will be used
-to be notified about data and changes. Once the connection is configured the
-bsc_open_connection will be called that will ask the libosmo-sccp library to
-create a SCCP CR message using the sccp_connection_connect method. For active
-connections the sccp_connection_write method will be called.
diff --git a/doc/oml-interface.txt b/doc/oml-interface.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 02bead77a..000000000
--- a/doc/oml-interface.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-oml interface design notes
-* there is no way how to tag a command sent to the BTS, with the response
- having the same tag to identify the originator of the command
-* therefore, we can have e.g. both the BSC and the OML interface send a
- SET ATTRIBUTE message, where the responses would end up at the wrong
- query.
-* The BTS has 10s to ACK/NACK a command. We do not run any timers.
-the only possible solutions i can imagine:
-* have some kind of exclusive locking, where the OML interface gets blocked
- from the BSC and is exclusively assigned to the OML console until all commands
- of the OML console have terminated. This can either be done explicitly
- dynamically or on demand
-* use the OML interface synchronously, i.e. always wait for the response from
- the BTS before
-* unilateral / unsolicited messages need to be broadcasted to both the BSC and
- the OML console
diff --git a/doc/osmo-nitb-data_structures.dot b/doc/osmo-nitb-data_structures.dot
deleted file mode 100644
index 81955e8b9..000000000
--- a/doc/osmo-nitb-data_structures.dot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-digraph G {
- net [label="gsm_network"]
- bts [label="gsm_bts"]
- trx [label="gsm_bts_trx"]
- ts [label="gsm_bts_trx_ts"]
- lchan [label="gsm_lchan"]
- sub [label="gsm_subscriber"]
- subcon [label="gsm_subscriber_conn"]
- sccpcon [label="osmo_bsc_sccp_con"]
- subgrp [label="gsm_subscriber_group"]
- net -> bts
- bts -> trx
- trx -> ts
- ts -> lchan
- lchan -> ts
- ts -> trx
- trx -> bts
- bts -> net
- lchan -> subcon
- subcon -> sub
- subcon -> sccpcon
- subcon -> lchan
- subcon -> lchan [label="ho_lchan"]
- subcon -> bts
- subcon -> lchan [label="secondary_lchan"]
- sub -> subgrp
- subgrp -> net
diff --git a/doc/paging.txt b/doc/paging.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c597c22b4..000000000
--- a/doc/paging.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-GSM Paging implementation in OpenBSC
-== Code structure ==
-The code is implemented in the libbsc/paging.c file. The external
-interface is documented/specified in the include/openbsc/paging.h
-header file. The code is used by the NITB and BSC application.
-== Implementation ==
-Paging can be initiated in two ways. The standard way is to page by
-LAC. Each BTS has its own list/queue of outstanding paging operation.
-When a subscriber is paged one "struct paging_request" per BTS will
-be allocated and added to the tail of the list. The BTS is supposed
-to be configured to not repeat the paging.
-A paging_request will remain in the queue until a paging response or at
-the expiry of the T3113. Every 500 milliseconds a RSL paging command is
-send to the BTS. The 500 milliseconds is a throttling to not crash the
-ip.access nanoBTS. Once one paging_request has been handled it will be
-put at the end of the queue/list and the available slots for the BTS
-will be decreased.
-The available slots will be updated based on the paging load information
-element of the CCCH Load indication. If no paging slots are considered
-to be available and no load indication is sent a timer is started. The
-current timeout is 500 milliseconds and at the expiry of the timer the
-available slots will be set to 20.
-OpenBSC has the " paging free <-1-1024>" configuration option. In case
-there are less free channels than required no paging request will be
-sent to the BTS. Instead it will be attempted to send the paging request
-at the next timeout (500 milliseconds).
-== Limitation ==
-The paging throughput could be higher but this has lead to crashes on the
-ip.access nanoBTS in the past.
-== Configuration ==
-=== ip.access nanoBTS ===
-The current CCCH Load indication threshold is 10% and the period is 1 second.
