path: root/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st
diff options
authorNeels Hofmeyr <neels@hofmeyr.de>2017-07-04 23:08:44 +0200
committerNeels Hofmeyr <neels@hofmeyr.de>2017-08-27 03:52:43 +0200
commit218e4b4aa0fc6de842ff820dec8e97d1f083268a (patch)
tree268a6e509270b1c80a36dd1a526da41a9b01a8e0 /contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st
parent5ea6bfce56d6ae7be6d85e05b5e4eaebc94d1005 (diff)
move openbsc/* to repos root
This is the first step in creating this repository from the legacy openbsc.git. Like all other Osmocom repositories, keep the autoconf and automake files in the repository root. openbsc.git has been the sole exception, which ends now. Change-Id: I9c6f2a448d9cb1cc088cf1cf6918b69d7e69b4e7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b68c0f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/rtp/rtp_replay_shared.st
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+Simple UDP replay from the state files
+PackageLoader fileInPackage: #Sockets.
+Object subclass: SDPUtils [
+ "Look into using PetitParser."
+ SDPUtils class >> findPort: aSDP [
+ aSDP linesDo: [:line |
+ (line startsWith: 'm=audio ') ifTrue: [
+ | stream |
+ stream := line readStream
+ skip: 'm=audio ' size;
+ yourself.
+ ^ Number readFrom: stream.
+ ]
+ ].
+ ^ self error: 'Not found'.
+ ]
+ SDPUtils class >> findHost: aSDP [
+ aSDP linesDo: [:line |
+ (line startsWith: 'c=IN IP4 ') ifTrue: [
+ | stream |
+ ^ stream := line readStream
+ skip: 'c=IN IP4 ' size;
+ upToEnd.
+ ]
+ ].
+ ^ self error: 'Not found'.
+ ]
+Object subclass: RTPReplay [
+ | filename socket |
+ RTPReplay class >> on: aFile [
+ ^ self new
+ initialize;
+ file: aFile; yourself
+ ]
+ RTPReplay class >> on: aFile fromPort: aPort [
+ ^ self new
+ initialize: aPort;
+ file: aFile; yourself
+ ]
+ initialize [
+ self initialize: 0.
+ ]
+ initialize: aPort [
+ socket := Sockets.DatagramSocket local: '' port: aPort.
+ ]
+ file: aFile [
+ filename := aFile
+ ]
+ localPort [
+ ^ socket port
+ ]
+ streamAudio: aHost port: aPort [
+ | file last_time last_image udp_send dest |
+ last_time := nil.
+ last_image := nil.
+ file := FileStream open: filename mode: #read.
+ "Send the payload"
+ dest := Sockets.SocketAddress byName: aHost.
+ udp_send := [:payload | | datagram |
+ datagram := Sockets.Datagram data: payload contents address: dest port: aPort.
+ socket nextPut: datagram
+ ].
+ [file atEnd] whileFalse: [
+ | lineStream time data now_image |
+ lineStream := file nextLine readStream.
+ "Read the time, skip the blank, parse the data"
+ time := Number readFrom: lineStream.
+ lineStream skip: 1.
+ data := WriteStream on: (ByteArray new: 30).
+ [lineStream atEnd] whileFalse: [
+ | hex |
+ hex := lineStream next: 2.
+ data nextPut: (Number readFrom: hex readStream radix: 16).
+ ].
+ last_time isNil
+ ifTrue: [
+ "First time, send it right now"
+ last_time := time.
+ last_image := Time millisecondClockValue.
+ udp_send value: data.
+ ]
+ ifFalse: [
+ | wait_image new_image_time |
+ "How long to wait?"
+ wait_image := last_image + ((time - last_time) * 1000).
+ [ wait_image > Time millisecondClockValue ]
+ whileTrue: [Processor yield].
+ udp_send value: data.
+ last_time := time.
+ last_image := wait_image.
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]