-The code can be found inside the src/libbsc/bts_ipaccess_nanobts.c inside the
-nanobts_attr_bts array.
diff --git a/include/openbsc/gsm_04_14.h b/include/openbsc/gsm_04_14.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cdbe0469..000000000
--- a/include/openbsc/gsm_04_14.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_14.h>
-int gsm0414_tx_close_tch_loop_cmd(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn,
- enum gsm414_tch_loop_mode loop_mode);
-int gsm0414_tx_open_loop_cmd(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn);
-int gsm0414_tx_act_emmi_cmd(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn);
-int gsm0414_tx_test_interface(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn,
- uint8_t tested_devs);
-int gsm0414_tx_reset_ms_pos_store(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn,
- uint8_t technology);
-int gsm0414_rcv_test(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn,
- struct msgb *msg);
diff --git a/osmoappdesc.py b/osmoappdesc.py
index 021bf5b61..36eb1a752 100644
--- a/osmoappdesc.py
+++ b/osmoappdesc.py
@@ -14,25 +14,11 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
-# Most systems won't be able to use these, so they're separated out
-nitb_e1_configs = [
- "doc/examples/osmo-nitb/bs11/openbsc-2bts-2trx.cfg",
- "doc/examples/osmo-nitb/bs11/openbsc-1bts-2trx-hopping.cfg",
- "doc/examples/osmo-nitb/bs11/openbsc-1bts-2trx.cfg",
- "doc/examples/osmo-nitb/bs11/openbsc.cfg",
- "doc/examples/osmo-nitb/nokia/openbsc_nokia_3trx.cfg",
- "doc/examples/osmo-nitb/nanobts/openbsc-multitrx.cfg",
- "doc/examples/osmo-nitb/rbs2308/openbsc.cfg"
app_configs = {
"osmo-bsc": ["doc/examples/osmo-bsc/osmo-bsc.cfg"],
"nat": ["doc/examples/osmo-bsc_nat/osmo-bsc_nat.cfg"],
apps = [(4242, "src/osmo-bsc/osmo-bsc", "OsmoBSC", "osmo-bsc"),
(4244, "src/osmo-bsc_nat/osmo-bsc_nat", "OsmoBSCNAT", "nat"),
diff --git a/src/libcommon/oap_client.c b/src/libcommon/oap_client.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5128ac119..000000000
--- a/src/libcommon/oap_client.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-/* Osmocom Authentication Protocol API */
-/* (C) 2015 by Sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Author: Neels Hofmeyr
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/crypt/auth.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/oap.h>
-#include <openbsc/oap_client.h>
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-int oap_client_init(struct oap_client_config *config,
- struct oap_client_state *state)
- if (!config)
- goto disable;
- if (config->client_id == 0)
- goto disable;
- if (config->secret_k_present == 0) {
- LOGP(DLOAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "OAP: client ID set, but secret K missing.\n");
- goto disable;
- }
- if (config->secret_opc_present == 0) {
- LOGP(DLOAP, LOGL_NOTICE, "OAP: client ID set, but secret OPC missing.\n");
- goto disable;
- }
- state->client_id = config->client_id;
- memcpy(state->secret_k, config->secret_k, sizeof(state->secret_k));
- memcpy(state->secret_opc, config->secret_opc, sizeof(state->secret_opc));
- state->state = OAP_INITIALIZED;
- return 0;
- state->state = OAP_DISABLED;
- return 0;
-/* From the given state and received RAND and AUTN octets, validate the
- * server's authenticity and formulate the matching milenage reply octets in
- * *tx_xres. The state is not modified.
- * On success, and if tx_res is not NULL, exactly 8 octets will be written to
- * *tx_res. If not NULL, tx_res must point at allocated memory of at least 8
- * octets. The caller will want to send XRES back to the server in a challenge
- * response message and update the state.
- * Return 0 on success; -1 if OAP is disabled; -2 if rx_random and rx_autn fail
- * the authentication check; -3 for any other errors. */
-static int oap_evaluate_challenge(const struct oap_client_state *state,
- const uint8_t *rx_random,
- const uint8_t *rx_autn,
- uint8_t *tx_xres)
- struct osmo_auth_vector vec;
- struct osmo_sub_auth_data auth = {
- };
- osmo_static_assert(sizeof(((struct osmo_sub_auth_data*)0)->u.umts.k)
- == sizeof(state->secret_k), _secret_k_size_match);
- osmo_static_assert(sizeof(((struct osmo_sub_auth_data*)0)->u.umts.opc)
- == sizeof(state->secret_opc), _secret_opc_size_match);
- switch (state->state) {
- return -1;
- default:
- break;
- }
- memcpy(auth.u.umts.k, state->secret_k, sizeof(auth.u.umts.k));
- memcpy(auth.u.umts.opc, state->secret_opc, sizeof(auth.u.umts.opc));
- memset(auth.u.umts.amf, '\0', sizeof(auth.u.umts.amf));
- auth.u.umts.sqn = 41; /* TODO use incrementing sequence nr */
- memset(&vec, 0, sizeof(vec));
- osmo_auth_gen_vec(&vec, &auth, rx_random);
- if (vec.res_len != 8) {
- LOGP(DLOAP, LOGL_ERROR, "OAP: Expected XRES to be 8 octets, got %d\n",
- vec.res_len);
- return -3;
- }
- if (osmo_constant_time_cmp(vec.autn, rx_autn, sizeof(vec.autn)) != 0) {
- LOGP(DLOAP, LOGL_ERROR, "OAP: AUTN mismatch!\n");
- LOGP(DLOAP, LOGL_INFO, "OAP: AUTN from server: %s\n",
- osmo_hexdump_nospc(rx_autn, sizeof(vec.autn)));
- LOGP(DLOAP, LOGL_INFO, "OAP: AUTN expected: %s\n",
- osmo_hexdump_nospc(vec.autn, sizeof(vec.autn)));
- return -2;
- }
- if (tx_xres != NULL)
- memcpy(tx_xres, vec.res, 8);
- return 0;
-struct msgb *oap_client_encoded(const struct osmo_oap_message *oap_msg)
- struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(1000, 64, __func__);
- osmo_oap_encode(msg, oap_msg);
- return msg;
-/* Create a new msgb containing an OAP registration message.
- * On error, return NULL. */
-static struct msgb* oap_msg_register(uint16_t client_id)
- struct osmo_oap_message oap_msg = {0};
- if (client_id < 1) {
- LOGP(DLOAP, LOGL_ERROR, "OAP: Invalid client ID: %d\n", client_id);
- return NULL;
- }
- oap_msg.message_type = OAP_MSGT_REGISTER_REQUEST;
- oap_msg.client_id = client_id;
- return oap_client_encoded(&oap_msg);
-int oap_client_register(struct oap_client_state *state, struct msgb **msg_tx)
- *msg_tx = oap_msg_register(state->client_id);
- if (!(*msg_tx))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-/* Create a new msgb containing an OAP challenge response message.
- * xres must point at 8 octets to return as challenge response.
- * On error, return NULL. */
-static struct msgb* oap_msg_challenge_response(uint8_t *xres)
- struct osmo_oap_message oap_reply = {0};
- oap_reply.message_type = OAP_MSGT_CHALLENGE_RESULT;
- memcpy(oap_reply.xres, xres, sizeof(oap_reply.xres));
- oap_reply.xres_present = 1;
- return oap_client_encoded(&oap_reply);
-static int handle_challenge(struct oap_client_state *state,
- struct osmo_oap_message *oap_rx,
- struct msgb **msg_tx)
- int rc;
- uint8_t xres[8];
- if (!(oap_rx->rand_present && oap_rx->autn_present)) {
- "OAP challenge incomplete (rand_present: %d, autn_present: %d)\n",
- oap_rx->rand_present, oap_rx->autn_present);
- rc = -2;
- goto failure;
- }
- rc = oap_evaluate_challenge(state,
- oap_rx->rand,
- oap_rx->autn,
- xres);
- if (rc < 0)
- goto failure;
- *msg_tx = oap_msg_challenge_response(xres);
- if ((*msg_tx) == NULL) {
- rc = -1;
- goto failure;
- }
- return 0;
- OSMO_ASSERT(rc < 0);
- state->state = OAP_INITIALIZED;
- return rc;
-int oap_client_handle(struct oap_client_state *state,
- const struct msgb *msg_rx, struct msgb **msg_tx)
- uint8_t *data = msgb_l2(msg_rx);
- size_t data_len = msgb_l2len(msg_rx);
- struct osmo_oap_message oap_msg = {0};
- int rc = 0;
- *msg_tx = NULL;
- OSMO_ASSERT(data);
- rc = osmo_oap_decode(&oap_msg, data, data_len);
- if (rc < 0) {
- "Decoding OAP message failed with error '%s' (%d)\n",
- get_value_string(gsm48_gmm_cause_names, -rc), -rc);
- return -10;
- }
- switch (state->state) {
- "Received OAP message %d, but the OAP client is"
- " not initialized\n", oap_msg.message_type);
- return -ENOTCONN;
- "Received OAP message %d, but the OAP client is"
- " disabled\n", oap_msg.message_type);
- return -ENOTCONN;
- default:
- break;
- }
- switch (oap_msg.message_type) {
- return handle_challenge(state, &oap_msg, msg_tx);
- /* successfully registered */
- state->state = OAP_REGISTERED;
- break;
- "OAP registration failed\n");
- state->state = OAP_INITIALIZED;
- if (state->registration_failures < 3) {
- state->registration_failures ++;
- return oap_client_register(state, msg_tx);
- }
- return -11;
- "Received invalid OAP message type for OAP client side: %d\n",
- (int)oap_msg.message_type);
- return -12;
- default:
- "Unknown OAP message type: %d\n",
- (int)oap_msg.message_type);
- return -13;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/libmsc/gsm_04_14.c b/src/libmsc/gsm_04_14.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b529f4c72..000000000
--- a/src/libmsc/gsm_04_14.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* GSM MS Testing Layer 3 messages
- * 3GPP TS 44.014 / GSM TS 04.14 */
-/* (C) 2017 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "bscconfig.h"
-#include <openbsc/debug.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_data.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_subscriber.h>
-#include <openbsc/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <openbsc/bsc_api.h>
-#include <openbsc/msc_ifaces.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_14.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-static struct msgb *create_gsm0414_msg(uint8_t msg_type)
- struct msgb *msg = gsm48_msgb_alloc_name("GSM 04.14");
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gh) + 1);
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_TEST;
- gh->msg_type = msg_type;
- return msg;
-static int gsm0414_conn_sendmsg(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn, struct msgb *msg)
- return msc_tx_dtap(conn, msg);
-static int gsm0414_tx_simple(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn, uint8_t msg_type)
- struct msgb *msg = create_gsm0414_msg(msg_type);
- return gsm0414_conn_sendmsg(conn, msg);
-/* Send a CLOSE_TCH_LOOOP_CMD according to Section 8.1 */
-int gsm0414_tx_close_tch_loop_cmd(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn,
- enum gsm414_tch_loop_mode loop_mode)
- struct msgb *msg = create_gsm0414_msg(GSM414_MT_CLOSE_TCH_LOOP_CMD);
- uint8_t subch;
- subch = (loop_mode << 1);
- msgb_put_u8(msg, subch);
- msg->lchan = conn->lchan;
- return gsm0414_conn_sendmsg(conn, msg);
-/* Send a OPEN_LOOP_CMD according to Section 8.3 */
-int gsm0414_tx_open_loop_cmd(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn)
- return gsm0414_tx_simple(conn, GSM414_MT_OPEN_LOOP_CMD);
-/* Send a ACT_EMMI_CMD according to Section 8.8 */
-int gsm0414_tx_act_emmi_cmd(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn)
- return gsm0414_tx_simple(conn, GSM414_MT_ACT_EMMI_CMD);
-/* Send a DEACT_EMMI_CMD according to Section 8.10 */
-int gsm0414_tx_deact_emmi_cmd(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn)
- return gsm0414_tx_simple(conn, GSM414_MT_DEACT_EMMI_CMD);
-/* Send a TEST_INTERFACE according to Section 8.11 */
-int gsm0414_tx_test_interface(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn,
- uint8_t tested_devs)
- struct msgb *msg = create_gsm0414_msg(GSM414_MT_TEST_INTERFACE);
- msgb_put_u8(msg, tested_devs);
- return gsm0414_conn_sendmsg(conn, msg);
-/* Send a RESET_MS_POSITION_STORED according to Section 8.11 */
-int gsm0414_tx_reset_ms_pos_store(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn,
- uint8_t technology)
- struct msgb *msg = create_gsm0414_msg(GSM414_MT_RESET_MS_POS_STORED);
- msgb_put_u8(msg, technology);
- return gsm0414_conn_sendmsg(conn, msg);
-/* Entry point for incoming GSM48_PDISC_TEST received from MS */
-int gsm0414_rcv_test(struct gsm_subscriber_connection *conn,
- struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*gh))
- return -1;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "%s: Received TEST class message '%s'\n", "FIXME",
- get_value_string(gsm414_msgt_names, gh->msg_type));
- return 0;
diff --git a/tools/hlrstat.pl b/tools/hlrstat.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 668fc9a4a..000000000
--- a/tools/hlrstat.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use DBI;
-my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=hlr.sqlite3","","");
-my %mcc_names;
-my %mcc_mnc_names;
-sub get_mcc_mnc_name($)
- my $mcc_mnc = shift;
- my $ret = $mcc_mnc;
- if ($mcc_mnc_names{$mcc_mnc} ne '') {
- $ret = $mcc_mnc_names{$mcc_mnc};
- }
- return $ret;
-sub read_networks($)
- my $filename = shift;
- my $cur_name;
- open(INFILE, $filename);
- while (my $l = <INFILE>) {
- chomp($l);
- if ($l =~ /^#/) {
- next;
- }
- if ($l =~ /^\t/) {
- my ($mcc, $mnc, $brand, $r) = split(' ', $l, 4);
- #printf("%s|%s|%s\n", $mcc, $mnc, $brand);
- $mcc_mnc_names{"$mcc-$mnc"} = $brand;
- $mcc_names{$mcc} = $cur_name;
- } elsif ($l =~ /^(\w\w)\t(.*)/) {
- #printf("%s|%s\n", $1, $2);
- $cur_name = $2;
- }
- }
- close(INFILE);
-my %oper_count;
-my %country_count;
-#my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT imsi FROM subscriber where authorized=1");
-my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT imsi FROM subscriber");
-while (my $href = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
- my ($mcc, $mnc) = $$href{imsi} =~ /(\d{3})(\d{2}).*/;
- #printf("%s %s-%s \n", $$href{imsi}, $mcc, $mnc);
- $oper_count{"$mcc-$mnc"}++;
- $country_count{$mcc}++;
-foreach my $c (sort{$country_count{$b} <=> $country_count{$a}} keys %country_count) {
- printf("%s: %d\n", $mcc_names{$c}, $country_count{$c});
- foreach my $k (sort{$oper_count{$b} <=> $oper_count{$a}} keys %oper_count) {
- if ($k =~ /^$c-/) {
- printf("\t%s: %d\n", get_mcc_mnc_name($k), $oper_count{$k});
- }
- }